The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1632: inquire about news

"But then again."

Liang Yan continued to say leisurely: "The concealment technique of Mount Wuzhuang does have some tricks. If I were an ordinary cultivator at the early stage of Tongxuan, I might not be able to find them."

"I think they have strong water energy, so they should be disciples of Shuixianling." Lao Jin pondered.

"Probably." Liang Yan was a little absent-minded.

"Are you still thinking, why did this person invite fellow Taoists to come and observe him when he was crossing the catastrophe?" Lao Jin asked.


Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice: "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. I don't believe someone would be so generous. Could it be that he put himself in a dangerous place just to share his experience with fellow Taoists?"

Lao Jin was also puzzled, shook his head and said: "I also don't understand, other monks are afraid of being spied upon, but this person did the opposite. It's almost impossible to die."

The two were silent for a while, and Lao Jin asked, "What should we do now?"

Liang Yan thought for a while and said, "We are definitely going to enter Wuzhuang Mountain. Now there are a lot of fish and dragons here, and there are many monks here. It is a good opportunity for us to fish in troubled waters. Now go to the nearby towns to inquire about the news and find out the situation here. Let’s make another plan.”


Lao Jin nodded.

He remembered that he had passed through several monk towns on the way there just now, and the nearest one was about 600 miles to the southwest.

So, Lao Jin flapped his wings, adjusted his direction, and flew to the southwest

It didn't take long before the two saw the town ahead.

The scale of the town is not large. Liang Yan released his spiritual sense to check. He roughly estimated that there are five or six hundred people, most of them are monks in the Gathering Yuan Realm and Golden Core Realm, but there are also a few Tongxuan Zhenjun. It seems that most of them are casual cultivators.

As the town approached, Liang Yan stopped flying, took Lao Jin back into the Taixu gourd, and pressed down the Dunguang himself, turned into an ordinary casual cultivator, and flew towards the gate of the city.

The towns at the foot of the mountain were all temporarily built. The monks who settled here came from all over the Antarctic Immortal Continent. Among them, there were both authentic traditions and heretical sects.

Therefore, the management of these towns is also very lax, with only a few disciples from Mount Wuzhuang stationed symbolically at the city gates.

They neither investigate the monks entering the city, nor maintain the order in the city. As long as they do not cause too much disturbance here, even if there are occasional disputes and frictions, they will turn a blind eye and let these foreign monks rely on their own efforts. strength to resolve conflicts.

Liang Yan entered the city without any obstacles.

After he entered the city, he released his consciousness to observe secretly for a while, and soon locked on a place where monks gathered.

It was a restaurant, and monks came and went in an endless stream. These people either exchanged information or chatted here. They talked about all kinds of things, many of which were related to Wuzhuang Mountain.

Liang Yan stopped for a moment, walked towards the restaurant, and came outside the door not long after.

The first floor is the hall. Most of the people who drink here are monks in the Foundation Establishment period, and the conversations are also related to their own cultivation. For example, some people just broke through the realm, and they can't wait to come out to make friends and meet guests, trying to understand some methods related to subsequent cultivation.

Liang Yan was not interested in these, so he pondered for a moment, then turned and went up to the second floor.

The second floor is a private room. Most of the monks who drink here have the cultivation of Yuan Gathering Realm, and they are all close friends. They have a drink here, chat, or exchange ideas.

Liang Yan listened intently for a while, then walked straight to the end of the corridor and pushed open the innermost private room.

The door was pushed open, and there were three monks inside. On the left was a frail scholar, in the middle was a fat middle-aged man with big ears, and on the right was a short man with beards.

Seeing Liang Yan coming in, the three of them were all shocked.

"Who are you? Why didn't you tell me?" The middle-aged man stood up abruptly.

But soon, his eyes widened, his face was pale, sweat was pouring down like rain, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

"sit down."

Liang Yan said lightly, walked into the room, and closed the door behind his back.

The fat on the middle-aged man's face twitched a few times, and sat down very obediently, not daring to make a sound.

The same was true for the two people beside him, looking at Liang Yan with horror in their eyes.

Just now, the moment Liang Yan pushed open the door, a tyrannical aura poured into the room, enveloping everyone.

In the eyes of the three, the man who came from outside the door was like a god, and he was just an ant under the opponent's feet, with no ability to resist at all.

Therefore, the three of them did not dare to speak, and kept silent in front of Liang Yan.

"Let's introduce yourself first." Liang Yan sat down at the wine table and said lightly.

The three of them were silent for a moment, and the fat man was the first to react and said loudly, "My servant is Wang Youde!"

"Scholar Li Fuzhi." The young scholar cupped his hands.

"I'm here. Zhao Cheng'en." The last wretched man stammered a little.

After hearing this, Liang Yan nodded slightly, and said, "I just heard you talk about the 'Canglong' of Wuzhuang Mountain. It seems that I know a lot about him?"

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the three people present immediately changed.

Among them, Wang Youde said with a mournful face: "Senior, we are just a few small characters in the Golden Core Realm, how dare we comment on Yasheng? Those just now are just nonsense, and there is absolutely no disrespect to Wuzhuang Mountain. You just treat us as farts and put us Let it go."

These few people didn't understand the situation clearly, they thought that Liang Yan was some important person on Wuzhuang Mountain, and they were dissatisfied when they passed by and heard their conversation just now, so they came to find their bad luck.

Liang Yan was very clear about their thoughts, and said with a smile: "You don't have to be nervous, I am not a monk from Wuzhuang Mountain, but a casual cultivator passing by here. Can someone tell me more about it?"

After saying these words, Wang Youde's expression calmed down a little. He, Li Fuzhi and Zhao Chengen looked at each other, and they all looked hesitant to speak.

"Don't be nervous."

Liang Yan knocked on the table with his hands, and said with a smile: "This room has been restricted by me, no one can eavesdrop on our conversation, so feel free to speak freely. If the answer satisfies me, there will be a lot of rewards, But if there is even the slightest bit of deceit, hehe."

Although he didn't finish what he said later, the three people present still didn't understand. If he deceived this person, no one would be able to get out of this room today.

Wang Youde exchanged glances with the other two, finally nodded and said:

"Senior, what do you want to know, we will definitely know everything, and we can talk endlessly!"


Liang Yan smiled slightly and asked: "I searched the entire restaurant just now, and you guys are the only ones talking here, and you seem to know a lot about Wuzhuang Mountain. I'm a little curious, why are you guys better informed than others? ?”

"It seems that the seniors heard the conversation between the three of us just now."

Wang Youde smiled wryly, and replied: "To be honest, the three of us are more or less related to Mount Wuzhuang. For example, Daoyou Zhao, he is the distant blood of an elder in Mount Wuzhuang; and Daoyou Li's cousin, because of his outstanding talent, , I was accepted as an inner disciple by Wuzhuang Mountain three hundred years ago; as for Wang, I am ashamed to say that I once had a marriage contract with a female disciple of Wuzhuang Mountain. I feel guilty, so it will give me some benefits from time to time."

"I see."

After listening to Wang Youde's explanation, Liang Yan chuckled and said, "In this way, you are also half Wuzhuang Mountain disciples. I don't understand something, and I want to ask you for advice."

Wang Youde and others were very frightened, they stood up almost at the same time, bent down and saluted.

"Senior wants to ask why you need to ask for advice, it really frustrates me!"

The smile on Liang Yan's face remained unchanged, and he said slowly: "Since ancient times, people who have crossed the catastrophe have always hidden themselves for fear of being known by others. Why is the 'Canglong' of Qingmuya different? Not only did they not block the news, but they even invited Others come to watch him cross the catastrophe?"

"Senior doesn't know something."

Wang Youde lowered his voice and replied: "Although the old Taoist 'Canglong' has superb means, he actually doesn't have the confidence to survive his 'third disaster'. After all, this is the last disaster before becoming a saint. It is said that 'ten deaths have no life. ’ It’s not an exaggeration. The end of the failure of crossing the tribulation must be the death of the body and the disappearance of the dao. In order to prevent his thousand-year cultivation base from being destroyed, ‘Canglong’ specially invited fellow daoists to come to Wuzhuang Mountain to help him.”

"Wang Youde"

As soon as the other party finished speaking, Liang Yan squinted his eyes and said with a sneer, "You think I'm easy to deceive? Is there any reason for a cultivator in the Transformation Tribulation Realm to help you through the Tribulation? Does he think he didn't die quickly enough?"


Frightened by the aura of his body, Wang Youde held his breath in his throat, his knees were weak, and he fell to his knees directly on the ground.

"Senior Mingjian, you are wrong to blame Brother Youde."

Li Fuzhi, a scholar at the side, stood up at this time, cupped his hands and said, "The Daoist Priest 'Canglong' invited friends here not to help him overcome the tribulation, but to add a layer of protection to himself. In case of failure to overcome the tribulation, Let all powerful seniors work together to save the last trace of true spirit for him."


Wang Youde also recovered his breath at this time, and said anxiously: "That's what Wang meant. Senior 'Canglong' acted cautiously and liked to leave a way out for himself. Although he violated the taboo of crossing the robbery, at least he made more One layer of guarantee, in case of failure, there is a possibility of a comeback in the future.”

After hearing the two people's answers, Liang Yan's expression softened a little.

"According to what you mean, all these powerful monks invited by the invitation are here to help the 'Canglong'?"

"You can say that." The three responded at the same time.

Liang Yan didn't speak any more, and thought secretly in his heart.

As far as he knows, there is no way for a monk to take advantage of the tribulation, and if he fails to cross the tribulation, he will almost certainly die.

Of course, there are no absolutes in the world, and there are some special secret methods of sects that can save their lives after the failure of crossing the catastrophe.

For example, Luo Tianshan's "Method of Turning Calamity" can use a chance of reincarnation to avoid the punishment of "three disasters and nine disasters". Liang Yan once met one in the selection examination of Wushuang city disciples.

However, this method can only be used once, and it needs to be reincarnated and reincarnated, and experience the "three disasters and nine disasters" again, and if this time fails to overcome the calamity, there will be no chance of reincarnation.

In addition to the "law of turning catastrophe", Liang Yan heard that there is also a special method in Wanshou Mountain, which can also play a similar role, but this method has not been handed down, and there are not many records in Wushuang City.

After a long silence, Liang Yan said slowly again: "Since 'Canglong' has done this, he must have a special way to save himself a glimmer of life when he fails to cross the tribulation?"

The three people in the room looked at each other, and Zhao Chengen replied: "Yes, I once heard about it from the elders of the family by chance. It is said that Wuzhuang Mountain has a strange formation that can keep the people who fail to cross the catastrophe. Of course, the consumption of this formation is immeasurable, and the greater the difficulty of crossing the tribulation, the higher the requirements for the strength of the people in the main formation."

"The person who leads the formation." Liang Yan frowned, and asked, "Isn't the owner of Wuzhuang Mountain a saint? It's enough for him to lead the formation alone. Why do we need to invite so many outsiders?"

"Senior doesn't know something." Zhao Chengen shook his head and said: "The owner of Wuzhuang Mountain has been missing for many years, and the sect's affairs have been handled by the Daoist 'Canglong' on his behalf. He should be the next mountain master."

"The old mountain master is missing?"

Liang Yan muttered to himself, and suddenly felt that this situation seemed familiar.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that the same is true for Eternal Night City.

The old city lord disappeared, and the new city lord took over, but Wuzhuang Mountain did not have two sub-sages, and the 'Canglong' old Taoist family was the only one. As long as he can successfully overcome the tribulation, he will definitely be the next mountain lord.

But in this way, it makes sense for 'Canglong' to invite fellow daoists.

Because he is a sub-sage, and he is going through the catastrophe of heaven, there are not enough monks in Wuzhuang mountain, so he invites all kinds of powerful people to help him preside over the formation.

As for how he wants to make great profits and how to guard against those villains with evil intentions, it is beyond the knowledge of outsiders like them.

After thinking for a moment, Liang Yan asked again:

"Who did the 'Canglong' invite?"

"Senior, we are just hearing from hearsay. We don't know much. It seems that people from Luotian Mountain, Yuzhu Mountain, and Tianmo Mountain have come. As for the Wushuang City and the Six Great Cities that are currently fighting, no one seems to be invited." Zhao Chengen recalled .

As soon as he finished speaking Li Fuzhi added: "I heard my cousin accidentally say that the monks who can receive invitations are all extraordinary, at least all of them are above the second calamity Without this level of cultivation, it is not enough to control the formation, and it is impossible to rescue the true spirit of the 'Canglong' from the hands of Heaven."

"Calamity Transformation Realm Overcomes Second Calamity!"

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

It seems that this grand meeting in Wuzhuang Mountain is not ordinary

Dear readers, I’m really sorry, I’m too busy on May Day, and I’m basically not at home. Try to keep updating bamboo as much as possible, and postpone adding updates for a while.

There are 2,000 monthly tickets in April, and four chapters need to be updated. Bamboo remembers it. When I come back, I will definitely complete the monthly ticket addition when I have time.

Today is the only day to rest at home, and I will add a new chapter to everyone later, I wish you all a happy May Day!

(end of this chapter)

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