123 – Named Centaur!

Despite the fact that an hour had passed since the conclusion of the numerical play called breakfast, the warrior still stuck to my body like a piece of gum.

It was like looking at a large dog that thought it was still a baby, holding me tight as if it were going to eat my arms and following me wherever I went.

A soft touch that can be conveyed even through the thick habit. A sweet scent that spreads every time golden hair brushes the bridge of your nose.

I tried to protest several times against the innocent offensive that constantly reminded me of the day I tried to erase from my head.

Every time my eyes met, I had no choice but to swallow the harsh words I was trying to say in front of the warrior’s cheerful smile, which became as bright as a person who had everything in the world.

”Hero… Isn’t it hard…?”

”Yeah! No problem at all! Rather, I want to stay like this for the rest of my life!”

As soon as I finished speaking, the warrior charmingly rubbed my face on my shoulder.

The gaze, which was put down for a moment, turned toward the distant mountain.

These days, the hero has always been like this.

Whenever I shout loudly that I will cut off my own evil desire for me, and when the opportunity comes, it rushes at me as if it had never happened.

‘Even though I gave in to my own desires today! From tomorrow, I will definitely do it!’

From tomorrow.

The sentence, starting from the flow of the sound, made me guess what the warrior’s determination would end up like.

Moreover, for the current hero, it was okay to cling to me, no, even a justification for sticking to me was prepared.

After the hero’s assassination scandal that occurred the other day, it’s been a few days since the code of conduct was created to always move in a team of two.

Because the party member who would be with me for the day was none other than her.

Even my intelligent argument that putting me, who was nothing more than a sandbag no matter how good it was, with the strongest assassination candidate, a ridiculous handshake, was not enough to overcome the great majority rule.

Because of this, I had no means to push away the warrior who was rubbing his cheeks with the momentum to burrow into my body.

Watch the cat and watch the fish.

I made up my mind not to search for the reason why a proverb that had nothing to do with this situation suddenly flashed through my mind.


The crude breath that landed on the nape of my neck from time to time made my troubled heart agitate once again.

Perhaps the warrior himself was doing it unconsciously, but the area around my collarbone that was dry was moist as if water had been sprayed with a spray bottle, so trying to pretend not to know it was, to be honest, hard work.

”Warrior. That arm is numb, but could you let it go a little…”

”Hut! Sin, sorry! Father!”

Before I could finish my words that I carefully handed over, the hero with wide eyes hurriedly let go of my arm.

If I had known you would let go so easily, I would have asked you to let go of my hand a long time ago.

It was from the moment I intuited the existence of a strong force that had been gripping my waist that such a modest feeling was transformed into bitter regret.

”This should be fine!”


My bewildered gaze quietly turned to the window.

Due to the diligent efforts of the workers day and night, on the other side of the glass that is shiny enough to be used as a mirror.

A priest standing unkemptly in the greasy hallway and a woman holding the man’s waist tightly, with her lower body pulled back, were clearly visible.

It was a historical moment when the legendary phantom beast Centaur manifested in this world.

”How is it! Father! If this attack and defense are both perfect posture! While minimizing the physical fatigue that the bride will feel! By maximizing the area where my body and the bride’s body touch! We can perfectly protect the bride’s body! by name! Combine the warriors!”

What about my mental exhaustion?

I wanted to say that, but since I had to hide my face first from the gaze of the other guests who had flocked to hear the hero’s loud voice, I had to put off such censure until later.


The first few times, I used all means to get rid of the warrior who became one with my waist.

I saw you coaxing with sweet coaxing, and I saw you even begging.

However, even if he didn’t know anything else, the warrior who said he could never yield to my own safety completely ignored my intentions and rarely let me go.

Then, at least, I begged him to change his posture a little differently.

Right after that, after seeing the warrior trying to hug me like a green alien creature that exploded Yamuchi, I hurriedly changed my words that I liked this position the best.

Although I felt very grateful that the familiar servants I met by chance in the hallway passed by as if they hadn’t seen me like that.

They probably don’t know that such kindness is making the lump in my thoughts bigger than before.

”Finally arrived…”

”Oh oh! Have you reached your destination! I can’t see because of my posture!”

Then let go. A little.

Is it because of the warrior who is firmly holding on to my back?

Immediately after completing the distance that felt dozens of times longer than usual, a sigh escaped from my dry lips.

The place I unintentionally led the hero to was the archive where data on all priests in office in this system were recorded.

I didn’t even know that a room like this existed until recently, so I visited this place for only one reason.

It was to find a talented person who would be my successor on behalf of me who would soon quit this place.

Although, I made up my mind to completely quit my exclusive position by the end of the last day of the blessing ceremony tomorrow.

Because I had sworn earlier that I would never make the mistake of throwing away all my belongings and running away irresponsibly.

Even if I went when I had to go, it was my intention to find someone who would take care of the saintess properly in place of me who was lacking, and then stay here until the successor and the saintess could get along to some extent.

This was something I had already discussed with my colleagues.

He said that he would return to the warrior’s party after finding a true exclusive agent who would perfectly carry out all the tasks, replacing the saintess’ role as bodyguard and guardian.

Of course, he said he wanted to help in the form of putting more effort into supporting and supplying the rear rather than rolling at the forefront of the dungeon like before.

Everyone in the party seemed a bit surprised by my suggestion, but soon they respected and understood my intentions.

When it comes to the warrior.

‘good! Even outside the house! Housework too! I’ll do all the dirty work! The priest just sit back and beside me! no! Just stay by our side!’

He even gave me encouragement that seemed to have a different intention.

It was to express my determined will that I submitted my resignation letter in advance at the bedside of Sister Beltane, who had fainted.

I couldn’t even count the number of times I’d handed out a letter of resignation to Sister Beltane, but the letter of resignation I handed out this time was different from the scraps of paper I’ve handed out so far, from the depth of sincerity contained in it.

It is certain that she will deeply understand my desperate decision this time.

”Warrior. I’d like to sit around there for a while. Would it be okay?”

”Yep! of course!”


A piece of paper with scribbled words written on it.

I calmly sat down in a chair in front of a desk piled with documents that made my head dizzy just by looking at them.

As a result, the body of the hero hugging my waist landed on the floor, and her chin came up on top of my thighs, completing a disturbing posture.

To be honest, at this point, I didn’t even feel shame or embarrassment.


The area around my mouth stiffened slightly because of the warrior who rubbed his face on my thighs as if he was going to die of happiness and humming a song before long, but I decided to ignore this as well.

It was because the body, not the head, knew that there would be no end to dealing with the hero’s actions one by one.

Okay, let’s assume that a Golden Retriever is begging you to play.

We decided to postpone the discussion of whether it was the right thing to do to treat the warriors responsible for peace in this world as mere individuals and put them aside from our heads for a while.

After all, I was an extremely wicked person with a history of trying to tame even the saintess by treating her as a stray cat.


It was around the time that I slowly looked at the pile of papers in front of me, chewing on a half mixed feeling of confusion and resignation.


”Yes? Why? Father?”

·····What is this.

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