The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 841: Soul Osamu

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"According to what Wuxin said back then, her retreat was as short as three to five years, and as long as more than ten years. But now 15 years have passed, why hasn't she been out?"

Although Liang Yan has some concerns in his heart, outsiders cannot help this kind of retreat to break through the bottleneck.

If he breaks in rashly, in case the opponent is practicing at a critical moment, it is easy to get confused.

So even though Liang Yan had some worries in his heart, in this case, he couldn't share anything for him. He could only leave a sound transmission note at the entrance of the cave.

If something really happened to her, she could contact herself as soon as possible.

After doing all this, Liang Yan left the unintentional retreat Dongfu in silence and came to the Council Chamber of the Galaxy Palace.

When he came back this time, he didn't alarm anyone along the way, and the entire Flying Star Alliance didn't know that his leader had returned.

And the reason why he did this was that he didn't want to stun the snake, and planned to secretly investigate the "Huangquan Road" monk of the Flying Star Alliance.

This time, the Blood Moon League and his party made Liang Yan deeply understand how deep-rooted this organization is hidden in the dark. I am afraid that the forces in the four major leagues have already been infiltrated by them.

Since all the ten Great Moon Venerables of the Blood Moon Alliance had betrayed, it was absolutely impossible for him to be spared.

Liang Yan pondered for a moment in the Council Chamber, then raised his hand to play four tactics, which flew in four different directions.

After half the incense stick, the four figures flew through the air one after another, and all stopped at the door of the Council Chamber.

"come in!"

Liang Yan's faint voice came from the attic, and the four people outside the door looked at each other, and they all saw a trace of excitement in each other's eyes.

The next moment, a beautiful middle-aged woman in palace costume stepped forward and opened the door of the attic first, and then the four people filed in, all looking at Liang Yan in the attic.

"Leader! You are finally back!" a burly bald man said excitedly.

Liang Yan smiled slightly and said, "Thanks for your hard work when I am away."

The four people in front of him are Luo Wu, the elder of Xingtang, "Mrs. Miaoyan", the elder of the acquaintance, the elder "Blood Swordsman" of Anan, and Leiya, the envoy of the seal.

Among them, the blood knife frowned, and suddenly said:

"Leader, your cultivation realm............"

As soon as he said this, the other three people present also looked at Liang Yan curiously.

"Leader's cultivation base is getting more and more invisible. I used to be able to guess the general idea, but now..." Luo Wu shook his head, revealing a trace of annoyance.

"Don't think about it, if I guess it right, the leader is now the real senior Jindan, right?" The Blood Saber finally said his guess.

"Golden Core?"

Both Mrs. Miao Yan and Liya were slightly surprised, and then looked at Liang Yan at the same time, with a little expectation in their eyes.

Liang Yan glanced around at everyone and said with a smile: "Yes, not long ago, Liang had the honor to condense the golden core."

As soon as he said this, it really sounded like a thunderbolt in the room. Everyone was startled first, and then ecstatic.

"Congratulations to the lord's advanced golden core, it's a huge hell, I'm afraid it will be invincible!" Madam Miao Yan was the first to step forward and congratulate.

"Haha, the leader is promoted to the Golden Core, from now on, Lao Luo can follow him to eat and drink spicy food!" Luo Wu touched his bald head with a triumphant expression on his face.

Both Leya and the Blood Swordsman both love to joke, but at this moment, both their faces are excited. It is obvious that Liang Yan's advanced golden core is tantamount to giving everyone in the Feixing League a reassurance.

"I'm going to advance the Golden Core, don't disclose it for the time being." Liang Yan waved his hand, motioned everyone to be quiet, and then said: "I also have to keep the matter of returning to the Galaxy Palace confidential."

"Why is this?"

Leya frowned and said: "Leader Liang has advanced Jin Dan. This is good news. Now **** is turbulent, and there are battles at the border. This news is even more needed to boost morale."

Liang Yan shook his head and said: "Compared with the threats posed by the other three alliances, the hidden dangers within our Flying Star Alliance are the most deadly."


Luo Wu and others were all taken aback for a while, obviously they didn't react.

Liang Yan's face gradually became serious, and he slowly said to the four people: "In fact, there is a'Huangquan Road' organization hidden in the underworld. They have infiltrated various forces, and the purpose is to provoke the four major alliances. Fight."

"The reason why I secretly returned to the Galaxy Palace this time is to completely eliminate the members of the'Huangquan Road' in our Feixing League, and I have summoned you here today for this matter."

The four people present were a little surprised at first, and then there was a hint of secret joy.

Liang Yan pointed out the need to thoroughly investigate the traitors hidden in the Feixing League. For such confidential matters, only four of them were called, which was enough to show the trust in them.

In fact, the four people in front of them are indeed worthy of Liang Yan's trust.

They are all members of the original Yunyan Club. Although they are not top-notch in strength, they have been following Liang Yan for the longest time. They have passed the test of the "Yunxiaozi" rebellion and have always been loyal to him.

Liang Yan, through his previous secret investigations in the Blood Moon League, also knew about Huangquan Road's style of acting. This organization advocates "noble and less expensive", and most of its members are some of the more established monks in the four major leagues.

And Luo Wu, Mrs. Miao Yan, and the bloodblade were only casual cultivators before. As for Leiya, she was alone in supporting the dying Yunyanhui.

It can be said that if it were not for Liang Yan's arrival, they were just extremely ordinary monks, and they would never have the status they are today.

So how these four people look at them, they don't look like monks on Huangquan Road.

"Leader, since you can trust us, let's just say it. What do we want to do? No matter how fierce it is, Lao Luo won't frown!" Luo Wu patted his chest.

Liang Yan smiled slightly and said: "Elder Luo is serious, this matter is wise but not courageous. There is no need for swords and fires. You only need to be cautious and don't startle the snake!"

Next, he discussed carefully with Mrs. Miaoyan, Leya and others in the Council Chamber, and after half an hour passed, everyone finally worked out a detailed plan.

"Let's do this."

Liang Yan was obviously very satisfied with Mrs. Miao Yan's and Leiya's suggestions. When it comes to the affairs of the alliance, he really needs to rely on these two people.

"By the way, if you encounter danger during the investigation, you have to do what you can. Remember, I don't need you to work hard with your opponent. Once you find something tricky, just report it to me and get rid of the traitor and leave it to Liang. Now." Liang Yan added.

In fact, his worries are not unreasonable. After all, there may be traitors among the seven Star Venerables, and in front of these four people, only Blood Swordsmen can match the Star Venerable, and the strength of the others is still worse.

After hearing this, the four people present had a hint of gratitude in their eyes, and they all bowed to Liang Yan:

"Leader rest assured, I will do what I can!"

"Well, you all go down, remember to follow the plan."

Liang Yan waved his hand, and the four of them took their orders, and at the same time withdrew from the Chamber.


In the next six months, Luo Wu, Mrs. Miao Yan, Blood Swordsman, and Leya began to secretly investigate the major envoys of the Flying Star Alliance according to the plan.

Because Liang Yan didn't want to put this matter on the bright side for the time being, when he encountered some convincing "Huangquan Road" monks who wanted to die, he secretly took action to clear the obstacles for the four.

Soon, most of the "Huangquan Road" monks in the Feixing League were eliminated, and the rest were the people who saw the opportunity very quickly. Seeing that the wind was not right, they were immediately hidden.

During this period, many monks of the Flying Star Alliance suddenly disappeared, including the Seven Star Venerables who also disappeared. This made some members of the Flying Star Alliance who did not know the truth worried, and various speculations and gossip spread.

Some people say that it was because the leader of the retreat failed to break through the golden core, so that his death disappeared. The other alliances knew the news and had begun to secretly attack the members of the Flying Star Alliance.

Others said that the leader was accidentally captured when he was out, so the Feixing League secretly assembled a force to rescue the leader. Those monks who disappeared were going to perform this task.

Various versions of the speculations have different opinions, but without exception, they are all related to Liang Yan, the leader who has disappeared for more than ten years.

At this moment, Liang Yan himself was sitting in the study, looking at the file that Liya had submitted, with a hint of contemplation on his face.

"Lyya and Mrs. Miaoyan really have the means. According to their methods, they found many'Huangquan Road' monks hidden in the dark... "

"The entire cleanup process has been smooth so far. At least these people on the bright side have been eliminated, and those monks who are extremely hidden, I am afraid that they will not be able to be found out in a short while... .. It seems that I should find time to announce the return, otherwise the rumors of various versions will be taken seriously."

Liang Yan just sat in the study, thinking about all kinds of things in the recent alliance, suddenly frowned, and a strange look appeared on his face.

"Strange, who is here?"

At this moment, within the scope of his divine consciousness, there was a very concealed aura, which was rapidly approaching the Galaxy Palace, and the cultivation base of the visitor was as deep as the sea, obviously possessing the strength above the Golden Core Realm.

If he had been in the past, he would definitely be a little frightened, because the Jindan monk who came was extremely strong, compared to Meng Qibai, Tiemushan was first-rate, and he would have won too much.

But today, he has no fear at all.

Liang Yan's face was as flat as water, his right hand flicked, and a breeze blew by, and he disappeared in the study.

Outside the Galaxy Palace, a burst of blue light circulated, and Liang Yan's figure slowly appeared.

He stood out of thin air, looking up at the horizon not far away, where there was nothing, no vision at all.

However, Liang Yan frowned slightly and shouted in this direction:

"Who is the one who came here, quickly get a name!"

After he shouted, a weak wave suddenly appeared in the midair in the distance. With the circulation of several colorful clouds, a faint figure gradually condensed and formed.

This person is an old man with white beard wearing a Chinese suit, with jewels all over his body, and a dazzling ring on each of his ten fingers. From a distance, he looks like a rich and powerful secular merchant.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Liang, the first time I met, it really deserves a reputation!"

As soon as the old man showed up, he bowed his hand at Liang Yan and laughed.

"The first time we met, did your Excellency be so sneaky?" Liang Yan narrowed his eyes and said lightly: "Hidden aura, sneaked into the heavy land of my Feixing League, just this one, I can kill you here."

"Ashamed and ashamed!" The white-bearded old man smiled awkwardly: "Actually, I hide my breath, but I don't want to disturb others. I want to be alone with Liang Zun for a while."

"Looking for me?" Liang Yan was taken aback for a moment.

"Hey, I heard that Liang Zun's advanced golden pill, Shou Mou's hands are itchy, come here for a while!"

Before the white-bearded old man spoke, he raised his hand and patted his forehead. A dazzling golden light appeared behind his head, as if to pierce the clouds and mist, illuminating thousands of miles.

Liang Yan squinted his eyes and looked intently, only to see a soft whistle among the golden glow, a strange bird with double wings and full golden hair jumped out from it, emitting a scorching brilliance in the air.

"Gold Wing Roc?"

The color of surprise in Liang Yan's eyes was fleeting.

Legend has it that in the Human Continent, a monk merged his soul with the remnant soul of the ancient spirit beasts to understand the laws of the Great Dao. This secret technique is called soul repair.

The conditions required for soul cultivation are extremely harsh. First of all, it is the remnant soul of ancient spirit beasts, which can be met but not sought.

The second is one's own soul attributes, which must be able to match the remnant soul found, otherwise forcibly merged, it will be the end of death.

To find the remnant soul of an ancient spirit beast is already extremely difficult, and it is simply a matter of choice if one's own soul matches it.

It is for this reason that the number of soul repairers is extremely small. However, once the fusion is successful, you can inherit part of the magical powers of the ancient spirit beasts and gain the upper hand in the same-level fighting method.

Liang Yan has been in cultivation for decades, and today is the first time he has seen soul cultivation.

But he didn't have any fear, instead he showed a hint of excitement.

"It's just right. After breaking through the golden core, I haven't fought seriously with people. Let's try it with you today."

Liang Yan muttered to himself, raised his hand and patted the storage bag around his waist, and suddenly two sword lights shot out.

The two sword lights, one black and the other purple, drew two different tracks in mid-air, and cut them towards the location of the golden winged roc.


A clear neigh came, and the Dapeng flapped its wings, and the whole body disappeared from the air as an afterimage, and then appeared hundreds of feet away in the next moment.

The Zi Lei Tianyin Sword and the Black Lotus Sword cut into the air at the same time, hovering in mid-air, and returned to Liang Yan's side again.

Looking at it again at this time, the figure of the white-bearded old man has completely disappeared, but the phantom of the Golden Wing Roc has become more and more solid.

Liang Yan knew that this was the customary method of Soul Cultivation in battle. He completely integrated himself into the ancient spirit beasts. If he did not defeat the Golden Wing Roc in front of him, he would not be able to injure the white beard old man's deity.

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