147 – Shrimp to Whale Fight

The reason I had been pretending not to know about Downa’s heart was no different.

Because there is no other emotion that specializes in dissolving a group as much as love.

Among a group of people hanging out right now, even if only one group of couples succeeds, human relationships tend to crumble.

For me, who had seen numerous prospective parties destroyed by trivial trivia, the existence of a colleague who had a crush on me felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Especially if the other person was a little kid he’d seen since his school days.

A genius girl who easily skipped the academy, where I was able to enter the academy by pulling up with all my efforts and means, as if climbing a low wall.

Even now, many years after that, my gaze at Downa had stopped at that time.

No matter how much the ethics of this system were somewhat backward compared to where I lived, my sense of ethics was not light enough that I could see a child who was less than half my height as a woman.

Then, when asked how he could explain why he felt affection for the saintess, he had no words to say even if he had ten mouths.

I try to recite at least one feeble excuse that there is probably no human being in this world who is not attracted to the saintess who embraces the beauty that deviate from human reason.

”Huh! too! So beautiful·····!”

The reaction of the surrounding guests, who shut their mouths and sobbed at the saintess’ every move, was a weak addition to my excuse I mentioned earlier.

A person who kneels and sits down. A person staring at the saintess’ face in awe.

Among them, there was even a person who couldn’t control the excitement that was rising and eventually fainted.

The story of a legendary singer who fainted 5,000 people and killed 23 people with just one concert came to mind.

Until now, I only thought it was groundless chirashi with a lot of exaggeration.

I can’t believe I’m just watching this crazy scene. I felt like it wasn’t like that.

”Dae, please answer me… Rowville…”

My consciousness, which had been in a moment of escape from reality, returned to me helplessly at that mournful one word.

My heart was agitated for a moment, but since the answer to that question had already been decided, the silence did not last long.

”sorry. Downa is an attractive enough woman, but I have no desire to be in a romantic relationship with her.”

As if telling a secret story, he uttered it in a low voice, but clearly so as not to overhear it.

It was a cold attitude that deserved to be criticized by those around me for being cold-hearted, but my theory was that the degree to which this kind of intention to refuse was originally considered cold-hearted was just right.

Acting kindly to make me feel comfortable.

A rejection method that gives such useless room would be the worst kind of behavior.


It was such a complex feeling that the cigarette he had struggled to quit seemed to flicker in front of his eyes.

I knew in advance that this moment would come someday, but that didn’t ease the guilt that plagued my thoughts.

The fact that Downa was an attractive woman was sincere.

Like a mad scientist who can’t get rid of magic without immediately experimenting with magic once thought of, or an arrogant and arrogant side that always sticks to a high-handed attitude in front of others.

Although there were some angular corners in her personality, she had more than enough strengths to cover all her flaws.

First of all, the looks are outstanding.

Although now it is hidden because of the dark circles that he wears all the time and his unique slouching posture.

When she was dressed up with a lot of spirit, Dauna boasted a beautiful appearance that could be called a famous lady from a neighboring country.

This was a fact that was also recognized through the mouth of Apis, who was in a relationship with her.

Her skin was so white that I wondered if I could see the other side of it if I held a lantern to it.

Gracious black hair, a rare color in this archipelago.

Those elements are qualities that are second to none even with her transcendent talent.

It was a so-called raw stone that had not yet been polished.

But it was a whole different matter whether Downa was an attractive woman and whether I was willing to be with her.

Aside from the aforementioned problems, there was no room at all for me to dream of spending the rest of my life with someone.

saintess. and warrior.

Sadly, it was my best right now to repeat the clumsy flapping of my wings here and there like a wicked bat, looking at the fate of the heroes who grabbed the fate of this world.


Even after waiting for a long time, there was no sign of the right answer coming back, so I cautiously pursed my lips.

one cheek. No, I was prepared to be hit by a single bolt of lightning in advance, but the silence that showed no sign of it made me even more anxious.


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Just then, I was momentarily stunned by the terribly embarrassing sight unfolding before my eyes.


With her eyes tightly closed, Dauna, who was covering her ears with both hands, suddenly let out a crying sound.

Even from her humble posture, curled up like a child on a thunderous day, it was easy to guess that she was madly afraid of something.

”ruler! Rowville, tell me without reservations! I, I’m already ready!”

No matter where he looked, he didn’t look like someone who had finished his preparations.

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Judging by the way she said it, it seemed that she hadn’t heard the refusal I just said.

Is there anything more interesting to see than a person who is talking about listening to others while covering his ears?

I see no

”Hey, Downa…”

”Kuh, kuhm! Mi-I’m sorry! Because of the shouts of the guests, Rowville’s voice is barely audible, Joe! Can you say it louder!”

”Hey, there…”

”ah! I can not hear you! I can’t hear anything! anything! I can’t hear anything!”


I tried to reach out my hand and turn my gaze towards me, but it ended in failure due to the fierce resistance of Downa, who shook me like a boxer every time.

No, if you don’t have the courage to listen, don’t ask in the first place.

It was a car that had been scratching its head for a while to calm down its troubled mind after having swallowed back the symptoms that had come up to its throat.

”Oh oh! No, who is this!”

The loud voice that came from outside the field of vision naturally twisted his gaze toward that place.

”hahahaha! Are there any strange coincidences like this? The pride of our church! The exclusive guardian of the saintess, a position allowed only to one person in this system! my eternal comrade! Isn’t it Rage’s Rowville!”

”uh? Seo, senior?”

”Ahh! A senior between us! Why are you being so upset! As usual, call me big brother! Brother! hahahaha!”


The identity of the uninvited guest who had been sitting on the seat next to me and unexpectedly brought me by the shoulder was one of a group of seniors who had been impatient with not being able to eat me.

We ran into each other a few times on the way back and forth, but we had no contact with him except for when he complained about my work, so I don’t really remember his last name, let alone his name.

”what? Why are you acting like a dumb who ate honey? Could it be that D’Roy and Grantz said bitter things again? hahahaha! Hold on to your worries! Because this older brother will give me a tingling soul so that they won’t bother my brother again! Don’t hesitate to tell me anytime! To this older brother—!”

I couldn’t believe the words of a person who woke up early in the morning and rode on the road that I passed, day and night, just to crave an undesirable newcomer.

When they call me an idiot whenever they have a spare time, why do they come and pretend to be friendly?

Could it be that this person is my half-brother, whom I broke up with when I was young!?

Of course it won’t be like the same morning drama.

no way·····.

”Hey, did you just hear that? Re, Lay’s Rowville! Since it’s Rage’s Rowville, I don’t know!”

”What? The Holy Lady’s exclusive guardian priest, and the one who was said to be in a relationship with the hero, Laigis Rowville!?”

”Stop, no way! Gee now! Are you here right now!? Joe, paper and pen! Is there anyone who brought paper and a pen!?”

Every time the surroundings became noisy, a wicked smile bloomed on the face of the self-proclaimed older brother sitting next to me.

Apparently, he seemed intent on using my reputation, which had changed 180 degrees lately, as a stepping stone to solidify his position.

Even at the time when I was half-forced to assume the position of guardian priest due to the saintess’ selection, it was my daily life to be accused of being a parachute who performed despicable tricks.

After the rumor that I had a close relationship with the hero spread throughout the monastery, the direct harassment towards me came to an end.

I never thought that such a good news would cause such side effects.

don’t be new That’s probably what I’m talking about in this situation.

”Hey! In fact, the more I looked, the more I became a character! Become a character! What! Without my sharp education, that would have been impossible! is not it? hahahaha!”

”ha ha ha.”

It was easy to get rid of this noisy totem from this spot, but now I had eyes to see, and it was ambiguous to add noise to the faithful blessing ceremony, so I agreed moderately with a mechanical laugh.

”hahahaha! All the motives I know are like that! Who would have known that my younger brother would be friends with that hero! But I’m only talking about it here… Actually, I was aware in advance that my younger brother was a big person… That’s why I whipped you more harshly with the meaning of not being conceited… Of course, I suffered too, but for the sake of my brother’s growth, I held back my tears!”

”Ah, yes…”

It was around the time that the self-proclaimed big brother’s long-winded nonsense was in full swing.


A chilling chill passed around the nape of his neck once, avoiding the self-proclaimed older brother’s teasing, a shocking sight unfolded in the field of vision that had been fixed only on the blessing ceremony.

Like a scene from a horror movie, the heads of the hero and the saintess twisted unnaturally and were facing this way at the same time.

Even at this distance, the color and density were fully discernible, and the emotions that stirred my skin were green and clear.

that’s flesh. It was an obvious murderous intent.

”Ooh! what! Why is it so cold here! hahahaha! It’s getting really chilly!”

brother run away

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