The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 225 The Mission of Galactus

After the trial of Jinan, the golden tree covering New York quietly disappeared. This city seemed to have a dream. Some dead people were resurrected, and some people's lives changed drastically. Most of them changed for the better. .

The shadow left by the underworld emperor has become a fleeting memory. Everyone seems to remember that there was such a heinous bastard, but after investigation, it was found that he was a lawyer in his lifetime. In the end, the discussion about Jin Bin's double identity was attributed to the Mandela effect.

Linde stood by the street for a while, and a few passers-by came to say hello. They were bankrupts who used to sleep in the park. Now they not only found new jobs, but also moved into an apartment, regaining hope in life.

And the black gangster who was turned into a golden statue by Linde is now a salesman, dressed in suits and leather shoes, looking decent.

Everyone chatted for a few words, said goodbye one after another, and went to their lives.

People who were wandering in the past have finally settled down. Linde was in a trance for a moment.

The wind in the upper New York Bay is still very soothing. Looking across the sea, there is no towering golden tree next to the Statue of Liberty, and there is no such thing as the mafia lair rising from the ground on Manhattan Island.

Jiali gently tugged at the corner of his clothes, she pouted and pointed at Vanessa.

The ill-fated woman was fascinated by Jin Bing's relics.

Interestingly, when Jin Bin was a bastard who did all kinds of evil, although his wife Vanessa left him, she survived in the end, but a righteous Jin Bin killed his wife and sentenced himself to death.

Linde didn't plan to have any intersection with Vanessa, everyone was just a passer-by in each other's life. When he was about to take Jiali away, the woman stopped him.

"Please wait." When Vanessa raised her head, she still had a weird look on her face, "You are the one person on Fisk's phone that you can't mess with, right?"

Before Linde could figure out what to say, Vanessa apologized first.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to accuse you. I had expected Fisk's death a long time ago. But I have a lot of questions. I wonder if you can show such kindness and give me an answer?"

"Ma'am, what do you want to know?"

"I remember Fisk, but I have two impressions of him at the same time, and I also remember that I died in a car accident, and my Richard has also passed away unfortunately. But now he is still alive and well. Why is this?"

Linde told her that both memories were true.

It took Vanessa a long time to accept this statement, she nodded, "Has Fisk mentioned me?"

"Very few, only one sentence, he said he couldn't say 'no' to you."

"I see."

Vanessa said that she would meet with some of Jin Bing's old friends to discuss how to deal with this person's funeral.

"I hope you can attend the funeral." Vanessa had the sadness and calmness of a widow on her face, "I think Fisk must also hope to see you again. After all, you changed his life."

Linde nodded, "I will."

She picked up the loose priest's robe on the ground, and dust and ashes flowed from the sleeves like snowflakes, and Jin didn't leave anything behind. Vanessa leaves with the last relic.


Linde finally returned to Stan's house and found that there was no one here, so he could only say what he expected. He had looked for Stan in New Mexico before, but he disappeared. The old man disappeared after sending Sol to the place.

Linde sometimes suspects that Stan is actually a quantum, and when you don't look at him, he will teleport to other parts of the universe. The biggest possibility is that he went to a cameo in a certain movie. If Linde guessed, it might be "Guardians of the Galaxy"?

Galley was disappointed that Stan wasn't home, and she still had a lot of affection for the old man.

Linde came to the workshop with the magic pen in his hand. The scene in front of him gave him a thump in his heart. It turned out that he forgot to close the window before he left, and the room was in disarray. Crumbs, the room looks utterly messy.

Linde checked the ink bottle that had been dumped on the table. It was almost dry because the bottle was open.

He rummaged through the drawers, but couldn't find any spare ink, so he had to fill the ink sac with the bottom of the bottle, barely half full.

Swallowing Star is a large physique, and it is not enough ink to describe him in a way that restores Asgard. If Stan was here, it would be easy to do, but Linde is not a cartoonist, and he is not an OAA.

He found a piece of paper and drew the scene of swallowing Xing resurrecting from Yemengarde's belly.

There was a creaking sound from the living room downstairs, followed by Jiali's surprise cry.

When Linde saw the revived Galactus again, he realized that he had made some mistakes after all. Uncle Tun who crawled out of his granddaughter's stomach was no longer the mighty tall man, but a weak and thin man. hemp stalk.

Tun Xing had sunken cheeks, was skinny, and spoke weakly. If he was Captain America before, then he is Steve Rogers before the serum.


Jiali hurriedly prepared food for Tun Xing, emptied the refrigerator, and looked at a table of ingredients worrying.

Tun Xing was not shy, he held a bag of frozen chicken breasts and gnawed on it. Unexpectedly, he broke a tooth. He didn't eat the food, so he fed a mouthful of blood first.

In the end, Linde took over the kitchen and repaired Tunxing's teeth by the way.

"Your Excellency Tun Xing, there seems to be something wrong with your body?"

After eating, Tun Xing held his round belly in a daze. Hearing Lin De's question, he nodded slowly, "Yes, I'm full."

The eternally hungry Galactus could one day fill his stomach, and Linde suspected that he had lost his divine power.

Tun Xing sighed contentedly, and looked at Yemengarde, "Son, come here."

Yemengarde swam into Uncle Tun's hands obediently. This eternal cosmic god showed the warmth of a mortal, "Look, my little Gali has a child too. However, you are an accident. Do you know that you took grandfather Ate? Oh, you got into trouble, what's her name (Tun Xing looked at Jiali)... Oh, Alita, from now on, you have to shoulder a great mission, a great curse. "

Both Jiali and Linde were curious about the mission that Uncle Tun had mentioned.

Galactus was wearing Stan's home clothes, sitting on the sofa as if he was on a throne, "Yes, Galactus has his own mission. Eternal hunger forces me to devour planets. If I can't absorb life energy, I will die." Will die, but appetite is never satisfied, appetite is a beast, and I am but a powerless mortal in the face of it."

Linde recalled that swallowing the stars said that he felt guilty for devouring the planet and destroying life.

"Could it be that your so-called mission is to recover all life in the universe?"

"Almost. I have to eat them, to build energy, and when this universe comes to an end, I will eat all the stars. This hunger often makes me feel lonely. I don't understand why I have to suffer such bad luck. Until this time death, I understand."

Devouring Star gently stroked Yemengarde, "When my soul was wandering in the darkness, I saw the Phoenix again. He told me that Galactus is like a ship. When the universe is destroyed, everything ceases to exist, even everything When the gods disappear, I will continue to live, wait, wait...until the opening of the new universe, and with that big bang, I will bring information from the old universe, allowing the life that once existed to reappear."

"Quite an amazing mission. No wonder you feel lonely." Linde thought of Magnus in the world of "The Elder Scrolls", and they all have to experience the loneliness of world reincarnation.

"Yes, but this mission does not belong to me now." Tun Xing lovingly touched Yemengarde with his cheek, "Alita, my poor granddaughter. Why are you so disobedient?"

Jiali pressed her father's shoulder, "We will be with her. We are no longer alone, but have a group, a family."

Uncle Tun was stunned for a while, then smiled and said, "Yes, we will accompany little Alita to the end."

The three generations of their grandparents hugged each other, and Linde looked away in silence.

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