The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 910: transaction

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As soon as he said this, the expressions of all the people present changed drastically, and even Mu Jianhan stood up suddenly and spoke almost without hesitation:

"Friends of Daoist forgive sin, it is hard to forgive this matter!"

The sword mound is the place where the sword was buried by the ancestors of the Jianxiu sect. Jianxiu was addicted to swords as his life, and his life with flying swords was equivalent to his second life. After they died, these flying swords were buried in the sword tomb. Outsiders are never allowed to enter.

This means that Liang Yan's strength is too strong, and Mu Jianhan has to hesitate. If he changes another person and dared to speak such a wild word, he will be beheaded immediately on the spot.

"Daoyou Liang, it's not that I deliberately embarrassed it, but this Sword Tomb is an extremely sacred place for the disciples of the Qingyu Sword Sect, and no outsiders are allowed to enter! Can you change the conditions, as long as it is Mu Mou If I can, I will try my best to be satisfied."

After all, Mu Jianhan was unwilling to tear his face with Liang Yan. There were a lot of euphemisms in his words, but the meaning of refusal was firm.

After Liang Yan heard this, he was not rushed or impatient, and said with a slight smile: "Sect Master Mu should not be too absolute. There is room for negotiation on everything. What you have just seen is just a meeting ceremony for Liang. The things that come down are the chances that Liang gave from this trip!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mu Jianhan shook his head slightly and said, "No matter what fellow Daoists take out, our Qingyu Sword Sect will not promise you..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Liang Yan's lips move slightly, as if using the secret sound transmission technique, and Mu Jianhan's face gradually turned from calm at first to surprised, and finally his eyes widened, seemingly very wide. Shocked, I can't even say the rest.

Seeing this scene, the nine palms present couldn't help but show their doubts. They secretly guessed what Liang Yan had just said, which shocked Mu Jianhan to such a degree.

This weird atmosphere lasted for a few breaths, and there was no sound in the "Green Wood Temple" of Nuo Da. After a long while, Mu Jianhan took a deep breath and asked with some uncertainty: " Seriously?"

"There is no falsehood!"

Liang Yan seemed to be confident, smiled at this moment, and replied without hesitation.

Mu Jianhan's eyes flickered, and after a long time he finally made up his mind, waved his hands at everyone present, "Please avoid me, I have something to say with this fellow Liang Daoist."


The nine palms all looked at each other, each murmured in their hearts, but the lord had his life, they didn't dare not obey.

"Follow the order of the lord!"

The nine people bowed and saluted at the same time, and finally slowly withdrew from the Qingmu Temple.

Mu Jianhan waited for them to withdraw from the main hall, then raised his hand to play a magic trick, closing the hall door, and then took a step forward, and asked impatiently:

"Do you really have advanced sword pills?"

Liang Yan had already guessed that he would react like this. He smiled and said indifferently: "Sect Master Mu, don't worry, Liang has come here to cultivate the prototype of Jian Pill with the help of your sword tomb. Jianmaru's cultivation method?"

Mu Jianhan looked excited, and then asked: "Fellow Daoist is really willing to pass on the secret method of cultivating sword pills to my Qingyu Sword Sect?"

"Haha, Liang said that since I promised Sect Master Mu, I will never regret this matter. Moreover, after I have cultivated the sword pill, I will also leave the land of Nanchu. This transaction between you and me is considered to be for both parties. Good things." Liang Yan smiled.

"Yes, yes..." Mu Jianhan murmured, "This matter really is a great opportunity. My Qingyu Sword Sect has been passed down for thousands of years, even the ancestor of the school. I haven’t cultivated the sword pill either. If I can include the sword pill method in my hand, then it would be considered a glorious lintel..........."

It’s no wonder that Mu Jianhan is so gaffe. You must know that there are very few inheritances of the secret technique of sword repair, and the skills that can cultivate sword pills are even rarer. The Qingyu Sword Sect has been established for thousands of years. Throughout the long history of history, there is no one. Being able to study the method of practicing sword pill, it can be seen how precious the secret technique in Liang Yan's hand is.

If there is only one sword repair sect in Nanchui, and Liang Yan has reached the most critical bottleneck, it is impossible for him to exchange this secret technique.

However, there are two kinds of secret techniques for advanced sword pills in the "Tao Jian Jing". One is the "Hundred Refining Method", and the other is the "Snatching Sword Method". Liang Yan thought twice and decided to use the "Hundred Refining Method". Take it out in exchange.

There are of course his own considerations in this. The "sword seizure method" is too cruel. It is to shorten his practice time by killing other swordsmen.

If he passed this method to Qingyu Sword Sect, the time will change in the future, maybe it will cause endless killing for Nan Chui, and even threaten the safety of Yungang Sect's fellow sect.

On the contrary, the "Hundred Refining Method" emphasizes self-cultivation, calm and nourishment, and finally forms a sword pill of one's own through continuous tempering. This method is relatively mild, and will not affect the cultivator's state of mind, nor will it bring endless slaughter to Nan Chui, but it is suitable for the cultivation of the Qingyu Sword Sect.

As for Liang Yan himself, it was a coincidence that he had acquired the essence of the evil sword immortal, and had the body of the supreme magical power of Buddhism. Otherwise, he would not dare to use the "sword seizure method", which is very easy to get in the dark. Surgery.

Mu Jianhan was stunned for a long time in the same place, and it was a long time before he came back to his senses. With the posture of the lord, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Daoyou Liang, forgive me, this fact is too shocking, Mu Mou was a little gaffeted just now." Mu Jianhan laughed somewhat self-deprecatingly.

"Sect Master Mu joked, how precious the sword pill is, and it is normal to have this reaction. If I hadn't reached the most critical step in practicing sword pill, I wouldn't give it out in exchange."

When Liang Yan said this, he smiled slightly, and then asked: "In this way, Sect Master Mu has agreed to Liang's proposal?"

Mu Jianhan did not hesitate this time, and directly nodded in response: "This is natural, the rules are dead, and people are alive. A sword pill secret technique is enough to be the treasure of the town sect. As the contemporary sect master, how can I Will refuse it."

"It's just..." Mu Jianhan turned around and continued: "Before entering the sword grave, can fellow Taoist lend me the first half of this secret technique so that I can I confirm the authenticity of this secret technique?"


Liang Yan seemed to have anticipated this. He didn't even think about it, so he accepted it directly, and then smiled slightly: "But I also have two conditions. The lord must agree to it first."

"Friends, please speak." Mu Jianhan said earnestly.

"This first condition, Sect Master Mu must swear before me that if you cultivate into a sword pill, you will never attack Yungangzong in the future!"


After hearing this condition, Mu Jianhan secretly guessed that Liang Yan's identity must be closely related to Yungangzong.

After he pondered for a moment, he solemnly replied: "Okay, I, Mu Jianhan, swear here that as long as Yungangzong does not take the initiative to attack and threaten the safety of our sect's inheritance, then I will never attack Yungangzong. If I violate this oath, my body and spirit will be destroyed, and I will never enter into reincarnation!"

"it is good!"

Liang Yan nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "This second condition is that noble family must use all their power to help me complete the last three sword trainings and cultivate into the prototype of the sword pill!"

"no problem!"

Mu Jianhan agreed to this second condition without even thinking about it. As long as he was able to obtain the Sword Pill Secret Art, this little thing was not worth mentioning to him.

"Daoyou Liang stay here for a few days. After all, Jian Tomb is my sacred place. To enter it, you need to burn incense and bathe for seven days. At the same time, I will arrange manpower and let the daoists send you."

"Okay, just Yi Mu Sect Master." Liang Yan nodded slightly.

When the two reached a deal, they were a little happy in their hearts. At this time, they looked at each other and smiled, just like old friends for many years, walking out of the Qingmu Palace side by side.

The nine palms waiting outside, seeing them push the door out at the same time, with a faint smile on their faces, they couldn't help but feel a little curious.


Su Yue took a step forward and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Mu Jianhan's wave of his hand:

"You don't have to say much, I have decided, and I will use all the power of the faction to help Liang Daoyou achieve the sword pill!"


As soon as Mu Jianhan said this, the nine palms present were beyond surprise.

"Sword pill? There are still people who can cultivate sword pill in the land of my Nanchu!"

This was the thought that came up in the hearts of the nine people, and then they looked at Liang Yan's eyes, and they were full of jealousy and awe.

They knew that since Mu Jianhan made this decision, he must have reached some kind of deal with this person. Although they are all the masters of the same hall, they are not able to deal with the decision of the suzerain. At this time, they all bow their heads, Qi The voice responded:

"Following the decree of the suzerain, I will do my best to help Senior Liang become enlightened!"

"Okay, let's take Daoyou Liang to live in'Shuimudongtian', burn incense for seven days, and open the sword tomb after seven days!"

With Mu Jianhan's order, there were two heads of the hall, Su Yue from Shujiantang and Wen Chuhua from Sujiantang. They made a "please" gesture, one from the left and the other from the right.

Liang Yan smiled slightly and didn't say much. He just hugged Mu Jianhan with a fist, and then followed the two men and left.


After half a stick of incense, Su Yue and Wen Chuhua led him to a beautiful mountain peak. This is a place halfway up the mountain, surrounded by hot spring waterfalls, and countless towering giant trees covering the mountains, making everything around you look lush and lush. .

On a waterhole, an elegant attic was built. The materials are all made of "Clean Lake Wood", which has the effect of calming and dispelling distracting thoughts.

"Sure enough, it's a good place, Sect Master Mu is interested." Liang Yan nodded lightly.

"Predecessors don't know..." Su Yue suddenly smiled at this time: "This'Shuimudongtian' is not only a good place to rest, but also contains the formations created by my ancestors. Classics, Sovereign asked us to bring you here, I am afraid it is not just as simple as burning incense and bathing..."


Liang Yan raised his eyebrows slightly and was about to ask a question, but saw that Su Yue and Wen Chuhua both smiled and shook their heads, then each clasped their fists and left here hand in hand.

"Why is it mysterious?"

Liang Yan sneered, and regardless of them, he stepped into the attic, and saw that there were more than ten sets of bookshelves made of "Qingtan Wood", which were filled with books.

He only glanced briefly, and found that the books in it were all secret arrays of formations, of which Qicheng was related to the sword formation, and even the Qingyu Sword Sect’s Zhenzong sword formation "Qingfeng Nine Tribulations Formation" could learn from these. Some shadows can be found in the formation books.

Liang Yan thought about it for a moment, and he had probably guessed Mu Jianhan's intentions. He was not polite, and he took a copy of "Lingwei Guangjian Array General Notes" from the bookshelf, and stood in place to read it carefully. ........

As time passed, Liang Yan burned incense and bathed in "Shuimudongtian" for three days, and also browsed the Qingyu Sword Sect array collection for three days.

At noon on the third day, a figure in a white robe came slowly and knocked the door lightly outside the attic.

"come in."

Liang Yan's voice sounded from the attic.

With a squeak, the wooden door was pushed open, and Mu Jianhan was standing in a white robe, standing upright with his hands.

"Daoyou Liang, can you live comfortably these few days?"

"Haha, thanks to you, the thoughts of the past few days have been placed on the surrounding books." Liang Yan leaned against the wall and stretched out his hand and yawned.

Mu Jianhan smiled slightly, and said: "My Qingyu Sword Sect's formations and books are all hidden here. After reading this for a few days, how do you feel?"

Liang Yan said with a solemn expression, and said very seriously: "The Guizong used the sword to start the faction and the sword formation to establish the sect. There are indeed many wonderful ideas about the formation. Among them, even Liang has benefited. Not cheap!"

"Haha, it's really not easy to get praise from Daoyou Liang."

Mu Jianhan laughed and said: "Although my Qingyu Sword Sect is the only sword repair school in Nanchui, the secret swordsmanship is not excellent. The reason why it can stand for a thousand years is because of the cooperation of this sword formation. Therefore, every disciple under my school has to learn the art of sword formation, and the ancestor specially set up the "Wooden Alley" test to implement this."

When he said this, he paused for a while, and then suddenly asked, "Daoyou Liang, you have also seen my sect’s Zhenzong sword formation'Qingfeng Nine Tribulations Formation'. Please be honest. If you only rely on a sword gang, Do you have a way to crack it?"

Liang Yan pondered for a while, and finally nodded and said, "Although the'Qingfeng Nine Tribulations Formation' is mysterious, it is not without flaws. Even if I suppress my strength and use only the weakest sword gang, I am still confident that I will be in Banzhuxiang. Crack this array within a short time."

When Mu Jianhan heard this, he couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "My Qingyu Sword Sect has been passed down for thousands of years, and the sword array that I have passed down is acceptable to the Xiaoxiaoren, but it still has some power to deal with the real array masters. ........."

When he said this, he suddenly changed his conversation and said: "The descendants of the Qingyu Sword Sect all worship the ancestor sword formation extremely, but because of this they neglected to study and stopped. Now the position of the sovereign has passed to my Mu Jian. In Han's hands, I just want to innovate and create a sword formation that surpasses the Patriarch!"

These remarks were quite arrogant and made Liang Yan more certain of his purpose.

"Does Sect Master Mu want me to participate in the sword formation with you?"

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