The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 849: Ning Luo Zhenren

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As soon as he said this, everyone looked at each other.

Shou Wenshi looked around and coughed: "Since Shoumou came up with this method, then I volunteered to be one of the three who dived into the valley. I wonder if there are two other daoists willing to go with Shoumou. ?"

All the people present were silent for a while, and suddenly heard a voice saying indifferently: "Since Shou League Master is willing to be the vanguard, then the two of us are also willing to accompany."

It was Liang Yan who was silent before.

Shou Wenshi swept his eyes and saw him and Wuxin step forward at the same time, he couldn't help but smiled, he said with a smile: "Leung leader is really a refreshing person! Don't worry, Real Ningluo has lost his mind and will only attack his opponent by instinct. The three of us don’t have to fight with him, we just need to lure him out, and the rest will be handed over to the other six fellow daoists!"

Liang Yan smiled slightly. In fact, he didn't think it was dangerous to be a bait, because he had already experienced the strength of this "killing gray fog" before he came.

With Liang Yan's current cultivation realm, He Wuxin and Gu Zhiyu even directly killed a cloud of gray mist! But now it's just to be a bait, it's more than enough if you want to protect yourself.

He offered to let himself and Wuxin go together. On the one hand, it was his confidence in the strength of the two of them. On the other hand, he wanted to go down and see. Maybe Ningluo still had any treasures left in the cave.

However, Liang Yan still defended it. He let Shibo Gu Zhiyu stay outside the valley. Even if there was any sudden change at that time, Gu Zhiyu alone was enough to deal with the five of them.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Shou Wenshi nodded, took out a scroll from his sleeve, and slowly unrolled it in the air.

Everyone's consciousness swept across the unfolded scroll, and found that it was an array of patterns.

"Sure enough, it is the'Six Rensuo Demon Formation'. I didn't expect this Shou Wenshi not only to be a soul repairer, but also to be proficient in the Confucian formation!"

Liang Yan only took a cursory glance to confirm the authenticity of the "Six Rensuo Demon Array", and secretly praised the profound and subtle aspects of this formation.

The people on the top of this mountain are all Golden Core Realm cultivators. After having the formation map, coupled with the extremely detailed explanation of the Shouwenshi, within half an hour, everyone present had initially mastered the formation art of this formation.

The six people, Wang Linhe, Chang Shuyao, Wu Jun, Nie Ziming, Xiang An, and Gu Zhiyu, began to set up the "Six Rensuo Demon Formation" outside the valley according to the directions indicated on the formation map.

As for Shouwenshi, Liang Yan and Wuxin, they flew toward the depths of the valley while driving a ray of light.

Although Ningluo Mountain is a barren mountain, the coverage of the entire mountain range is extremely large. The three of them flew into the valley with half a stick of incense.

Liang Yan secretly spread the divine consciousness, but within a few miles, he found nothing unusual. Just when there was some doubt in his heart, the Shou Wenshi in front of him suddenly stopped to escape, leading the two of them to fall downward.

After a while, a lake in the mountains appeared in front of everyone.

Shou Wenshi stopped at the top of the lake, did not explain anything to the two of them, but closed his eyes slightly, and calculated it with one hand.

Not long afterwards, he suddenly opened his eyes, his whole body glowed with golden light, and then he moved directly into the lake.

Liang Yan and Wuxin glanced at each other, and they both saw a trace of puzzlement in each other's eyes. They had already penetrated the divine sense below, and had long been able to see the bottom of the lake, but there was nothing special at all.

However, at this moment, Liang Yan would not stay here to watch the play. He exchanged eyes with Wuxin for a while before turning into two escape lights and rushing into the lake with the Shouwen Stone.

The three of them came to the bottom of the lake at the same time, and saw Shou Wenshi with a serious expression, hitting several magic tricks with both hands towards a boulder at the bottom of the lake. After a while, they saw that the boulder disappeared strangely.

Liang Yan looked intently and saw that there was a small talisman in the place where the boulder was originally pressed.

Shou Wenshi did not hesitate, and took a step forward, raising his hand to tear off this talisman.


As the talisman was torn off, a dull sound erupted around, and the bottom of the lake slowly cracked from the middle to the sides.

Before long, a light blue crack appeared at the bottom of the lake, which looked extremely ordinary.

"Real Ningluo is inside, let's go!"

As soon as Shouwenshi's voice fell, he took the lead and rushed straight into the crack.

Liang Yan closed his eyes and felt it for a while, only to feel a rotten and fierce aura that diffused from the cracks, and then nodded and transmitted the voice: "Sure enough, there is a breath of gray mist, it seems that this person does not Lie to us!"

Wuxin smiled and said, "No wonder so many people came to Ningluo Mountain and didn't find anything. It turns out that the retreat of the real Ningluo is actually hidden in such a secret place!"

When the two talked through voice transmission, they also controlled the escape light and rushed into the crack along with the Shou Wenshi.

After passing through the cracks, the surrounding lake water disappeared, and the three of them arrived in a dry cave.

The space of this cave is huge. There are oil lamps, stone tables and futons not far away. It looks like someone has lived here, but now it has been abandoned for a long time.

Shou Wenshi came here one step ahead of them. At this moment, he was standing in the cave with his hands on his back, with a trace of thought on his face.

"Weird, obviously there is that kind of gray mist, why can't you see the shadow of real person Ningluo, has he already left this cave?" Shou Wenshi touched his chin, and said to himself.

Liang Yanhe Wuxin also followed right now, standing by his side and looking around the cave mansion back and forth.

After a while, I suddenly saw the blue light flashing in Liang Yan's eyes, and then he heard a burst of shouts from him:

"Be careful!"

As soon as the word "heart" was uttered, a gray tentacles broke out of the top of the cave mansion and grabbed it straight to the heavenly spirit cap on the top of the Shou Wenshi.

The Shou Wenshi was taken aback and rolled on the spot in a hurry, turning his whole person into a golden feather, and instantly appeared ten feet away.

The gray tentacles shot through the air, then turned around, and attacked the unintentional aside.

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes and pinched the sword art with one hand. A purple thunder rushed out, and in an instant, he cut the gray tentacles in two.

The broken half of the tentacles fell on the ground, and instantly melted into a strong death breath, which filled everyone. The remaining half of the tentacles that hadn't been smashed back, but returned to the sky above the cave mansion.

At this moment, at the top of the cave, a huge gray shadow gradually appeared.

I saw it was a monk wearing a white robe, with red light shining in his eyes, and countless gray tentacles emerged from behind him, sucking on the rock wall at the top of the cave just like the sucker of an octopus.

"True Ning Luo!"

Although it had been predicted, Shou Wenshi still took a breath when seeing his deity at this moment.

"It turns out he has always been here!"

Liang Yan was also slightly surprised. Just now, the three golden core monks released their spiritual knowledge at the same time, but they did not notice the slightest abnormality in this cave. If it weren't for the last moment he used the "Wang Qi method" to see something wrong, I am afraid that by this time Shou Wenshi has been successfully attacked by him.

Just when the three of them saw his real body, Master Ning Luo also shot again, the tentacles behind him twisted frantically, like chains, whistling towards everyone.


Liang Yan yelled and pinched the sword art with one hand. The Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword and the Black Lotus Sword were unsheathed at the same time. .

And Shou Wenshi and Wuxin were not idle either. The two of them displayed their magical powers, and saw 19 "Chakra of Indulgence" and the Golden Feather of Dapeng flying in the cave. In a flash, they beat the tentacles of Real Ningluo Retreat.


In the middle of the air, the eyes of the real Ning Luo were red, his Adam's apple was stirred twice, and he made a weird laugh.

The next moment, a gray mist appeared around him, enveloping him. Immediately afterwards, the breath of the real person Ning Luo suddenly disappeared, as if he had never appeared in this room.

Shou Wenshi's face changed drastically. He had suffered from this trick just now. If Liang Yan hadn't reminded him in time, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

At this moment, the blue aura in Liang Yan's eyes turned, and the purple and black swords simultaneously took his orders and cut them towards the void beside Wuxin.


There was a loud noise, and Ning Luo's figure was forced out by Liang Yan's sword aura.

Although he staggered back a few steps, he didn't suffer any injuries. Instead, he stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, only black light flashed by, and a chaotic vortex appeared in the cave.

With the appearance of this chaotic vortex, everyone's breathing was choked, and a strange tearing force was all around it, as if to involve the three of them into the depths of the vortex at the same time!

"Don't fight to death with this madman, and retreat, lead him out of the cave!" Shou Wenshi's voice sounded in Liang Yan's mind.

At this moment, Liang Yan naturally wouldn't do anything to act as a hero. Although he still had his cards yet to show, he didn't want to fight hard with Real Ning Luo here.

After all, the three of them have only one purpose here, and that is to lure the enemy. As for the frontal fight, that is the matter of the six outsiders.

Liang Yan swept his gaze back and forth in the cave, and he saw a slightly worn storage bag on the bookshelf not far away.

With joy in his heart, while pinching the tactics with one hand, the imperial ambassador protected the purple and black swords in front of him; while waving his big sleeves, a blue light flashed, rolling the storage bag on the table.


After finishing all this, Liang Yan didn't hesitate at all, and directly drove a light to escape, pulling Wuxin to fly outside the cave.

In the cave, the tearing force of the chaotic vortex suddenly intensified, a layer of gray enchantment quickly unfolded, and the three of them were enveloped in an instant.

At this critical moment, the three of them didn't need to say any more, each of them used their magical powers, and at the same time hit above that layer of enchantment.


There was a loud bang, and the seemingly indestructible barrier could not withstand the combined blow of the three Golden Core cultivators, and a big hole was punched by them.

In such a short time, Liang Yan, Wuxin, and Shou Wenshi had already rushed out of the barrier and flew outward along the crack.

In the cave, the gray mist gradually condensed, and the real figure of Ning Luo reappeared.

His blood-red eyes glanced in the direction where everyone was leaving, and without any hesitation, he chased out directly...........

In the quiet valley, the surface of the lake that had not been turbulent before suddenly churned, and three figures flew out of it one after another.


Shou Wenshi gave a low cry and flew towards the outside of the valley without looking back.

Among the three, his supernatural powers were the worst. When facing "Ning Luo True Man" just now, he almost suffered a bad hand several times.

Therefore, he has no intention to fight at the moment, just fleeing blindly.

Liang Yan and Wuxin were naturally not in love with each other. They released a magic weapon to block the attack of Real Ning Luo behind them, and at the same time urged their escape to the extreme, and flew towards the outside of the valley.

They had already flown out of the valley in less than half of the incense sticks. Liang Yan looked up and saw that on a mountain not far away, there was a bright light flickering and appearing. It was obviously Wang Linhe and others who had been ambushing. .

He hurriedly turned around, took the real Ningluo behind him and flew under the mountain peak, and then shouted:

"Dear fellow daoists, if you don't do anything yet, when will you wait?"

As soon as Liang Yan's voice fell, he heard a voice from Shantou and said with a smile: "The three of you have worked hard, let me wait next!"

The person speaking was Nie Ziming, the leader of the Blood Moon Alliance.

I saw him appear from the top of the mountain, holding a shining treasure mirror, and shining towards the bottom of the mountain.

At the same time, Wang Linhe, Chang Shuyao, Wu Jun, Xiang An, and Gu Zhiyu also appeared on a hill, holding the treasure mirror, and shining downwards mirrors came from at the same time. Falling in the air, it turned into a huge blue light curtain, covering the "Ningluo True Man" that followed.

Real person Na Ningluo didn't understand his situation, and he actually slammed up against this light curtain, but was suppressed by six powerful spiritual powers, and fell involuntarily.

In the process of falling, True Person Ning Luo's eyes were red as blood, and his tyrannical aura rose to the sky, and his skin was constantly twisting and rolling.

After a while, in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, the real Ning Luo turned into a huge ball of meat.

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes, this meat ball seemed to have known each other before, and it was a bit similar to the core of the gray fog they had killed in the bamboo forest!

It's just that the meat ball in front of him is obviously many times larger than the one that died under Liang Yanjian, and there are many differences in appearance.

There are countless fleshy whiskers around it, and it is slowly squirming in the air at this moment, like thousands of poisonous snakes, wanting to choose people to eat.

On the top of the meat ball, there are three vertical eyes, which are slowly turning at this moment, each staring in different directions.

Everyone in the field shuddered by Ji Lingling, because no matter where they were, they would feel that one of their eyes was staring at them.

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