The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 906: Jian Jue Qianyuan

"Green Calabash Sword Fairy (!

"Monster, is it in its original form?"

Old Hong Yu shouted angrily, his whole body was righteous, but his eyes flickered slightly, seemingly lacking in confidence.

At the moment when Ah'Dai transformed, a huge demon aura swept across the entire valley, and the murderous aura in that demon and purple pupil made him a cultivator of the Profound Realm could not help but feel a little frightened.


The dumb, who turned into a wolf demon, roared and slammed into the "Xingjun Wuqu" like crazy. His collision opened up his door, and his back was full of flaws. The "Gushe Xingjun" and "Nan Dou" were next to him. "Xingjun" seeing this, how could he let go of this opportunity, each with his supernatural powers, and fight towards the back of dumb.

In the midair, countless "feather arrows" composed of stars poured down, and it was "A Thousand Stars Divine Feather" of "Gu She Xingjun".

And "Mr. Southern Star" used his supernatural power and punched in mid-air, a fist shadow made up of stars appeared, and it blasted directly to Ah-Dai's spine.

The two big stars each gave their full strength, but Dumb didn't evade and rushed straight to the front of "Xingjun Wuqu". With two big hands leaning forward, he actually firmly grasped both arms of "Xingjun Wuqu".

Pouch! Pouch!

At this time, the sky full of feather arrows shot out, and all of them landed on Ah Dui's back. Even with the body of a demon wolf, he was shot with sore holes and burst of blood.

It's not over yet. The star fist shadows of "South Star King" followed one after another, directly banging on his spine, and a loud noise came, and Ah-Dai's body arched backward, and a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth. Out.

He suffered heavy injuries one after another. If it were an ordinary monk, he would have been seriously injured and unconscious at this moment. However, Ah-Dai took a sigh of relief, clutching the arms of "Xing Jun Wu Qu" with both hands, and suddenly pulled to the left and right.


Hearing a loud tearing noise, the tall figure of "Xing Jun Wu Qu" was torn in half by the dumb's bare hands!


The Taoist Hongyu in the distance was pale, and his eyes were even more surprised. Each of these twenty Star Soul Fighting Gods was cultivated by him using his own meridians. Now one is destroyed by others. I am afraid that I will have to do everything. Greatly discounted.

After Ah Dumb tore the "Wu Qu Xingjun" in half, there was no one in front of him anymore, he directly backhanded out the black wooden stick on his back, and threw it in front of Liang Yan.

Daoist Hongyu’s starlight sword had reached a distance of less than ten feet in front of Liang Yan at this moment, and Ah-Dai tried his best. Although the speed was extremely fast, he still couldn't catch up with that starlight sword.

Seeing this starlight cut through the sky and cut Liang Yan's body directly into two pieces, Ah-Dai couldn't help being furious anymore, and he suddenly screamed up to the sky, regardless of the "Gu She Xing Jun" and "Nan Dou Xing Jun" behind him. "The whole person turned into a white rainbow and swooped towards Taoist Hongyu.

"Hmph, your companion is dead, do you still want to fight against the beast?"

Taoist Hongyu sneered and raised his hand to pinch the technique. The power of the remaining stars all gathered together, turned into a spear, and stabled towards Ah-Dai.


With a roar of anger, the star spear penetrated directly through the front of Ah-Dai's chest, but the demon wolf that Ah-Dai transformed into still rushed forward, his right fist was raised high, and an overbearing aura spread, letting Taoist Hongyu was slightly shocked.

At this moment, his thoughts are turning, and he only feels that in his current state, if he takes this punch hard, although he will not die immediately, but he will still suffer extremely serious injuries.

The opponent was already a battle of trapped beasts, and there was no need to face him head-on.

Thinking of this, Taoist Hongyu didn't hesitate, his whole person turned into a light, and he wanted to retreat.

However, at this moment, not far behind him, there was a sudden wave of fluctuations. After a while, a gray-clothed man slowly appeared. It was Liang Yan who had just "dead" not long ago!

He didn't see any movements, just pointed one hand to the sky, and a cyan glow suddenly shot out from his dantian.

This cyan glow is different from the three sword gangs of Purple Thunder, Dingguang, and Black Lotus. It is only a few feet long, just like a clever fish swimming freely in the air.

"You are not dead!"

Taoist Hongyu was shocked. Although he did not look back, he could clearly see everything behind him as far as his divine knowledge came.

"That's...impossible! That's the swordfish...close to the prototype of the sword pill infinitely?"

Taoist Hongyu's complexion changed drastically. The next moment, he rushed to the sky, and at the same time pinched his two-handed technique eagerly, trying to retract all the power of the stars around him to defend himself.

However, Liang Yan worked hard for a long time, how could he give him this opportunity? The moment "Kang Long Xingjun" attacked, he had already reacted, and hurriedly ran the "Wang Long Xing Jun" method in the "Undecided Mind Method" and the method of turning round, reducing this force enough to collapse the mountain by 20%, and then used it. The "empty aspects of all dharmas" of "Babu Yanyuan" resisted most of the remaining power.

By the time that force penetrated into the body, only less than 30% of the power was left. In addition, Liang Yan had been using the "Eight Branch Yanyuan" to temper his body, so he did not suffer too much fatal injuries at all.

The previous severely injured and comatose state was a deliberate illusion he used to cover up his own breath with the heavenly bead. The purpose was to lure Taoist Hongyu into deceiving him and trick him into using all his star power to attack, so that he could use the power of the stars to attack. succeed.

As for Liang Yan's true body, he secretly lurked behind Taoist Hongyu with the help of the celestial bead and the magic of the "Road of Origin", preparing to give him a fatal blow.

What Liang Yan didn't expect was that even Duan had deceived him by this trick, and he was also aroused to reveal the true body of the monster race, desperately looking for Hongyu Old Dao desperately.

At this moment, Liang Yan's Mayfly Jian Gang and Ah Dumb's iron fist were one after another, trapping Taoist Hongyu in the center. Although he tried to avoid high altitude, the attacks of the two were also inevitable.

"Nine Sky Stars, listen to my orders! Punish all demons and protect my Qianyuan!"

Seeing that there was no retreat, Hong Yu gritted his teeth and hurriedly pinched his hands. The power of the stars burst from behind his head, forming a bright nebula in the sky, firmly shielding himself in the middle.


There were two loud noises. First, Dumb's iron fist struck the nebula and shook it out of the cracks. A white halo spread out, and even the entire Qianyuan Mountain began to sway.

Next, Liang Yan's Mayfly sword gang flashed past. Whenever the surrounding stars encountered this blue glow, they were immediately cut off by the stars, and even the vast stars could not stop this swordfish!

As this blue glow passed through the nebula, a muffled grunt sounded from it, and then a skinny old man in a black robe fell from the clouds.

This person is Hong Yu's old way!

It's just that his shirt is broken, half of his arm is gone, and now there are only 13 of the 20 stars behind his head, which is very embarrassing.

His eyes were full of horror, his eyes fixed on Liang Yan, and he exclaimed in an incredible tone:

"Impossible, impossible! You are a cultivator in the early stage of the Golden Core, how could it be possible to have four sword gangs and cultivate one of them to such a realm!"

Liang Yan squinted his eyes when he saw this. In fact, he had already exhausted his full strength with this sword, and he had calculated the sneak attack first. Unexpectedly, he would still be unable to kill this person with a single sword. The Tongxuan realm cultivator was really extraordinary. The so-called centipede is dead but not stiff, even if he is seriously injured, it is not so easy to deal with!

It's just that Hong Yu is at the end of the battle at the moment. Facing Liang Yan and Duan's combined blow, even though he was lucky enough to save his life, his old injuries have not healed, and new injuries have been added, which really worsens the situation.

He looked around and saw that the golden core elder of Qianyuan Sacred Palace was also dead and wounded. Nuo Da was a sect. Before today, he was still the largest sect in Nanchui, but now, it has been withered.

"If you continue to fight today, even if you fight my old life, you can keep these two thieves here, but the sect's thousand-year-old foundation, I am afraid it will be destroyed... ..."

Taoist Hongyu thought of this, he couldn't help but laughed bitterly, he had no fighting spirit in his heart, he directly pressed the escape light, and stopped in front of the monks in Qianyuan Sacred Palace.

"Cong Yun!"

At this time, Lin Shanjun worked hard and flew towards the location of Ah-Dai. She was originally banned from mana, but after sitting on the mountain wall for so long, a trace of mana was also born in the meridian, barely able to fly in the air.

The first thing she did when she rushed forward was to cut her fingertips and drip a wisp of blood into Dumb's mouth.

"Cong Yun, you must believe in yourself, only you can control yourself."

While Lin Shanjun said something that everyone could not understand, he hugged Dumb into his arms, his eyes filled with tenderness.


The dumb man with the wolf head roared. In Lin Shanjun's arms, the bloodthirsty eyes gradually calmed down, and the strange purple pupils gradually disappeared. Even the white hair that originally covered the whole body has now disappeared. not see.

The demonized dumb finally changed back to what it used to be.

"If you do it, I know that you will be able to get it back!"

Lin Shanjun held Ah Du's cheeks in both hands, his eyes full of excitement.

"thank you.........."

Ah Dui said slowly in a weak voice. He was wounded at the moment, and the blood on his face almost covered his eyes. He could barely open one of his right eyes, looking at the person he was thinking about.

With tears in the corner of Lin Shanjun's eyes, he didn't say a word, only embracing Ah-Dai affectionately. After a while, I suddenly saw Ah Dui raising his head and politely said to Liang Yan:

"Brother Liang, I have a ruthless please."

"Oh? Let's talk about it." Liang Yan had already pressed down at this moment and stopped beside Dumb and Lin Shanjun.

"I and Shanjun are both Daoist disciples. Although we are in love with each other, we have already set a lifetime, but after all, we have not held a double repair ceremony. Today, before the statue of Daozu, I would like to ask Brother Liang to certify our marriage!"


As soon as Ah Dumb said this, not only Liang Yan was surprised, but the monks in Qianyuan Holy Palace were also in an uproar. You must know that this is a forbidden place for their ancestors, and there are Dao ancestors on it. Do you want to become a Taoist couple here in front of everyone? !

"Monster, don't go too far! You know it's..."

Master Yunli shouted angrily, and murderous intent burst into his eyes, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by one person:

"Why, do you have an opinion?!"

Liang Yan glanced obliquely, and the four sword gangs above his head were full of sword intent, especially the cyan glow. At this moment, they had already jumped out, seeming to have an urge to try.

When Yunli was halfway through the truth, he was blocked by Liang Yan. Looking at the blue swordfish in mid-air, most of the blood he had just disappeared.

Liang Yan's gaze swept across the valley, and he saw powerful enemies around him, all of them ill-intentioned. For some reason, there was a sense of pride in his chest, and he suddenly laughed and said, "Brother Dumb, this errand Liang has taken! Today! Just in front of this ancestor statue, I will certify the marriage for you!"

Ah Dui and Lin Shanjun received Liang Yan's answer, and both looked happy, regardless of the surrounding monks of Qianyuan Sacred Palace, both knelt down in front of the Taoist ancestor statue.

"The ancestor of Dao is above, the heaven and the earth are proof, and Brother Liang is the proof."

"I, Lu Congyun!"

"My Lin Shanjun!"

"I wish to make friends forever, support each other, join the road together, and never lose sight of each other in this life!"

The two voices overlapped, and although they were not loud, they resounded throughout the valley. Dumb was seriously injured. Lin Shanjun stretched out his arm and knocked his head three times in front of the hundred-foot-high Taoist ancestor statue.

During this process, Liang Yan always held the sword on his side, and the entire valley was silent.

Whether it is the real person Yunli, the three great hall masters, or a group of golden core elders, at this moment, there are those who look angry, those who are at a loss, and those who silently shake their heads, but no one dares to step forward and hinder.

Duan and Lin Shanjun finished worshiping the Taoist ancestor statue, and both got up again, came to Liang Yan's body, and knelt down directly.

Liang Yan wanted to dodge sideways, but suddenly remembered that he was now the master of the two, and had no choice but to accept it.

The two of them bowed to him, helped each other and stood up. They only heard Lin Shanjun say softly: "Cong Yun, although this is my sect, but he adopted me and taught me back then. Chen Zhenren' has long been sitting down, and these seniors now regard me as the scum of the sect...........It’s just the grievances and grievances of these years, I don’t want to count it anymore. From now on, only I wish to accompany you through thousands of mountains and rivers and never return to this land of Nanchu."

After listening to Dumb, his face moved slightly. After a while, he slowly turned his head and said to Liang Yan, "Brother Liang, let's!"

Liang Yan didn't look back, his eyes were always fixed on the monks in the valley, and the four flying swords on his head rattled violently, as if someone dared to take a step forward.

The three of them didn't try to fly away, they just walked slowly down the mountain path.

A group of monks from Qianyuan Sacred Palace trailed behind. Many of them were gloomy or angry. However, Liang Yan had a sword in his hand, and even though he was covered in blood, no one dared to step forward.

In a short time, the three of them had already walked off Qianyuan Mountain and embarked on a big blue-wave boat. They rode the wind and waves, and gradually disappeared in the eyes of everyone............

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