The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 230 You are finished, Ms. Moon Shadow is small-minded

"That gem doesn't belong to you." Malekith held out his hand to Linde, "Give it back to us."

"You are clearly afraid of me, but you still want to get the gem back from me. Who gave you the courage? Liang Jingru?"

Linde's eyes lit up with a dim silver aura. He was reading Malekith's mind. Although he was an alien, Legilimency was still effective.

Malekith's expression froze, and he answered seriously after a moment of thought: "I don't know Liang Jingru."

"Your race are not the forgers of the gem. Only once had it. Now the gem is in my hands, and you gain nothing."

Seeing that the negotiations seemed to be breaking down, the elf warrior behind Malekith raised the energy gun in his hand. This is a powerful weapon that can shoot an Asgardian at a time, even copper skin and iron bones can't resist it.

Linde tapped the scepter lightly, and all the energy guns turned into a bouquet of flowers. The battle armor on this group of murderous soldiers has also changed into suits and wedding dresses, and they even put on heavy eye makeup. This place has turned into a large-scale wedding scene.

Seeing their bewildered expressions, both Jiali and Yemengard laughed.

The group of dark elves looked at each other, many of them turned pale with fright, but there were also heartless ones who began to laugh at their companions' attire.

Malekith's face was livid. He looked around and looked at the fleeing crowd on the ground. Many people were watching from a distance. Seeing their panicked and curious eyes, Malekith took his heart into consideration.

He said to Linde: "This is your home planet, isn't it? These are your kind."

"That's right."

"If you don't hand over the gems, then our clan will regard you as an enemy and start a war. How many clansmen can you save then?"

"Before you even give an order, I can erase you." Linde felt amused. "Normally, shouldn't you win me over first? Why did you come directly? Could it be that the days of wandering are too long, and the diplomacy Emotional intelligence is gone?"

Suddenly a gust of wind blew from behind his head, and a huge fist slammed into his neck.

The cursed warrior of the dark elves attacked the young man Linde from behind. It's no wonder that Malekith would accompany him here to argue, it's just to delay the time, it's too disrespectful of martial arts.


The fist smashed down, the blow was powerful and heavy, and it was as fast as the lightning in the sky, which should have broken Linde's neck.

But a petite and tender palm blocked the only way for the fist to pass, like a shovel chiseled on a rocky mountain, this palm did not move at all.

Gali blew out a chewing gum bubble, and tilted her head to look at the savage cursed warrior. She casually raised her hand to protect the back of Linde's neck, and then pushed the half-ton elf giant Lux flew out.

The unrivaled warrior of the curse floated in the Thames like a flake of stone, and thumped into the embankment on the opposite bank, leaving only two legs sticking out.

"Thank you, Jiali, I knew you were the most reliable." Linde's words coaxed Jiali to smile.

Seeing that the surprise attack failed, Malekith had nothing to do now, and immediately ordered the mothership to fire on the surface, creating chaos and creating opportunities for them to retreat.

Yemengard, who was so peaceful, suddenly grunted: "I'm hungry."

Linde said to her, "Do me a favor and entangle that ship so it doesn't get away, will you?"

Jiali raised her hand, and a snake shadow flew out of her cuff, and immediately shot straight into the sky, turning into a world-swallowing monster, and the entire sky trembled under her majestic body. The long snake coiled around the mothership, and the golden light of the sun danced on the surface of the giant beast. The heavy snow in the Alps had never reflected the scorching sun so violently.

Yemengarde sucked in lightly, and the energy reserve of the mothership plummeted, and the warming-up naval guns also turned off one after another.

Londoners were once again shocked by the sights in the sky, first aliens, then King David, and then mythical monsters. Everyone wondered if they were dreaming.

At the same time, Ms. Moon Shadow finally arrived at the scene. She looked at the dark elves in another world, and Malekith and the soldiers also saw her.

"You are?" Malekith's heart throbbed, and he forgot to run away for a moment, "Who are you? Are you our lost tribe? Come to me."

Ms. Moon Shadow squinted her eyes, and she complained to Linde: "They are a bit ugly. I don't like it. To subdue such an ugly race goes against my aesthetics."

The same black skin, the same elves, Ms. Moon Shadow is very beautiful and charming, but the dark elves in this world are like half-orcs, not to mention how ugly they are, but they are not beautiful enough, and they are evil. With a villainous face, it's no wonder that Ms. Moon Shadow despises her.

This sentence hurt Malekith more than Linde's magic, and it directly broke his defense.

"Traitor! Traitor! May your soul be tortured by light forever, and never return to eternal darkness."

Ms. Yueying narrowed her eyes suddenly, showing a congenial smile, "Who are you calling traitor?"

Dare to curse the majestic demon god Azura, Linde couldn't help giving Malekith a thumbs up.

"I curse you." Ms. Moon Shadow's voice echoed loudly, "All ethnic groups, not enlightened by wisdom, not blessed by strength, not favored by agility, were born humble and wandered all their lives."

After finishing speaking, all the dark elves looked at each other, as if nothing had happened, but before they could laugh, black smoke billowed from their bodies. Gradually, their bodies became thin, their hair fell off, the muscles on their cheeks drooped, and the corners of their mouths sagged. Drooling, with misshapen legs, he looked like an elderly man suffering from dementia.

Malekith's screams quickly turned into a stupid "Abaa aba." He was the most cursed, shrinking into a dwarf, ugly in appearance, and his skin was wrinkled and loose like a ball of soaked sheets. Broken, the mind has completely become mentally handicapped.

The strength of Ms. Moon Shadow's curse made Gali shudder, she hid behind Linde in horror, and even Linde frowned slightly when he saw the horror of the dark elves.

After punishing those who disrespected, Ms. Moon Shadow's mood also became brighter. She looked up at the alien mothership in the sky, "Now, that is our trophy. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have to spend my time building it myself."

Linde smiled, "Compared to using second-hand goods from other people's houses, I trust the new boats made by myself more."

"Oh, my mouth is so sweet. When did I become your own?" Ms. Moon Shadow approached with a smile on her face. Linde always stayed away from this old and disrespectful demon god, and Jiali trembled with fear.

"Oh, the little girl is very cute. That snake in the sky is your daughter? Call her back."

The entire dark elf family has become demented, and this civilization can already be declared dead. Linde's original intention was to let Ms. Moon Shadow subdue them, and it would be convenient for them to run errands for them when traveling in space in the future. Malekith is really useless, and the result of being strong in his life is to be crushed by stronger people.

After Yemengarde returned to the surface, the local superheroes in London finally rushed over.

Captain Britain, whose real name is Brian Braddock, compared to the mortal superheroes of the American team, this Captain Britain is already superhuman, not only possessing magical abilities, but also has an artifact stone The sword is said to be able to cut through the omnipotent universe. Of course, his current strength has not reached such an exaggerated level. It is estimated that at most it can COS the EX curry stick of King Arthur next door, which should be barely enough to deal with alien spaceships.

Captain Britain brought the local MI13, an organization similar to S.H.I.E.L.D. in terms of function and authority, to negotiate with Linde.

"London is safe and sound. You officials should come earlier next time. You can't let tourists help you deal with this crisis, right?" Lind half-jokingly chatted with Captain Britain.

The other party really hoped to detain the alien spaceship from Linde and the others. After all, this thing would definitely bring inestimable value, but after seeing the tragic situation of the dark elves, they did not dare to open their mouths.

The spaceship was shrunk down to the size of a tabletop toy by Linde with the Infinity Scepter, and he put it in his pocket and took it away. In the end, the British harvested a group of mentally handicapped aliens, and it was estimated that some oil and water could be squeezed out of them.

After collecting the gems on the earth, the next step, Linde's goal is space. It just so happens that the travel spaceship has been completed and can set sail at any time.

The journey of the Milky Way is just around the corner.

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