The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 862: Withered Zen Temple

In the boundless chaos, a wave of violent spatial force tore the whole body.

   escaped from the underworld, such a long-distance spatial transmission is the first time in Liang Yan's life.

   Those terrifying spatial turbulence hit his physical body time and time again. If Liang Yan's "Hun Hun Gong" hadn't had a solid foundation, it would turn into a dust in the void at this moment.

   But even with the support of the "Hun Hun Gong", he still felt a tearing pain from all over his body, as if he had been pierced by ten thousand swords.

   In this chaotic darkness, Liang Yan could only grit his teeth and endure, but his consciousness became more and more erratic, and finally his eyes closed and he fainted completely.


   didn't know how long it took, Liang Yan woke up leisurely in a dark corner.

   He didn't have any strength all over his body, so he could barely lift his eyelids.

"This is where?"

   Liang Yan lay on the ground, moving his hands beside him, as if he had touched a bundle of dry wood with a lot of dust accumulated on it. At the same time, a faint scent of sandalwood poured into his nose, causing him to sneeze.


   Before he could even think about it, he suddenly heard a melodious bell ringing, as if it were far or near, like the echo of the dust for many years.

   "It sounds like an ancient bell in a temple..."

   Liang Yan's consciousness at this moment has been sober a lot, and the mixing power in the body has been slightly rotated, and the person has recovered seven or eight points, and the previous sense of weakness has disappeared.

   He got up from the ground, looked around, and found that he had been transported to a dilapidated wood shed, where the wood was covered with dust, and it looked like it had not been used for a long time.

   Liang Yan shook his head and expelled the last bit of discomfort caused by the space transmission, and then stepped forward and pushed open the wooden door of the wood house.

   Follow along! With a sound, the wooden door was gently opened, and a gentle daylight shone from outside, making Liang Yan couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

   "Sunshine...It's been a long time since I saw it!"

   There is no sky in the dark prison, only the chaotic sky and the cold and dead air. After staying in that place for nearly fifty years, Liang Yan has almost forgotten the outside world.

   He smiled slightly and walked out of the wood room slowly, bathing himself in the warm sunlight, feeling that there was an indescribable sense of comfort all over his body.

   "Blue sky and clear water, lakes and mountains, as expected, this world is better..."

   Liang Yan chuckled and looked around subconsciously, only to see the red bricks and green tiles around, a low wall enclosed a small courtyard, which looked like the outer courtyard of a cold temple.

   It's already March in the spring, and the world is in a good time. The sun is shining inside the wall, the grass is lush, and outside the wall is the fragrance of birds and flowers, and green willows are in the line. In short, looking around, it gives people a feeling of vitality.

   "It's a beautiful view..."

   Liang Yan sighed slightly. He hadn't seen this kind of sight in fifty years.

   "I am not dead, have I returned to the world?"

   When he thought of this, he couldn't help feeling the joy of the rest of his life.

   The next moment, Liang Yan released his spiritual knowledge, and after searching around for a while, his brows wrinkled slightly.

   "Wuxin is not nearby.........It stands to reason that she should be at the same location as I teleported. Is it because the final landing point is a bit different?"

   Thinking of this, Liang Yan felt a little lost, but the joy of rebirth after the catastrophe quickly occupied his heart.

   lowered his head and checked his storage bag, and found that he hadn't lost anything. As for the "Taixu Gourd" and the wooden house, they were also hung around his waist at this moment.

   "It seems to be better than I expected..."

   Liang Yan smiled slightly, quite satisfied with the result of this space teleportation.

   At this moment, outside the gate of the temple, a monk suddenly walked in.

   This monk is not very old, but his skin is rough and dry, and with a burlap, he looks very desolate.

   He carried two large buckets of water on his shoulders. As soon as he entered the courtyard door, he saw Liang Yan standing in the center of the courtyard. He was taken aback and subconsciously put the bucket off his shoulders.

   "Amitabha Buddha, I don't know if an expert arrives, and the little monk has missed a long way to welcome him, but please forgive me." The monk folded his hands together and made a low voice.

   Liang Yan smiled slightly, put his hands together, and bowed to this person.

   Liang Yan had already seen the cultivation base of this young monk when he first walked in. It was the pinnacle of Qi refining, and he was only one step away from building the foundation of the spiritual platform.

   "Unexpectedly, in this barren mountain and ancient temple, I would meet a cultivator..."

   Liang Yan whispered in his heart: "Looking at this person's muscles and bones, it is clear that he is a cultivating monk. Is it the painful meditation vein of Buddhism."

   Liang Yan also heard about Buddhism monks in the Suffering Zen line. It is said that before their supernatural powers are achieved, they will leave the sect and wander around the world, and finally settle in a place where people are inaccessible, and will never return to the sect without breaking through their own realm.

The monks in this line pursue the cultivation method of returning to the basics, and before breaking through the foundation, they will not consume any heavenly materials or the pill that accelerates their practice. They rely solely on their own practice to break through the final bottleneck, so as to understand the suffering of meditation. The truth.

   There is very little inheritance of bitter Zen, and it is extremely difficult to break through. It must have great perseverance, but it is said that the monks who can persist to the Golden Core Realm have supernatural powers far from comparable.

   "The little master is serious. You are here to avoid the world and practice hard. It is said that I disturbed your purity."

Liang Yan smiled slightly, his aura at the moment was completely restrained, let alone the little monk in this Qi refining period, it was the monks of the Golden Core Realm who came, and if there were no special means or magic weapons, he would not be able to see his depth at all. .

   The little monk smiled, and then suddenly asked: "The donor came from a long way, I don't know what's the matter?"

"While you are happy, just do whatever you want." Liang Yan waved his hand and said: "Life is like a dream. Why bother about the many causes and consequences? It's better to take a look at the beauty of this world, good mountains, good lakes, good wind and moon... ........."

Liang Yan was escaping from the dead, and he felt it, but the young monk thought he was meditating with himself, with a thoughtful look on his face, and slowly said: "If you plant such a cause, get such an effect, everything has its own destiny. Dharma, so there is no self, no form, no desire and no desire. Amitabha, the benefactor is extremely true, but the little monk can't let it go."

   Liang Yan's face was weird. He looked up and saw that the monk was serious and frowned. He seemed to be thinking about the sentence he had just said, and he couldn't help but laugh secretly.

   "I'm just talking about it casually, this little monk would be good to practice Zen on the spot. Could this be the root of Buddhism's wisdom?"

   He looked at the monk up and down, and then said, "Little Master, let me ask you something, what is this place?"

The young monk was taken aback for a moment, as if he was a little surprised by Liang Yan's question, but he didn't say much, but truthfully replied: "This is the Nanheng Mountain of Yue Country. From now on, it is less than thirty miles to the west. The country’s Kyoto."


   Liang Yan hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Little Master, do you know which is the biggest Cultivation Sect here?"

   "Naturally it is Yungangzong." The young monk said without hesitation.

   Liang Yan said secretly after hearing: "Sure enough!" The fairy tree tree spirit didn't lie to himself, he really sent him where he came from and where he went.

   After calming down, Liang Yan smiled slightly and said, "I don't know the name of the little master?"

   "The poor monk Huiye."

   "It turned out to be Master Hui Ye, disrespectful and disrespectful."

   Liang Yan is already a predecessor of the Golden Core Stage, but at this moment, his aura is restrained, and he does not want his predecessors to be self-contained.

   Although the young monk could not see his depth, the other party suddenly appeared in the temple, but he was unaware of his supernatural powers.

   Both of them subconsciously ignored the difference in cultivation level. One was a tourist, and the other was an outsider. They talked for a while, and both felt quite speculative.

At this moment, outside the temple, the sound of horseshoes suddenly came from the secluded mountain road, and only a man's voice said loudly: "Brother Wang, look at the ancient temple in front, but the Kuchan Temple you have found ?"

As soon as the voice fell, another man’s voice said, “I think it’s more than half of it. We’ve searched for hundreds of miles in the past few days and haven’t found it. If it’s not Kuchan Temple, it’s just that the rumor is There is nothing wrong with it."

   "Whether he is or not, let's go in and see before we talk!" a young woman's voice suddenly said.

   As the female voice landed, four people walked in from outside the courtyard.

  The people who came were three men and one woman. The first one was a young man in a white robe. He was very energetic and handsome. Holding a sandalwood folding fan, his temperament was elegant and modest.

   Standing next to him was a pretty girl, about eighteen years old, with a fringed dress and silk satin, and she knew her status at a glance.

  Behind the girl, there were two young men, one in purple and the other in blue robes. Although they looked ordinary, their clothes were extraordinary, and they were obviously not ordinary family princes.

  As soon as these people came in, they looked around in the courtyard. When they saw the temple in dilapidated condition and there was only one hall, they couldn't help showing a hint of disappointment on their faces.

   "This place is so simple, it doesn't look like a Buddhist holy place, it seems that we still went wrong this time..." the young girl said regretfully.

   "Huh? Aren't there two people over there? Just ask for it!"

  The purple-clothed man behind the girl suddenly pointed at Liang Yan and Hui Ye.

   "Hey! Did you two hear that, is it Kuchan Temple?" Another blue-robed man asked loudly.

   Liang Yan frowned slightly, the monk Hui Ye next to him smiled slightly, folded his hands, bowed his head and replied, "It is the Kuchan Temple."


The four people present were taken aback at the same time, followed by joy, especially the white-robed young man. He stepped forward with excitement and bowed his hands to Huiye. Then he asked, "But Master Huiye? "

   "Not bad." Hui Ye smiled and nodded.

   "Finally found the master." The white-robed youth exhaled and said, "I have heard that the Buddhist master Huiye of Kuchan Temple is profound, and Xiao Ke has encountered some strange things recently, so he came to ask for advice."

   "Oh? What's the strange thing?" Huiye asked.

"This...I'm ashamed to say, it involves strange power and chaos, and it's not enough for outsiders. It's better to move to the inner courtyard. Can Rong Xiao speak slowly?" The white-robed youth glanced at Liang. At a glance, it seemed a bit hesitant to speak.

   Hui Ye knew that Liang Yan shouldn't be interested in this kind of thing, so he nodded and said: "Since this is the case, then let the little monk enter."

   After he finished speaking, he led the white-robed youth into the inner courtyard, leaving only the young girl and the two attendants behind her to stay outside.

   Liang Yan had a good relationship with Hui Ye before, so he stayed and talked for a few words. Now he feels uninterested, and he is about to leave, but he is stopped by the man in purple behind the girl.

   "Hey, who, who said you, go and help get a pot of water!"

This person pointed Liang Yan with his finger and commanded unceremoniously. Turning around, he flattered the girl as if asking for credit: "Gong...Miss, are you thirsty? I'll let you beat you. The pot of water comes to moisturize the throat."

   "Well, I am a little thirsty..." The girl glanced at him and said lightly.

   After hearing this, the purple-clothed man became even more excited, and couldn't help but urge Liang Yan to urge: "Have you heard? Hurry up and fetch water! If you make the young lady upset, I have to take your skin off!"

   "Hehe, Brother Lin Yue is too rude too, we are all scholars, so we can't insult the gentleman."

   The faint voice of the blue-robed man came from the side. He turned his head and glanced at the girl behind him, and saw that her brows were slightly frowned, and she seemed to agree with his point of view, and the smug look on his face became even greater.

He stepped forward and walked in front of Liang Yan, showing a self-righteous smile, and said: "This... Xiongtai, I'm thirsty when I'm on the way, can I help you? Here comes the pot of water? There is some broken silver here, and the right is used as errands.

Liang Yan saw that he really took out two pieces of silver from his sleeve and handed it to him, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "There is a well behind the you are thirsty, just go there. hit."

   When he said this, the blue-robed man's complexion immediately changed from sunny to dark, and the hand that handed out the silver froze in midair, neither did he stretch out nor shrink, and he looked very embarrassed.


   Lin Yue, the man in purple clothes, saw him slumped, and couldn't help but smiled: "Du Heng, I think you are pretending to be something extraordinary! Why, this beggar is not a bird of you!"

   Liang Yan felt a little strange when he heard it, and couldn't help but lower his head and glanced at it before he realized it.

   Originally torn by the force of space, his body was already ragged and in tatters. No wonder these people were treated as stray beggars.

The young **** the opposite side looked at him with disgust, apparently treating Liang Yan as a beggar. She couldn't help but stepped back and slapped her hand in front of her nose. It seemed that Liang Yan was in the air. Smell.

   "Hehe, your gentle method doesn't work! For such a person who doesn't know how to promote, he has to make him suffer a bit!"

   Lin Yue stamped his foot and jumped high from the spot.

   He deliberately showed himself in front of the girl, and made a fancy light work. He tapped the branch of the willow tree in the courtyard and made a big circle before falling lightly in front of Liang Yan.

   "I want you to know how great Xiaoye is!"

   Lin Yue sneered, raised his hand and slammed his fist directly into Liang Yan's chest.


   There was a sound of broken bones!

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