The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 972: Tit for tat

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"I don't dare to teach!"

Li Chongba put down the tea cup in his hand and said lightly: "I have a few suggestions, I hope Liang Qi can listen to it."


The corner of Liang Yan's mouth twitched and said with a chuckle: "I would like to hear the details!"

"First of all, in the past, all previous envoys in charge of the banners were rectified from their own Lord Qingyun. No one would be so anxious to investigate and handle the three branches. Will Liang Qishi not understand the truth of Xiaoqiang? Want to be in this position? To sit securely, you still have to organize yourself first."

After listening to Liang Yan, his face was noncommittal, but he thought to himself: "There is something in Li Zhong's eight words, I'm afraid it is not a suggestion, but a threat. He wants to tell me that as a foreigner from the Chamber of Commerce, If your foundation is not stable, don't fight against them, the old veterans of the Chamber of Commerce."

Hearing what Li Chongba had said, Liang Yan was not in a hurry to express his position, with a faint smile on his face, still standing in place with his hands held down.

Seeing that he was unmoved, Li Chongba coughed a few times and laughed: "As far as the old man knows, Liang Qishi has never worked in the Chamber of Commerce before, and he joined the Chamber of Commerce not long ago. You have assumed such an important position as soon as you took office. , I’m afraid you don’t know much about the matter here, right? Hey...I suggest you ask for advice with a humility for one year, and wait until you have a good understanding of the operation of the Chamber of Commerce before you come to perform the banner envoy. Responsibility."

His two suggestions were spoken out, and it was obvious that they would not give Liang Yan face, and treat him as a junior of the Chamber of Commerce, rather than the leader of Qingyun Pavilion in charge of supervising the power.

Liang Yan didn't change his face, but Luo Wu and Lin Yue behind him were anxious and couldn't help taking a step forward and shouting: "What are you, you dare to insult the banner officer of Qingyun Pavilion like this? Feeling too comfortable sitting in the chamber of commerce?"

"Hmph, the old man speaks to the flag-holder, when will it be your turn to make noise!"

Li Chongba didn't give the slightest face, and stood up from his seat with a back of his hand.

"I, Li Chongba, have been working for the Chamber of Commerce for many years. The name of the Fengtian City Branch is not too famous, at least within the Chamber of Commerce, right? Liang Qishi has just joined the Chamber of Commerce, so I have to find out. , It's too impatient!"

His words were loud and full of aura. As soon as his words fell, the five golden pills from the Fengtian City branch around him stood behind him at the same time, facing Lin Yue and Luo Wu angrily.

The top floor of Mingyue Building, which was originally calm and unwavering, suddenly became tense.

At this moment, Liang Yan, the initiator of this gathering, laughed softly.

"Hehe, why should President Li be angry?"

Liang Yan said unhurriedly: "It's true that I have just joined the Chamber of Commerce recently. I have less knowledge and experience than the three old elders. I have convened three people to come here today. I didn't mean to delve into it. I just want to take a look at everyone's attitudes. ."

When he said this, he paused for a while, and then said: "Well, now I can understand the position of the three presidents. Since Mr. Li is unwilling to hand over the account books, Liang will not force it. What's up today At this point, the three presidents should go back to handle the important affairs of the Chamber of Commerce, and Liang will not be far away."

When Liang Yan said this, the three people present were all taken aback. None of them expected Liang Yan to speak so well, so they let them go.

Especially Li Chongba, who had already planned to turn his face off, but he didn't expect the other party to say lightly and let him go, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

It's as if the force was hitting the cotton with a punch, and all the things that were originally conceived did not happen, and the other party did not accept the move at all!

In fact, Liang Yan is not a kind person. On the contrary, among the three branches, the one he wants to deal with most is the Fengtiancheng branch, because he has already formed a bridge with the Su family, and this branch seems to be a little secretive with the Su family. Contacts, which made him even more concerned.

It's just that I don't have any evidence in my hands, and if I rush into trouble, it will only make things worse. He has never liked to fight meaninglessly, just like a secular man hitting a snake, or he doesn't do it. If he does it, he must hit seven inches with a stick.

What's more, now that the three branch clubs are gathered together, if you have a nameless teacher, you will attack one of them. It is hard to guarantee that the other two branches will not help.

After thinking about it again and again, Liang Yan actually fought haha, letting the three chambers of commerce leave. Anyway, he has got the results he wants for today's affairs. The presidents of Guangyuan City and Qishui City Branch are willing to take the initiative to subdue, and things will be much easier in the future.

"Liang Qizhe is a smart man!"

Li Chongba took a deep look at Liang Yan, then clasped his fists with both hands and shouted:


After speaking, he didn't look back, turned around and took the five golden core enshrines and a group of merchant cultivators, walked down the stairs, and left Mingyue Tower not long after.

The three branches left one, and the remaining Situ Shen and Wang Tai all showed a trace of embarrassment.

In fact, they didn't understand why Li Chongba had to smash to the end. After all, the new envoy didn't make too harsh demands, but just asked them to hand over the books.

Those ledgers were all brought by me, and I must have done tricks on them. Everyone knows this well.

Before they were afraid that the newcomer would make a big fuss, but after meeting they found that others just wanted an attitude. As long as they were soft and curbed their hands and feet in the next three years, they wouldn't be too deliberate.

But this Li Chongba was reluctant to bow his head at all, and there was even a smell of burning medicine between him and the flag-holder, which made them wonder.

After a moment of silence in the court, Wang Tai was the first to speak:

"Liang Qishi, come to my Qishuicheng branch when I have time to sit down, and I will do my best to be a landlord when the time comes, so that I can hold the flag and make the adults come home with satisfaction."

"Yes, my Guangyuan City welcomes Liang Qishi at any time!" Situ Shen also said with a smile.

" You two don't have to be so polite, in fact, there is something about Liang, and I want them to pay attention to it."


Both Situ Shen and Wang Tai's eyes lit up. How could they pass up this once-in-a-lifetime flattering opportunity, and immediately slapped their chests and promised: "Just say what Liang Qishi ordered, I will do my best when I wait!"

Liang Yan nodded and said, "I want to find a'blood cloud branch' that is more than a thousand years old."

As soon as these words came out, Situ Shen and Wang Tai were both slightly taken aback.

"Blood cloud branches? More than a thousand years?"

The two of them glanced at each other and shook their heads. Rarely, and the blood cloud branch itself is not widely used, even within the Chamber of Commerce, there is rarely such a transaction..."


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