The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 896: Huangliang Daze

A Duan entered the Dao with martial arts. This palm power broke the magical powers of the three Golden Core ancestors in Broken Moon Valley, and even their sect secret "Golden Light and Demon Great Array" was also shattered.

   Longsun Wuliang, Ma Chen, and Qiu Simiao were all shocked at each other, and an idea came to mind:

   "Where is this person sacred? The real person Yunli of Qianyuan Sacred Palace came here, I'm afraid it's nothing more than that!"

   Each of the three was silent for a long while, or Wuliang, the longest grandson, took the lead and said: "Who is your Excellency? Why do we have to put our whole family under house arrest as soon as we speak?"

   In his words, his attitude was farewell to the previous one, and he was even more cautious at this moment, for fear of offending the two in front of him.

   Dui did not answer his question, but instead asked: "Are you going to pay tribute to Qianyuan Holy Palace recently?"

   The eldest grandson Wuliang was taken aback. As the lord of a sect, his mind was naturally transparent. Although Ah-Dai did not answer his question directly, just this one rhetorical question has revealed a lot of content.

   "Are these two people actually planning to deal with Qianyuan Sacred Palace!"

   The thought that came out of her heart made the grandson Wuliang Ji Lingling shiver, with cold sweat behind her back.

   Qianyuan Shenggong is one of the five great sects in Nanchui. In his eyes, it is like a giant. It is too late for ordinary monks to cling to it. I have never heard of anyone daring to plot this sect.

Facing such major events, he dared not be sloppy, and immediately replied cautiously: "There is indeed such a thing. Qianyuan Shenggong is an authentic ancestor of the Xuanmen. A ceremony to worship the ancestor is held every twenty years, and we The special product of Broken Moon Valley,'Hantan Linglu', is one of the tributes ordered by the real person of Yunli."


   Dumb nodded, seemingly not surprised by this answer, and then asked: "When are you going to pay tribute?"

   Longsun Wuliang hesitated for a while, and finally replied truthfully: "It will be three days later."

   "If that's the case, then you will be wronged by all of you in Duan Yuegu, and stay in my friend's cave for a few days."

   As soon as the dumb voice fell, before the other party could react, he suddenly slapped a palm in the void ahead.

   As this palm fell, a burst of black innocence burst out suddenly, spreading towards the surroundings like a rippling water.

   The entire disciples of Broken Moon Valley, whenever they were swept by this black true energy, they immediately felt dizzy and tinnitus, and without exception, they all fainted.

  Wuliang Changsun, Ma Chen, and Qiu Simiao all changed their faces and shouted in unison:

   "The Taoists are merciful!"

Dumb waved his hand and said lightly: "Don't worry, I am not here to kill people, but I just want to use your identity. The palm just now didn't hurt them. It just sealed their perception and made these people sleepy. It's fine. When I achieve my goal, I will naturally release you all."

   Changsun Wuliang and others heard what he said, and the hanging heart gradually let go.

   However, the remarks made by Ah Dui just now are equivalent to telling them clearly that the goal of the two of them is Qianyuan Sacred Palace!

When Changsun Wuliang realized this, he couldn't help feeling a little numb. He looked at the two opposite people and wondered to himself: "Where the **** is this evil star, these two people dare to sneak into the lair of Qianyuan Sacred Palace? Could it be that there is an expert behind it?"

He secretly calculated for a long time before saying embarrassedly: "Your Excellency has vast magical powers, so naturally you are not afraid of the Qianyuan Sacred Palace, but our Broken Moon Valley is the gate of Xu Guozong. If you are questioned by Master Yunli later, I can't afford Get up."

At this moment Liang Yan smiled suddenly, and said: "Lord Longsun joked, your Moon-broken Gu Mingming didn’t surrender, and I was finally put into the gourd. I didn’t know anything about the action of the two of us, and where did we need it? Should we bear the anger of Real Man Yunli?"

   The eldest grandson Wuliang was also a smart man, and he immediately understood what Liang Yan meant.

   The other party put their entire sect disciples under house arrest, on the one hand to prevent someone from their sect from whispering, on the other hand, they also gave them a step down. If the real person Yunli was tracked down after the incident, they could also say that they were under house arrest due to their lack of strength, and they had no knowledge of what happened in the Qianyuan Sacred Palace.

   Longsun Wuliang thought about it in his heart, but finally he sighed slightly and nodded helplessly.

Just kidding, there is no reason for him to disagree with this matter. Although the two opposing voices are peaceful, their supernatural powers are really unfathomable. Now his life is pinched in the hands of others, and the other party is still willing to make conditions with him. This is already the biggest Give in.

However, he was still a little unwilling to give up, and he persuaded: "Two fellow Taoists, although I don't know your origins, the Qianyuan Sacred Palace is the strongest sect in Nanchui. Even fifty years ago. The great calamity of Chang Nanchui did not cause them too much casualties. In addition to the real person Yunli sitting in the palace, there are five main hall masters and seven scattered people in the palace. Although the two are amazing, they want to plot Qian Yuansheng. As for the palace, I’m afraid it’s still ill-fated..."

Before the grandson Wuliang finished speaking, he was interrupted by Duan waved his hand: "I know what you mean, but there is no room for change in this matter. You don't need to persuade me anymore, just tell me the details of this tribute. I promise I will never hurt any of you in Broken Moon Valley."

   As soon as Dumb's voice fell, there was another voice behind him with a sneer: "But if you dare to deceive something, just tell you a lie, and let you know what Ah Hui is doing!"

   The voice was extremely flat, but Wuliang, the grandson, his pupils shrank, and his heart trembled for no apparent reason.

   It is strange to say that he fought with the black man in front of him just now, and he didn't even take one of the other's moves. Logically speaking, he should be extremely scared of this person.

  Compared with "Ahei", it is the "Ahui" behind him, which makes the grandson Boundless's heart more jealous.

   This person is just a look, it is like a sharp sword hanging above his head, making him feel that as long as he is a little bit crooked, he will be on the spot in the next moment!

   Facing the oppressive feeling brought about by this person, the grandson Wuliang didn't dare to lie at all, and he didn't dare to look at "Ahui", but instead arched his hands at "Ahei" who had just defeated him:

"The ceremony of worshipping the ancestor in Qianyuan Sacred Palace is about to be held, and we have also agreed with the real person Yunli. Three days later, the elder Qiu Simiao will personally send the'Han Tan Linglu' to Qianyuan Sacred Palace. ........."

   Next, Wuliang, the grandson, told all the details about the trip. Until the end, fearing that the gray-clothed young man was dissatisfied, he also explained some of the taboos of Qianyuan Sacred Palace.

   When there was really no news to disclose, Wuliang the longest son closed his mouth and stepped back to the side, while the clothes on his back were already soaked in cold sweat.

   Liang Yan has been watching with cold eyes, watching the expression of his grandson Wuliang, knowing that they can't ask anything from them, so he smiled slightly:

   "The Lord Longsun is indeed a real person! With your guidance, the two of us are more confident about this trip!"

   The long-term Sun Wuliang continued to slander, but he was still amiable on the surface, and said, "Friends of the Taoist priests have the grace of not killing me. Such trivial things are not worth mentioning."

   Liang Yan also chuckled, then turned the front of the conversation, and then said: "Although I say that, I am a ‘stable’ when I act, so I still have to invite three of you to stay in my gourd for a few days."

   As soon as his voice fell, he raised his hand and typed a magic formula. This magic formula flew up in the air and evolved into three prohibitions, rushing to the three of Wuliang Changsun, Ma Chen, and Qiu Simiao respectively.

  The three people in Broken Moon Valley all had slight changes in their complexions, but thinking of the "A Hei" method just now, they struggled several times in their eyes, and finally gave up resistance and allowed these three restrictions to penetrate their bodies.

   The next moment, I saw these three people closed their eyes at the same time, and then fainted.

Liang Yan chuckled lightly, raised his hand and patted the "Taixu Gourd" on his waist, and saw a cloud of white light emerging from the mouth of the gourd, rolling across the valley, and knocking out the fainted grandson Wuliang, Ma Chen, and Qiu Si. Miao, as well as thousands of disciples from Broken Moon Valley, all came into the gourd.

   "Brother Lao Liang is here."

   Dui slightly arched his hand towards Liang Yan, and then his whole body crackled, and there was a burst of sound like fried beans in a bamboo tube. His figure quickly became shorter and his appearance gradually changed.

   When all the dust settles, the former dumb has completely disappeared, and now it has turned into the appearance of the Great Elder Qiu Simiao of Broken Moon Valley, and even his own breath has been suppressed to the early stage of the golden core.

   Liang Yan also smiled when he saw this. He raised his hand and swiped, and a cyan aura encircled his whole body. After only a moment, he walked out of him, wearing a moon white robe with a jade jade belt around his waist.

   This person is the patrolling monk who blocked them from entering the valley just now, named Du Cai.

   In fact, they have also considered their choice of disguise objects.

   Dah had practiced for thousands of years in his first half of his life. Naturally, he would be able to disguise himself with this kind of disguise, but he didn't have the Celestial Jewel in his body, so he couldn't cover his cultivation perfectly.

   If he only suppressed his cultivation to the early stage of Jin Dan, he would still be sure that he would not be seen by a master of the level of True Man Yunli, but if he were to suppress a large realm, it would inevitably be seen as a flaw.

   Although Ah-Dai didn't know the secrets in Liang Yan's body, he knew that Liang Yan had a way to conceal the secrets of heaven, and he could still hide his realm in front of the monks whose cultivation level was higher than that of a large realm.

   Therefore, the two of them each chose a disguise object. A Dui pretended to be the Great Elder Qiu Simiao of Broken Moon Valley, and Liang Yan pretended to be an accompanying disciple Du Cai of the Ju Yuan realm.

   The two checked each other, and both felt that they could not find any flaws in each other. Only then did they each pinch the magic formula and turn into two escapes and leave Broken Moon Valley..........

   Three days later, amidst the yellow beams of Xu's country, a big awning boat was slowly driving on the water, and in the big boat, there were still two figures sitting.

   One of them is about 30 years old, with a wide robe, big sleeves, and a ruddy complexion. He is the great elder Qiu Simiao of Broken Moon Valley, and the other is the son of Yuebai gown and waist Xuanyu belt.

   The two people took the same boat and swam on a white water raft. There was no ripple on the water, as if they were sliding on ice.

   As they moved forward slowly, a small island appeared on the surface of the water ahead.

   The two did not slow down because of the island, but instead drove the big boat to accelerate forward.

   At this moment, a long laugh suddenly came from the island, and then a full of breath sounded on the surface of the sea: "Friends of Broken Moon Valley Autumn, don't come here without any problems!"

   With the sound of this sound, a light flew out of the island, and it was just a few breaths in the air, and it fell on the big black-top boat.

   When the light dissipated, it appeared that he was a short fat man with fat head, big ears, full of wealth, and a yellow cloth bag tied around his waist.

   "Hahaha! Friends of Autumn, I haven't seen you for many years, I didn't expect your demeanor to remain the same!"

   This person seemed to be very familiar with Qiu Simiao, and smiled and greeted him as soon as they met.

   It’s just that he didn’t even dream of it. At this moment, the two people on the boat were not the deity. That Qiu Si Miao was dressed as a dumb. As for the white-clothed boy brother, naturally it was Liang Yan who used the spell of “Dao of Wood” to disguise.

   Dumb and Liang Yan looked at each other, and almost instantly guessed the identity of the person in front of them.

   Changsun Wuliang once told them in detail that the Qianyuan Palace is located on a fairy mountain in the center of Huangliang Daze. And around Xianshan, there are thirty-six small islands, in the form of stars arching over the moon, surrounding the Xianshan where Qianyuan Sacred Palace is located in the center.

These islands are equivalent to the guard posts of the Qianyuan Sacred Palace. Anyone who enters and exits the sect will be subject to detailed investigations of these 36 islands. If someone invades, they will definitely be the first to be discovered by these 36 islands~www. Qianyuan Sacred Palace has strict rules, and the disciples in the dominion gate are also very disciplined. Therefore, in the Nanchui catastrophe fifty years ago, it was the sect with the least loss among the five great sects.

We must know that the reason why the "Nine You League" was able to gain the upper hand at the beginning of the war was because they secretly operated for many years and arranged many detailed works to be mixed into the sect. When they were in trouble, they would cooperate with each other inside and outside. Only then did they hit the top five. Zong was caught off guard.

   However, the Qianyuan Sacred Palace was extremely strict, and there were 36 islands guarding this sect. There was no opportunity for the "Nine You League" to infiltrate, so the casualties in the war that year were not large.

   From the mouth of Wuliang Changsun, they also learned that the guards of these 36 islands were Budai Sanren, Heifeng Sanren, Xiaoyao Sanren and Changxu Sanren among the seven scattered people of Qianyuan Holy Palace.

   These four people each guard one side and command the six islands. Anyone who wants to enter the Qianyuan Sacred Palace must go through one of them.

   Among the four scattered people, Zheng Bailing and Broken Moon Valley are the best friends. He practiced a magic weapon in his early years. He had received great help from the great elder Qiu Simiao, so the two of them had intimate personal relationships.

   The reason why Liang Yan and Ah Du chose to enter the Qianyuan Sacred Palace from the six western islands is because these six islands are all guarded by Budai scattered people. The so-called acquaintances are naturally much more convenient.

   "Haha, I didn't expect Brother Zheng to come to meet him personally, but Qiu was flattered."

   Dumb slapped haha, got up from the awning boat and arched the archway towards the cloth bag.

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