The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 923: Cang Liu Country

The man who walked out of the dust and fog had a lot of damage to his shirt and a few black plants that resembled seaweed on the cuffs. He looked a little embarrassed.

He shook his sleeves, looked up and glanced around, finally turning his gaze on the one-eyed man.

The two of them stared with big eyes, both eyes stared with one-eyed eyes, and they looked at each other, and their faces were surprised and weird.

After a long while, I saw the gray-clothed man holding fists in both hands and politely said to the other party:

"Under Liang Yan, I don't know the name of Xiongtai Gao, where is this place?"

After hearing this, the one-eyed man had a strange expression on his face. While dancing and dancing on the spot, he was also whispering.

But the two sides had different languages, and they communicated with each other for a while, and finally stared at each other.

"Why is this person so weird?"

Liang Yan whispered in his heart, and at the same time released his divine consciousness, carefully observed the man in front of him, and found that he was no different from ordinary humans except for being a single-eyed man.

There is no spiritual power in his meridians, he is obviously not a cultivator, but his physical strength and speed are far beyond ordinary people, and it is probably equivalent to a martial artist of the sixth level of refining Qi.

"I didn't go in the wrong direction? Is this still our human continent?"

Suddenly, Liang Yan felt a little puzzled.

Seven years ago, he set off from the extreme north in the south, and drove the "Purple Cloud Boat", riding the wind and waves all the way, and the speed was not slow.

It was just that as the route deepened, the horror of the Sea of ​​Souls was gradually revealed. Apart from the astonishing Black Sea tides and the strange black clouds, there are still many extraordinary beasts with extraordinary strength on the bottom of the sea.

Liang Yan was also considered too bad luck. Three times he encountered monsters close to the Profound Realm strength, and each time he almost survived. If he were not for his brilliant wits, the Zixiao Yunzhou would be sturdy and durable, I am afraid it would have been buried. The sea is out.

There is a natural coercive prohibition in the sea area of ​​the Falling Soul Sea, which not only prevents the cultivator from flying in the air, but also the direction is a little vague and difficult to distinguish.

Liang Yan also relied on his own feelings, and it took seven years, and after untold hardships, he finally came to this continent.

At this point, the Zixiao Yunzhou was already in ruins, and could no longer withstand the pressure of the Sea of ​​Falling Souls, and was about to be completely damaged.

But at this juncture, a piece of black seaweed emerged from the shore of the Sea of ​​Falling Souls, like a poisonous snake and beast that got into the boat of the Zixiao Yunzhou, eroding the spirituality of this magic weapon.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Liang Yan could only reluctantly urge the last bit of power of this magic weapon to turn into a Changhong forcibly landing. This was the scene where the strange bird was killed before.

At this time, the Zixiao Yunzhou had broken into a pile of rotten wood, which was obviously no longer usable.

Although Liang Yan has some regrets in his heart, he is more concerned about whether he has reached the legendary "Antarctic Xianzhou".

But after he landed, the only "person" he encountered was such a weird person!

The two parties have language barriers and cannot communicate at all!

Just as Liang Yan was hesitating on the spot, the strange man on the opposite side suddenly knelt on the ground with a "puff" and kept kowtow at him.

Liang Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then when he looked at the strange man, he found that he actually had a grateful look on his face, and worshipped him as if he was a true god.

The strange man knocked his head more than a dozen times in a row, until he knocked out blood on his head, then he stood up, pointed in a certain direction in the depths of the jungle, and whispered something.

Liang Yan looked at his words and looks and suddenly came to his senses. The one-eyed man meant to take him to a place.

He only pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

In fact, Liang Yan's method can directly invade this person's mind and consciousness and check everything he has seen and heard throughout his life, but this method is too domineering and easily damages the opponent's mind.

After all, Liang Yan had no grievances or grudges against this person. Besides, the other party intends to lead the way, but he wants to see, where will this person lead him?

Seeing that he nodded in agreement, the strange man also showed a hint of joy on his face, and hurriedly pulled away the vines and branches to lead the way.

Liang Yan smiled slightly, and did not fly in the air, but slowly followed behind the one-eyed man.

The two of them went one after the other, smashing through thorns and thorns in this rugged jungle, and walked for more than three hours. When they passed through the last piece of woodland, the road ahead suddenly opened up.

I saw an extremely huge valley, densely packed caves were carved on the walls around the valley, and each cave was connected by wooden bridges and planks, crisscrossing each other, dazzling.

Thousands of single-eyed people like weird people shuttled back and forth on these suspension bridges, transporting goods, buying and selling vendors, chasing and having fun, all kinds of things, from a distance, it looks like a city built in mid-air!

Rao is very knowledgeable, and he was a little shocked at this moment. He looked at the valley in the distance, and then at the man next to him. After a long while, he slowly said, "This is your hometown?"

The one-eyed man didn't understand him at all, but excitedly took his hand and ran towards the valley.

Liang Yan didn't stop, but let him drag forward and gallop forward.

Although just a cursory observation just now, Liang Yan is almost certain that there is no cultivator in this country built on the valley, and some are as strong as one-eyed men, and they are born with strength. The warrior of the cultivator of the enemy refining Qi state.

The two ran all the After a short while, they came to the valley mouth of the valley.

There is a tall wooden city wall that separates the valley and the jungle at the two ends. There are many cyclops on the wall, each with a long sword and long bow, just like a warrior in the barbaric era.

Before he could move, he heard a shout from inside the city wall, and then the city gate slowly opened. Hundreds of one-eyed men, surrounded by a gray-haired old man, walked out of the city quickly.

"The leader of the Cangliu kingdom, Sikong Sheng, did not know that the immortal history was coming to this country, and if he missed a long distance to welcome him, he still hopes to atone for his sins!"

When the white-haired old man finished speaking, he was about to knelt down on the ground with a group of single-eyed people. Liang Yan frowned when he saw it, raised his hand and brushed it lightly, and immediately a gust of wind swept over all the single-eyed people. Both knees were lifted up.

He glanced around at everyone, and finally turned his gaze on Sikong Sheng, who claimed to be the leader of the Cangliu Kingdom.

This person is the only person he has encountered who can communicate normally since he went ashore.

However, before Liang Yan could speak, Na Si Kongsheng bent over and saluted again, and then slowly asked, "Master Xianshi, why did you come earlier this year than before?"

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