The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1554: Fishing on the Bixi River, there is a faint fragrance at night

"Forget it, Qingqing leaves it to you, and I don't worry."

Shennong Hu smiled helplessly, turned his head to look at Gu Xingyun, suddenly flipped his palm, and took out a celadon vial from the storage ring.

"You are Daoyou Liang's apprentice, so I will give you this bottle of dust-staining pill as a gift."

Gu Xingyun was slightly taken aback after hearing this.

Shennong Hu is the owner of Shennong Mountain and the strongest in Langhuan Continent. Will such a person show favor to him?

He glanced at Liang Yan, with a hesitant expression on his face, wondering if he should answer.

"Since it is a gift from the mountain lord, then you can accept it." Liang Yan said lightly. "yes!"

Gu Xingyun nodded, saluted Shennong Hu respectfully, and then put the "Ranchen Pill" into the storage ring.

"Fellow Daoist Liang, you have retreated for twenty-five years, and it's hard to get out today. Why don't you come to our Shennong Hall and drink with everyone for a few days?" Shennong Hu suddenly said. "No."

Liang Yan smiled and rejected Shennonghu's invitation.

"Although Mr. Liang left the customs, he encountered some problems during his cultivation. After returning, he still needs time to study carefully. I appreciate everyone's kindness."

"Alright, since Taoist Liang is devoted to cultivation, I won't bother you too much. The little girl is with you, and I hope you can take care of her."


Liang Yan smiled slightly, bid farewell to several people, then sacrificed his escape light, swept Gu Xingyun and Qingqing, and flew towards the direction of the cave.

Not long after, he took the two of them back to his own paradise.

This retreat lasted for twenty-five years, Liang Yan returned to his hometown, and found that the scenery here has changed a bit.

I saw that there was a medicine garden outside the thatched cottage, and there was a wide river outside the medicine garden. The surrounding forest was dense and flowers were in full bloom. It looked somewhat similar to the village I had when I was in Nanchui.

"Why is it different here?" Liang Yan wondered.

"Sister Wuxin arranged it." Qingqing replied without thinking.

"Wuxin? Why didn't you see her?"

"Brother Liang, you have been in retreat for too long this time. Sister Wuxin has been waiting for a long time. Until three years ago, she suddenly had a realization and went to retreat too."

"I see…"

Liang Yan nodded slightly.

No wonder Shennonghu, Qingqing and others were all present outside Xianyun Valley just now, but Wuxin was absent. It turned out that Wuxin also went to retreat to practice three years before he left the seclusion.

This is actually quite normal. Comprehension couples each have their own way of cultivation, and it is impossible to stand still in place just to wait for the other party. Sometimes a retreat lasts for ten or even decades, so they always gather less and leave more.

Then again, this trip to the underground palace has unintentionally gained too much. In comparison, my own realm has fallen a bit.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan sighed in his heart again, and thought to himself: "'Three disasters and nine disasters are more severe than the other. We must complete the four conditions as soon as possible, and strive to break through to the sword state of mind as soon as possible."

"Brother Liang!"

Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, Qingqing thought he was missing Wuxin, so she couldn't help laughing and said: "Actually, the place where Wuxin's sister retreats is not far from here, do you want me to take you to find her?"


Liang Yan shook his head, his eyes fell on Gu Xingyun and Qingqing, and he said lightly: "From today onwards, I will continue to teach you swordsmanship, but the road to swordsmanship is rough and bumpy, I can only point out the direction for you, whether you can go well It will depend on your own efforts.”

"Master, don't worry, we won't embarrass you!" Gu Xingyun spoke first.

"That's right, that's right! Brother Liang, don't worry, with Qingqing's aptitude, you will definitely be able to carry forward your swordsmanship in the future!" Qingqing said with a smile.

In the following days, Liang Yan settled down in the cottage.

While instructing the two of them in their swordsmanship practice, he continued to practice the exercises in the "Shen Nong Di Jing".

The days passed slowly in this way, and at the beginning of the fifth year, Qingqing and Gu Xingyun pulled out their swords one after another and arrived at

In the Jiangang period.

Because of Qingqing's special physique, she broke through to the Jiangang stage half a year earlier than Gu Xingyun. Although Gu Xingyun didn't say it on the surface, it can be seen that he cared very much. Although this person is a bit dull, he has a very strong personality. Afterwards, he practiced even harder, and finally broke through to the Jiangang stage after half a year.

After the two broke through, Liang Yan stopped teaching them hand in hand.

He opened up a dojo ten miles away from the cave, and there is a lot of sword energy left by him in the dojo. Although the power of these sword auras is not strong, it is extremely difficult for Qingqing and Gu Xingyun to deal with.

After the dojo was opened, he threw Gu Xingyun and Qingqing into it, leaving them to fend for themselves.

For the first time, when Gu Xingyun and Qingqing broke through the blockade of sword energy and fought their way out of the dojo, it took a whole year!

Facing the two bruised and bruised, Liang Yan didn't say much, he just healed them briefly, then doubled the sword energy in the dojo, and threw the two of them in again.

The second time, Gu Xingyun and Qingqing seemed to have mastered the trick, and they were killed from the dojo in less than two hundred days.

But Liang Yan still didn't intend to let them rest. He just checked the bodies of the two of them, and after confirming that there were no serious injuries, he doubled the sword energy in the dojo.

This time, without his hands, Gu Xingyun and Qingqing walked into the dojo on their own initiative.

After the previous two trials, they had gradually understood Liang Yan's intentions. In fact, from the Jiangang stage to the Jianwan stage, what is needed is a lot of hard work and continuous fighting with flying swords.

Liang Yan transformed a single breath of sword energy into countless small sword energy, which was equivalent to providing the two with countless equal opponents. Although the battle was fierce, they would never hurt their lives.

This small dojo is where Gu Xingyun and Qingqing practiced!

The "Sword Gang Stage" is quite different from the previous "Sword Embryo Stage". In the "Sword Astral Stage", every battle will make one's strength stronger, and at the same time, one's sense of the way of the sword will be deepened.

Both Gu Xingyun and Qingqing understood this, so they had no resentment towards Liang Yan's arrangement, and even liked the feeling of fighting in the dojo. On the other hand, Liang Yan has almost mastered the "Shen Nong Di Jing".

The "Sacred Physique of Shennong" has been completely consolidated. If you want to continue to improve, you must first raise your own realm.

Liang Yan stopped practicing, and found a random place by the river at the gate of the grass hut, fishing with a bamboo pole, looking like the old **** was there.

It seems to be fishing, but in fact it is participating in the research of "Shenxiao Yin".

In Xianyun Valley, he created a way to break through the state of the sword. In order to achieve the goal, he needs to master at least five kinds of law power.

Judging from the current situation, the power of law that is easiest to obtain is the law of thunder and lightning.

"Shenxiao Seal" is Nangong Xiao's supernatural seal, which must contain the law of thunder and lightning. If you can integrate "Shenxiao Seal" into your kendo, you will be able to obtain the corresponding power of law.

It's just that Liang Yan's Leifa cultivation base is not high. For him, the process of comprehending the "Shenxiao Seal" is a long process.

He sat by the river for five years.

In the past five years, Liang Yan spent the rest of the time sitting by the river besides injecting sword energy into the dojo.

Time passed unknowingly, this day, March in Yangchun, is a good time for wind and sunshine.

Liang Yan was sitting by the river, holding a fishing rod, with his eyes slightly closed.

Although he was sitting still, there was a fierce aura exuding from his body, wisps of thunder force wandered around him, and occasionally there was a slight sound of thunder.

Gradually, Liang Yan's aura became stronger and stronger, and the power of thunder that leaked from him quickly gathered in the surroundings, and finally formed three thunder clouds of different colors.

At the same time, a ray of sword light shot up into the sky!

Liang Yan still didn't open his eyes, but his face was very solemn, a strange magic seal was formed on his hands, and the three thunder clouds around him immediately broke through the air and merged with the sword light.

In mid-air, thunder and lightning flashed, and sword lights roared!

The originally clear sky turned dim at this moment, as if all the brilliance was covered by the sword light and thunder and lightning.

Liang Yan took a deep breath and sat still by the river, but the formula in his hand changed.


After a loud noise, the three thunderclouds dissipated at the same time, leaving only three bright runes.

Guided by Liang Yan's method, these three runes all fell into the sword light and slowly merged with each other.

The whole process was very long and lasted from noon to midnight. During this period, there were several times of near failure. Fortunately, Liang Yan changed the formula in time, so the success did not fall short.

When it was time to go to the atrium on the moon, the three runes finally merged with Jianguang completely! Liang Yan opened his eyes suddenly, and raised his hand to strike out a formula. The sword light from the sky galloped towards him, and landed in front of him. It was a fist-sized seal!

This dharma seal contains powerful sword energy, but at the same time, there are three lightning runes shining continuously, and there seems to be no disharmony.

"It's done!"

Liang Yan's face showed joy.

The perfect fusion of runes and seals represents that he has integrated the law of thunder and lightning in the "Shenxiao Seal" into his own way of swordsmanship!

For the past five years, although he has been sitting still, the sea of ​​consciousness is constantly deducing.

Until today, he finally comprehended a part of the lightning law of the "Shenxiao Seal", and applied it to his own kendo, creating his own "Shenxiao Sword Seal"!

This is his self-created supernatural power seal. With this seal, Liang Yan can perfectly integrate the law of thunder and lightning with his own kendo, and at the same time use the law of thunder and lightning as one of the five laws to open up the sword heart universe.

"Ha ha.."

Liang Yan was in a good mood and couldn't help letting out a long roar.

At this moment, bursts of piano sounds suddenly came from the distant river.

The sound of the piano is euphemistic and continuous, like a breeze blowing gently through a pine forest, or like a spring meandering from a deep valley.

Liang Yan's heart skipped a beat and he looked up.

I saw a moon-white boat slowly approaching on the river in the distance.

It was already late at night, and the moonlight shone like water, as if paving a road in front of the boat.

The boat sailed on the moon, without wind or waves, just like the beautiful scenery in the painting, it has arrived near in the blink of an eye.

"Are you out?"

Liang Yan looked at the slowly approaching boat with a smile on his face.

The sound of the piano stopped, and a woman's voice sounded in the boat: "Your fishing rod is broken."


Liang Yan looked down, only to realize that there was only half of the bamboo pole in his hand left.

"Cut it off, I'm not here to fish anyway." Liang Yan threw the bamboo pole in his hand and stood up from the river.

"Walking alone under the moon, the girl must be lonely, so let me have a drink with you!"

As soon as the words fell, Liang Yan jumped up, walked on the waves of the river, and jumped onto the bow of the boat in a blink of an eye.

Just as he was about to reach out to pull the door curtain of the boat, there was a burst of spiritual power from inside, which was not weak at all!

As a last resort, Liang Yan could only dodge backwards to avoid the attack from behind the curtain.

"What do you mean, girl?" Liang Yan asked with a half-smile.

"Dengtuzi, eat and beat!"

Before he finished speaking, the door curtain flickered, and three more demonic energy flew out, hitting Liang Yan's chest.

This devilish energy is extraordinary, it actually contains the power of stars, and under the moonlight, it appears unpredictable and elusive.

"Are you here to try tricks with me?"

Liang Yan laughed, and did not fight back. He tossed and turned a few times in mid-air, easily dodging all the attacks.

However, the woman behind the curtain smiled slyly.

With a pinch of the magic formula in her hand, the three groups of devilish energy suddenly exploded and turned into a huge purple nebula, enveloping Liang Yan in it.

A powerful force of sealing came out from the nebula, which almost wiped out the meridians in Liang Yan's body.

All locked.

The next moment, the door curtain of the boat suddenly parted to both sides, and a strong suction gushed out, sucking Xingyun and Liang Yan into the boat together.

Inside the boat, the aroma is overflowing.

Wuxin looked at Liang Yan who was lying upright on the ground, with a half-smile on his face: "How is it? You disciple, you still fall into my hands tonight?"

"'XingXu Demon Art is very domineering, but it still can't trap me." Liang Yan said lazily with his eyes closed.

After Wuxin listened, she covered her mouth with a smile and said, "It seems that you have been in seclusion for so many years, and your bragging skills have gradually improved. But it's okay, the night is long, sister has plenty of time to teach you well."

"No need."

Liang Yan who was lying on the ground suddenly opened his eyes, and a "crackling" sound came out of his body.

The next moment, a powerful thunderous power erupted from his body, fused with his own sword intent, instantly broke through the acupuncture points all over his body, and forced out all the star magic energy that sealed the meridians.

"Soulless Thunder?"

Wuxin was taken aback, she had seen this kind of divine thunder in Shen Nongtuo's memory, but she didn't expect that Liang Yan had integrated this kind of thunder into his swordsmanship.

Just for a moment of stupefaction, someone hugged her waist, and a warm breath came from the back of her neck.

Liang Yan's voice sounded behind her: "So witches can be careless?"

Feeling the temperature coming from behind her, Wuxin's cheeks gradually became hot, and her breathing became short of breath.

"What do you want to do?"

The witch struggled a but found herself tightly hugged by Liang Yan. A familiar breath came from behind, and Wuxin realized that she was a little intoxicated. As her body and mind relaxed, her body gradually became soft, and finally fell into Liang Yan's arms involuntarily.

"That's all."

Wuxin sighed softly and said, "It seems that I fell into your hands tonight, idiot, what do you want to do with my sister, today is up to you."

The witch's face was pitiful, she looked like a frightened rabbit, but there was a hint of joy in the depths of her eyes, as if the plot had succeeded.

After hearing this, Liang Yan didn't speak, but lowered his head, and gently untied Wuxin's dress...

Outside the ship, the night is alluring.

Inside the boat, spring is in full bloom.

"Liang Yan, I'm not Wuxin, I'm Ni Jiayunran."


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