The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1603: Liang Yan shot

Two hours later, Yue Kingdom, Yungang Mountain.

A disciple is on patrol.

His name is Li San, and he is a disciple of Shihoufeng of the Yungang Sect. Because of his extraordinary talent, he was accepted as a direct disciple by the peak master. He has only cultivated for fifty years, and he has already broken through to the early stage of foundation establishment. The future of the Yungang Sect is bright. excellent.

Li San accepted the mission of patrolling the sect of the mountain today, and wanted to earn some contribution points so that they could be exchanged for materials for tempering spiritual weapons.

It is said to be patrolling the mountains, but in fact there is no need to patrol.

Today's Nanchui is quite different from before. When the five great sects were tied together, these patrolling disciples dared not be sloppy. They focused on patrolling every day, for fear of being mixed into the sect by spies from other forces.

But now, there is no theory of the five great sects in Nanchui. Ever since the news of "one sect and three connections to Xuan", the Yungang Sect has become the number one sect in Nanchui. It is too late for other sects to fawn on them. How dare they come to spy on the truth?

Therefore, most of these mountain patrolling disciples are just putting on a show.

Li San is also bored.

He flew north along the mountain range of Yungang Mountain, and broke away from the patrol alone, thinking about whether to go to the secular town below the mountain to drink flower wine. At this moment, a heart-piercing pain suddenly came from behind, and the bones of the whole body seemed to be dismantled.

Before Li San figured out what happened, he felt his eyes go dark, and the spiritual power in his body was frozen by a gust of cold, and the escape light could no longer be maintained.

fell down.


After the loud noise, Li San was lying on the muddy ground.

A clean boot stepped on his face, trampling half of his face into the ground.

"Call out your suzerain."

A cold voice came from above his head.

At this time, Li San's whole body was in severe pain, and his internal organs seemed to be on fire. After hearing the sound, he was shocked.

He reluctantly turned his head and saw the person behind him clearly, it was a tall and thin man in a long silver gown.

With his hands behind his back and a haughty expression on his face, this person stepped on Li San's head with one foot, and said coldly: "I told you, the suzerain of the Yungang Sect, to come out and kneel down to welcome the crown prince. I will only give you three breaths. After three breaths, if you If the suzerain did not kneel here, I will destroy your Yungang sect!"

Although Li San was seriously injured, his face turned blue with anger after hearing what the other party said.

"Who are you, do you know what this place is? How dare you let our suzerain"


Before Li San could finish speaking, the man's toes exerted a little force, and Li San's entire face was crushed, and even his eyeballs were about to pop out.

This time, he didn't dare to say any more, he hurriedly took out a square token from his sleeve, and crushed it in his hands.


As the token was shattered, a blue aura rushed straight to the sky, like a daffodil blooming in the sky.

A moment later, in the Yungang Sect, a loud voice sounded:

"Which fellow Taoist came to my Yungang Sect?"

Before the words were finished, a ray of light pierced through the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it had already reached the sky above Li San.

The person who came was wearing a black Taoist robe, he was more than seventy years old, his temples were gray, his face was very strange, it was half black and half white.

"You are the suzerain of Yungang Sect?"

The silver-clothed man glanced at him and asked.

"That's right, I'm the master of Yungang Sect. Where is the mountain? Dare I ask who you are?"


The silver-clothed man snorted coldly, and said lightly: "I was too lazy to talk nonsense with you, but I thought you came out in time, so I will temporarily let Yungangzong go. Listen carefully, I am Situ Yun, the left protector of the Heavenly Dao League. The person behind you is Prince Feng, the leader of the Heavenly Dao League, and now I want you to represent the Yungang Sect and kowtow to Prince Feng!"

"What did you say?!"

Shan Hezai's face suddenly darkened.

He looked at the monk called "Prince Feng" in the distance. He only had the cultivation base of the early stage of Jindan, and his cultivation foundation was extremely vain.

Forcibly piled up.

"Do you know what you're talking about? He's just a junior at the Golden Core level, you want me to kneel down to him?" Shan Hezai narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Hehe, old things don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!"

Relying on the backing of Situ Yun and Leng Shuang, Prince Feng was very arrogant, and shouted: "If you are asked to kneel down for this prince, that is a respect for you! No matter how many people want to kneel for me, they are not qualified! If you are sensible, hurry up!" Come here and give me a few kowtows, as long as you are in a good mood, you Yungang Sect can escape today!"

"What a breath!"

Shan He was sneering, and the coercion of the Tong Xuan Realm suddenly radiated out, enveloping Prince Feng inside.


Situ Yun snorted coldly, and with a light flick of his hand, the breeze blew over the top of Prince Feng's head, turning Shan Hezai's coercion invisible.

Although this move is simple, but what is the mountain can see that it is not good.

The opponent dispelled his coercion lightly. This method is not simple, and his strength may be superior to his own.

A solemn expression appeared on Shan Hezai's face.

At this moment, two more escaping rays of light broke out from the Yungang Sect, and they arrived at Shan Hezai's side in a split second.

These two people are Yuan Ya Lao Dao and Yu Xuanji.


Just as Shan Hezai was about to speak, he was interrupted by Yuan Ya's wave of his hand.

"I know everything."

Yuan Ya's face was calm, he looked at Situ Yun, and said indifferently: "Situ Yun, our Yungang Sect and Tiandao League have always been well watered, why are you aggressive today?"

After hearing this, Situ Yun laughed and said, "What do you mean that the well water does not interfere with the river water? It's just because this island is too remote, and the Tiandao League is too lazy to take care of it. Now that the crown prince is here, your good days will come to an end."

"Situ Zhenjun, don't speak so harshly."

Prince Feng suddenly opened his mouth and said with a chuckle: "Actually, the prince is a reasonable person. As long as you Yungang Sect help me find two people, I will allow you to join the Heavenly Dao League, and you will be protected by our Heavenly Dao League in the future. How about it?"

"Find someone?"

Old Daoist Yuan Ya frowned slightly, and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"It's the two of them!" Prince Feng shook his sleeves, and a scroll flew out, on which were two young and beautiful women.

"Su Wen!"

Yuan Ya Lao Dao and others recognized Miao Suwen at a glance, because this woman had studied Taoism in Yungang Sect and her aptitude was not bad, so everyone was very impressed with her.

Of course, the expression at this moment cannot be hidden from Prince Feng and Situ Yun.

"Hehe, it seems that we finally found the right place this time!"

Prince Feng chuckled, and said: "The prince is here to have fun. As long as I am happy, I can save the Yungang Sect from a disaster! Old man, I will give you half a day to bring these two beauties to me. Come."

"It won't take half a day."

Just as Prince Feng finished speaking, a voice suddenly came from the void.


Hearing this voice, Leng Shuang became alert, her figure flickered, and stopped in front of Prince Feng.

Yuan Ya Lao Dao and Yu Xuanji had calm faces, as if they had expected it long ago. A moment later, a man in gray clothes slowly appeared in midair. "There are still masters in Yungang Sect? Isn't there only three Tongxuan Zhenjun?" Prince Feng's face showed surprise.

"Hmph, what kind of expert is it? It's just an ant with better luck."

Situ Yun showed disdain on his face, and said coldly: "Countryman, don't you know the mysteries of Taoism like us? Born in such a remote place, even if you are lucky enough to prove the Taoism, it is impossible to compare with our monks in Seven Star City !"

Leng Shuang also said in a low voice: "Prince, don't worry, senior brother alone is enough to kill the four Tongxuans of Yungang Sect."

"Hehe, there are two escorts, of course the crown prince is not worried!"

Prince Feng smiled obscenely. He looked at the gray-clothed man opposite him, his eyes full of complacency.

As the heir of the lord of Seven Star City, Feng Wuyue has been pampered since he was a child. When he was still a young boy, there were a bunch of strong men at the Golden Core level who bowed their heads in front of him.

After growing up, Feng Wuyue understood the dignity of her own status even more, even if his aptitude is not high and he doesn't care about his cultivation, there are still a lot of people waiting to curry favor with him.

As long as it is what he wants, there will always be someone who will do everything possible to satisfy him.

Feng Wuyue enjoyed this deficit very much.

Although there is hope for immortality through hard work, it is not bad for me to do so. Every time I see those monks whose cultivation base is a big realm higher than myself bow their heads in front of me, Feng Wuyue feels very refreshed.

The man in gray in front of him is no exception.

"Are you also a member of Yungang Sect?"

Prince Feng sized Liang Yan up for a while, and asked, "You said just now that it wouldn't take half a day, but you already know the whereabouts of 'Shuangyu Qingyu,'?"

"Of course." Liang Yan smiled.

"Haha, you are sensible!" Prince Feng showed satisfaction on his face, nodded and smiled, "Hurry up and bring the second daughter to my side, as long as this prince is happy, he might bring you back to Seven Star City, Open your eyes!"

"That's unnecessary." Liang Yan also showed satisfaction on his face.

"What's the meaning?"

Prince Feng noticed something was wrong, the other party looked at him, as if examining a piece of goods, which made him very uncomfortable.

"If you dare to stare at Prince Ben like this again, I'll dig out your eyeballs!" Prince Feng said angrily.

"Prince calm down."

Situ Yun did not forget his mission, his trip was to have fun with Prince Feng.

"This person doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, wait for me to capture him, since he knows the whereabouts of the two female cultivators, it's the same to search for souls directly!"

As soon as the words fell, Situ Yun had already soared into the air.

He was in mid-air, and when he pinched the magic formula, countless filaments shot out from the sleeve, half of which were silver and half were black.

This is Situ Yun's natal magic weapon: "Yin and Yang Silk"!

In order to establish his prestige in front of everyone in the Yungang Sect, he used a killer move as soon as he came up. At this moment, the silver thread turned into a cage, and the black thread turned into a sharp knife, one left and one right, enveloping Liang Yan in it.

"Little ants, hurry up and die!"

In Situ Yun's eyes, Liang Yan was already dead.

However, Liang Yan, who was covered by the magic weapon, did not change his expression at all, he just stretched out his right hand and flicked it.

Qingxia breaks through the sky and rolls into the air, it only takes one-thousandth of a breath, all the "yin and yang threads" are cut off by this wisp of Qingxia!


Situ Yun's mind went blank.

In his eyes, the man in gray just flicked his finger, and his talisman was destroyed!

Before he could react, a hot stream suddenly gushed out of his throat.


Situ Yun opened his mouth subconsciously, only to realize that all he spit out was blood!

He looked down and found that his chest had been pierced.


Situ Yun's eyes were full of disbelief.

He couldn't believe that the supernatural powers he was so proud of were vulnerable to a single blow in front of this gray-clothed man in front of him!

During the time I came to Luohunhai, I was obviously used to it, and even enjoyed the feeling of "invincible".

With his own supernatural powers and sharp magic weapons, he is able to traverse the entire Luohun Sea. Seeing the ancestors of the sect who are regarded as "heavenly gods" by the world, being slaughtered like pigs and dogs in front of him, Situ Yun has something to say in his heart. Can't be happy.

However, the man in front of him shattered all his confidence with just one finger.


Infinite fear spread in Situ Yun's heart.

"Run away!"

There was only time for a loud roar, and Situ Yun turned into a light, and at the fastest speed he could achieve, he flew towards the sky.

fly away.

At the same time, Leng Shuang had also reacted, pinched the magic formula in his hand, pulled Prince Feng up, and followed Situ Yun closely.

Among the three, only Prince Feng looked blank.

His cultivation base was too low, and he didn't even see how Situ Yun was defeated. He only saw Situ Yun flying into the air with confidence, but just halfway there, he suddenly turned around and fled.

"What's going on? Is this person very powerful? Hey, I haven't found out the whereabouts of the 'Sapphire Shuangshu' yet!" Prince Feng shouted dissatisfied in the twilight.

"shut up!"

Situ Yun finally couldn't bear it anymore and let out angrily.

But he didn't have time to reprimand Prince Feng now, because there was a sound of breaking through the air behind him.

Looking back, I saw a cyan glow, as fast as a shooting star, and it was behind them in the blink of an eye.

"It's sword energy!"

Lengshuang was in a hurry, and pinched the tactic with both hands, and the power of ice permeated out, condensing into three ice walls behind him, trying to freeze the sword energy.

However, in front of that sword energy, the ice wall was like paper.

There was no way to stop it for a The three ice walls were pierced at the same time, the sword energy remained undiminished, split into three in mid-air, and stabbed at Situ Yun, Leng Shuang and Prince Feng at the same time.


Heart-piercing screams came from a distance, and the three escaping lights went out almost at the same time, and fell from midair.

Yuan Ya Lao Dao, Yu Xuanji and others looked at each other, and they all released their consciousness, and saw Situ Yun, Prince Feng, and Leng Shuang neatly nailed to the mountain wall in the distant valley superior….

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Yungang Sect gasped.

Although they knew that Liang Yan was a cultivator in the Transformation Tribulation Realm, they didn't know that his methods were so strong.

Situ Yun and Leng Shuang are both cultivators at the peak of Tongxuan, and they have powerful supernatural powers. Even if they can't beat the cultivators at the Transformation Tribulation Realm, they won't be killed by a single move.

But Liang Yan did it.

With a snap of the fingers, all three of them were nailed to the mountain wall by the sword energy...

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