The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 804: Fierce Battle in the Bamboo Grove

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Li Yan's face changed obviously after hearing the words of the old monster with yellow beard.

However, he immediately calmed down, as if made up his mind, gritted his teeth and said: "I, Li Yan, counts, I will never regret what I promised you!"

"Hehe, Li Daoyou is really a refreshing person, if so, let me learn and teach this person's supernatural powers!" The old monster Huang Xi patted his waist storage bag, and he was about to attack Liang Yan.

"Come on!" Li Yan shouted, "This kid has a powerful flying sword! Don't fight it alone, you need to work with the five of us before you can take it down!"

"Lao Li! This person is no more than a cultivator in the middle stage of Ju Yuan realm, and we have four cultivators in the fake pill realm to join hands. I am ashamed if you are not ashamed!"

"Li Laoba" was Li Yan's nickname when he was in the world. At this moment, the old monster with yellow beard directly shouted it out, not giving him half face.

Li Yan's face was pale with anger, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

At this time, the old monster with yellow beard had already jumped into the air. He raised his hand and shook, and a huge scroll flew out of his sleeve.

The scroll slowly unfolded, and there were seven strange eyes inside, each of which opened and closed, seeming to be looking at the outside world impatiently.

Liang Yan was unprepared, and subconsciously glanced at those strange eyes, his whole body seemed to be pierced by countless needles, and he seemed to have been tortured by thousands of swords, but his will was as strong as steel, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch. few times.

However, this state did not last long. It was just a moment of effort. A golden light appeared behind Liang Yan's head, covering his whole person in it.

At the same time, he drove a flash of light and flew back, never looking at the things on the scroll anymore, but pinched the sword art, causing the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword to slash downwards.


There was a loud noise, and a huge underworld beast with four eyes and eight legs poked its head out of the ground. It had just opened its huge mouth and was struck by Liang Yan's sword on its forehead.

A large amount of blood mist sprayed in the air, staining all the surrounding green bamboo forests with blood red. The small half of the monster's head had been cut off by a sword, but it was not completely dead at the moment, and it was still screaming in pain on the ground.

"Nether Swallowing Beast? It turns out that this is your soul pet!" Liang Yan stood out of thin air and said lightly.

"Huh, it's just a beast and can't get on the table. But you kid can break free from the shackles of my'Seven Evil Contemplating Map'. It's really not easy!" The old monster with yellow beard turned his hands back, his eyes narrowed, one The appearance of the deputy getting serious.

Liang Yan's expression did not change. Instead, he asked with interest: "Your Excellency is proficient in illusion and good at manipulating. It seems that the weird array just now is your handwriting."

"Hey, if you have some eyesight!" Old Monster Yellow Beard laughed: "The old man is just a little trick, let the five of you go to four, and now you are the only one left, so you won't be obedient!"

"Hahaha!" Liang Yan suddenly laughed.

"If you want Liang to catch it, you have to ask whether my sword can answer it or not!"

As soon as his voice fell, the sword art in his hand changed, and the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword rolled back and returned to his storage bag.

Corresponding to this, a blue light flashed in his dantian, and a blue long sword galloped out, and in an instant, it turned into a hundred-foot-long blue horse training in mid-air.

The old monster with yellow beard who was casting the spell was taken aback for a moment, but his complexion changed a lot in the next moment.

At the same time, the seven strange eyes in the scroll beside him turned up at the same time, all staring at the blue horse in the air.

"It's Jian Gang! How could it be possible? He is just Ju Yuan Realm!"

The old monster with yellow beard hadn't finished speaking, the cyan horse training had already fallen from the sky, rushing to his forehead with a sword.

"not good!"

The old monster with yellow beard screamed, and the two-handed method hurriedly pinched, the seven strange eyes on the scroll were wide open at the same time, and dense bloodshot eyes could be seen on the eyes, and blood was also flowing out around the corners of the eyes.

An inexplicable resistance appeared in midair, causing Liang Yan's Mayfly Sword to pause, and the speed actually slowed down a lot.


Liang Yan let out a light hey, with a hint of surprise on his face.

He knows the power of the Mayfly Sword Gang best. Ordinary Ju Yuan realm cultivators can use the algorithm treasure, and it can't affect the speed of this sword by half.

But now, under the gaze of these seven strange eyes, the speed of the Mayfly Sword has actually slowed down!

"This supernatural power is a little weird!"

Liang Yan murmured in his heart, and the blue light flashed in his eyes. When the "Wang Qi Method" came out, he saw that the midair was covered with dense red filaments, which was now winding around Feijian, letting fly. The speed of the sword dropped again and again.

These filaments are illusory and have no substance. If he hadn't used the "wangqi method" to see, he would not have seen the slightest clue at all.

Seeing this scene, Liang Yan's sword art changed again, the green wood sword energy in the mayfly sword gang suddenly skyrocketed, and it surrounded the flying sword horizontally and horizontally. In just a moment, most of the silk thread was cut off.

boom! boom! boom!

There were three explosions, but the seven eyes on the scroll of the old monster with yellow beard had burst three, and countless blood mist spewed out from the picture, like a rain of blood.

At the same time, the remaining four eyes were more bloodshot, but they still stared at the flying sword in mid-air, and did not dare to look away.

"Yu Shanzi, Xiong Wanjun, what are you waiting for? Do you want to see if the old man is cut by the sword by this kid?" The old monster yellow beard shouted while casting the spell.

Although he didn't want everyone to do anything at first, he didn't know that Liang Yan had already cultivated Jian Gang. Now that Jian Gang came out, where would there be any thoughts of fighting alone.

As soon as Old Monster Yellow Beard's voice fell, Yu Shanzi and Xiong Wanjun, who were not far away, had already started at the same time.

I saw Yushanzi’s hand-held oil lamp, chanting words, but within a few moments of effort, four evil spirits flew out of the wick, some holding a mountain axe, some holding a barbed long ditch, and each of them opened their teeth and danced their claws toward Liang Yan’s location. Flew from the place.

As for Xiong Wanjun, he didn't make a sound, and only waved the iron chain in his hand. The chain grew as long as the wind hit the wind, and it was as long as a hundred feet in an instant, like a mountain pillar falling from the sky.

At the same time, three more strange eyes burst on the scroll of Old Monster Yellow Beard, and only one was still struggling to support it.

Liang Yan let out a long whistle, and the three spiritual powers in his body were urged to the extreme, the blue light on the mayfly sword skyrocketed, and countless green wood swords were vigorous and vigorous, like a long river hanging upside down, pouring down from mid-air.


The last strange eye finally couldn't hold on, and the whole scroll was torn apart. At the same time, the old monster with yellow beard opened his mouth, spitting out a large mouthful of blood, and the whole person's breath was wilted.

The Mayfly Sword regained its freedom, and its speed increased sharply. As soon as the four evil spirits of Yushanzi got close, they were swept in by the cyan sword gang. In just a moment, there was no bones left.

"This kid is so domineering!" Yu Shanzi shouted angrily, his face mixed with anger and anger.

Those four evil spirits were all cultivated by him for hundreds of years, and now they were just a face-to-face, and they were completely wiped out by the other side. How about not being angry?

But apart from anger, there is also a horror! Each of these four evil spirits is comparable to a monk in the late Ju Yuan realm. Now they have disappeared completely with just a single sword. If he is replaced by himself, I am afraid that he may not be able to escape this sword!

At this time, Xiong Wanjun's iron chain had fallen from midair and hit Liang Yan's head directly.

Liang Yan's face was serious, and he pinched the tactics in his hand, and the mayfly sword gang rolled back, smashing all the chains like mountain pillars.

After countless pieces of debris, a figure rushed towards him. This man with a bee and waist, muscle knots, was indeed Xiong Wanjun himself!

Liang Yan didn't dare to be the slightest carelessness. From the very beginning of the match, he found that although the three of them were both in the "Fake Pill Realm", their strength was more than that of Li Yan, and their magical powers were weird, making them hard to guard against.

Xiong Wanjun came quickly in the air, and in an instant, he was less than a hundred feet away from Liang Yan.

This person opened his mouth and let out a long scream, his voice was like nine days of thunder, causing Liang Yan's consciousness to tremble slightly, and there was a brief loss of consciousness.

However, the next moment, the mixing technique in his brain spontaneously revolved, and a coolness surged to the back of his head, lifting the temporary paralysis in his spiritual consciousness.

However, at this moment of effort, Xiong Wanjun had already arrived in front of him, and a palm of a fan, as fast as lightning, hit his chest.

Liang Yan couldn't close his sword, so he could only stretch out his right fist and hit the fist with the golden light.

The palms of the fists intersected, and there was a loud bang. In the golden halo, the two figures flew back at the same time.

"What a powerful force! As far as the strength of the flesh is concerned, this person is not under me!"

Xiong Wanjun was shocked. He exercised all the year round and was very confident in the strength of his palm. If his opponent was close by him during the battle, he would almost always end up violently on the spot.

But the man in Tsing Yi on the opposite side was able to take this palm with his bare hands, and he was still a sword repairman!

Liang Yan had already retreated hundreds of feet in midair at this moment, and suddenly felt the heat behind him. It was almost impossible to know that it was Li Yan who sneaked in.

Without turning his head back, the blue aura of his hands was flowing, and he drew a virtual picture in front of him.

The dozens of firebirds of Li Yan had just gotten closer, and they were turned away from each other by the "turning round method", and they turned around on the spot.

However, amidst the fierce fire, another ice crystal burst out. The ice crystal was only the size of a thumb cover at first, but after a while it suddenly bloomed in the air and turned into countless ice flowers.

Liang Yan almost didn't need to think about it and knew that this cold ice technique was Yan Shuyun's method of Luoshen Palace. The two people had been hiding by the side, only waiting for him to reveal his flaws, and then they would work together to make a sneak attack.

The endless cold air was mixed in the fire poison, following Liang Yan's sleeves, he wanted to penetrate his meridians.

"Is this the'two heavens of ice and fire'?"

Liang Yan laughed, and the golden light circulated around his body, and in an instant, he expelled the chill from his body. Immediately after a pinch of the sword in his hand, the mayfly sword came out of the sky as he wanted.

"Stop you guys and dogs first!"

Liang Yan did not hesitate, the mayfly swordgang galloped out, and Li Yan and Yan Shuyun were involved in it in an instant.

Pity them, a cultivator in the false pill realm, a monk in the late Juyuan realm, who didn't even leave a word, just disappeared into the world like this.

At this time, the old monster with yellow beard, Yu Shanzi and Xiong Wanjun all showed shocked faces, and each retreated hundreds of feet of distance back.

Just now, under the siege of the five people, Liang Yan was able to crack everyone's killer moves with ease, and used the gap between several people's moves to kill Li Yan and Yan Shuyun under their noses.

By this time, they only knew the horror of this gray-clothed man.

The three of them did not take the initiative at this time. Instead, the old man with yellow beard respectfully bowed to him and said: "The so-called don't fight and don't know each other. At first, the three of us were disrespectful to Liang Zunzhe. That was because we had no eyes. Hope Liang Zun So that the adults don’t remember the villains, I’m willing to take out a magic weapon to make amends. I wonder if Liang Zunzhi is willing to reconcile?"

Xiong Wanjun also said at the moment: "The three of our brothers are in the top five among the nine lion kings of the Mad Lion League. As long as Liang Zun envoy no longer pursues this matter today, please come to the place that will be useful to our Mad Lion League Say."

"It turns out that they are members of the Mad Lion League." Liang Yan thought in his heart: "The nine lion kings should be at the same level as the seven stars of the Feixing League. These three will actually collude with Li Yan. Look. They seemed to have reached some agreement in the previous dialogue. I'm afraid it's a bit tricky..."

This matter involves the open and secret struggles between the four major alliances. If in normal times, Liang Yan would not want to get involved too deeply, but today these three people have violated his taboo.

"This Daoist Huang Xiu had left a stone tablet when he set up the formation before, and he wrote the five words'the one who saw this tablet die'?" Liang Yan asked suddenly.

"There is such a thing..." the old monster yellow beard frowned and admitted.

This person wanted to say something more, but Liang Yan waved his hand and laughed, "Unfortunately, Liang also has a rule."

He pointed to the mayfly sword beside him, and said lightly:

"That's ‘the one who sees this sword is dead’!"

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of the three people on the opposite side changed. They didn't know where the other party's biggest trump card was seen by the three of them. At this moment, they were already thinking of killing people.

"Liang Zunshi, although you have cultivated a sword gang, the three of us work together, and it is not a persimmon that you can knead! I advise you to take it when you see it. It is not good for everyone to make a loss and lose!" Shouted.

"Don't worry, you won't lose both sides, only three graves such as Er will be added here."

As soon as Liang Yan's voice fell, the mayfly sword rushed out, the mayfly sword gang continued for hundreds of feet, the blue sword aura was mighty, and it was in front of the three of them in an instant.

"Quickly end the'crazy lion's heaven formation'!"

The old monster with yellow beard has a quick With two hands in a chain, an evil tiger statue with three heads and two wings on the back flew out from his cuff.

Yu Shanzi and Xiong Wanjun beside them also cast spells, and two identical statues flew out of their cuffs.

These three statues were united in mid-air, and after a while, a three-headed double-winged mad lion phantom was transformed into a phantom, and it bit towards the mayfly sword gang in mid-air.


With just a single sword, the original violent, lawless lion phantom was chopped out countless cracks, and three heads were also cut off by two.

At the same time, the three old monsters with yellow beards in the big formation also spewed a mouthful of blood at the same time, and their breath quickly languished.

"Hmph, I heard that the cultivators of the Mad Lion League are good at formations and good at teamwork, but now it seems like that!"

Liang Yan snorted coldly and pinched the sword in his hand to give the three a final blow.

However, at this moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his hand movement stopped.

Because from his perspective, behind the three old monsters with yellow beards, in the depths of the emerald green bamboo forest, a strange gray mist appeared.

But the three old monsters with yellow beards who are struggling under his sword seem to have no idea about it...

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