126 – Advisor

The moonlight through the cracks in the window brightly illuminated the darkened interior, but even that gracious sunlight could not completely dispel the dark clouds that hung over my heart.

”Father! You don’t look good! Is there any place where you feel uncomfortable!”

Maybe he was worried about me, who was immersed in thought for a long time while caressing his forehead.

The source of my discomfort spoke to me with worrying words.

Who is this all about?

No matter how much I wanted to scold him, when I was looking at that innocent and innocent face with no trace of malice, all those evil thoughts evaporated.

”it’s nothing·····. Hero…”

”okay! It’s nothing! I was relieved!”

want to be like such indifference.

It was only a few hours ago that Priest Lan Novel, accompanied by a group of fiancés, stormed into his office and caused a misunderstanding.

Unlike me, who was struggling with heavy worries, the warrior who was smiling brightly in the world noticed that he couldn’t even remember if such a thing had happened.

‘You’re the kind of person who can’t stop.’

It was hard to forget the back of Ranobel Priestess, who disappeared like the wind with a wavering smile that seemed to contain such intentions.

After quieting the crowd of fiances who were making noise with their faces stained red, the sight of them turning their backs to me and silently raising their thumbs was even needlessly meaningful.

However, because of the hero’s recent behavior, the number of people who doubt the relationship between me and the hero is increasing in the monastery.

It is safe to say that Satan this time has poured fuel on such doubts.

There is no substance in this world that is as volatile as the rumors of infidelity between a man and a woman. Especially if the target is a person everyone envy.

Perhaps by tomorrow, I had anticipated for a moment that the flames would rise beyond the monastery here and into the whole city.

”Then, warrior. I’ll just go in.”

”Yep! Thank you for your hard work today! Father!”

It wasn’t until late at night when the sun had completely set and the stars opened their closed eyes that the warrior liberated me.

Originally, it was supposed to be replaced by the big team at the end of the lunch break, but somehow the big team showed up much later than the scheduled time, so the time was dragged out like this.




My resentful gaze was directed at the Vic team, but our eyes could not cross due to his response, which hurriedly twisted his head as soon as I looked at him.

I honestly had no idea what was going on, so I wasn’t too upset, but I thought I’d have a real talk with him sooner or later.


It was then.

A sonorous echo echoed in the quiet corridor.

Surprised by the familiar voice, my body gently tilted.


The warrior who suddenly jumped into my arms silently hid his expression in my chest.

Because she was a woman who expresses her opinions honestly and plainly at any moment.

Throwing herself into my arms, chewing only the dim silence, her appearance now seemed unfamiliar to me.

The big team was also busy looking at me and the warrior, sweating profusely, as if it was all embarrassing.

”Father. As you know. I’m going to start practicing celibacy again tomorrow.”

”Yes? Ah yes. Yes. Did you…?”

You still haven’t given up

I appreciated that spirit, but to be honest, as someone who saw the hero’s actions yesterday and today right in front of my nose, I didn’t think that she would be able to achieve her intended goal.

In both a good and a bad way, the hero is a supreme and pure person.

I couldn’t picture in my head how she was able to deceive herself skillfully, even having trouble deceiving others.

”So, Father… Could you please give me courage…?’

”Yo, courage…?”

I pretended not to know on the outside, but I was able to guess what the hero wanted from me just with that anxious voice.


The hero with his eyes tightly closed lifted his tiptoe and showed me his face, and after seeing the hero and I get closer in an instant, Victim hurriedly covered my eyes with both hands.

”Kuh, keuhum…”

Suddenly, a cough came out.

The girl’s face showed signs of tension.

Her light pink lips, which were slightly closed, trembled incessantly.

It was a moment when I was madly envious of the insensitive main characters of Japanese light novels.

They could easily get out of this embarrassing situation with the slightest hint of dust in their eyes.

It was unreasonable to push the hero out of here.

The current hero is in the same state as an obese person just before going on a so-called diet, desperately suppressing his own desires.

So, if I tried to carelessly drop her, making various excuses, as I have always done, it was certain that it would become the seed of disaster that would strangle my neck later.


I took a breath and corrected my disturbed consciousness for a moment.

Whether it is real or a dream is yet to be clarified.

I felt a little funny myself making a fuss over such a trivial skinship in the yard where I had committed even worse acts with the girl in front of me without hesitation.

‘I’m going to puke.’

The women around me don’t have eyes to see like this, and they don’t even have fidelity.

Using the remorse trapped in my thoughts as a propellant, I finally made up my mind to finish my decision.


After carefully brushing her blond hair that was covering her forehead with her hand, she kissed the area with a loud voice.


The warrior-nim flinched for a moment, as if surprised by the echo of a strange waveform that suddenly came from his forehead.

As the sound of kisses echoed in the silent hallway gradually faded, her visibly reddened face seemed to be watching a kettle of boiling water.

”how about it? Are you satisfied?”


What came back instead of an answer was the face of the hero who fell powerlessly on the hillside of my neck.

The heat that would not be strange even if steam rose from the top of the head.

Even in the midst of that, strong determination and shame coexisted beautifully from the appearance of powerfully slapping the neck.

”Ah, next two, two times… Ah no, three times, no, yes, four more times…”

The hero, who rarely stutters, grabs my collar and urges me to kiss him again.

It seemed that he couldn’t bear to face his sister’s embarrassing appearance.

Victim, who was squatting in the corner of my field of vision, was constantly writhing in pain as if a worm had crawled into his head.

”Kkeu, kkeua…!”

Originally, seeing his sister making love with another man from up close would have pity on him.

Is it because the resentment he harbored toward the big team just a moment ago was unintentionally resolved?

I felt a whitish sense of well-being.

Taste it.


”Keep it off…!!”

The fresh skinship that started at the request of the hero could only be concluded when the victim’s moan of pain turned into a goblin’s scream that pierced the heart.


”Big team. how about it? Are you all right now?”

”Ugh, uh…”

The big team couldn’t even swallow a single answer to my worrying questions.

His face was ridiculously pale.

It turned red, then it turned blue, then it turned yellow.

It was only for a moment that I was amazed at how a person’s complexion could emit such a variety of colors, and if left alone, he would bite the foam before long, so he hurriedly took first aid.

Was it too bad

It was true that I had been tormented by the big team who wanted to connect me with my sister.

However, he must have done such a thing hoping for the happiness of his family.

It was undeniable that this form of retaliation was a bit excessive.

When the warrior who was kissed on the cheek by me hopped like a rabbit in his seat with a cheeky smile.

After seeing that, Victim was in so much pain that he turned the windmill on the floor like a fly hit by F.Killa.

There is nothing wrong with the old ancestors’ saying that revenge produces nothing.

”I’ll get you some water from the common kitchen. Please wait in my room for a moment. Did you know? Can’t you throw up on the bed again like you did before?”


”If you find it difficult to answer, just nod your head.”


With one hand covering his mouth, he quietly opened the door, leaving behind Vic Tim, who nodded with difficulty.


It was then.

An unexpected visitor burst into my room out of nowhere.

”Priest Rage’s!”

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