The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1645: Exquisite Creation Fruit

"Fairy Banquet?"

When everyone present heard the name, they were slightly taken aback for a moment, and then they all showed a hint of joy.

Among them, Qingyun Mozun said with a smile: "I have long heard that there is a peculiar banquet in Wuzhuang Mountain called 'Xianzhen Banquet', which is the special product of the five main peaks of Jinjia Valley, Qingmuya, Shuixianling, Huolingfeng and Tushenbao. Prepared from rare treasures, enjoying this feast can not only integrate the five elements and enhance the skill, but also improve the physical body, making it more compatible with the power of the Dao law?"

"Hahaha, brother Qingyun is really well-informed!"

Canglong smiled and said: "You're right, the 'Xianzhen Banquet' is unique to my sect, and it's hard to get a feast at ordinary times, but since all fellow Taoists have promised to help me, the old Taoist can't hide his secrets, so let's take this 'Xianzhen Banquet'." Feast' out to share with everyone."

As soon as the words were finished, a gust of breeze blew by in the square of Bihaiyun Palace, and thirty-six female cultivators appeared out of thin air.

These female nuns were in groups of three and three, holding a tray in their hands, and on the tray were suspended light clusters of five colors, namely gold, blue, blue, red, and yellow.

If you take a closer look, you will find that these light clusters contain extremely rich aura of heaven, material and earth treasures, some of which look like ganoderma lucidum, some of which look like ginseng, and some even look like a live fish, swimming back and forth in the light clusters , very flexible.

Soon, these trays filled with treasures of heaven, material and earth were placed on the tables of twelve monks in the Transformation Tribulation Realm.

Compared with the fairy fruit delicacies on the table, the five natural treasures in this tray are obviously more attractive to everyone.

Lin Suxin looked carefully at the items on the plate, and pondered: "People have five elements, the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. The floating pulse follows the sky, and the sinking pulse follows the earth. , emptiness and surplus alternate, the five elements unite, and the universe is peaceful."

As soon as the words fell, Canglong's laughter was heard:

"Amazing, amazing! As expected of a 'skilled doctor', he saw the mystery of the 'Fairy Banquet' at a glance! To be honest, it contains the evolution of the five elements, which can temper the human body. It's a pity that my disciples are unworthy. It is extremely ashamed not to be able to achieve the unity of the five elements like the patriarch!"

At the end, there was a trace of regret in Canglong's eyes.

Gui Wuqi smiled and said: "Brother Dao is too modest, even if you can't unite the five elements, if brother Dao uses the way of Yimu to become a saint, it is rare in ancient and modern times. Who would dare to underestimate you?"


Ji Wuchen also nodded and said, "Friend Canglong has practiced the law of Yimu to the point of perfection. From ancient times to the present, only Baili Fairy from Yuzhu Mountain can do it, but Baili Fairy has disappeared for many years, and no one knows where she went. , I am afraid that Fellow Daoist Canglong will become a saint before her."

"Hehe, old man, I have a few catties and a few ounces, and I still know it in my heart. You don't have to flatter me, and you should enjoy this'Xianzhen Banquet'."

After Canglong finished speaking, Lu Qinghe interjected again: "Fellow daoists, the enjoyment of this 'Fairy and Treasure Banquet' is very particular, you must first smell the 'Bingling Divine Fragrance' for more than three breaths, and after emptying your mind, follow the wooden, Fire, earth, metal, and water are the five elements that grow together in order to take the corresponding treasures of heaven, material and earth in sequence, so that the effect of the 'Fairy Banquet' can be fully exerted."

"Wood is the beginning of the five elements, and water is the end of the five elements. Since this is the case, my little sister, I will taste the difference of this 'Fairy Banquet' first."

Lin Suxin was the first to respond.

Without the slightest hesitation, she raised her hand and took a piece of ginseng-like root with blue light in the tray to her face, then opened her vermilion lips lightly, and swallowed the blue light into her belly.

All the people present looked intently, wanting to observe the change of Lin Suxin's aura.

However, Lin Suxin remained silent, her eyes were slightly closed, and she sat still on the cloud platform, as if savoring carefully.

After a while, Ji Wuchen couldn't hold back for the first time, and asked, "Fairy Lin, how about this 'Fairy Banquet'?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Suxin slowly opened her eyes:

"Long and continuous, as if there is still nothing, the fire is endless, and the breath travels in all directions"

As soon as the words fell, she couldn't wait to type out a formula.

In the tray, a "Ganoderma lucidum" surrounded by flames flew up, and soon came to Lin Suxin.

Without any hesitation, she opened her mouth and took the second heavenly material and earthly treasure of "Xianzhen Banquet".

This time, a red light glowed on her body, and her aura suddenly rose at a speed visible to the naked eye, but was quickly suppressed by Lin Suxin's kung fu, and she became calm again.

Although it was only a short breath change, everyone also saw the effect of "Xianzhen Banquet".

"It really is the best product, it seems that the rumors are true!"

Demon Venerable Qingyun sighed in admiration, and without any hesitation, he grabbed the Yimu treasure in the tray, stuffed it into his mouth, and began to chew, seemingly not caring about his own image.

Seeing this, the rest of the people followed suit and began to enjoy the "Fairy Banquet" in front of them.

"Hehe, let's dance and play music."

Master Canglong twisted his beard with his hands, smiling all over his face.

The thirty-six female cultivators present got his order and played fairy music and danced in the square of Bihaiyun Palace. While tasting the "Fairy and Treasure Banquet", everyone enjoyed the fairy music, chatting and laughing happily from time to time, and the whole Bihaiyun Palace was peaceful.

After drinking for three rounds, everyone had finished enjoying the "Fairy Banquet", and the medicinal power entered the body, and the body quickly benefited.

"Thank you Brother Canglong for your hospitality!"

Gui Wuqi raised his wine glass and respected Canglong from afar.

"You're welcome."

With a smile on his face, Canglong drank the wine in the cup in one gulp.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the hall: "Brother Canglong, although the 'Xianzhen Banquet' is good, but it is just an appetizer, right? You should know that the reason why we agreed to come here is not for this."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Canglong at the same time.

Canglong's face remained unchanged, he glanced at the speaker, and found that it was Sima Han, the demon cultivator of Tianmo Mountain.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Sima is really impatient. Cang will never go back on the terms he promised. Today I will clean up the dust for you all. You may wish to listen to Yale first, taste the delicious wine and delicacies of our Wuzhuang Mountain, and go there later. Not too late."

As soon as his words fell, another voice in the hall laughed and said, "I don't think so."

Canglong squinted and found that the speaker was Li Yile from Wanshou Mountain.

I just heard him chuckle and said: "Brother Canglong, at our level, many things are no longer interesting, and everyone has no time to waste here, why don't we go straight to the point?"

Faced with this person's suggestion, Canglong didn't dare to neglect, he glanced around and asked, "Do you all mean the same?"


Ji Wuchen said with a smile: "For us old guys, 'Xianzhen Banquet' is good, but it is still far inferior to 'Linglong Good Fortune Fruit'. The reason why everyone came here from a long distance is that they promised to help Brother Canglong To survive the catastrophe is for a 'Linglong Good Fortune Fruit'."

"Exquisite Fortune Fruit?"

When Liang Yan heard this, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

The treasures of heaven, materials and earth in the fairy banquet are already very precious, and even he is a little moved. As for the "Linglong Good Fortune Fruit" that Ji Wuchen just mentioned, he has never heard of it in his impression.

What kind of natural treasure is even more precious than the "Fairy Banquet" that everyone just took?

He was puzzled in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface. He glanced at the people around him from the corner of his eye, and found that Xiong Ba, Lu Qinghe, and Xiangqin were all calm, with no abnormal expressions on their faces.

"Do they all know?"

Liang Yan couldn't make up his mind for a moment.

As the head of the Wuzhuang Shanshui Department, Lu Qinghe's status is second only to Canglong. He must know the origin of the "Linglong Good Fortune Fruit", but he can't ask him, otherwise it will be very easy to reveal his secrets.

The younger junior sister may also know, but there is no such information in the wooden sign. Liang Yan is not sure if the real "Qingshan" knows it. If he speaks rashly, it may arouse suspicion.

As for Xiong Ba

"Forget it, let's wait and see."

Liang Yan sighed in his heart, and gave up his plan to find out the truth.

But at this moment, in the sea of ​​consciousness, an old voice suddenly sounded:

"The only function of 'Linglong Good Fortune Fruit' is to reduce the difficulty of disasters!"

Hearing this voice, Liang Yan was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then a gleam flashed in his eyes.

The owner of the voice was actually the old tree spirit who had been silent in Taixu Gourd for many years!

The relationship between this mysterious tree spirit old man and Liang Yan is not a master-slave relationship, but a principle of non-interference. Since he arrived at the Antarctic Immortal Continent, he has rarely spoken. He did not expect to take the initiative to talk to Liang Yan today.

"You know the 'Linglong Good Fortune Fruit'?" Liang Yan asked, holding back the surprise in his heart.

"I've heard about it."

"Is this thing really reducing the difficulty of disasters?"

Liang Yan still couldn't believe it. After all, the three disasters and nine disasters come from the way of heaven, and he has never heard of anything that can reduce the difficulty of disasters.

"It's absolutely true." The old tree spirit replied very quickly: "It's just that each person can only take the 'Linglong Good Fortune Fruit' once. After taking it, it can only reduce the difficulty of the next tribulation, regardless of success or failure. , and then taking the 'Linglong Good Fortune Fruit' will have no effect."

After hearing this, Liang Yan sighed in his heart: "I didn't expect that there is such a treasure! No wonder so many masters came here from all over the world to help him overcome the tribulation. Indeed, for the monks in the tribulation realm, the most important The most important thing is how to overcome the 'three disasters and nine disasters', this thing is too attractive to them!"

While the two were talking secretly, Canglong in the hall seemed to have made a decision.

He stroked his beard, nodded and said, "Alright, since everyone wants the Veteran's 'Linglong Good Fortune Fruit', the Veteran doesn't hold their appetite anymore, so let's satisfy everyone."

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his big sleeve, and in the square of Bihaiyun Palace, thirty-six delicate nuns disappeared instantly, and the huge square became empty again.

Before everyone could react, Canglong Laodao raised his hand and played another spell, but saw the blue waves churning in the center of the square, the sea of ​​clouds agitated, all the original white cloud floor tiles disappeared, replaced by a boundless ocean.

At this moment, the terrain of Bihaiyun Palace suddenly became a little strange.

It is obviously a palace with a radius of one hundred feet, but there is a sea of ​​clouds in the middle of the palace. The sea of ​​clouds is vast and majestic, and it should not be accommodated in this small palace at all.

Look at the 14 cloud platforms where everyone is located, distributed around the sea of ​​clouds, the distance between each other seems to be very close, but it seems to be separated by thousands of rivers and mountains.

Especially the two people who were facing each other, originally there was only a square between them, but now it seemed that there was a vast ocean separated them!

"The Taoism is so close to the world, it is really mysterious!"

Liang Yan sighed secretly in his heart, then narrowed his eyes slightly and looked intently.

In the middle of the sea of ​​clouds, the wind was surging and the blue waves were rolling, as if something was about to be born.

The Bihaiyun Palace became very quiet at this moment. Everyone in the hall held their breath and focused their attention on the center of the sea of ​​clouds, their eyes full of anticipation.

The next moment, the sea of ​​clouds turned up huge waves, the sea water parted to both sides, and an isolated island slowly floated up from the sea surface.

There are no flowers, plants, birds or beasts on the island, only a towering tree standing alone in the center of the island.

"Exquisite Immortal Tree!"

The moment they saw this ancient tree, the faces of the twelve Huajie Patriarchs all changed slightly. Although they were still calm on the surface, the flashes of light in the depths of their eyes were different.

"This breath."

Liang Yan soon felt that the sap that Luo Qing gave him seemed to come from an ancient tree in the sea of ​​clouds, which meant that this was the treasure of the Wuzhuang Mountain Town School "Linglong Immortal Tree" that he said!

Although they are extremely far apart, if you look carefully, you can still clearly see twelve spiritual fruits hanging on the branches of the ancient tree.

These spiritual fruits look like babies, pink and tender, but most of them have only one head, a few have two heads, and very few have three heads.

"Is this the 'Linglong Fortune Fruit'?"

Liang Yan murmured in his heart.

Although it looks close, it is actually far away, so it is impossible to judge how miraculous these spiritual fruits are.

But other people in the hall showed excitement.

"It really is the 'Linglong Good Fortune Fruit'! There are twelve of them here, exactly one for each person, Daoist Brother Canglong, you really don't deceive me!" Ji Wuchen laughed.

As soon as he finished speaking, Canglong's voice sounded: "Fellow Taoists, the Linglong Immortal Tree is not only the treasure of our Wuzhuang but also the thing used by the old Taoist to overcome the tribulation this time. Before the arrival of the three disasters, the location of the Linglong Immortal Tree was kept secret, so it can only be presented to everyone in this way."

"Understood. After all, it is related to the 'Saint Tribulation'. It is impossible to reveal all the trump cards to the public. I am here only to get the fruit, and I don't care where the Linglong Immortal Tree is." Demon Venerable Qingyun laughed.

"Thank you, fellow daoist, for your understanding."

Canglong smiled slightly, and said again: "Actually, this 'Linglong Fortune Fruit' is also good or bad, please take a look at it: those with only one end are the most common, taking it can reduce the difficulty of the next tribulation by 10%; It can reduce the difficulty of the next tribulation by 20%; three heads are the best, and serving it can reduce the difficulty of the next tribulation by 30%."

"Is there such a difference?"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard this, and Sima Leng asked coldly, "Since that's the case, how will Daoist Brother Canglong distribute it?"

"Of course it's first come first served."

Canglong laughed.

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