167 – On a stormy night (2)

Like a camera lens looking for a suitable focus, the blue pupils that had been constantly repeating relaxation and contraction suddenly stopped.

Sup. ha.

A heavy breath escaped from the dry lips.

The bizarre airflow created by the black breathing slowly but surely created a dusky silence in this cramped space.

”You are the priest.”


The hero’s voice, steeped in firm faith and intense joy, suddenly came with an unsightly hiccup.

I haven’t even revealed my identity yet, let alone a series of self-examinations.

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Just by glancing at her once and sniffing her scent for a moment, it seemed that the hero was convinced that I was the Laiges Rowville, who didn’t even have the original form of my true self.

Although the feeling of admiration for recognizing me was a little fluttered, the proportion of vague fear far exceeded that.

It was now proven that I couldn’t escape from the clutches of the hero even by tinkering with my appearance.


why take it off

It was clear that those words resonated desperately not only in me, but in the hearts of everyone present here.

As I was watching the warrior approaching me like a ghost, with the outer coat I was wearing hanging on a hanger like flowing water, an unknown chill welled up on my back and my body naturally trembled.

To be honest, personally, I felt dozens of times more terrifying than the saintess from before.

At least from the saintess, I didn’t feel this bizarre sense of danger that seemed to eat me right now.

”Wait a minute! Warrior! What is this now…?’


Dauna, who tried to object to the hero’s haphazard eccentricity, rose from her seat in a fit of fuss, but immediately after that, she collapsed helplessly to the floor like an incompetent detective who was hit by a tranquilizer gun.

”I fainted…”

Sudo cut off his consciousness in a single blow, without even a weak preliminary movement.

The nun who saw that superhuman wonder right in front of her nose suddenly opened her mouth in amazement.

Me, Victim, and Apis didn’t speak or do anything out of the ordinary, but they were chewing on the same feelings as the nun.

”Big team. My sister will give you pocket money. How about playing outside for a while? Of course, I’ll take Apis and the nun with me.”

Immediately after hearing that terrifying declaration, my hand, which had gone one step ahead of the ceremony, urgently grabbed the crotch of the big team’s pants.

It was because I instinctively felt it.

If I were to be left alone with the hero in this state, sooner or later, an irreversible situation would occur.

It seemed that Victim was thinking the same as mine, and the trembling of his flesh through the hem of his clenched clothes reminded me of a person thrown into a cold winter.

big team. I can fully understand that feeling, but please overcome it this time.

And please don’t leave me

I tried to shoot him with bright eyes filled with earnest desire, but the victorious team, whose eyes were fixed on the living disaster in front of them, did not receive my sad signal.

”Hey, warrior. you rolled your eyes Calm down for a moment…”

”I’m calming down. Stay calm. ha·····. I thought it was just a myth that Santa Claus gave gifts to children who did good deeds, to protect the innocence of children. okay! all! It must have been all true! I never thought my wish, which I only dreamed of, would come true so soon! The emotion is innumerable! This is the miracle of the holy night that I have only heard about!”

It was Apis who tried to talk once.

After seeing the hero with his eyes closed, his arms folded, and his roaring prayer over and over again like a fanatic, he seemed to have lost his mind.


‘Hey, how are you going to do that…’

Apis, clearly embarrassed, sent me a doctor with a wink.

‘No, why do you do that to me again…’

He answered that absurd question with a wink as well.

No matter how much it is, even if there is no one who is the right person to control the hero who doesn’t know when and which direction he will jump out.

Wouldn’t it be too unfair to entrust all of these out-of-standard situations to me? I felt like I wanted to say at least one word of complaint.

”Yo, warrior. I don’t know if it’s presumptuous, but as you can see, Priest Rageis has become a child for unknown reasons. Delicate hands are required even more than handling flowers…”


”Hee, hee!”

The nun, who was worse than her, tried to protect me, but her momentum was fleetingly broken just by looking into the eyes of the warrior for a moment.

To be honest, I had to say that I had endured a lot for her even if it was only 1 second.

The spirit that the warrior-nim made up his mind was at the level of making the dragon, who had become an adult, slow down.

Compared to her colleagues who far transcended the human realm, she deserved to be praised fiercely just for standing here, as her body and mind were as fragile as a reed.

”Ha, just once! Couldn’t you just retire once? Warrior!”

At that moment, the sudden action of the nun, which no one in the room dared to anticipate, suddenly opened my mouth.


Apis seemed to feel the same as I did, his eyes widening as if he had seen some kind of ghost.

”Hero… I can fully understand the feeling that the hero is unable to control the intense urge towards priest Rageis, but the priest’s body is not strong enough to withstand the hero’s affection!”


At the nun’s passionate appeal, the warrior was the first to stop.

It was from that moment that a bit of reason began to return to the retinas of the hero who was completely dominated by instinct.

”Think about it! What if the hero’s mighty power had accidentally touched the body of Priest Rageis, now weaker than a newborn deer…!”


Even though her whole body was trembling like an aspen tree, weighed down by the hero’s spirit, nothing but admiration came out from the pulpit of the nun who constantly fired words that pierced the hero’s lungs.

Come to think of it, coaxing people was one of Sister’s specialties.

Having been surrounded by beings far out of the human realm for a while, I forgot about it for a while.

”Wow, that’s too much to worry about! Even I have that level of discernment! Accidentally hurting a small bride! There’s no way I, a hero, would make such an absurd mistake! just! What the hell would it taste like if you put that soft cheek in your mouth and mumble it! I just thought for a moment how thrilling it would be to bury my nose in the top of my head with that cherry-like butt resting on my thighs! I didn’t even think of such a dangerous thought!”

Right after hearing the evil words pouring out of the hero’s mouth like flowing water, I inadvertently adjusted my clothes.

From my point of view, those are dangerous and disrespectful enough thoughts.

It was just frightening that even that was the result of the hero’s utmost restraint.

”In short, what you said just now is nothing more than a futile rumor!”

”Wait a minute!”

The warrior, who rarely showed signs of annoyance, pushed the nun away without lifting a finger, exuding a greener spirit than before.

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Kwajik. Kwajijik.

The sound of the surrounding furniture being crushed could be heard.

It was quite surprising that he managed to control his strength so as not to injure the ordinary nun in the midst of such fluctuating emotions, but now was not the time for such carefree thoughts.

Because the hero with an ominous glare in his eyes was approaching me little by little, occasionally closing and blooming his hands that he had placed near my mouth.


Is it the aftermath of a smaller body?

The whole body convulsed again, as if frightened by the grandiose ambition, and each time it happened, it was around the time that the flames that penetrated the hero’s eyes were gradually intensifying.


The saintess, who had been miraculously silent until now, suddenly opened her eyes and tried to stand up.

The news, like a thunderbolt from the sky, plunged my consciousness, which had already been thrown into the mire of confusion, into an endless abyss.


Since the body is in this shape, a solution using the body is impossible.

If I opened my mouth rashly, it would only have the opposite effect because of my tongue-tied pronunciation.

It was at that time that such an anxious agony passed through my mind for a moment in the midst of an imminent situation.

”Hey, but you’re a warrior. Do you have the confidence to see that guy from close range and keep your head straight?”

Due to the intense tension, Apis’s blunt murder resonated out of nowhere in the rigid space to the limit.

”Of course…!”

Right after that, though, the warrior tried to express his confidence by clenching his fists.

”All, of course…,”

It wasn’t long before a gloomy expression of resignation began to seep into those eyes that alternated between my frightened face and Apis’s for a long time.

”I can’t… I’m afraid…”

I wonder how discouraged he was, that he was chewing on his frustration even as he prostrated himself on the floor with his hands on the floor like that.

A mixture of relief and sympathy made my heart thump a little.


Why was it that the saintess did not immediately reprimand the hero for the rude words and actions she spoke while pointing her finger at the hero?

I knew it well, but I just didn’t want to know.

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