The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 904: Disillusionment

"Green Calabash Sword Fairy (!

At this time, Liang Yan unfolded Babu Yanyuan's "all dharmas", covering the whole body with a faint golden light, and at the same time released three sword gangs, only circling and dancing around him, putting on a defensive posture.

He stood still on the spot like a mountain, but there was light blue aura flowing in his eyes, scanning back and forth in this jungle.

In just such a short cup of tea, there are all kinds of birds and beasts in the jungle, flowers, insects, and snakes pounce on him, Liang Yan guards him with three swords, and everything that comes close Shattered by his fierce sword aura, those intangibles were isolated from his body by the golden light of his protective body, and he couldn't get close at all.

Liang Yan's "Wang Qi Method" transported his eyes, and saw the birds and beasts, flowers, plants, insects and snakes. They were all transformed from various magic weapons. They must be the three main halls of Qianyuan Holy Palace and the golden core elders, who are enchanting. He attacked himself with the magic weapon of his life.

It's just that he is in the "Qianyuan Realm", he can't judge the position of these people at all, and it is difficult to use means to counterattack. The current strategy is to kill the Qianhuan real person who used the banning technique to break the current predicament. .

As he secretly thought about the countermeasures, the surroundings changed again, and he saw countless trees growing wildly, turning into towering trees, and countless branches and vines came to his place, seemingly to Shred his body.

Liang Yan's eyes condensed, and the spiritual power in his body swiftly circulated, and his whole person turned into a sword rainbow, rushing straight up.

However, these branches and vines followed like a shadow, not only came from all directions, but also formed a wooden cage on top of his head. Many cyan runes loomed above the cage, carrying a strong confinement force.

"A broken cage, do you want to trap me?"

Liang Yan sneered, and pinched with one hand, the black lotus sword broke through the air first, and countless lotus flowers bloomed from the void. The wooden cage was crushed by these black sword lotus as soon as it fell.

He rushed out of the surrounding branches and vines, his backhand sleeves flicked, and he saw a purple pony fell from the sky, cutting straight into the winding creek.

The stream was cut out by him to a hundred feet deep fault. The water on both sides only converged in the air, but it was difficult to flow downwards. Liang Yan's eyes swept away, only to see the bottom of the stream, it seemed that there was a figure flashing past the bottom of the stream.

"Hmph, it's still showing off its feet!"

Liang Yan gave a chuckle, pinched the sword art in his hand, and another silver sword gang fell from the sky. This sword gang was different from the vigorous momentum of the Zi Lei Tianyin sword. It was silent in the air, with only a blink of an eye. His effort has been integrated into the stream of the creek.

After a while, I heard a muffled hum from below the surface of the water, and a little bit of blood floated up, and it looked very red in the clear stream.

"Got you!"

Liang Yan's eyes brightened, as Changhong, followed the bloodstain.

He was always cautious, and he did not sink into the water at this moment, he only wandered in mid-air, while guarding the whole body with the black lotus sword gang, avoiding all kinds of magic weapons that turned into poisonous insects and beasts, while using the purple thunder sword and fixed light sword Searching for people lurking underwater.

In fact, the "Qianyuan Realm" created by Qianhuan God Sovereign is not an ordinary illusion. The birds and beasts, mountains and lakes in the enchantment are all condensed by him with "Qingrui phantom real bells", and they are real things.

Others can't tell the truth from the false, as long as they hit a trick, they will be in danger of death immediately.

However, Liang Yan's Jian Gang is too sharp, and his own methods are endless. Under the alternate use of "Eight Parts of the Yuan" and "Heartlessness Method", he actually kept himself tightly guarded.

Just now, Qianhuan Shenjun was impatient for a while, forcibly urging the magic trick, turning the entire forest of trees into a sealed cage, trying to seal him in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, Liang Yan guarded himself, step by step, instead of being trapped by this cage, he found his place through the breath that was leaked at the moment when the **** of thousands of illusions urged the magic technique.

Seeing his gaze swept down the surface of the water, Qianhuan Shenjun knew that he had been exposed. Although his "Qianyuan Realm" was powerful, he required that the caster himself must be in the enchantment before he could control the entire "Qianyuan Realm." ".

Although Qianhuan Shenjun is proficient in the forbidden method, but if he wants him to face the sword directly, it is not as good as the "Cangming Double Blades" of the real evil-breaking real person, so at this time he does not dare to insist on it. The tail swim fish, swimming fast in the bottom of the water.

The "Qianyuan Realm" can isolate the divine consciousness, and Liang Yan can't see the bottom of the water in the air. He can only follow the blood stains and vaguely judge the approximate location of the Qianhuan God through the "Wang Qi Method".

Based on the strategy of "preserving first, attacking the enemy behind", he naturally refused to sink into the water easily. He only protected the whole body with the black lotus sword gang, while talking to the monks of the Qianyuan Holy Palace who did not know where they were hiding. Fighting against each other, while carrying the purple thunder and the double sword of Tianyin, they continued to chase and kill the thousand illusion gods at the bottom of the river.

The two sides chased and fled like this. After about half of the incense sticks, they suddenly saw the rush of water ahead and the sudden sinking of the terrain, unexpectedly a magnificent waterfall appeared.

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes and pinched the sword art in his hand. The purple thunder sword gang suddenly soared, and countless thunder sword qi plunged into the water, and he wanted to make a break with that thousand illusion gods here.

That huge waterfall was hit by his thunder sword aura, revealing countless deep cracks.

Liang Yan looked at it intently and saw that there were millions of fishes running around under the water. At this moment, each leaped into the air like a fish leaping over a dragon gate, jumping out of the waterfall one after another.

"Fish eyes mixed with beads?"

Liang Yan sneered, "Wang Qi Method" quietly circulated, looking towards the thousands of flying fish in mid-air, only to see that there was a weak spiritual power flow in each fish's body, where it was located, and its size, They are all average, and they can't tell the truth from the fake!

"It doesn't matter if you are true or not, I will kill them all!"

Liang Yan hummed coldly, and pinched the tactics with both hands eagerly. The Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword turned into a long river of sword energy of more than 30 feet. Countless purple thunder sword energy rushed out and swept toward the surroundings.

Those flying fish that jumped into the air, as long as they were swept away by a wisp of purple thunder sword aura, their souls were scattered and their bones disappeared.

Liang Yan chopped off hundreds of flying fishes, and suddenly one of them sank down sharply. It turned into a wild goose in the air. The speed suddenly increased by more than three times, and it fluttered its wings far away.

"Got you!"

A gleam of excitement flashed in Liang Yan's eyes, and he retracted the three flying swords at the same time, and then turned the sword into a rainbow, walking with the sword at an incredible speed as well.

A sword rainbow, a wild goose, chasing half a cup of tea in the air, seeing the distance getting closer and closer, the wild goose in front flew down suddenly, fell into the ground and rolled on the spot, then disappeared in an instant.

However, Liang Yan at this time has already seen it clearly. Although he did not catch up with his opponent just now, his "Wang Qi Method" has been used in his eyes, and he has seen the various changes of the thousand illusion gods in his eyes. Where will he be at this time? He was taken off again, but with a pinch of the two-handed technique, the Dingguangjian sneaked into the jungle quietly.

The next moment, I heard a scream resounding through the jungle, and saw a towering tree cut in the middle, and the upper body of the **** Qianhuan was revealed, and his eyes were full of horror.

He calls himself "Thousand Fantasy" because in this "Qianyuan Realm", his opponents can be unpredictable, but the banned opponent will be affected by the ringing of the "Qingrui Huanzhen Bell", and then be affected by the ringing of the "Qingrui Huanzhen Bell". This kind of magical sneak attack, which seems to be true or false, will eventually end in tragic death.

Unexpectedly, the man I met today has guarded himself as hard as gold, without revealing a trace of flaws. That Buddhism supernatural power perfectly restrained his "Qingrui Huanzhen Bell", surrounded by three sword gangs, and even resolved all the magic weapon sneak attacks of fellow seniors.

Not only that, he also seized the moment of exposing his supernatural powers, and pursued it all the way, until this point, and in the end he severely wounded himself with a sword.

At this time, Qianhuan Shenjun's heart was extremely frightened. He was struck by Liang Yan's light sword. Although he was in the "Qianyuan Realm", he would not die immediately, but he was also extremely injured. This forbidden law barrier has been maintained.

Hearing a loud noise, the entire world around Liang Yan shattered every inch, a burst of strong light flashed, and the streams, waterfalls, birds and beasts, towering trees all disappeared, and suddenly, they returned to Qian Yuansheng. In the Valley of the Patriarch of the Palace.

Liang Yan held the sword in his hand. Look again at this time, and all the monks in the Qianyuan Sacred Palace were injured. Obviously, he could not see the position of each other in the fight in the "Qianyuan Realm" just now. , But it also caused some injuries to them.

Among the few surviving people, the real person of Chantai was stained with blood in his sleeves, his face was pale, and he no longer looked like the fairy-style bones and the childlike face of crane hair.

There is a scar on the right arm of Real Poxie. Obviously it was swept by Liang Yan's sword energy in Qianyuan Realm just now. There is still the sword energy of the black lotus sword on the wound. Even though she has achieved the golden core, it is still the same. Unable to heal the wound.

The most miserable thing was the Thousand Illusion God Sovereign. His legs were broken and his shirt was stained red with blood. At this time, he was sitting in a car and was guarded by three elders from the Golden Core Realm.

When these monks from Qianyuan Sacred Palace looked at Liang Yan again, there was already a hint of horror in their eyes.

Liang Yan glanced at them coldly, then looked towards the sky again, and saw that the fight between Ah-Dai and the real person Yunli had entered a white-hot stage.

Although the magical powers of the real person Yunli are endless, and there are still thunder rolling in the air, but Ah-Dai enters the Tao with martial arts, and only uses a breath of true energy to break all the magic, and there is no opportunity for the real person Yunli.

"The outcome is divided!"

Liang Yan murmured, and in the next moment, I saw Ah Duan swaying the real person Yunli's "seven-star sky thunder" with a false move, and the whole person bullied himself and printed a palm on the other's chest.


Even though the real person Yunli had a magical body, he was beaten with blood at this moment, and his whole person was like a kite with a broken line, planting towards the bottom.

A Duan was victorious and stopped at the same place. However, Liang Yan would not let go of this opportunity. He only pinched the sword in his hand, the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword turned into Thunder, and went straight to the real person Yunli.

The real person Yunli was defeated by Ah Duan with a palm of his hand. He was annoyed in his heart. He did not prevent a sword gang from slashing out, hurriedly boosted his spiritual power, turned his body in mid-air, and turned it into an afterimage to pass the sword gang. .

After a while, the real figure Yunli appeared embarrassed from the other side of the valley, his eyes swept towards the valley subconsciously, and his face showed unprecedented shock.

"This...... How is this possible?!"

At this moment, the Golden Core Realm elder of Qianyuan Sacred Palace has been killed and injured more than half. Although the three three hall masters and two scattered people are still alive, they are all injured. On the verge of dying.

"The other party has only two people, and they turned my Qianyuan Sacred Palace upside down. Could it be that the prestigious name handed down by the ancestors of the past is actually going to be destroyed today?"

Zhenren Yunli's thoughts turned, and suddenly he took out a crystal clear orb from his sleeve robe, and smashed it directly into his hand without any hesitation.

As the orb was crushed, a loud noise suddenly rang from a distant mountain peak, and then the entire mountain peak began to shake violently, and it seemed that some seal had been broken.

At the next moment, a purple qi burst out from the valley. Liang Yan looked up and saw a figure walking slowly in the void.

This person is of medium build, old and skinny, like a piece of shriveled withered wood, most of his vitality has been lost.

But there are twenty stars floating behind his head. Under the shining light of the stars, it appears that his eyes are piercing and sharp as knives. Even if he doesn't say a word, there is still an awe-inspiring air that makes everyone around him feel in awe. .

"Meet the Supreme Elder!"

After seeing this person appear, the monks in the Qianyuan Sacred Palace present were greatly relieved, and seemed to have taken a reassurance pill, and all the previous fears disappeared without a trace.

On the other hand, the real person Yunli was ashamed, knelt down on his legs, and said in a respectful voice: "The disciple is incompetent, and let Xiao Xiaojun be fierce in the sect. Now he still has to disturb the master to retreat. It is really ashamed. ."

The withered old Dao shook his head slightly, did not speak, just raised his hand, and a breeze blew out, supporting the real person Yun Lei.

"Hong Yu Old Way!"

Liang Yan and Ah-Dai recognized the person in an instant, their hearts shuddered, and they stood side by side in the next moment, with solemn eyes in their eyes.

When they were in Broken Moon Valley, Wuliang, the eldest grandson, had already introduced them in detail. There was also a Supreme Elder in the Profound Realm in Qianyuan Sacred Palace, but after the Nanchui Great War, he has been in retreat due to serious injuries. He has almost never heard of him.

This time, the Qianyuan Saint Palace and his party threatened them the most, and that was the grand ancestor.

Taoist Hongyu did not look at the disciples and grandchildren below, but looked at Liang Yan, and suddenly asked: "I don't know who you are, but why do you want to be with a demon clan and make trouble with my Qianyuan Sacred Palace? ?"

"Working with the demon?" Liang Yan laughed and said, "It can only be said that Liang had bad luck and made friends with a wolf demon, but my friend behaved upright, and he was more open and upright than some self-proclaimed monks. many!"

Taoist Hongyu shook his head slightly after hearing this, and the twenty clusters of stars behind his head were also self-evident and indeterminate, seeming to echo Zhou Tian's stars.

"If this is the case, then you are more than guilty of death!"

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