The Heavens Come

Chapter 703: Hitch, Hatch became a world famous painting

Anonymous Purgatory has a large number of legendary unknowns, but these people do not pose a great threat to Ye Ting. The only thing that makes Ye Ting pay more attention to is the only two leaders left, the Emperor of Machinery and the martyr Crody.

Therefore, when Crody suddenly entered the void and disappeared, Ye Ting has been preventing him from suddenly attacking Ye Ting. When he used his ability to hide in the void, even the little fox's ability to make it difficult to determine whether he was where.

The release of the area of ​​magic, one shot destroyed everything in the entire room, Ye Chui did not relax his vigilance, he returned to the normal state from the state of the gods, deliberately, just to let the hiding puppet master mistakenly think he was released A short period of weakness appeared in the body just after the big wave of God.

The slayer Crodi really shot it, and the reel stretched out in the void to control Ye Xing.

When Ye Ting grasps the silk, the hiding place of the master can be perceived by Ye Ting.

I saw Ye Chui's right arm was full of energy, pulling back hard.

Filigree immediately tightened, and a figure emerged from the void, and the master Crowdy was forcibly pulled out of the void by Ye Ting.

His old face was a little frightened, struggling to re-enter the void.

But Ye Ting wouldn't give him this chance. The other fist had been raised, and the fist had turned golden, and a hammer that radiated in the light of light fell on the floating master in midair.

With a scream, the slender old figure of Master Crody was smashed and flew out instantly.

He hit the wall behind him and his body slipped weakly.

The impact didn't seem to be violent, and no cracks were left on the wall. However, the figure of Master Crody fell to the ground began to tremble violently, his eyes filled with endless fear, his mouth closed tightly, as if He didn't want to make any sound, his face bulged slightly, something seemed to burst out of his mouth, and finally he couldn't bear to open his mouth anymore.

The golden sacred light spurted out of his mouth. At this moment, his body began to swell strangely, and then cracked lines, his eyes began to glow, and finally a bang, his body was torn apart, but there was no flesh. Residual, even the ashes were wiped out in the explosion, and there were no traces left.

[Can you still do this kind of thing? 】

The little fox exclaimed.

"His ability to hide in the void at any time is very weird. If he is directly attacked with the greatest strength, he may be avoided, so I just infused the power of his magic into his body while taking advantage of the limited time. Ye Ting explained, looking around again, "Is he dead?"

[Should already ... eh? 】

Just as the little fox sighed with doubts, the figure of the black crocodile Crotty suddenly reappeared in place.

He fully recovered to the state before being destroyed by Ye Xing's magic.

There was a hint of doubt in Ye Ting's eyes, because he could not tell how the Master was restored. His divine power originally completely wiped out the existence of the other party, leaving no trace of it, but the Master was instantly restored.

That is not to use the items such as the Book of Blood God to regenerate the flesh, nor to hide the real body in some way to avoid Ye Xing's attack and re-appear. He has just died, but now he is suddenly full of blood and resurrected. Then appeared out of thin air.

The reappeared Yanshi did not run away, his old face with a strong anger and murderous intention, quickly rushed to Ye Ting.

"Do you really think that an unnamed purgatory leader would be so messy?"

I saw his hands stretched out, and each finger had a filigree extending out, connected to the void, and then his fingers pressed hard, and the space where Ye Xing was raised with layers of folds!

It's like being on a flat bed sheet, a thread is pulled up to make the sheet wrinkle-this time his filigree controls space!

Ye Chui hurriedly released a divine attack, trying to stop the weird manipulation.

However, the images in his field of vision had a weird distortion. The figure of the Master began to "narrow and stretch", and the entire room began to become abstract and strange.

This scene is like a picture reflected by a convex mirror (haha mirror).

Ye Tzu's attack disappeared into the distorted picture and disappeared without a trace.

That horrible twist and twist, like a wave, distort the entire room, the regular room began to become abstract, and this abstract twist quickly swept over the leaves.

Hatch stood a few meters away from Ye Xing, and after the puppet master exerted his strange powers, he quickly rushed to Ye Xing after realizing that he was not good.

But his body was then wrapped by the distortion of space, and his figure became twisted. His body was slender and weird, like an abstract painting that ordinary people couldn't appreciate.

"Hum ... wow ... wow ..."

His two claws were placed on both sides of his face, and his distorted body uttered a helpless cry, and the call passed from all directions into Ye Luer ~ ~, Hach became a world famous painting ...]

The little fox couldn't help lowering his will.

Then Hatch wanted to run towards Ye Ting. Although he was distorted into a big dog by the space, he didn't seem to be hurt. He knew that at this time Ye Ting was safest around him, but no matter how he moved, he couldn't really get close to Ye. The space around you.

The sacred light emanating from Ye Ting's body exudes the power of divine power and energy, so that the space around him can remain as it is.

[His martial arts can not only manipulate space, but also allow space to be distorted at will ... playing the ability of space into abstract art! 】

The little fox was once again amazed. As a master of space hex, this kind of space manipulation of Yan Shi was obviously beyond his imagination.

"When the puppet master manipulates the puppet, he can hide in the void and hide his figure. It seems that this way distorts the space and makes himself invisible!" Ye Ting said with interest, although Hatch was trapped in the distorted space However, Ye Ting was able to perceive that it was not a big deal. His dog was arrogant. In addition, the soul gemstone protected the dog's brain, and the Master could not treat him in a short time.

At this time, Yan Shi's clearly standing not far away, but it seemed like an elusive narrow and elongated shadow, suddenly began to differentiate, became two, and then four or eight ... At Ye Xing's side.

This is not an avatar. The ability of the Master can distort the space and make the space distort and refract like a mirror. These masters are the ontology!

At this moment Ye Xing looks like the world sticking out in a kaleidoscope!

Ye frowned and tried to cast a spell to attack forward.

The golden attack was instantly distorted, constantly refracting around Ye Xing's body, and re-attacking Ye Xing again.

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