The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 810: Quell the rebellion

After Liang Yan made up his mind, he flew directly to the Yunyanlou where Wuxin was, and within half a cup of tea, he was already outside the attic.

   Before the others arrived, the consciousness had been quietly released. Only a moment later, Liang Yan's expression changed.

   "Sure enough, something happened!"

   At this moment, hundreds of foundation-building monks stood neatly in the courtyard outside the Yunyan Building.

   These people looked solemnly, and without a word, they were led by two monks from the early stage of Ju Yuan realm, and surrounded the whole attic.

   "I have never seen these people. Which power is it?"

   Liang Yan felt a little puzzled in his heart, he did not panic, he knew the unintentional ability, and the two cultivators in the early stage of Ju Yuan realm couldn't help her.

   I'm afraid that there are other enemies in the attic at this moment.

   "Go in first and have a look!"

   Liang Yan whispered in his heart and pinched the tactics with one hand. The whole person turned into a breeze, and he passed the attic courtyard in an instant and drifted into the Yunyan Building.

   The hundreds of foundation-building cultivators present only felt a breeze passing by, and found no abnormalities. The two cultivators in the Ju Yuan realm frowned slightly, spreading their divine consciousness to the surroundings. After a long while, they shook their heads, obviously without finding anything.

   Liang Yan just entered the attic from under their noses.

   As soon as he entered, he noticed a rush of murderous air coming from the stairs, and then used his spiritual sense to perceive it slightly, and he found that more than a dozen monks had gathered upstairs.

   At this time, he heard a rough voice and laughed: "Vice Lord Wuxin, you can think about it, do you want to burn the jade and the stone, or join our Mad Lion League obediently?"

   "Mad Lion League?"

   Liang Yan was slightly surprised. Although Yunyanhui was indeed located in the border area, it was still on the territory of the Flying Star Alliance. How could this group of people invade with fanfare?

   Just when he was thinking in secret, the unintentional voice had already come out:

   "The Iron Lion King is joking, but a weak woman in a small family, how dare to burn the jade? But I don't know what is the advantage of joining the Mad Lion League, why don't you let the concubine listen to it?"

   At this moment, her voice still turned softly, and there was even a slight smile in her tone, which made people unbearable to be an enemy.

   "Iron Lion King, Xiu wants to listen to this witch's rhetoric. She practices magical charm and loves to confuse people's hearts. At this moment, she must be delaying time so as to resolve her body's "broken soul crisp"!" An old voice suddenly sounded.

   Liang Yan was stunned for a moment, and he was very familiar with this voice. It was one of the four Yuan Juyuan realm monks he recruited first: Yunxiaozi!

"How could it be him?"

   Liang Yan was puzzled, raised his hand to pinch the tactics, used the Sorcerer Path spell to the extreme, and then boarded the second floor of the attic.

   I saw that there were already more than a dozen monks crowded here, all in the realm above the Ju Yuan realm.

   is the head of the two, one with long white hair, tall and thin, and there is a plum blossom pattern under the left cheek. The other has thick arms and legs, a short stature, and two copper hammers on his shoulders.

   These two people are both the cultivation base of the pinnacle of Ju Yuan realm!

   There were four people standing opposite them. In the middle, a woman was light and tall, with fair complexion and wearing a purple pleated skirt. She was the witch Wuxin who had not been seen for many years.

   The other three guarded Wuxin. They were his three elders: Luo Wu, Mrs. Miao Yan, and the Blood Swordsman.

   It's just that they are all injured at the moment, and their breath is extremely unstable, it seems that they have been poisoned.

   But even so, they still protected Wuxin behind them, and didn't mean to give in at all.

   Looking at the gang of monks who surrounded them, Liang Yan is very familiar with Liang Yan. He is indeed the first elder he once appointed: Yunxiao!

   "Yunxiaozi! The former Liangzun envoy and the now Wuxin deputy envoy treat you not badly, why do you still want to be such a perfidious villain?" Luo Wu's eyes were wide-eyed, and he seemed to want Yunxiaozi to be swallowed alive.

   "Hahaha, people of my generation, how can there be any sentiments to talk about? It is the way of heaven to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages!" Yun Xiaozi carried his hands and laughed:

"Yes, the witch has not treated me badly in the past few years. Even the envoy Liang Zun, who has no knowledge of life or death, treated me well in those days. But they do countless things, but they don’t know that I am a member of the Mad Lion League. Infiltrating the Feixing League is for the day when the inside meets the outside!"

When he said this, the triumphant expression on his face was already beyond words, and a sack swordman behind him also laughed and said: "The daoist Yunxiaozi will inevitably reward him for this wonderful work, and he may be able to take over the missing person. One of those three people has become one of the nine lion kings!"


Luo Wu said angrily: "Shameless villain, you use the position of the first elder to secretly transfer the other elders from the Juyuan realm out of the city, and set up the trap of'broken soul crisp', don't you dare to have fun with us? Do you have a fight?"

"Hahaha, Fellow Luo, you are still as naive and ridiculous as before. Sometimes, I really don't know how you cultivated to the Juyuan realm safely!" Yun Xiaozi smiled sarcastically: "The so-called success and failure. Kou, if you want to succeed, you have to do whatever you can!"

   "Okay, don't talk nonsense with them!"

The leader of the white-clothed monk suddenly spoke: "Wuxin Envoy, our lord values ​​your supernatural powers and wants to recruit you under his command. As long as you nod your head and agree, you will be one of the nine lion kings of the Mad Lion League from now on, with us. Sit on an equal footing."

   Inadvertently, his eyes flowed, and he smiled and asked: "What if the concubine doesn't agree?"

   "Then there is only a dead end!"

   It was the monk with a short stature and a hammer on his shoulder who said this.

   "The monks of the Mad Lion League are so overbearing. The concubine is indeed afraid of death. It seems that I have to follow it today." Wuxin sighed softly and seemed to have agreed.

   "Haha, those who know the current affairs are brilliant, and the unintentional daoists are so sensible, and it saves us a lot of effort. In the future, everyone who is loyal to the same force, you can get closer and closer!"

   The white-clothed monk said as he smiled and walked forward, raising his hand to plant a restraint under his unintentional forehead.

   However, at this moment, a cold light flashed in his eyes, as if he had been unintentional before recognizing his fate.

   I saw nineteen purple round wheels suddenly appearing in the air, whizzing at the monk in white.

The white-clothed monk obviously did not expect that he could still use his supernatural powers when he was "breaking the soul" in his body. Seeing the "wheel of indulgence" cut out afterimages in mid-air, he arrived in front of him in an instant. Panicked.

   "White Lion King, be careful!"

   Among the crowd, the chunky monk roared, and at the same time, he grabbed his hand, and unexpectedly caught the white-clothed monk back.

   Just as the white-clothed monk left the place, the "wheel of indulgence" whizzed past, slashing at the place where he stood just now, stirring up circles of afterimages.

   "Hey, how did the White Lion King retreat? Didn't you just say that you want to get close to others?" Wuxin still smiled slyly, but there was a hint of disappointment hidden in his eyes.

   "You enchantress! I kindly let you make a living, you still want to kill me!" The white-clothed monk was frightened and angry at the moment, and his eyes were full of hatred.

   "White Lion King, Iron Lion King, don't bother with this witch!" Yun Xiaozi urged from the side: "We should kill these people to avoid long nights and dreams!"

"Yes! This witch does not seem to be going to come down, so I had to kill all the four people and control Yunyan first!" The chunky monk raised his two copper hammers as he spoke, and a cruel expression appeared at the corners of his mouth. Smile.

   Wuxin frowned slightly, the expression on his face changed again and again, and finally seemed to have made some determination, and pinched a magic trick in his sleeve with one hand, as if he wanted to use some magical power.

   But at this moment, a voice suddenly rang in her heart:

   "You still don't want to use your demon magical powers. You can't kill the bloodblade slayers by then, right?"

   Hearing this familiar voice, Wuxin was taken aback for a moment, and then an imperceptible arc appeared at the corner of her mouth.

   "Boy, if you don't come back, my sister is going to die for you today!"

   She didn't use voice transmission for these words, but she shouted out loudly.

   All the people present were all surprised and suspicious. Yun Xiaozi frowned slightly, and shouted: "Wonder girl, I'm going to pretend to be a ghost here, even if Da Luo Jinxian is here today, I can't save you!"

   Before his voice fell to the ground, two sword lights suddenly lit up in the field.

   These two sword lights, one black and the other purple, are just lightly rolled in the large attic, and the field immediately flies in flesh and blood!

   The five cultivators of the Mad Lion League in the middle stage of the Ju Yuan realm, before they even made a scream, have been cut into several pieces by these two sword lights.

   "It's Feijian!"

   The white-clothed monk's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly pinched it with one hand, and nine beads exuding the power of the stars were thrown out by him.

   These nine round beads each emit a dazzling star, and a thick halo is condensed in front of him, and the white-clothed monk is completely protected inside.

   He had just finished all this, and the black sword light not far away had already turned around and shot towards him.

   The white-clothed monk's pupils shrunk slightly, stimulating the spiritual power in the body to the extreme, and the nine-star light curtain is scorching and dazzling, as if the stars in the sky have fallen into the mortal world, making people afraid to look directly.

The black sword light hit the nine-star light curtain, and a loud noise erupted, and then the black sword light flourished, turning into a peerless black lotus, and countless sword intents gushing out frantically, sending the dazzling nine-star light The curtain was torn to pieces.


   There was a hint of horror in the eyes of the white-clothed monk. The "Nine Star Orb" was his magic weapon. I don't know how much he spent on training, but now he has been cut through with a sword. How can he not be frightened.

   "The strength of the secretly shot is much higher than me, so I can't stay here anymore!"

   The white-clothed monk had a thought in his heart, and his whole person suddenly turned into a white light, and he was about to flee towards the outside of the attic.

   However, he has just moved, and there is a cold behind his neck!

   In the midair, the white-clothed monk turned his head to look around with difficulty, but only saw a purple thunder and his headless body...

   From the time Yunxiaozi urged them to kill people, in just a few breaths, nearly half of the cultivators of the Mad Lion League in the field have died, and even the two leading lion kings have been beheaded!

Seeing this scene, the Iron Lion King couldn't help showing a horrified expression, while Yun Xiaozi's expression was dull, muttering to himself: "It's him...that can't be wrong. , He is here!"

   After he said these words, he turned around and wanted to flee away. However, a purple sword light flashed by his side, and before he could make any movement, he had already split the person in half.

   Immediately after this purple sword light turned, all the remaining seven cultivators in the early Ju Yuan realm were cut under the sword.

   "Where is it sacred?!"

   The Iron Lion King was going crazy at this moment. In the blink of an eye, no monks on his side had died, but until now, he hadn't even seen the other side's face.

   No one responded to him, only the sword responded to him!

  The two sword lights of purple and black brought out two afterimages in the air, divided into the left and right sides, and cut at him at the same time.

   "I did it with you!"

   The Iron Lion King roared, his muscles bulged, and he turned into a black monster with a tauren body on the spot.

   This monster completely shattered the entire Yunyan Building, and at the same time jumped into the air, smashing the void with both hands, and the ripples visible to the naked eye spread out, and it shocked everyone to breathe blood.

   "So that's it, this person actually refines the demon spirit into his body!"

   Liang Yan nodded secretly, and at the same time brushed his sleeves, protecting a circle of golden light in front of the blood knife, Wuxin and others.

   With the golden light support of the mixed power, the blood knife and others' faces gradually relaxed. The monster with the tauren body suddenly turned around and flew out of the city.

   "Didn't you say you have to fight to the death?"

Liang Yan let out a revealing his figure in mid-air, while pinching the sword in his hand, the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword and the Black Lotus Sword shot out at the same time, and it took only a moment to reach the iron lion. Behind the king.

"Do not!"

   The monster with the bull-headed ape body only had a scream before it was chopped by the two sword lights and turned into four pieces of corpses falling from the air.

   At this moment, the two Primordial Judgment Realm monks who were originally responsible for guarding outside the Yunyan Building, and the hundreds of foundation-building monks, have been stunned!

   They obtained a secret order from the lord on this trip. They sent two lion kings and more than a dozen monks from the Juyuan realm to unite with Yunxiaoliying and outside to win the Yunyanhui.

   The four Yunyanhui in the attic should have already been hit by the "Broken Soul Crisp", and there is absolutely no possibility of a miss on their own side!

   How could the whole army be wiped out in a blink of an eye?

   The two cultivators in the Ju Yuan realm looked into the air in disbelief, but saw a man in grey clothes standing out of thin air, with two flying swords, one black and one purple, floating around him, like a **** of murder.

   "Give you a choice to survive, and that is to be restricted by me and become a monk of the Yunyan Society."

   Liang Yan's unsentimental voice came slowly, shocking everyone.

   The two Concentration Realm cultivators just glanced at each other, then each bowed down, and said respectfully: "I am willing to serve you as the master, and from now on, I will not stand in harmony with the mad lion!"

   The hundreds of foundation-building cultivators also knelt down at the same time, and said in unison:

   "From then on, it is incompatible with the mad lion alliance!"

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