The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1626: Closed-door practice

Liang Yan observed carefully for a while, and found that there was a dark void on the 'Lingyuan', like a bottomless abyss, which kept obliterating the power of law in the 'Lingyuan'.

"This is..."Anonymous Sutra"!"

Liang Yan recognized the origin of the black hole. Luo Qing had resorted to similar methods back then, but it was far inferior to the black hole here. After a while, the divine sense withdrew from Ning Bugui's body.

From the beginning to the end, Ning Bugui was not at all on guard. It was obvious that he had complete trust in Liang Yan, or in other words, complete trust in the results of his deduction.

"Guzhu Ning, as far as I can see, you were injured by the "No Light Sutra". This supernatural power is extremely strange. The black hole and your "spiritual source" grow together, and ordinary methods cannot get rid of it at all. "Liang Yan said slowly.

"You're right."

Ning Bugui sighed and said: "In the entire Eternal Night City, except for the old city lord Qi, only me and Feng Wujiu are qualified to practice the "Lightless Sutra", but our cultivation is not complete. , each with only half of the scriptures. Back then in Suixu Mountain, the reason why Feng Wujiu didn’t kill me immediately was because he wanted to force me to hand over the other half of the “No Light Sutra”. The old man escaped." Hearing this, Liang Yan understood.

"If you are given the other half of the "No Light Sutra", can you deduce the means to repair the injury of 'Lingyuan' by yourself?"

"This... I'm not sure, but you can give it a try."

After Liang Yan heard this, without hesitation, he took out a black jade pendant from the storage ring and put it in front of Ning Bugui.

The moment Ning Bugui saw the jade pendant, there was a complicated look in his eyes. He took the jade pendant in his hand, rubbed it carefully for a moment, and sighed softly: "It really is the old city lord's 'Zhantai jade,' he never leaves this jade, so I'm sorry if I ask, why did he give this jade pendant to you?" And you?"

"Because he made a deal with me and let me let Luo Qing go." Liang Yan told the truth without hesitation.

Ning Bugui nodded after listening.

"Thank you for your candor. It seems that the old city lord's life is safe for the time being. He and Luo Qing are indeed in a cooperative relationship."

After speaking, he held the black jade in the palm of his hand, released his consciousness, entered the inside of the black jade, and watched carefully.

In the thatched cottage, sandalwood is curling up.

After a long time, Ning Bugui opened his eyes, and said slowly: "It is indeed the complete "Wu Guang Jing". The supernatural powers and spells used by Feng Wujiu are all recorded in it. After studying for a while, I may be able to Find a way to mend the wound."

Having said that, he stood up from the stone table and bowed deeply to Liang Yan.

"Thank you for the book, my friend. I have been trapped in the sub-sage realm for many years, and I have long been disheartened. Fortunately, you, the one who is destined to appear, otherwise I will not see any hope in this life..."

"The owner of the valley doesn't need to be too polite."

Liang Yan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Back then you taught me the "Wuxiang Sword Classic" and helped me grow from scratch. Now that Liang is giving you the book, it's reciprocal."


As soon as the words fell, Ning Bugui laughed loudly: "Good boy, I really saw the right person!"

His smile came from the heart, and he looked very happy.

After laughing for a while, Ning Bugui looked at Liang Yan again, with piercing eyes, and asked, "Liang Yan, have you practiced the exercises in the "Wuguang Jing" these years?"

After Liang Yan heard this, he frowned and said: "To be honest, Liang has indeed practiced for a while, but the scriptures in it are difficult to understand. After so many years, I only comprehend about 20% of them. Many profound and mysterious places are still I don't know anything about it."


Ning Bugui rubbed his chin and said: "The "Wuguangjing" is the treasure of Eternal Night City. Feng Wujiu and I have learned half of it, and we have already reached the sub-sage level. For this half of the exercises, the old man has studied After a lifetime, you can comprehend 20% without guidance, which is actually a rare comprehension in the world.”

Speaking of this, after a short pause, he continued: "Fellow Daoist Liang, if you don't give up, are you willing to stay in the 'Valley of Evil Medicine' for a few years? You and I will participate in the study of the "No Light Sutra" together.

》, How about verifying the Dao together? "

After hearing this, Liang Yan hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Just kidding, would he not agree to such a good thing?

Ning Bugui said that he participated in the research together, it was purely for his face. You must know that this person has already reached the sub-sage, and has practiced the "No Light Sutra" for thousands of years, so there is no need for others to participate in the research together. Instruct Liang Yan to let him practice the "No Light Sutra" in the shortest time in the world!

"Thanks to the great love of the valley owner, how dare Liang refuse?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling extremely happy in their hearts.

Since reaching an agreement, Liang Yan has lived in the Valley of Evil Doctors.

While he and Ning Bugui participated in the study of "The Sutra of No Light", he was also waiting for news from Wuxin.

During this period of time, Ning Bugui can be said to have given everything to each other, without any privacy. And Liang Yan's comprehension is not bad at all, many obscure points before, when Ning Bugui touched him a little bit, he immediately came to his senses.

In less than half a year, Liang Yan had mastered the "No Light Sutra" and started to practice.

At the same time, he is also helping Ning Bugui to diagnose and treat his injuries.

There are many unique medical skills in the "Shen Nong Emperor Jing". Liang Yan had never tried them before, and now they are all used on Ning Bugui. Although there are occasional mistakes, Ning Bugui has a strong resistance, which is considered An object of immortality.

After trial and error, Liang Yan finally found two ways to repair the injury.

Of course, both of these methods are based on the "Nuguang Sutra", and you need to practice the entire "Au Guang Sutra" before you can start healing. Moreover, the speed of repair is not fast, and it will take a long time to completely eradicate it.

Although these two methods have many flaws, at least they helped Ning Bugui find his way. Ning Bugui didn't complain about it at all, but was even more grateful to Liang Yan. Time flies, time flies.

The two were studying medicine in the valley, sitting and talking, and seven years passed in a blink of an eye. On this day, the wind is sunny and the sky is clear.

In the Valley of Evil Doctors, there is a strange cave hidden in a seemingly ordinary smooth mountain wall.

There was no light in the cave, but the sound of rhythmic breathing and luck could be vaguely heard.

Suddenly, a vortex appeared in the middle of the cave.

All the darkness around is rushing toward the center of the vortex like a tide, making the darkness there even darker, like a bottomless abyss, no matter how much light there is, it cannot illuminate the vortex, and will eventually be swallowed by the darkness

The speed of the vortex's rotation is not fast, but every time it rotates, it will shrink by one point. From the initial radius of ten feet, it quickly shrinks to between three inches.

The small three-inch vortex was already extremely dark.

It seems that all laws will be annihilated into nothingness when they come here...

But such a terrifying black vortex finally landed in the palm of one hand.

In the depths of the darkness, the owner of that palm is looming.

He was tall, with broad shoulders, and he was sitting cross-legged at this moment, letting the endless darkness fall from the top of the cave and pour over his head.

This person is like sitting under a waterfall, except that what flows in that waterfall is not river water, but darkness...

"It's done!"

In the dead and silent cave, a man's excited voice sounded.

The man looked down at the black vortex in his hand, and suddenly patted the gourd on his waist, a sword light flashed out, hanging over the cave.

The man raised his sleeve again, and the dark whirlpool fled away, and also came to the sky above the cave, and merged with the sword light unexpectedly.

After the fusion, the sword light turned into a deep darkness, as if it could swallow all the light around it, with a deathly chill.


With a low shout, the black sword light soared into the sky and slashed towards the mountain wall in front of him. There was no sound at all, and the mountain wall that was thousands of feet high disappeared without a sound, as if it was swallowed by the blade of the flying sword!

A huge black hole appeared on the mountain, followed by

Flying out with a black sword light.

Wherever this sword light passes, everything withers and no vitality exists!

Even the bright sunlight could not escape the evil hand, but everything that was stabbed by the sword qi, or the place covered by the sword light, became dark, as if falling into a bottomless abyss.

Jian Guang galloped across the valley, but in just a few breaths, he had already turned half of the valley into chaotic darkness.

At this time, an old voice came from a certain mountain in the valley:

"It's okay, brat, if you continue to toss like this, the old man's Valley of Evil Doctors will be gone!"

Hearing this voice, a chuckle came from the cave.

The next moment, the black sword light flew back and flew into the cave again. Immediately afterwards, a tall figure slowly walked out of the dark cave. After a long absence, the sun shone on his face.

"Hehe, I didn't expect this retreat to last for seven years."

The familiar voice was Liang Yan who came to the Valley of Evil Doctors seven years ago!

He seemed to have not seen the sun for a long time, so he couldn't help but raise his head, squinted his eyes and looked carefully for a while.

On the mountain peak in the distance, a Taoist man in yellow sat cross-legged.

He looked at Liang Yan's location, looked carefully for a while, nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "Boy, how about my 'Dark Spirit Cave? Is it possible to get twice the result with half the effort by practicing here?"

After hearing this, Liang Yan withdrew his gaze, looked at the old man in yellow as well, laughed and said, "Senior is right, this 'Dark Spirit Cave' is indeed suitable for practicing the 'Lightless Sutra', the boy has practiced here for seven years, and finally got achieved the results I wanted.”

The old man in yellow naturally would rather not return.

Liang Yan sent him the "Wuguang Jing", and at the same time used the medical skills in the "Shen Nong Emperor Jing" to diagnose him. Ning Bugui was grateful.

This "Dark Spirit Cave" was built by him at a great cost. The "Black Waterfall" inside is actually a variety of natural treasures, which are specially used for the cultivation of "No Light Sutra". In the waterfall, the speed of practicing the "No Light Sutra" will increase exponentially.

In order to let Liang Yan practice better, Ning Bugui gave him half of the "Dark Sacred Fruit".

This is the innate Dao Fruit, which can help people understand the law of darkness. I would rather not return myself as a sub-sage. After eating half of it back then, I had already comprehended the law of darkness, so the remaining half was given to Liang Yan.

Liang Yan was naturally overjoyed. After taking half of the "Dark Sacred Fruit", he began to practice in the "Dark Spirit Cave".

Not only must he comprehend the law of darkness, but he must also integrate the law of darkness into his own way of swordsmanship.

So this retreat will last for seven years.

He has mastered seven or eight points of the mysterious exercises in the "No Light Sutra" after participating in research with Ning Bugui.

After practicing in the cave for three years, Liang Yan successfully comprehended the law of darkness and was able to use it initially.

For the next four years, Liang Yan continued to participate in research in the cave.

Combining the miraculous skills in the "Wu Guang Jing" with his own unique perception on the way of swordsmanship, he finally got his wish and created a new swordsmanship.

Liang Yan named it: "No Light Sword Jue".

This sword technique integrates the law of darkness into the edge of the sword, and is designed to break the opponent's supernatural powers.

In the past against the enemy, some supernatural spells that used softness to overcome rigidity often made Liang Yan's flying sword useless, but this kind of spell would only be swallowed by the dark sword edge in front of the "Lightless Sword Art", without the slightest resistance.

"Good boy, I didn't expect that you not only successfully comprehended the law of darkness, but also created a sword technique of your own in this retreat, which really opened my eyes!".

As Ning Bugui said, he fell from the top of the mountain and came to Liang Yan, his eyes were full of admiration.

"Thank you senior for your compliment." Liang Yan smiled slightly.

"There is a sentence that I don't know if I should say it or not. The old man once learned by chance that if a sword repairer wants to break through the sword state of mind, he can only specialize in one flying sword. You have so many flying swords on your body, which may become your hindrance.

hinder. "Ning Bugui said after deliberation.

After hearing this, Liang Yan felt a little funny in his heart.

Is it because of your "Wuxiangjianjing" that I have this "annoyance"? But thinking about it, Liang Yan has no resentment in his only gratitude.

He cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Master Ning, Liang has already known about this matter, and he has a countermeasure in mind. No matter what, I will embark on a unique path of sword cultivation."

"This is the best." Ning Bugui rubbed his chin, looked Liang Yan up and down again, and said with emotion: "Time flies so fast... When I met you at the beginning of the year, you were just a young boy who had just established his foundation. , I didn’t expect that in the blink of an eye, you would already be able to discuss friendship with the old man.”

Having said that, he paused for a while and asked, "What are your plans in the future, do you want to return to Antarctic Fairy Continent?"


Liang Yan nodded and said: "To be honest, Liang is already a member of Wushuang City. Now that there is chaos in the Antarctic Immortal Continent, I have to go back and have a look. And I still have a few disciples in the Antarctic Immortal Continent. I'm a little worried."

He spoke out his thoughts, but concealed the most important one. That is, before the Antarctic Immortal Continent is completely in chaos, the inheritance place of Tianji Pavilion must be found

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