Without Gu Bai's live broadcast, everyone would not have noticed such an inconspicuous marginal planet.

If there is no Gu Bai's farm, everyone will not come to this planet to carry out planting experiments, and it will be even more impossible to obtain such gratifying results.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is Gu Bai's credit.

Moreover, this planting experiment has also opened up a new idea for them. Maybe they can go to other marginal planets, as well as those undeveloped and uninhabited barren stars, and maybe they can find suitable plants for planting. planet.

In this way, the reserves of ingredients in their empire will be greatly increased, a step closer to the fact that ordinary people can afford natural food, and a step closer to the popularization of natural food.

Gu Bai: "Grandpa Gu, you are too polite."

"I have compiled the planting results and yields into reports, and I believe there will be results soon. The empire should vigorously develop this planet by then," Gu Mangzhong continued.

This was the news that Gu Bai wanted to hear the most.

If the empire can vigorously develop this planet, it will give priority to building a bridge between the two planets, so that it will be much more convenient and faster for him to travel between planet M95 and the central star.

I just don't know when it will be completed. I hope it can be completed before the summer vacation, so that he can go back during the summer vacation.

He hasn't seen Grandpa Gu and the workers on the farm for so long. He really misses them a little bit.

After finishing the communication with Grandpa Gu, Gu Bai hesitated whether to make a video to Lord Grim and ask him to help him ask when this matter can be dealt with.

After all, as Jun Molin, he would definitely be able to get in touch with this matter, but in this way, does he count as... going through the back door?

However, before Gu Bai could decide whether to send this communication, on the other side of Xingbo, the official royal family had already announced the news.

The efficiency of the empire in handling this matter was much faster than Gu Bai imagined, which shows that the empire attaches great importance to this matter.

The royal family directly disclosed the information submitted by Director Gu, including the start and end dates of the planting experiment, the types of crops planted, the germination rate and survival rate, and the final yield, etc. Data, etc., are completely based on facts, and Open and impartial to the general public.

In this regard, the Empire has truly achieved transparency, justice and democracy, and attaches great importance to the feelings of ordinary people.

After that, the royal family stated that the empire will send people to planet M95 to develop the planet and build a passage between planet M95 and the central star, striving to make it a professional agricultural planet and popularize planting on it. .

This post was posted, and it immediately attracted the attention and shock of countless people.

[Fuck, what did I just see? Empire found an agricultural star suitable for cultivation? If planting becomes popular, won't the output of natural ingredients increase a lot, and will the price drop? 】

【M95 planet? This is where? I've never heard of it, is this the planet of our empire? Or a newly discovered planet? 】

[I went to the empire map to check it out. There really is such a planet, but it is very far away from the central star. It is on the edge of the empire. No wonder I have never heard of it before. 】

[No, the name M95 planet looks familiar, I seem to have seen or heard it somewhere. 】

[Ah, ah... It's Xiaobai's hometown. Xiaobai came from Planet M95. When I saw Xiaobai's farm growing crops, I went to the Plantation Research Institute. I didn't expect the Plantation Research Institute to be so powerful. The planting experiment was actually carried out, and it was successful. Does this mean that there will be more and more ingredients bought in the mall in the future? Will the price come down? 】

[Don't think about it upstairs, most of the ingredients are now in the hands of the big family, and they are all private. Even if the output is high, it will not drop, it will only make them more money. 】

[No, this development is obviously under the official presidency of the empire, and it will definitely not be held in the hands of the big family. The royal family is still very good to the masses. I believe that the price will definitely come down by then. 】

[The sisters upstairs are still too simple. Even if the development of this planet is presided over by the royal family, the land ownership of the planet is not in the hands of the royal family. If those big families go to this planet to buy land ownership or use rights, then Planting, isn't that a disguised monopoly by them? 】

[I hope the royal family can stop the monopoly of the big family this time. We also want to taste the taste of natural food, and we also hope that we can afford it! 】

[Same call on the royal family to prevent the monopoly of big families +1]

[Don't worry too much, even if those big families really monopolize the cultivation of these ingredients, we still have Xiaobai. The crops produced by Xiaobai's farm are delicious and affordable, even ordinary people can consume them. It used to be because it took a long time to go there, but now if the empire is going to build a passage between M95 planet and the central star, it can greatly shorten the passage time, and we can often go to Xiaobai Farm. Eat and even buy food from the farm. 】

[Yes, that's right, Xiaobai is our gospel, oh oh oh... I support the empire's construction of jiāo passageways. It took me a month to go there before, but it suffocated me to death. If it can be shortened, then I can go there often. The ingredients produced by Xiaobai Farm are much better than other places. I don’t know if it’s because of my own filter. 】

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