The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 835: Inheritance of Dongfu

"No, you are too dangerous to be alone." Nie Ziming shook his head and said, "I know that you have a good personal relationship with Linghubo, but this matter must be considered in a long-term, and you must not act recklessly."

   "I am not alone here, my friend Lin Rui will also go with me." Liang Yan said lightly.

   "This........." Nie Ziming hesitated for a while, as if he was also considering whether this matter was feasible.

After a long time, the leader of the Blood Moon Alliance nodded and said: "I understand your feelings very well. If that's the case, Nie can't refuse anymore. But Elder Han must be careful, as a last resort, don't fight with the enemy. Head-to-head."

   "Leader don't worry, Han has a good idea." Liang Yan smiled lightly.

   "Well, you first take them to repair for a few days, and then send them to Nanyang Peak." Nie Ziming waved his hand and sent several people out of the Guanhai Tower.


   In the next few days, a small piece of news spread quietly in the Bloody Moon Mountain, that is, the Linghu family that was once wiped out still had blood remaining, and it came to the Bloody Moon Mountain.

   It's just that the news just came out, and it was suppressed by the leader Nie Ziming, only a few elders of Blood Moon Mountain knew about it.

   The Linghu family was slaughtered overnight, and the opinions in the Blood Moon League were different. Now that there are descendants alive, Nie Ziming has not chosen to disclose the news, but protects them secretly. This has puzzled several elders who knew.

   And there is another thing that puzzles these elders, that is, the top ten moon priests that should have arrived early this year, only seven have come this year, and three of them have been silent for a long time, and they have not even set off from their own territory.

   This kind of weird thing, naturally, it is inevitable to be discussed in secret by everyone.

   Some people say that the three Yue Zuns are only delayed by trivial matters and will come soon. Others say that these three have received a secret mission from the leader and do not need to participate in this blood moon event.

   In short, as the Blood Moon Festival approached, the entire Blood Moon League began to lively. Various gossips and rumors made it difficult to distinguish between true and false.


   The disturbance from the outside world will not be mentioned for the time being. At this moment, on the secluded Nanyang Peak, several people are climbing up the mountain trail.

   is a woman in a yellow shirt. Although her appearance is not extremely beautiful, she is very attractive, especially in her eyes there is a sense of tenacity and indomitableness. She is obviously a person who has experienced wind and frost.

   There were two children, one boy and one girl, behind her. Their appearance was somewhat similar to her. At the moment, they were also hurrying down silently, without any conversation with each other.

  In this way, he drove up the mountain road for half an hour, and the surrounding area was quiet and silent, and the woman in the yellow shirt stopped.

   She carefully observed her surroundings and released her divine consciousness. After confirming that there was no one around, she shook a wooden house hung on her waist and said softly:

"Come out."

   As soon as her voice fell, a white light lit up in the wooden house. This white light fell on the ground and turned into a gray-clothed man with an elevated figure.

   On the shoulders of the gray-clothed man, there was a little white-haired beast, which looked a bit similar to a civet cat, except that there was a faint red auspicious cloud on his forehead, which looked quite extraordinary.

   "It turns out that your original appearance is like this..." The woman in the yellow shirt looked at the man in front of her and couldn't help but murmured, and there seemed to be a slight blush on her cheeks.

   These people are naturally sister Linghuyu and Liang Yan.

   After Liang Yan left Nie Ziming that day, he and Lin Rui disappeared from the Blood Moon Mountain under the pretext of investigating the "Huangquan Road" incident.

   Nie Ziming had no doubts about this, and even reassigned two other elders to take care of the teleportation circle for them.

   Just where did he know that, instead of leaving, Liang Yan followed Linghuyu up to Nanyang Peak.

   Nanyang Peak is a forbidden area in the Blood Moon Mountain, and no one would be allowed to enter it at ordinary times, but Linghuyu has a command from Nie Ziming, so it can flow unimpeded.

   Liang Yan saw Ling Huyu staring at himself in a daze, and couldn't help wondering: "What's wrong?"

"No...No..." Linghuyu recovered, smiled and said: "I've always been curious, wanting to see what you look like, now I finally saw it."

   When she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand to untie the wooden house on her waist and handed it into Liang Yan's hands.

   "This thing is so magical, can it be hidden from the eyes and ears of the elders of the Juyuan Realm?" Linghuyu blinked and asked.

   Liang Yan smiled slightly, thinking that this wooden house is the relic of the founder of the Yixing Pavilion. How can a few monks in the Ju Yuan realm be able to see through it?

   I want to say that this wooden house is indeed a treasure. It is a space of its own, and it is very suitable for cultivating heaven and earth spiritual things or spirit beasts. I think the Lantian fruit that was originally traveled to the north was bred in this wooden house.

But of course Liang Yan would not say these things. He just smiled and said: "Mushe can certainly hide from the sky, but I can get in so smoothly. The main reason is to rely on the order of the leader. I really want to thank you. Up."

   "You saved my life, what is the return of this..." Linghuyu shook his head and said softly.

   Liang Yan smiled slightly, and did not say anything more, but with one hand, he drove a escape light, swept the three of Linghuyu sisters and brothers, and flew towards the direction of the mountainside.

  According to the memory of Han Tan he obtained from his soul search, the Inheritance Dongfu was located on the halfway of Nanyang Peak.

   A few people flew half a cup of tea, and from a distance they saw a colorful glow hovering in the middle of the mountainside. The auspicious atmosphere in that glow made people feel relaxed and happy when they saw it.

   "Baoguang is everywhere, clouds are steaming Xiawei, it seems that there is the place where the inheritance of Dongfu is located."

   Liang Yan's face showed a hint of joy, and Dangguang couldn't help but moved a few minutes faster, and only a moment later came to the place where the colorful Xiaguang was.

   I saw a lot of enlightenment here, a waterfall hanging upside down in the mountain stream, although the momentum is not very majestic, but the water is rare and clear in the hell.

   And behind the current, the outline of a cave is faintly visible.

   "Follow me in."

   Liang Yan didn't hesitate, and led the three Linghuyu sisters and brothers directly into the waterfall, and went into the cave behind that together.

   As soon as he entered the entrance of the cave, a strong aura rushed toward his face, making everyone refreshed.

   Liang Yan first raised his hand to play a magic trick, steaming the water vapor on everyone's body, then turned his head and looked at the inside of the cave, his face could not help showing a hint of surprise.

I saw that the cave was bigger than I thought. There were hundreds of stone pillars in the middle, and a jade box floating above each stone pillar, and each jade box was sealed with a talisman, and the box was marked on it. The name of the treasure.

   "Tianxiang Baoluo, Chiyu Soul, Dragon and Phoenix Fairy Branch..."

   Liang Yan looked at the names of these treasures with a hint of excitement on his face. There are some things he knows, some things he doesn't know, but only from what he knows, the treasures in it are all valuable.

   "It seems that the blood moon alliance's family background is much deeper than that of the meteor alliance!"

   Liang Yan murmured, but after a while, his eyes gradually turned from the initial excitement to calmness.

   He always knew that the biggest purpose of his trip was to obtain the soil of the Profound Sky and form a Rank 5 Golden Core!

   Although there are many treasures here, Liang Yan absolutely doesn't believe it if there are no restrictions.

   When I was in Guanhailou a few days ago, Nie Ziming explained to the three sisters and brothers of Linghuyu, saying that in addition to enjoying the Lingquan, each person can choose one treasure, but only one can be chosen. Don't be greedy.

   It can be seen that if he looted the treasures here, I am afraid that a large number of bloodyue mountain cultivators will rush to Nanyang Peak in the next moment and come to him for trouble.

Liang Yan is very clear about his needs. The biggest thing now is to build up pill. You can put the rest away. Although these treasures are tempting, he is not an insatiable person, and he naturally won't do things that are fascinating and fascinating. Come.

While he was thinking secretly in his heart, Linghuyu next to him pointed to a place not far away, and exclaimed with excitement: "There should be what the leader Nie said, it can help people to relax the muscles of the Nanyang Peak Lingquan. Right?"

Liang Yan looked in the direction she was pointing, and saw that in a corner deep in the cave mansion, there was a small spring, from which warm and clear water continuously emerged, floating on the surface of the water, appearing exceptionally hazy.

   "It really is full of aura and vitality." Liang Yan's eyes flashed with blue aura, nodded and said: "This Fang Lingquan is quite mysterious, maybe it can really remove the cold poison in Ling brother and sister."

   Linghuyu smiled upon hearing it, and hurried over with Linghu Wenshi and Linghu Qiuyue.

   The two children tried for a while by the spring, and found that there was no discomfort, they jumped into the spiritual spring at the same time.

   With two clicks, the two children sat cross-legged in the spirit spring, a warm breath spreading upward from the soles of their feet, and finally merged into the meridians of the two of them.

   At this time, Linghu Wenshi and Linghu Qiuyue's skin all over their bodies flushed, and there was a ray of elusive cold air coming out of their heads.

   "That's the cold poison in their meridians! It seems that the spring water really works!" Linghuyu's eyes revealed a color of surprise.

She was happy for a while, and there was a hint of hesitation on her face, but it was just a moment of effort, as if she had made up her mind. She turned her head and said to Liang Yan: "Leader Nie has opened up Lingquan this time, saying that there are only three times. Use the opportunity, this is the last time Yu'er is left..."

   Of course Liang Yan understood what she meant. Linghuyu wanted to give herself this last chance to get her muscles cleaned.

   In fact, he also secretly observed this Fang Lingquan. It should not have formed naturally, but was created by the monks of the Golden Core Stage with the use of great supernatural powers and the treasures of heaven, material and earth.

  It is estimated that only the past leaders of the Blood Moon Alliance can do this.

   It’s just that although this spirit spring can improve a person’s meridians, the scope of its effect is very limited.

   may have a good effect on the monks below the foundation stage, but the effect on the monks above the Juyuan realm will be weakened.

   If it is a cultivator who has made great contributions to the Blood Moon Alliance, it would be a good choice to let his descendants come to this spiritual spring to soak and lay the foundation for his cultivation path.

  Ke Liang Yan bears the foundation of heaven and earth, the effect of this spiritual spring is like a chicken rib to him, and it is not very useful at all.

   "Forget it, I appreciate your kindness, and you should leave this opportunity to use Lingquan for yourself." Liang Yan said lightly.


   Linghuyu's face became anxious, and he wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Liang Yan waved his hand:

   "You don't have to feel guilty, we are all getting what we need this time, and what I'm looking for is also in this cave."

   After he said that, he ignored Linghuyu and others, but turned his head and walked towards the stone pillar in the center of the cave.

   There are hundreds of treasures lined up there, there are magic weapons and magic weapons, there are also elixir, heaven and earth treasures, Liang Yan mostly just glanced at it roughly, and was not moved at all.

   There is only one thing he is looking for, and that is "Xuantian Land"!


After    half a stick of incense, Linghuyu was already soaking in the hot spring with her younger siblings, but Liang Yan frowned slightly, standing in front of the hundreds of stone pillars, with a hint of doubt on his face.

   "It shouldn't be. According to Han Tan's memory, the Xuantian soil should be in this inheritance cave, but why I searched for the treasures here, but I didn't find the Xuantian soil trace?"

   Liang Yan murmured, his eyes full of confusion.

   Just now, he read all the hundreds of jade boxes here, but he didn't find a trace of the soil of the mysterious sky, and there was nothing else in this huge cave.

   "Is there a secret room here?"

   Liang Yan thought for a long time, but only thought of such a possibility.

   "If there is a hidden treasure room, there will be auras hidden, and I will use the ‘Wang Qi Method’ to look around!"

   Liang Yan's heart moved, the blue aura in his eyes quietly circulated, and he looked towards the surrounding stone walls.

   However, from this look, I was disappointed.

  Because the entire inheritance cave was covered by a layer of mystery, Liang Yan's combat power was comparable to that of the Golden Core monk, but it was because of the sharp edge of Jian Gang, he was still slightly inferior to other supernatural powers.

   At this moment, Liang Yan's "Wang Qi method" can't break the restriction set by this golden core monk.

   "It's really weird! Did I try my best to sneak into the heritage cave of the Blood Moon Mountain, but in the end I couldn't get what I wanted?"

   When Liang Yan was upset, he glimpsed from the corner of his eye, but saw Linghuyu three people immersed in the spring water.

   At this moment, their whole bodies are enveloped in a thick smoke, their cheeks are flushed, like ripe apples, they look really cute.

   However, Liang Yan's attention was not on them, but at the dreamlike haze.


   Amidst the haze, there is a kind of aura mixed in.

   This aura is so thin that it is difficult for ordinary people to detect it, but Liang Yan already has four complete mysterious auras in his hand, and he can see that this aura is extremely unusual at a glance.

   "Could it be that the earth of Xuantian is under this spiritual spring?"

   The more Liang Yan thinks about it, the more possible it is. You must know how rare it is that the spiritual springs that can easily cleanse the muscles are rare. Even the big sects like Yixing Pavilion and Yungangzong do not necessarily have many such spiritual springs.

   And the Fang Lingquan in front of him was not formed naturally. To open up such a treasure land, perhaps it was one of the five ways of mysterious air!

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