The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 162: Harry Solo Kills the Basilisk

When the Chamber of Secrets opened, the school was having a party.

The students were running around the main castle, dressed up in outlandish costumes, chanting: HALLOWEEN, HALLOWEEN.

To say that wizards are somewhat mysterious, it is most suitable for pretending to be gods and ghosts on Halloween.

What kind of floating jack-o-lanterns, bone frames that walk on their own, and bleeding doorknobs are all very common decorations. Special monster cupcakes are prepared in the kitchen. Thestrals, trolls, and fire dragons are all in Q version. Not scary at all, but cute. Dumbledore invited the Skeleton Dance Troupe, and when he jumped up, his skeleton clattered, which was a little creepy and a little funny.

When the basilisk attack happened, the auditorium was still filled with joy.

Two hours later, the castle was empty.

The Headmasters arrived in a hurry, and they saw Dumbledore standing at the gate of the castle, the search had not yet begun.

"Dumbledore!" Snape said sternly, "There is a student still lingering inside, we should find him immediately."

Compared to Snape's anxiety and suppressed anger, Dumbledore was very calm, "You mean Harry?"

"Yes, it's this little gentleman." Snape's tongue seemed to be poisoned, "If he had any sense and self-awareness in his head shriveled than an aconite, he shouldn't be here, But he's just so damn stupid. Thanks to someone's indulgence, Mr. Potter now thinks he's a great wizard who can take out a basilisk all by himself. I should be lucky for the wizarding world, because a fool will die at a young age. Better to end my miserable life than continue to trouble the world for decades to come."

"Severus, calm down."

"I don't know why we still have to stay here and let the wind blow leisurely here, instead of going in immediately to rescue...find Mr. Potter." The atmosphere between Snape and the headmaster was almost tense, and the other three The dean remained silent, and it was the first time they had seen Snape so angry.

"Severus, it's over," Dumbledore said softly.

"What?" Snape's cheeks trembled slightly. "What's over?"

"Crisis solved. Credit to our intrepid Harry for taking out the Basilisk."

All the anger on Snape's face disappeared in an instant.

The gate of the castle opened slowly, and Harry Potter came out with a scarred wolfhound, wearing a tattered sorting hat on his head, holding a sword in his hand, and the wizard robe was stained with a lot of stench Blood, looks like it's been through a fight, and it's been won.

As soon as the boy went out, he saw the headmaster and the four headmasters staring at him, especially Snape's eyes, which appeared extremely complicated in the dim light of the moonlit night.

He shyly raised his hand and said hello, "Good evening, good evening?"


It is said that Hogwarts is the safest place in the world, but Harry has long understood that it is actually the most dangerous place. This place is like a powder keg of history, except that the fat Dumbledore sits on the lid, preventing it from exploding.

Harry was in the bathroom when news of the opening of the Chamber of Secrets came in, having had too much ice-cold pumpkin juice. Speaking of pumpkins, the pumpkins that Hagrid planted this year were cursed with an expansion spell, and each one was as big as a carriage carriage. After being hollowed out, Cinderella could sit on it, and a fairy godmother could conjure up a fairy dress, which would make the pumpkins more beautiful. Cinderella went to the ball. The pumpkin is big, and there is also a lot of pumpkin juice, which is very reasonable, so it is also reasonable for him to be greedy for a few more glasses at a young age.

When he was going to the toilet, he vaguely heard an evil voice whispering in the wall: "Kill... tear you apart... come here, let me eat you..."

He flushed the water, and the sound disappeared.

Harry came out of the toilet, Alfred was already waiting for him.

This bad dog is elusive, but it is much more honest than before. Dumbledore doesn't care much about it now, and Harry knows that Alfred is his trouble now.

"What's wrong?"

Ah Fu had a cursed broken hat in his mouth, and he turned and walked away, leading Harry in front, turning his head to stare at him after a while, as if asking: Why didn't you follow?

Ever since Alfred launched a surprise attack on Harry at the end of last semester, the boy has been wary of this dog. He was standing here, and Alfred didn't wait any longer when he saw this. He ran away and disappeared into the shadow of the corridor In the depths, like a white electricity.

Harry returned to the auditorium to continue the merry dinner. Hermione was chattering about the history of Halloween to the students around her. Ron buried his head in his mouth, and Neville was cutting a slice of Grimace Pie, his chubby skull face screaming realistically.

"Harry, try this." Ron handed over a plate of roast beef. "Today's sauce is delicious."

"Something happened at Hogwarts," Harry whispered.

Before he finished speaking, a panicked worker came running from the gate of the auditorium, "He's dead! He's dead underground!"

Twelve corpses were sent into the auditorium, and this was no Halloween joke, but real corpses.

The students screamed.

Ms. Moon Shadow stepped forward to check, and she said calmly: "It's just that the soul has been petrified." Then she cast a magic that no one had ever seen before, and the silver light sprinkled on the corpses, and they were revived one after another.

At the same time, hallucinations suddenly appeared in Harry's eyes. He saw a stone wall burst open, saw a huge monster meandering out from behind the wall, and the workers gathered in the tunnel held up lamps, and the flames suddenly went out Only in the darkness, two honey-like yellow eyeballs, like huge gas lamps, shone with evil light, and the witnesses fell limply to the ground without saying a word, dying faster than the straw blown down by the wind.

"Harry! What's the matter with you?" Ron and Hermione surrounded him and patted his cheek lightly. "We should go. Dumbledore asked us to spend the night in the new campus tonight."

Harry covered his head, "I saw it. There are snakes in the ground, Ah Fu is in danger."

"Forget about that bad dog." The friends couldn't understand Harry's obsession with Ah Fu.

"Anyway, that's my dog." Harry wiped the cold sweat off his face, "I'll be back soon, you cover for me." He followed the crowd out of the auditorium, and then disappeared around the corner.

The battle against the basilisk was easier than Harry had imagined, and it could be said to be a near miss.

He was walking through Hogwarts' complicated sewer system, and his phone received a message from Hermione.

[Harry, you're dealing with a basilisk. ] Hermione sent an attachment introducing this high-risk magical creature.

The Basilisk, also known as the Snake King, was originally bred by the ancient Greek black wizard "Despicable Haierbo", who hatched an egg under the body of a toad, and the Basilisk was born. Basilisk eyes can instantly kill any human or animal that makes eye contact with them, and turn those who make indirect eye contact to petrification. The surface of the basilisk's skin is covered with scales that deflect spells. Achilles' heel is the crowing of the rooster.

[Understood, is there any other information? ] Harry heard the evil voice echoing again, from all directions of the sewer pipe, the sound waves were like waves, "Kill, come here, let me eat you..."

After waiting for a while, Hermione sent a text message: [It is said that the earliest Parseltongue of Helbo the Despicable. Basilisks cannot be domesticated, but can still be controlled by Parseltongues. ]

Parseltongue? I would, Harry thought.

At this time, he heard two fierce dog barks, coming from the right side of the pipe, Ah Fu seemed to be fighting with something. He tore off a piece of cloth from his sleeve to cover his eyes, strode into the pipe, and then fell hard. The pipe was slippery and downhill, and he just slid all the way in front of the basilisk.

The air is quiet.

He was blindfolded and couldn't see anything, but felt something touching his boot.

Harry asked in a low voice, "Ah Fu?"

A faint stench came from the front, "Meat, meat is here, let me eat you!"

Harry spoke calmly, hissing Parseltongue, "Stop!"

The basilisk stopped where it was.

Sure enough, Harry thought, Parseltongue worked.

Just when he thought the crisis was over, Ah Fu let out a deep bark, and then he heard a young man's voice: "Kill him!"

Harry guessed that the man was the Heir of Slytherin, and that he was behind the attack.

The basilisk is active again.

Harry yelled, "Stop!"

The basilisk fell silent.

The stranger became furious: "Kill him! You must only obey my orders!"

Harry said dryly, "Stay there and don't move."

"kill him!"

"Stop there."

The basilisk twitched in place, completely confused, and let out an angry grunt.

Harry's palm touched the soft dog's nose, and Alfred handed the Sorting Hat to his hand. The Sorting Hat whispered to him, "Put your hand in."

He put his hand into the hat, grabbed a cold and hard object, and pulled it out suddenly, a refreshing sword groan resounded in the air.

Harry thought, a sword? But I don't know swordsmanship, let alone blindfolded.

The Sorting Hat was very happy, "Okay, boy, listen to my command now, the basilisk is just one foot in front of you, you raise your sword, very good, it is at this height, and then, while it is now, stab!"

Harry felt a frantic noise and a foul-smelling wind in front of him. He thrust out the sword suddenly, only to feel that it was pierced into something soft, and poured cold blood splashed on him.

The basilisk grunted in pain, and Harry whirled a few more times, slashing through the scales a few times, but the last one hit the target again.

"Great, you can open your eyes now." The Sorting Hat cheered.

Harry tore off the strip of cloth to find that he had stabbed the basilisk blind in both eyes, and that the young man who had commanded it had fled, footsteps echoing in the pipes. There are many injuries on Afu's body, which seem to be caused by fighting with someone, not by the basilisk.

"Ah Fu, listen, I need your help." Harry calmly took out his wand and cast Transfiguration on the wolfhound.

Ah Fu changed from a dog to a rooster, and it crowed. After hearing the crow of the rooster, the basilisk struggled twice quickly, and then collapsed and disappeared as if its soul had been sucked out. movement.

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