The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1594: evil spirit

Hearing her saying that you don't need to go too deep, you only need to find Liangshenghua near the entrance of the passage, Liang Yan felt a little more at ease.

"The juniors are weak, so they may not be of much help here." Liang Yan said with some embarrassment.

Wuxin smiled slightly and said: "It's okay, four things are needed to unseal the two life flowers, namely 'Moshuang Stone', 'Red Cloud Lingshui', 'Four Elephant Buddha Glass' and 'Longyuan'! The first three things I have already gathered everything, what you have to do is to stimulate the dragon energy in your body and help me get the two life flowers! As for these fighting matters, I am enough."

Liang Yan nodded silently after hearing this. At the beginning, he shared the dragon yuan with Duan and He Yunling. Although most of it was used by him to hit the bottleneck of the Yuan Gathering Realm, there was still some left in his body.

These dragon elements have already merged with him, and they can only be revealed if he calls them on his own initiative.

This is also the reason why Wuxin wants to control his mind through charms and make him willing to give.

It's a pity that Liang Yan was not affected by the witch's charm because of the demon seed in his body, so she simply found out the matter and came to a deal with Liang Yan.

The two had never had any enmity. Although Wu Xin had imprisoned Liang Yan for three years, he had saved his life from Taoist Dongguo. Regardless of previous grievances, this deal alone was beneficial to both parties.

Although Long Yuan has the magical effect of improving physical fitness, for Liang Yan, the most important thing right now is to control the demon seeds in his body. In case it wakes up one day, no matter how good its cultivation base is, it will be a wedding dress for others.

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"Let's go."

Wuxin glanced at him, didn't say anything more, but turned around and sank into the darkness ahead.

The two speeded forward in this dark tunnel, because of the delay just now, the groups of guide ghosts could no longer be seen in front of them. Fortunately, there is only one passage, so there is no need to worry about going the wrong way.

After half an hour, Liang Yan suddenly felt the cold around him suddenly increase, and the passage ahead suddenly opened up.

A deep hall appeared in front of the two of them.

There are nine huge stone pillars in the hall, hundreds of feet high, each depicting a ghost with a different appearance. Or baring their teeth and claws, or closing their eyes and falling asleep, and some smiles are weird, which makes people shudder.

Around these nine giant stone pillars, there are many small stone pillars, not more than ten feet high, engraved with various ghost patterns, which are also lifelike, as if they are real.

In front of the stone pillar, the two of them stopped at the same time and began to observe secretly.

After a long time, the witch Wuxin was the first to break the silence. Looking at the many stone pillars in front of her, she asked with some uncertainty.

"Is this...... formation?"

Liang Yan had been observing for a long time, and after listening to Wuxin's words, he nodded slowly and said: "It is indeed a formation, and it doesn't look like it was left by that senior sword fairy, but it looks like the remnant of the Jiuyou League back then. It was arranged temporarily because of intrusion.”

"Oh? Do you still understand formations?" Wuxin said with a smile that was half a smile.

Liang Yan was expressionless, but nodded and said, "I know a thing or two."

After Wu Xin listened, she was silent for a moment and said: "If it's true what you said, then these remnants of the Nine Nether Alliance have been planning today's move since the time they were defeated in the first battle."

"It's possible." Liang Yan nodded.

"Good brother, my sister doesn't know anything about the formation of your human race. I don't know the origin of the formation in front of me. Is there a way to break it?" Wu Xin tilted her head and looked at Liang Yan. Although there was a tulle mask, her big eyes were still full of autumn, like It's like hooking Liang Yan's soul.


Liang Yan coughed lightly and said, "Senior, you don't need to use these tricks. Let's not mention the previous grievances. Now we are on the same boat. How dare Liang not do his best?"


Wuxin gave him a blank look, and suddenly giggled and said: "Sister just thinks you are cute, and I can't help but want to get close to you. Besides, once Tian Momei's supernatural power is cultivated, I can't control it. If you If you feel guilty, you don’t have to look me in the eye.”

After hearing this, Liang Yan said with a faint smile: "Senior has achieved great magic skills, and his gestures are full of charm. Unfortunately, this charm is useless to me, so why should I be afraid of it?"

"You boy, relying on the demon seeds in your body, you have nothing to fear!" Wuxin spat, and said: "Okay, I won't joke with you, let me tell you about the origin of this formation?"

Liang Yan was silent for a while, then frowned and said, "This junior doesn't know the name and origin of this formation, but although the formations in the world are ever-changing, they always remain inseparable from the four essentials of formations."

"The four elements of the formation are the array, the eyes, the pattern and the source. First of all, the array is naturally these stone pillars depicting evil spirits, and the most important ones are the nine tallest evil ghost pillars."

"It's easy to handle! Let my sister try them out!" Without waiting for Liang Yan to finish speaking, Wu Xin shot first, and nineteen purple round wheels shot out, slashing at one of the evil ghost pillars.

bang bang bang!

A series of collision sounds came, shaking the entire underground hall, but the hundred-foot-tall evil ghost column remained motionless, as if it hadn't been damaged at all.

At the same time, there was still a faint green glow on the evil ghost pillar, and a cold force penetrated into the purple round wheel, making the witch who was manipulating the magic weapon feel a chill in her heart.

She is also a person who has experienced many battles, and when she saw this, she immediately recalled her magic weapon, and at the same time pinched the magic formula with both hands, finally forcing out the trace of coldness that had sneaked into her magic weapon.

"It doesn't look like that's the way to go."

Seeing that Wuxin was almost being eaten back by his magic weapon, Liang Yan couldn't help but shook his head and said.

"This broken pillar I don't know what it is made of, but it is so strong!" Wu Xin frowned.

"Among the four elements of the formation, the formation is like the bones of a human being. It is strong and difficult to break. It is a matter of course. And this formation is built on the passage between Yin and Yang. As for the pattern, according to my observation, it should be composed of the evil spirits depicted on the stone pillars."

Liang Yan pointed to a few short stone pillars not far away and said, "You can see that although these little ghosts are portrayed casually, their demeanor and movements, their gestures and gestures, are all echoing each other."

Wu Xin looked in the direction Liang Yan was pointing at, and couldn't help but let out a light sigh and said, "It's really what you said, look at that green-faced ghost, isn't he just eyeing the red-haired ghost on this stone pillar?" Is it?"

After Liang Yan heard this, he smiled awkwardly, and continued: "Senior observed carefully, but this is true. The evil spirits on these stone pillars echoed each other, forming a faint cycle, guiding the dark energy of the underworld. In this formation, it goes round and round, and the flow is endless."

"Then how to break it?"

"Look at its energy and break its shape, just like the meridian of a person, if it is gambled or blocked, if the root is disturbed, the formation can be broken!"

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