The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 233 Tell Thanos for me

Morag is about 5,000 light-years away from Earth, and the Planeswalker has jumped more than 400 times, and the passage of time is hard to feel. Maybe they have spent decades, and it seems that there are only two minutes.

Compared with sailing on the sea and facing the lonely and boundless sea for a long time, space travel using space warp is like taking the subway. After staying in a closed environment for a while, you can reach another corner of the galaxy. There is no unbearable loneliness as imagined, but the high pressure brought by the space leap does make them feel that seconds feel like years.

After recuperating on the ship for a while and relieving their physical discomfort, everyone disembarked from the spaceship and wandered around the surface of Morag in groups. The composition of the air here is similar to that of the earth's environment. There is no toxic gas, and it can be breathed directly. The gravity is slightly lower than that of the earth, and walking is a bit light.

Not long after, Tony saw a delta-wing spaceship landed in Shiyuan, a mile away, and quickly reminded Linde who was observing alien life not far away.

"Go and have a look. Such a desolate planet is usually not visited by humans. Maybe we met our colleagues."

Linde dropped the small alien animal in his hand, and Yemengard bit it quickly, chewed it a little and swallowed it, flicking his tail happily.

This miniature tyrannosaur-like creature is called Orloni, and it has traveled all over the galaxy. It is not a threat, and its meat quality is good. It is suitable for various cooking methods. At least Yemengard has given it a good review.

When the group of them arrived at the landing site of another spaceship, the pilot of the ship had already started his treasure hunt. This person was wearing a walkman, dancing to the music coming from the earphones.

Linde and the others silently watched this person spin and jump, and even grabbed an Oroni and used it as a microphone to sing passionately, and the singing was terrible.

"Come and Get Your Love~"

Ms. Moon Shadow narrowed her eyes, "That child looks very unusual."

Tony complained: "Yes, unusually stupid. If anyone dances with him, I will laugh at this person for the rest of my life."

Jiali has good eyesight, and saw from a distance that this person's Walkman was made on Earth, with Sony's trademark on it, and this person's physical appearance was no different from that of a Caucasian, so she couldn't help being puzzled, "This seems to be a person from Earth."

"God, I didn't expect that we were not the first earthlings to travel to the stars. It turns out that Magellan's ship went to the Milky Way." Tony also didn't understand, "Why did the first intelligent life we ​​saw when we went to an alien planet An Earthling? That's too frustrating."

"This person should be considered half an alien. Let's go and say hello to him." Linde raised his hand and drew a portal, which landed beside the dancing man.

Opposite the spark-splashing portal, Peter Quill stopped dancing and stared blankly at the four Earth travelers passing through the portal.

"Uh, where are you holy?"

"Treasure hunters are just like you, and people on Earth are just like you." Linde nodded to him.

"Earthlings? Which civilization do you serve? Cree people? Nova Empire?" Quill didn't look happy just because he met his fellow villagers.

"Don't be nervous, Gigolo." Tony said viciously, "No one cares about this little gadget on your body, now take your hand out of the back of your ass and put it where we can see it. Yes, that's right, good boy .”

Before the words fell, Quill activated the jetpack, like a firecracker soaring into the sky, stabbed and escaped from the encirclement.

Tony's face turned foul, "I hate this kind of guy who doesn't understand flattery."

"Hey, Stark, don't say such a villainous line." Linde reminded him from the side, "As long as he doesn't intend to steal from us, then it's up to him."

"You have the final say, Captain."

Quill landed on a broken stone wall not far away and shouted at them, "What is your purpose in coming to Morag?"

The travelers on Earth didn't answer, but walked straight to the ancient temple where the Power Gem was hidden.

Seeing that the group of people had the same goal as him, Quill couldn't help cursing bad luck.

He took an entrustment from a broker on this trip, looking for the lost universe spirit ball, and found the trace of the object after all kinds of inquiries. Now that the treasure is right in front of him, but he saw someone trying to get there first, how could he not Annoy him?

"Guys, folks, I am also from Earth, and we are friends. I still speak English! Missouri, Americans, there is still this country on Earth, right?" Quill ran up to Linde in small steps, and stopped down them.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"Uh, I want to say, this place is very dangerous, do you understand? Look at the ruins around. An ancient interstellar empire was destroyed. Their holy place is buried here. There must be many traps along the way. The guy is fine and definitely not a professional."

Quill smiled all over his face, "So, why don't you let me, the most famous thief in the galaxy, help you?"

Jiali was in awe when she heard this, "Wow, you're actually a celebrity! What's your name?"

"Peter Quill! Of course, you can also call me by my nickname - Star Lord."

Gali applauded, "Sounds amazing."

Quill was so proud of himself that he was so coaxed by Gali that he couldn't find the north. While continuing to make friends, he followed the earth traveler to the ancient temple.

The gate of the temple was closed tightly, and Star-Lord Quill stood up with a shocked expression, "Look, this kind of lock is a piece of cake for my lord, all you need is..."

Before he could finish speaking, Linde pointed to the keyhole and said softly, "[Alahoo hole is open]."

The door swung open.

Quill just took out the lockpicking tool from his pocket, and was stunned when he saw it, then he jumped up excitedly and shouted: "Dude! Do you know what you did?! It's incredible, this move can be handed over Give it to me? What is your charging standard for the course? Can 10,000 credits cover teaching and training?"

Earthlings rushed in one after another, ignoring this bastard.

The interior of the temple is empty, and the walls are full of paintings telling the history of the vanished civilization. Their ancestors got the power gem and tried to use it, but the energy tide erupted from the gem directly destroyed their civilization. The survivors stored the gem in the universe spirit. In the ball, seal it in the temple, and keep this secret so that future generations will not suffer again.

Quill saw the purpose of this trip, and the cosmic spirit ball was suspended on the stone pillar of the temple, protected by the laser shield of ancient civilization.

He stammered and asked, "Ah, you guys are here to find this too? What a coincidence, isn't it? Hey, as the old saying goes, those who see each other have a share, why don't we sell this thing together and share the reward equally?"

Linde didn't answer, stretched out the infinite scepter and said, "The universe spirit ball is flying."


The spirit ball broke through the shield and fell into Linde's hands.

Feeling the little magical shock again, Xingjue's eyeballs almost popped out.

At this time, a group of Cree soldiers appeared at the entrance of the temple. The leader pointed his gun at the crowd and shouted sharply, "Put it down!"

Tony turned his head and looked, his face became happy, "Hehe, I finally saw a real alien. Hello, Smurfs."

The skin of the Cree is mostly blue, and their body shape and facial features are not much different from those of humans on Earth.

Chief Kerry pressed on with every step, and the muzzle of the gun in his hand began to warm up.

Xingjue quickly raised his hand, "Wow, calm down, brothers. Don't be nervous, I'm not with them, don't hurt me when you fight."

Linde ignored the sudden intrusion of the Cree. He used a spell to open the cosmic spirit ball, revealing the deep purple power gem inside.

Chief Kerry screamed, "Kill 'em!"

The energy gun fired.

Star-Lord immediately fired back.

Tony patted the reactor on his chest, and the magic battle armor was formed on the surface of his body. The gold and red color scheme was still dazzling, and the scattered magic aura was like a small sun. Then he rose into the sky, and fired a series of cannons in his palm, killing the Kree people. Fly out.

These aliens are all made of steel and iron, and the protective clothing on their bodies is also very high-tech, and they still have the strength to fight back after being shot.

Ms. Moon Shadow and Jiali were eating melons and watching the show, and their attention was on Linde. Obviously, even a battlefield full of guns and bullets was just a small fight. The real drastic change happened here, because a gem was embedded Scepter process.

Linde got the fourth Infinity Stone, which represents the law of all forces and is a power stone that contains endless energy. Embedding it into the scepter, the remaining three gems all seemed to be revived, emitting a weak pulse.

The Kree people were defeated by Tony and Quill. They were killed or wounded, and the chief officer was captured alive.

Linde walked up to him, the four gemstones on the staff shone breathtakingly, and Chief Kerry looked at the young wizard with trepidation.

"(Kree) You work for Ronan the Accuser."

"Yes, it is."

"Can you contact Thanos?"


"Then please do me a favor and tell Thanos Your Excellency that someone has obtained four Infinity Stones. If he wants to get them, he can take the Soul Stone in his hand and meet me on Vormir."

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