The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1545: battle

If the gray-clothed man who appeared suddenly was Liang Yan.

While lurking in the dark for a long time, he saw Shennong Hu's four major disciples make a move, but he didn't

You immediately showed up to help, but stood still and waited quietly for Gu Xingguan to loosen up.

the moment of slack.

Because he knows that the key to this battle is how to destroy the twelve-element magnet.

A large formation, rather than having to separate life and death with the bone star official.

As long as the formation is broken, not only can he use the sword pill, but Shen Nonghu can also regain his freedom, and then he can easily win.

Liang Yan has been secretly paying attention to the battle between the two sides, but it is a pity that Gu Xingguan and Shennonghu's four major disciples fought against each other, and they did not use all their strength at all.

This also caused him to have no chance to make a shot.

It wasn't until the bone star officer discovered the special physique of the Xu brothers, trapped the two of them, and wanted to seize the bones in their bodies. At this time, he was excited and his attention was attracted by the Xu brothers, and finally gave him a chance.

Without hesitation, Liang Yan operated the Tianji Orb and asked Lao Jin to take him to one of the peaks of the "Inner Three Talents".

The "Inner Sancai" is composed of three peaks, each of which is assisted by dozens of monks to set up a formation. As long as the bone star official orders the flag to be waved, the spiritual power in the formation will flow in an endless stream. Under the control, it turns into various killer moves.

If you want to break the formation, you must destroy these three mountains!

It's just that in the twelve-element magnetic array, the magic weapon is disabled, Liang Yan's four sword pills cannot be sacrificed, and the "Yin" and "Bitter" two spring magical powers of the Tianji Pearl cannot be exposed, leaving "Ba Bu Yan Yuan" Although his supernatural powers are domineering and fierce, his cultivation is still lacking, no better than senior brother Lian Xin. Liang Yan didn't know whether this punch could destroy the eyes of the formation.

After much deliberation, Liang Yan decided to use the "Shenxiao Seal".

Although he is not a pure Leifa monk and cannot exert the full power of this seal, the "Shenxiao Seal" is Nangong Xiao's magical seal after all, and it is the essence of the saint's practice for many years, and there is no need for Liang Yan to manipulate it. This thunderbolt can blow up the mountain.

So there was the scene before.

Liang Yan suddenly appeared in the magic circle of the "Inner Three Talents", and threw the Taiyin God Thunder on the top of one of the peaks. In an instant, lightning flashed and thunder thundered. The Ye Ming Cult monks on the mountain died so badly that there was not even a scum left.

The Bone Star Officer is in charge of hosting the "Twelve Elements Magnet Array", so seeing this scene is naturally intolerable.

With a loud roar, he turned into a light and rushed towards Liang Yan's position. Before he arrived, he had already pinched a formula in his hand. The skin on his chest was cracked, and a bone spear was shot out from it. The speed was extremely fast, like a meteor chasing the moon, and it went straight to Liang Yan's position.

This trick is shot with anger, and it is extremely powerful!

The bone spear was still in mid-air, and it had already caused turbulence in the void, and the powerful killing intent was overwhelming, like a pillar of the sky, falling from the sky, trying to nail Liang Yan to the spot.

Faced with this astonishing move, Liang Yan smiled slightly.

I didn't see how he moved, but his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place the next moment.


The bone spear came galloping, but it flew into the air, and there was no one around, let alone the slightest breath.

Seeing this, Gu Xingguan narrowed his pupils slightly, suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly turned his head to look at another mountain behind him.

At the top of the mountain, the void vibrated, and in the blink of an eye, Liang Yan's figure reappeared.

"Hehe, fellow daoist is too impatient, I have something good here, may you listen to it, fellow daoist?"

Liang Yan's expression was half a smile, but before he could finish his sentence, the wind and thunder rumbled in his sleeves, the thunder of the lunar **** reappeared, and the black thunder fell from the sky, directly hitting the sky above the mountain! "Boy, how dare you!"

Seeing this scene from afar, Officer Bone Star opened his eyes wide, his face extremely furious.

Only now did he realize that the gray-clothed man in front of him was extremely scheming, and his goal from the very beginning was not himself, but the three peaks that make up the "three inner talents"!

Even if Shennonghu's four direct brothers

Zi Zi appeared to attack, this person did not participate in the battle, but patiently waited for himself to fight with those four people, and when his mind relaxed for a moment, he then destroyed three mountain peaks with thunder!

At this moment, the thunder of the Taiyin **** descended from the sky, like a merciless punishment from heaven, blasting the second mountain peak into ashes and annihilation.

The three Tongxuan Zhenjuns and dozens of Golden Core cultivators on the mountain peak didn't even have a chance to fight back. They all died violently in the thunder, and even Yuanshen didn't have time to escape!

"What a ruthless thief!"

Gu Xingguan narrowed his eyes slightly and took a deep breath.

While thinking about it, he quickly made a decision. Instead of chasing Liang Yan, he turned around, turned into a light, and landed directly above the third mountain peak.

At this moment, Gu Xingguan already understood that Liang Yan would not fight him head-on, and blindly pursued him, but fell into the opponent's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Now two of the three peaks have been destroyed, leaving only the last one. If this one is also destroyed by Liang Yan, then the formation of "Inner Three Talents" will no longer be able to trap Shen Nonghu, and he will be released from trouble at that time And then, all the plans came to naught.


Seeing that Guan Xingguan had seen through his intentions, Liang Yan was not in a hurry to attack, slowed down, and stood with his hands behind his back in midair.

The two confronted each other for a while, during which Gu Xingguan's face changed again and again, and suddenly put away his anger, and smiled slightly:

"Your Majesty is one of the nineteen star officials of Tiangong City, the Bone Star Official. As far as I know, you are not from the Langhuan Continent. Can you save me and not get involved in the muddy water here?"

After Liang Yan heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and he said slowly, "Bone Star Officer? I've never heard of it! Why should I give you face?"


Gu Xingguan's pupils shrank slightly, and the murderous intent in his eyes was fleeting.

But soon, he controlled his emotions, nodded and smiled and said: "Okay, the younger generation is awesome! I heard that you are from Wushuang City. Tiangong and Wushuang cities have no enmity or grudge. Get in the way, stir up discord between the two cities?"

"What a big hat!"

Liang Yan sneered and said, "It seems that Juntian City doesn't have any enmity with you, so how could it be destroyed by you? From this point of view, Tiangong City is the biggest hidden danger in Antarctic Immortal Continent. If you want me to say, the twelve cities will kill it together. That's right!"

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Gu Xingguan's face finally became completely gloomy.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter what I say, what matters is what you are doing! Although Langhuan Continent is closed, if the news here gets out, I'm afraid Tiangong City's ambition will be exposed, right?" Liang Yan said meaningfully .

"Hmph! That depends on whether you can get out of here!"

Gu Xingguan sneered, gave up the peace talks, waved the command flag in his hand, and the only remaining mountain of the "Inner Three Talents" slowly turned.

Under his control, the entire formation began to operate, and the aura of the "Outer Nine Palaces" gathered from all directions. Although most of the "Inner Three Talents" were destroyed by Liang Yan, as long as there is one mountain left, the Bone Star Officer can still Control the "Twelve Yuan Magnetic Array" through the array flag.

At this moment, the spiritual power of the formation was condensed into a huge sky net, which descended from the sky and wanted to trap Liang Yan inside.

Facing this huge net, Liang Yan's face also became serious.

He has studied a lot of formations over the years, and he knows the power of the "Twelve Elements Magnetic Array". If he is caught by this "Skynet", he is afraid that he will be trapped here forever like that Shennong Hu.

While his mind was spinning, Liang Yan activated the "Bodhi Mirror Image", and following the operation of the Dharma image, he could see all the subtleties in the "Skynet".

"There are loopholes!"

Liang Yan quickly found a weak point, because he destroyed the three formations of chariots, horses, and dragons in the "Outer Nine Palaces" outside, resulting in an incomplete skynet, with obvious loopholes in some places.

The moment he found the flaw, Liang Yan's right eye suddenly turned gray and white, and the magical power of "Wuxiang" was activated, and a wisp of gray mist appeared in the gap in the sky net. The next moment, the gray mist spread rapidly, like a wildfire starting a prairie fire, and everything it passed was turned into smoke and dust. It was only a few breaths,

A huge hole appeared in the fine Skynet!


It was Liang Yan who escaped through the sky, but Liang Yan did not hesitate to drive Lao Jin through the loopholes in the Skynet, and escaped from the magic formation.

"Dead mad?"

Gu Xingguan narrowed his eyes slightly, and his face became a little dignified.

While Liang Yan was out of trouble, Jia Yi and Ding Feng finally rescued the Xu brothers.

"Thank you Liang Daoyou for your help!"

Shen Nong Hu's four major disciples urged Dun Guang to come to Liang Yan's side at the same time.

"You don't need to be too polite, fellow Taoists." Liang Yan's face remained unchanged, and he secretly said: "'The inner three talents have three formation eyes, and now I have broken two of them, and the remaining one is behind this person. Just put The last one is also destroyed, 'the twelve-element magnetic array will no longer exist."

After hearing this, Jia Yi and the others immediately understood what he meant, but the bone star officer was guarding in front of this mountain, and it seemed that he would never leave this last formation.

"The thief is very careful. His cultivation level is not low. I'm afraid he won't be able to attack him in a short time." Jia Yi frowned.

After hearing this, everyone was also a little anxious.

What Jia Yi said is right, this bone star official has already survived two disasters and six disasters, and holds a command flag in his hand, the twelve yuan magnetic array can strengthen his strength, but the audience cannot use magic weapons, one will eliminate the other In the long run, even if Liang Yan and others join forces, they will not be able to defeat this person in the battle.

"No, Master's aura is getting weaker and weaker, I'm afraid he won't last long!" Ding Feng said worriedly.

"I'm here to contain this person, you wait for the opportunity to break through!"

Liang Yan sent a sound transmission to the four of them, and flew out first. The "Babu Yanyuan" in his body was running, and the golden light in his right hand was shining, and he punched the bone star official in the distance.

"You kid, how many supernatural powers do you have?"

Gu Xingguan frowned slightly, and spread out his hands the next moment, two white bones flew out of his palms, shooting towards Liang Yan like shooting stars.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two consecutive white lights pierced through the air, filled with murderous aura, and pierced into Liang Yan's Vajra divine power. There was no crack at all, but instead broke through layer by layer, and came in front of him in an instant.

"What a hard bone!"

Liang Yan couldn't help being surprised when he saw this scene.

It was the first time he had seen someone cultivate his own bones to such an extent!

Facing the roaring white bones, Liang Yan didn't dare to fight hard, so he could only turn the light around and change direction to avoid these two bones.

The white bone jumped into the air, turned slightly in mid-air, but did not continue to chase, but turned two into four, and four into eight... In just a moment, hundreds of bones appeared in mid-air.

Just when Liang Yan was surprised, Gu Xingguan was making a formula with his hands and muttering words.

The next moment, all the bones in midair were rapidly growing in size, and grew hands and feet. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of white bone skeletons appeared around. These skeletons were wearing battle armor and holding huge axes. All their eyes were on Liang Yan, locking his aura firmly.


Following a series of thunderous roars, these bone skeletons rushed towards Liang Yan. The first few were less than a hundred feet away from him. At this time, they jumped up, swung the giant ax in their hands, and slashed at Liang Yan.

In the face of these murderous white skeletons, Liang Yan dared not neglect, and pushed "Babu Yanyuan" to the extreme, and King Kong's divine power opened and closed, and he rushed straight to the skeleton army.

boom! boom! boom!

The two sides fought against each other, making a series of explosive noises.

In the golden light, Liang Yan's body was shocked, and he couldn't help taking a few steps back. "It's too hard." Liang Yan sighed again.

These skeletons, no matter the body or the axe, are all evolved from the white bones in the bone star official's body. The bone star officer has special skills and does not carry any magic weapon on his body, because the bones in his body are his strongest magic weapon!

Although Liang Yan's vajra supernatural power is very domineering, he has not cultivated to the top level, and is far inferior to senior brother Lian Xin, so he can't break the supernatural power of the bone star official. Seeing hundreds of skeletons and skeletons surrounding him, Liang Yan suddenly raised his sleeve

, but seeing the wind and thunder drumming in the sleeve, a golden thunder flew out of the sleeve after a while, and landed in the skeleton army.

This thunderbolt, with its golden brilliance, was so powerful that it exploded with great power while it was still in the air, tearing apart the surrounding void, as if the punishment from heaven had fallen on the world.


Amidst the loud the thunder exploded, and countless golden electric snakes ran in all directions. Wherever they passed, the bones and skeletons were chopped black, and the spirituality in their bodies was completely lost. They were not controlled by their masters. Fell down in the air.

"Evil God Thunder?"

Gu Xingguan's complexion changed drastically, and he cried out.

If he was already extremely surprised when he saw "Taiyin Shenlei" before, then he couldn't believe his eyes at this moment.

As one of the nineteen star officials of Tiangong City, the bone star officials have been famous for thousands of years, and they still know something about the famous "Shang San Lei" in Shenxiao Mountain. These three kinds of lightning methods divided Shenxiao Mountain into three major factions, and they fought openly and secretly with each other because no one person could practice the three kinds of lightning methods at the same time. It is rumored that the only one who can do this is the founder of Shenxiao Mountain, Nangong Xiao!

"What is the origin of this kid, he can master both the 'Taiyin God Thunder' and the 'Slashing Thunder' at the same time?

The evil **** Lei,! "

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