The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 153 Teaching Work on Hell Difficulty

On September 2nd, the students who had played wildly for a summer vacation were still a little lazy. It seems that the aftermath of the vacation has not subsided, and it will take some time for everyone to get used to school life again.

Lin De came back from a run in the morning, and there were already students eating breakfast in the auditorium. One of them yawned, causing the surrounding students to yawn too.

"Morning." Sitting next to Linde, Percy drank half a glass of orange juice before chewing on omelette and toast.

Linde picked two pieces of croissants, just out of the oven, the surface was still crispy and the aroma of wheat was strong.

In the auditorium, apart from the long tables of the four colleges, there is also a separate small table near the entrance. There are no seats, only food and drinks. Those are for the workers of the construction team, and the auditorium cannot accommodate them. All dine. The adult wizard wearing the silver emblem hurried away, took his own breakfast and left without stopping much.

The owl flew in from the door, hovered over the hall for a while, and then began to drop packages and letters.

On the first day of school, apart from some doting parents who will send some supplies, the most important deliveries are newspapers and magazines. Traditional paper media still occupy an absolute dominant position in the wizarding world.

Percy received a copy of the Daily Prophet.

He threw the newspaper aside when he received it, didn't bother to take a look at it, and said to Linde: "I guess the headline today is Lockhart again."

Lin De picked up the newspaper and said with a smile, "Ding Ding Ding, congratulations, you guessed it right! Thank you for participating in today's no-prize quiz."

"Well, Gilderoy Lockhart is a disgraceful bastard. Mum liked him before. The day he was revealed, she sat on the sofa in the living room of the Burrow weeping and knitting. The pattern was a mess. "

"Mrs. Weasley is very kind. How long has she been upset?"

"About seventeen hours, or two scarves, a woolen sock, and a sweater collar." Percy shrugged. In love with another fashion wizard."

"Classic." Linde gave a thumbs up. He handed the newspaper back, "Let's take a look, today's news is a bit interesting."

Percy was careless, with a large piece of omelet in his mouth, and said vaguely: "What's new? I guess it's his embarrassment of wandering away again. Where does he live today? The park or the Hoover House?"

"Not a bench nor a cardboard box, but a prison." Lind clicked on the headline of the first edition.

The exclamations of the students and even the professors sounded in the background of the restaurant, and the old bat Snape couldn't help but leaned back.

Percy fixed his eyes on the headline of the newspaper, which read "Latest news, Gilderoy Lockhart will be tried by the Muggle court", and the accompanying picture was a photo of Lockhart being dragged out of the cardboard house by armed men .

He wanted to speak excitedly, and he rushed until his throat was blocked by the omelette, and the backflow of breath carried food debris into his lungs, making him cough again and again, and then sprayed it out, making the dining table in front of him dirty , a sixth grade girl sitting across from Percy screamed, the front of her wizard robe was more messy than a Middle Eastern battlefield.

"Sorry sorry!" Percy squeezed the newspaper tightly. "My friends, Lockhart is going to be tried by Muggles!" he shouted loudly.

"The news about the prefect is really not well-informed. Everyone already knows."

"It's only a few seconds ahead of me, shut up." Percy sat down anxiously, staring at the newspaper and read word by word, "On the night of September 1st, the notorious magic leaker Gilderoy Lockhart Arrested in London by a group of Muggle law enforcement officers, and now facing more than 2,000 charges of prosecution. The Muggle organization Human Unity, which was declared responsible for the matter... the spokesperson of HUMANs, addressed the Minister of Magic Cornell through the fireplace of the Prime Minister's Office Leigh Fudge sent the news, the content was temporarily blocked by the Ministry of Magic, the reporter of this newspaper has no way of knowing, and this newspaper will continue to follow up on the incident.”

"I have to say that these reporters are fast enough. Lockhart was arrested last night, and he can issue a press release this morning."

"Lots of people are watching Lockhart's every move. Besides, the headquarters of the Daily Prophet is in London."

"Poor Lockhart, Merlin's ghost made a big joke on him, and I hope he gets through it now."

"Yes, unfortunately, what's his mistake?"

"Who knows? Maybe he made a wish on a shooting star."

"Wow, then I want to make a wish too."

Until they walked out of the restaurant, everyone was still discussing the news of Lockhart's arrest. Linde followed his roommates all the way into the Charms classroom, and Percy never stopped talking.

"No wizard has ever been put on trial like this since the Statute of Secrecy. Merlin's socks, I can't believe it's the twentieth century and Muggles are still playing with wizard executions. Why doesn't the Ministry of Magic take action?"

"If you've ever been to the Ministry of Magic, you'll know how 'high' those people's work efficiency is. If Fudge's office needs a box of bananas, there are more than a dozen processes from assigning tasks to approving them, and waiting for the items to be delivered. Banana tree." Linde joked, "But Lockhart's crime is indeed difficult to judge. Strictly speaking, his mistake was casting the Oblivion Curse maliciously on other wizards. This crime can be big or small, if it can be obtained With the understanding of the victim, he only needs to spend a sum of money to get rid of the crime. Unless someone points out that the magical anomalies in the world were caused by Lockhart, otherwise he will not be able to enter Azkaban."

"Muggles have more than two thousand crimes against him."

"Most of them are made up now. The legal texts that Muggle lawyers have painstakingly memorized have become Lockhart's autobiography, so all the time and energy are used to incriminate this guy."

"More than two thousand, what an enmity!"

The students around laughed.

The short and amiable Charms professor Flitwick walked into the classroom with short legs. He stood on a stack of books and looked around the classroom. When he saw Lin De, he asked in surprise, "Ah! De Lin, why are you here?" Class begins?"

"Because I miss teaching you. Our teacher, your lessons are always very informative."

Professor Flitwick blushed, and told everyone to open their textbooks.

"Well, I think we can only use the biography of Gilderoy Lockhart to give lectures now." The professor was helpless, "Let us turn to the second chapter of "Swimming with Ghouls", where Gilderoy Lockhart Camping in the wild with ghouls, using a little spell to repel mosquitoes, I think it is suitable for you to learn..."

For the next week, Linde didn't miss a single class. He witnessed how the professors used Lockhart's autobiography as a teaching material in this special situation.

To put it bluntly, the teaching effect is simply a mess, especially those courses that require a lot of theory, such as Transfiguration, Potions, Divination, etc., without detailed teaching materials, the professor's memory alone is not enough Facilitate the completion of teaching tasks.

Students in the lower grades don't even know the most basic proper nouns. To explain them a little bit from the beginning is really comparable to torture.

Professor McGonagall rushed to make seven grades of handouts, and his cheeks collapsed from exhaustion. Snape has now evolved from an old bat to a vampire, with dark circles under his eyes as heavy as a member of a punk band, and a voice that sounds like he's singing death metal in class. Professor Trelawney may be happy, because her divination teaching is often nonsense, and whether there are books or not does not affect her prediction of the death of students.

The most pitiful thing is Mr. Binns, the professor of the history of magic. He is a ghost, and his lectures have always been according to the script. Now he is staring at Lockhart's autobiography in a daze, like a sudden dementia, and often stops after a few sentences , murmured "something is wrong", and then started to read the textbook from the beginning. After the whole class, there was no progress. Everyone could only listen to the stories of Lockhart's childhood.

The history of magic class was already very boring, but now it is simply hell-level pale and boring. Students fall into baby-like sleep in less than three minutes, sprawling about the classroom like soldiers who have been shot and killed.

What's going on, my coding skills have actually faded, could it be that the reverse flow of true energy caused me to go mad? No way! My third watch, my third watch... can't it be done?

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