The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 818: The Great Array of Slaying Demons

Liang Yan sat in the banquet and looked from a distance, with a look of surprise on his face.

   The blue and white giant swords in mid-air, although they are not real flying swords, have an extremely powerful sword intent attached to them, even he dare not underestimate them.

   In addition, the white sword is yang and the green sword is yin, and the two are in one, which turns the yin and yang of the Taoist door into one, and the two instruments are connected to the fullest.

   "No wonder these six Star Venerables dare to challenge the Jindan Brothers. It turns out that they still have such a support."

   "Blue Sky Double Sword and Demon Slayer Array" Although he has not heard of it, it is obvious that this kind of sky-defying array requires extremely harsh preparation for the formation.

   These six people secretly bought Meng Qibai's subordinates, made manipulations among his magic weapons, and cooperated with the formations they had prepared long ago by others, which trapped Meng Qibai in them.

   In the midair at this time, the blue and white two-colored giant swords are like magic soldiers descending from the sky. Every time a sword is cut out, it will surely bring forth a mighty sword intent.

   Although Meng Qibai is a Jindan monk, he is inevitably stretched out and struggling to cope with this kind of magical formation of Taoism.

   After dozens of rounds of fighting between the two sides, Meng Qibai suddenly shouted:

   "Where are the disciples of the Galaxy Palace? Quickly catch the traitor with me!"

"Old Piff, don't shout!" Tan Gong sneered: "Do you think we only brought these people on stage? Your three palmprints are now hard to protect yourself, so how can you still think about you? Life and death?"

   Meng Qibai was taken aback for a moment, and then angrily said: "You forces are pouring out of the nest, aren't you afraid of a sneak attack from the Mad Lion League?"

   "You don't need to worry about this." Ye Feng smiled while casting the spell: "After you return to heaven, we will naturally clean up the mess of the Feixing League!"

   "Hmph, if you want the life of the old man, it depends on whether you have this ability!"

   Meng Qibai sneered, and suddenly raised his hand and shook, only to see a jade pendant flying out of his sleeve, turning into a colorful unicorn in mid-air.

   As soon as this unicorn appeared, it danced its claws and rushed towards the blue and white swords in the air.

   The two giant swords were also unambiguous, and they slashed towards the unicorn. The two sides fought in mid-air for several rounds. Suddenly they heard two crisp sounds, but the unicorn’s claws were chopped off.

   It's just that the two giant swords also flew upside down, and the light of the originally condensed sword was a little unstable.

   Meng Qibai saw that Qilin was frustrated. There was no worry on his face. Instead, he made a seal with one hand and opened a vertical eye on his forehead.

   The vertical eye was staring at the two flying swords in mid-air, but after a moment of effort, a crack appeared on the sword.

   "That's awful! It's the old Piff's'Breaking Eyes'!" Yuan Zhongzi said solemnly.

   As soon as his voice fell, a person next to him faintly said: "Leave the military eye to the old man!"

   This person was the "Nan Tian Weng" who had been silent before.

   I saw him stretch out his hand and pat the back of his head, then opened his mouth and vomited. A black streamer shot out and flew straight to the location of Meng Qibai.

   At this moment, Meng Qibai was urging his eyes, staring motionlessly at the two giant swords in the air, unexpectedly a black light flew, and he was also secretly surprised.

   He easily pinched a magic trick, and wanted to use his magical powers to resolve this attack. Unexpectedly, the black light suddenly disappeared, and it was printed directly on his forehead after a while.

   "Nan Tian Weng, dare you!"

   Meng Qibai yelled angrily, before he had time to do anything, the vertical eye on his forehead appeared confused, and the next moment he closed it slowly.

   At the same time, a black word "Feng" appeared on his forehead, replacing the original vertical eye.

   "It turns out that this person is practicing forbidden law!"

   Liang Yan looked from a distance, with a look of enlightenment on his face.

  The forbidden law is very mysterious. He has only seen it once before, and that is the time when Fuyushan sealed a stick of incense with the thirty-six mysterious forbidden method of Huangshigong in the Golden Core Realm.

   I didn't expect to meet this master again at this moment.

   It's just that "Nan Tianweng" is in a bad situation now, his face is pale, the corners of his mouth are bleeding, and his breath is constantly high and low.

   Obviously, in order to seal Meng Qibai, he also used desperate moves that wounded the enemy a thousand and harmed himself 800.

   "Since you want to die so much, let's get an operation on you first!"

   Meng Qibai let out a cold snort, and the tactics in his hand changed. The colorful unicorn whose claws had been chopped off was reborn again, and rushed into the air again.

   Only this time, its target is Nan Tian Weng alone!

   "The jade unicorn came back from the dead, let us deal with it!"

   Two voices sounded at the same time, but it was Ye Feng from Qingshuangtang and Feng Xuan'er from Bai Fengxuan.

   The two people seemed to have a tacit understanding. They shot at the same time. Two identical boulders flew out of their sleeves, growing bigger and bigger in mid-air, and turned into two small hills.

   The two hills, one on the left and one on the right, pressed towards the colorful unicorn in mid-air at the same time. After a loud noise, they actually pressed this majestic beast into the ground.

"not good!"

   By this time, Meng Qibai also came to his senses, and secretly said:

   "In this great array of punishable demons, their power of Taoism has doubled, but my magical power has been weakened. Under the circumstances, I was suppressed by them!"

   Thinking of this, he suddenly split his hands, and saw countless blue streamers flying out of his sleeves, turning into thousands of spears in the air, and shooting towards the six people who were casting spells.

   Obviously, Meng Qibai already knew how powerful the "Blue Sky Double Swords and Demon Slaying Array" was. If you want to break the formation, you can't let them cast the spells calmly.

   "Huh, the old Piff is always high, so is this the only way today?"

   Tan Gong sneered, and suddenly pinched the tactics with one hand, and lightly tapped on the bronze mirror in front of him. The other six people followed his movements and each played a magic tactic on the bronze mirror.

  As they finished casting the spell, a Taoist phantom suddenly appeared in the air.

   This Taoist priest has white beard and white hair, and his robe is bulging. He looks heroic. It means that you can't see clearly on your face, you can only vaguely distinguish the five senses, or you can clearly see it, but turn your head and forget it.

   All the attacks of Meng Qibai hit the phantom of the Taoist priest, and the smoke disappeared instantly, as if there had never been any.

   After this move, not only Meng Qibai, but even Liang Yan who was on the sidelines was a little surprised.

"This formation is so weird, where is the condensed Taoist phantom?" Liang Yan thought while looking at Wuxin who was beside but she also shook her head slightly, obviously right. The Slayer Demon in mid-air knew nothing about it.

   At this moment, Meng Qibai showed a hint of horror on his face. He looked at the phantom Taoist priest not far away, and the blue and white swords that had recovered in midair, suddenly shouted:

   "Emissary Liang Zun? If you still don't make a move at this time, when will you wait?"

   With this loud shout, everyone in the field turned their eyes to Liang Yan.

   In fact, when they first started fighting, most of the envoys on the Fairview Platform had been divided into two factions and handed over to each other.

   Some of these people firmly support Meng Qibai, while others have listened to the words of the six stars and turned to them.

   Only Yunyanhui and a small number of forces chose to stand by and watch, but Meng Qibai shouted aloud just now, but turned everyone's attention to Liang Yan's side.

   "Envoy Liang Zun, according to our original agreement, as long as you help me quell the rebellion, I will help you to form a pill. From now on, you will be the deputy leader of my Feixing League, and we will jointly control the Feixing League!"

   Meng Qibai’s voice came from high in the sky. Although it was not loud, it clearly fell in everyone’s ears.

"Liang Zunjia, don't listen to his nonsense! I told you at the beginning that if Meng Qibai wants to practice magic, he won't let any one of us go. How can he really help you build a pill?" Tan Gong shouted eagerly.

   And Yun Zhongzi shouted loudly: "Essay Liang, this old man will undoubtedly die today. You don't have to do anything, just watch from the sidelines, and when the matter is over, we will divide the Galaxy together!"

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