The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 953: Mountain hunting

Liang Yan at this moment turned into a gray light, while observing the surrounding mountains and landforms, he figured out the location of the place he was looking for.

   "Tenglong Mountain."

   This is the place told by the afterimage of the portrait in the tomb of King Cheng. It is said that the old house of the Liu family was built in this mountain range.

   It's just that Liu Hongcheng has been sitting for many years, and the afterimage in the portrait is also a candle in the wind, and it is a bit vague about what happened thousands of years ago. In addition, after so many years, whether Tenglong Mountain still exists is a question, let alone accurately find its location.

   There is no good way for Liang Yan to do this, he can only be patient, while spreading his spiritual consciousness to the limit, while slowly searching for his own goal.

   At this moment, Liang Yan suddenly frowned slightly, and looked down involuntarily, only to see a small village ten miles away from his location.

   "Strange, how can there be a resentment hidden in this small village!"

   Liang Yan was puzzled, couldn't help but paused to escape, and fell down near the village.

  Actually, he found it all the way, and often went to the villages or towns along the way to inquire about news, but this was the first time he encountered a village with such a grievance.

   With a hint of doubt, Liang Yan walked into the village along the road outside the village.

   The village is not big, there are only a few hundred households in total. At this moment, most of the houses are closed, and occasionally a few villagers wander by the roadside, and most of them look dizzy and demented.

   Liang Yan has a cultivation base, and it is natural to see that these people are not really demented, but because they have suffered too much, they cannot bear it, which leads to a mental breakdown.

   If there are one or two, it’s nothing, but now there are many such people in the village, which can only show that there has been a big change here.

   Just when he was a little confused, and was about to ask someone to ask someone casually, the door of a house beside the road slowly opened.

   Liang Yan turned his head to look, and saw a gray-haired old man walking out from the yard tremblingly with a cane.

   "Young man, you are not in our village, right?" The old man looked up and down Liang Yan with suspicious eyes.

   "Yes, I am surnamed Liang Xia, passing here, wanting to beg for saliva." Liang Yan arched his hand politely.

   The old man nodded, turned his somewhat hunched body and walked into the house, and at the same time said lightly:

"come in."

   Liang Yan did not hesitate, and followed the old man into the wooden house.

   When I arrived inside, I found that it was a small hall with very simple furniture. The old man was not polite with him, but he just pulled a bench at will and let him sit down, and went to the table to pour water on him.

   "Old man, are you the village head here?" Liang Yan asked suddenly.

The figure of the old man trembled slightly, as if he was a little excited, but he calmed down quickly, and only faintly replied: "The young man has such a good look. You can see it this time. Yes, the old man is from Pingyang Village. Village chief, if you don't dislike it, just call me Uncle Li."

   "Then Bo Li knows, is there a mountain called'Tenglong Mountain' near here?"

   As soon as the three words "Tenglong Mountain" were uttered, the old man's hand was shaking when he was pouring tea. He only heard the sound of "ping-pong", and the white porcelain tea set broke to the ground.

   Liang Yan narrowed his eyes when he saw this, and suddenly felt a little excited in his heart.

  On his way, there were dozens of villages and towns he visited, but none of them knew about the place "Tenglong Mountain", and the old man's reaction was obviously a little weird just now, and he probably knew something.

   "Uncle Li, are you okay?" Liang Yan asked with concern.

"No...No...Hey, people are getting old, their hands and feet are not working well." The old man sighed, took another teacup from the side, and poured it this time. With a full glass of water, he just asked, "Young man, what are you doing with Tenglong Mountain?"

   "It's nothing, but the ancestors used to stay in this mountain, and now they revisit the old place and want to worship." Liang Yan said haha.

The old man put the tea cup full of tea in front of Liang Yan, and then he sighed and said: "Young man, listen to my advice, don't look for Tenglong Mountain anymore. After drinking this cup of tea, you can go back and forth from wherever you go. ?"

   "Why did Bo Li say this?"

Liang Yan stretched out his hand to take the tea cup and asked with a puzzled look: "Although I have never been to Tenglong Mountain, my ancestors once said that there is beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery. It is a rare fairy mountain treasure. , There should be no danger."


   There was a mocking look on the old man's face, and he shook his head and said, "Hundreds of years ago, that place might have been a fairy mountain, but now it's a complete monster mountain."

   Liang Yan frowned slightly at hearing, and couldn't help asking: "Uncle Li, what do you say?"


The old man sighed and said: "You don't know anything. Hundreds of years ago, there was a monster on Tenglong Mountain. Tenglong Mountain has been renamed and it is now called Black Wind Mountain."

   "The young people in the village now only know that there is Heifeng Mountain, but not Tenglong Mountain, that is, the old man, as the village head, reads some records in the village well, and then he knows the ins and outs of the matter."

   "A monster?" Liang Yan heard a move in his heart, and suddenly said: "The resentment in this village is so heavy, is it related to this monster?"

The old man nodded with some grief: "Yes, the old black wind demon likes cannibalism. He didn't go down the mountain himself, but enslaved a bunch of bandits to arrest him. Our Pingyang village was just looted. Many villagers have lost their loved ones, and they have lost their souls."

   "There is such a thing!"

   Liang Yan frowned slightly and said: "Is there no cultivator around here? How can one let a monster be so careless about his life?"

   "Oh, I don't know something."

The old man sighed and said: "Before here, there was indeed a sect called'Feihuazong'. He would often come to our village to recruit children with spiritual roots as disciples. At that time, the black wind old demon was afraid of'Feihua'. Zong', dare not go down the mountain easily, and only hide in his own lair to practice, so the secular people such as me can be saved."

"But not long ago, I heard that this'Flying Flower Sect' was killed by another force in the cultivation world because of one thing. And after the old black wind demon learned of this, he never did it again. The slightest scruples. In just a few months, it has already harmed dozens of nearby villages, large and small. However, all new-born children, or beautiful women, were ordered by him to take the bandits and take them to Heifeng Mountain. NS."

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