"Take a long breath consciously."

"Allowing oxygen to spread to the cells in every corner of the body can improve the body's natural healing power, stabilize the spirit, and activate the spirit,"

Taki explained the essentials carefully.

The more Su Can listened, the more dumb he became.

How do you feel that this is not a simple breath, can breathing do it? Su Can was a little scratched in his heart, and the materialism of more than 20 years was shattered at this moment.

The oxygen of the Ghost Slayer Blade World is afraid that there is the power of idealism in it.

Can you do this just by breathing?

Spit on the spit and spit on.

Listening to Taki Zuo's recent narration, Su Can slowly closed his eyes and felt his heartbeat, blood, breath... Phew-hoo-phew!!

Su Can's breathing brought a small range of wind sounds.

As his breathing became steadier.

The air around them seemed to become thinner.

"Very good!! Relax the upper body and stabilize the lower body! Breathe!! Strain the abdomen!

"Yes! That's it!! Su

Can, who was immersed in his own world, became more and more keen, his ears listened to the essentials told by Taki Zuoji, and then consciously adjusted his next breath.

[This kid is really a genius! ] Su

Can's current feeling is very peculiar.

Blood flow sensation.... Very... In particular, if you say that before learning the breathing method, the blood flowing in the body is like the flow of water in a water pipe.

And now, he's learning breathing.

The blood becomes like mercury, like magma, viscous and heavy, and the power compresses in the blood.

One minute... Five minutes... Ten minutes.

With the passage of time, the movement of qi and blood, Su Can's chest rose and fell like a bellows.

The sound of breathing, the sound of blood flowing in the body, the sound of the heart beating like a war drum, echoed clearly in the open woods.

Even more amazing.

The countless pores above Su Can's skin were all open, the heat on the top of his head and shoulders rose, and countless heat emanated from the bottom up.

Just a quarter of an hour later, the change came to an end.

Su Can's breathing was broken.

Some discomfort in the lungs.

[You learned: Initiation Breath, Derived Breath, Water Breath (Blue)】【



"This is..." Feeling

the changes in his body, Su Can suddenly opened his eyes, and his heart was overjoyed.

"Refining blood like mercury?"

Taoist sayings: refining liquefaction to transform blood, refining blood to refine, refining refining qi, refining gas and refining gods. The effect of the breathing method is a bit similar to the feeling of practicing blood and refining.

The essence of the innate essence.

Breathing is far less subtle.

The breath of water is one of the five derivatives of the breath of the sun, which is not lethal enough, and the victory is continuous and long-lasting. It doesn't work well against some heavily loaded enemies.


The right blue quality.

After resting for a while, Su Can plunged into the rhythm of breathing again.


After 7 months.

"I have nothing left to teach you."

Izuku sighed.

During the training, Taki Zuo was more and more satisfied with Su Can recently, no matter what he learned, Su Can could devote himself wholeheartedly, and his comprehension ability was also first-class.

"It's a pity that the breath of water is not suitable for Su Can."

"If it weren't for the breathing drag, maybe he could surpass the kid who became a pillar in just a few months?" Taki Zuo always feels sorry that he has delayed a genius.

And Tanjiro, who came with Su Can, was still making slow progress.

The kid was very hard working and persevering, but he never understood the meaning.

The breathing method and sword technique are just based on the gourd to draw the scoop, and in his state, going to the final selection is only the end of death. After getting along day by day, he did not allow his disciples to die in vain like this.

Tanjiro... Let's wait.

"You're already out of school!"

- Yikes!

Su Can collected the knife and stood.

The boulder in front of him was placed intact, and it was not until Su Can put the knife back into its sheath that it split in half, and the stone cut was smooth and flat.

[You learned: Water Breath

Sword Technique] Sword Technique: Type One Water Slash, Type Two Water Wheel, Type Three Flowing Dance, Type Four Hitting Tide, Type Five Dry Rain, Type Six Twisting Whirlpool, Type Seven Water Drop Ripple Strike, Type Eight Taki Pot, Type Nine Water Droplets Chaos, Type Ten Flow.

[Synthesized: Water Breath Cheats]


"What about Tanjiro?"

"That kid is just starting to learn breathing and sword skills."

Su Can pondered for a while, and roughly understood Tanjiro's progress.

"Teacher, I'll go see him."

He saluted Taki Left, and Su Can disappeared in place.

【So fast! 】

Taki Zuo couldn't help but sigh recently.


Nine hundred and ninety-six! Nine hundred and ninety-seven! Nine hundred and ninety-eight! Nine hundred and ninety-nine!

Tanjiro is concentrating on practice.

After learning the breathing method and sword technique, practicing Su Zhen is a requirement of Taki Zuoji, and Su Can will continue to practice after each day.

"It's not right for you!"

"Scared! ——! Tanjiro

, who was practicing, was startled by the person who spoke up, and the breathing of Su Zhen's water was disturbed.

"Ahem——! Brother Su Can, it's you!

Ignoring Tanjiro, who was startled, Su Can drew the knife at his waist, held it in both hands, and stared at the tip of the knife.

"Feel the transmission of power!"

"Waist! Back! Arm!

"After the physical body reaches its limit, every swing of your knife is an improvement!"


From top to bottom, Su Can swung a knife hard.

- Yikes!

The ground was split in two by some kind of force, and the fallen leaves flew to both sides.

"So strong!"

Tanjiro's eyes are full of stars.

"Big brother! Can I do it too? Why can you do it so easily!?

Exhaling, Su Can collected the knife and came back.

How could he do it.

Is it hard?

Feel the movement of force, feel the movement of muscles, feel the route of force in the body..... Isn't that just having hands?

"Maybe it's a family tradition, I learned how to breathe in my hometown."

Su Can began to wrestle.

He wanted to see if he could influence the protagonist with some modern thinking.

"In my hometown, there is a special way of breathing - abdominal breathing. Unlike regular chest breathing, it uses breath more persistently.

"Come, you try, I'll teach you."


After some tossing, it is useless.

Not embarrassed, Su Can shook his head.

"It's a shame that you don't fit!"

Tanjiro was a little frustrated and pulled his head, but after Su Can's eldest brother explained Su Zhen, he improved significantly faster. Sure enough, Brother Su Can is a very powerful person.

Something suddenly came to mind.

"That's right, big brother! Speaking of family tradition, my father once taught me to breathe, my father is very thin, but he can kill a huge bear!! Putting

down the knife in his hand, Tanjiro clapped his hands and said to Su Can excitedly.

[Finally here.] Su

Can's heart moved, he intended to mention the family inheritance matter, and of course, he who was familiar with the plot had to master this strongest breathing method at the beginning.

"Oh? Is this something that can be said to outsiders? His

mouth was polite, but Su Can's face didn't change a bit.

"What are you talking about! Eldest brother! What's in this! Tanji

Lang's angry eyes were white, and the blood vessels on his forehead burst out, he felt that Su Can was so polite with him, he was too indifferent, and he didn't treat him as a younger brother at all.

It's outrageous!!

"Then tell me! Hahahaha"

Su Can laughed and touched Tanjiro's head.

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