The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 214 Believe in him rather than Qin Shihuang


Huge men hug the ceramic toilet like a small pot.

Jin Bing raised his sweaty head tremblingly. It was as big as a bronze statue, and his face was paler than the bones of an elephant.

"Wizard, it's you..."

He didn't expect Linde's counterattack to be so wild and ferocious.

The horrible sin was like a million tons of mud, which weighed heavily on Jin Bin's stomach, squeezed out the last drop of stomach acid, and almost vomited out bile.

Kim was terrified.

So he fled by car, left the east coast that he worked so hard for the first half of his life, and hid in Latin America, or North Africa, or East Asia, where he also has his own influence, and he can make a comeback. .

The brilliance of the golden tree enveloped New York, and Jin Bing fled until the canopy of the golden tree sank below the horizon. He breathed a sigh of relief. Two days of uninterrupted running made him almost collapse, and he fell asleep in the car.

When he woke up again, he was tormented by nightmares. He dreamed that he became a fat milky white lamb, like a bloated beast carved out of marble, curled up on the execution ground covered with yellow sand, and under the watchful eyes of countless people, the young wizard raised his golden sword and cut him down. head of.

Jin Bin raised his head in the car, the huge body of the Golden Tree came into view, and the Statue of Liberty succumbed to the bright light like a thin shadow.

He unknowingly drove the car back to New York while sleepwalking. Two tires were flat, and the back seat was full of empty gasoline bottles. This crazy return journey made the whole person hungry and skinny, and he described himself as emaciated like a beggar.

A certain force restrained him and did not allow him to escape. The influence of the law was as irresistible as fate.

Jin Bin trembled and got out of the car, the evil surged again, forcing him to spit out the undigested contents of his stomach.

"God." Jin, who was on the verge of collapse, knelt on the ground and wept bitterly. He crossed his fingers and raised his arms to pray to the sky. "Please forgive my sins."

An old pastor who was passing told him, "Praying is no use. Son, you need atonement."

Jin Bin saw that behind the old pastor were hundreds of strong men with swollen faces and tattoos. They were dressed in simple clothes, carrying heavy garbage bags and shovels for cleaning chewing gum, and they were looking at Jin Bin with strange eyes. .

This group of people are gangsters in New York, and they recognized the underworld emperor.

"Boss, you have turned yourself in. Come pick up trash with us. Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility."


Nick crouched on the side of the road and made a phone call.

"What, all the field staff vomited? What about the logistics? Did you vomit too? Did you vomit? Let them drive over. Notify the medical department to record the situation. What? The doctor also vomited? Damn Faker... …Did I call the wrong number? I called S.H.I.E.L.D., not a fucking prison hotline!"

Lind bought two sandwiches at Subway, and Nick popped one unceremoniously.

But as soon as he swallowed it, he spit it out with a disgusted face.

"Ugh! Shit." Nick's expression was full of disbelief, and he glared at Linde beside him, "I can't eat. This law of yours will starve people to death."

"Try to adapt to the age of the law, do some good deeds to help others, and use the forgiveness of the people to atone. Or you can leave New York. You have committed a minor crime. As long as you resist the cues of the mind body, you will not sleepwalking return."

Nick was so angry with this powerful wizard that his eye sockets hurt, but he knew that Linde would not accept his persuasion, and this legal game would definitely continue until Jin Bin came to an end.

So he sent Agent Hill to send Linde to New Mexico. At this moment, Nick suddenly understood what it meant to send the plague god in Eastern culture.

Before parting, Nick agreed that he would personally deliver the Rubik's Cube to Linde in ten days.

Puerto Antiguo, New Mexico.

Quake fell to the ground in the wilderness outside this barren town.

Before the arrival of the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s spoilers, the townspeople gathered in the crater and set up stalls here for parties. People tried to use various means to raise Thor's Hammer. The authorities intervened, and these guys in suits pulled up the guardrails, set up a temporary research base, and tightly protected the hammer.

Agent Coulson, the head of the base, remembers Linde well.

According to Coulson, a strong blond man broke into the base a few days ago, knocked down the security guards with his bare hands, and then tried to raise the magic hammer. After repeated attempts to no avail, he gave up his resistance and is currently being detained.

This reckless blond man is of course Saul who came to New Mexico with Stan to find the hammer.

Linde visited Thor in the base.

But when he stepped into the prison, he realized that he was not the only visitor.

An invisible magical projection is also in the interrogation room.

This person is Loki, the god of tricks, the adopted son of Odin, the prince of Asgard, and the younger brother of Sol, who was appointed by the Hulk as "a weak god".

Loki is lying, claiming that Thor has been banished forever, and Odin died of grief and anger.

Sol believed in the younger brother's words, and his expression was filled with grief.

Linde's arrival interrupted the conversation between Loki and Thor.

Sol said with a cold face, "I have nothing to say, don't bother me."

"This is not the attitude towards friends. Anyway, we live under the same roof." Linde greeted harmoniously, "This is the second time we meet, Saul."

" are Linde? Gali and Stan have both talked about you."

"That's right. We finally met officially. The last time I saw you, the famous Sol was still unconscious." Linde stroked his chest in greeting.

Sol's expression eased slightly, and he smiled happily at him.

Loki on the side thought that Linde was just an ordinary human being, so he ignored his arrival and continued to coax Sol, "Although the death of the father is related to you, please don't blame yourself. I will bear the heavy responsibility of the throne, and you can stay at ease." In Midgard."

Sol immediately became depressed and irritable, and those who didn't know thought he was playing a face-changing trick.

Linde looked at Loki, "Not bad magic projection. Mind if I backtrack your space-time coordinates?"

Loki was taken aback, "Can you see me?"

"I know a thing or two about illusion magic."

Loki frowned slightly, and there was an exaggerated smile on his feminine cheeks, which seemed to be bluffing.

"A wizard. Very well, I allow you to be my servant. If you don't know my name, then listen carefully. I am the famous Loki, the god of tricks and magic."

"Is there no benefit if you want me to be a dog's leg?"

"Is there still a condition for dedicating to the gods? This is your honor!" Luo Ji pouted.

"Nonsense, it's not good for anyone to be a dog's leg." Linde rolled his eyes and decided to ignore this idiot, "Sol, do you know where Stan has gone?"

"I don't know, I've been stuck here for five days."

Linde said, "Come on, get your hammer first, let's go find Stan."

He pointed to Saul's handcuffs, "[Alahoo hole is open]."

With a click, the handcuffs came off, but Sol sat on the chair without moving, "It's useless, Mjolnir doesn't recognize me. I can't do anything without power."

Loki fanned the flames, "And you can't go back to Asgard, our truce agreement with Jotunheim is to banish you forever."

Linde snapped his fingers, and Loki's magic projection burst like a bubble, "If you believe one of his punctuation marks, I will have to laugh at you for three years. It is better to believe in Qin Shihuang than to believe in him. Come with me, let's find out Raise that hammer."

Seeing Linde's inadvertent display of magical skills, Thor's eyes rekindled the fire of hope, and he followed with strides.

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