The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 236 Xandar's Rest

Xandar is a bustling world. Leaving the city is a nature reserve. There are no villages here, and even the food is produced by the photosynthetic hydroponic line of the factory.

Well-dressed alien tourists can be seen everywhere on the city streets. The buildings are tall and full of artistic design, and the infrastructure reveals humanistic care in details. The faces of the soldiers of the Nova Legion are proud and serious. Plus.

Many people say that the Xandars are always doing nothing, which may not be a kind of envy and incomprehension of their easy life.

Quill rubbed his chin, and revealed the other side of Xandar's glamor to fellow earthlings. In his words, no matter how rich the city is, someone has to clean the toilet.

In the social structure of the Xandar star city group, the middle and lower classes account for 99% of the total population. They take over all production tasks, and the workers who are engaged in the most dangerous jobs enjoy less rights than a legion that has just joined the army. recruits. As a behemoth that integrates military and government, the Nova Corps implements strict ideological control internally, which is why everyone can only praise the empire when they mention it.

"However, even if there are many shortcomings, Xandar can be regarded as a rare good place in the tens of thousands of light-years around. Compared with the muddy pit like "Niuzhi Land", this place is completely heaven. I will save 100 million credits in the future At this point, I will retire here for the elderly. Speaking of which, Xandar is still a well-known holy place for hunting sex, and the girl I was on the boat before was here. "

After Quill finished his long speech, he looked back and found that everyone had dispersed.

"Hey guys, where are you going? Wait for me, hey, don't you love charming Star-Lord?"

After getting out of the broker, the big guys on the Planeswalker all went to their own goals, and hurried to make money to subsidize their families.

Linde took over a dozen commissions, basically running errands, dealing with some difficult problems for the people and the legion. While on the way to the task, he looked for Stan Lee in the crowd.

As the errand demon god in the game back then, Linde still misses this simple experience. Anyway, tasks that may be troublesome or dangerous to others are trivial to him, so he can hold them very relaxed. mentality to complete the commission.

These days he travels to all corners of the planet, from urban sewers to cold zone tundra reserves, sometimes looking for lost goods, sometimes repairing broken machines, and sometimes catching mutated wild animals. The task itself is nothing fancy, it's quite interesting to chat with the employer, listen to gossip, or witness some old blood. During this process, he also met several big figures from the Nova Empire Mechanics Association.

Ms. Yueying took a fancy to a tutoring commission, and the legion centurion Corey didn't have time to take care of the children, so he planned to recruit tutors. She said she was a teacher, but actually she also worked as a part-time nanny. This job was very popular. When Ms. Yueying arrived at the Centurion's mansion by rail car, the applicants at the door were all lined up for two miles.

Before the centurion's intelligent robot butler came out to meet the applicants, Ms. Moon Shadow used a large-scale illusion. The other competitors suddenly lost their enthusiasm for work and left in a short while, so the despicable Demon God easily obtained got the job.

Compared with Lin Deman's going wild on the planet, the centurion's house is indeed the upper world. In the legion, the centurion's authority is second only to Nova Supreme, and he is already the most senior officer.

It is conceivable that the hundreds of millions of people on the entire planet, ultra-high productivity, and the supply of multiple resource worlds can provide a ruler of this level with excellent material conditions. It is no exaggeration to say that her life is one in which all wishes come true and everything goes well.

Ms. Moon Shadow soon became a close friend of the Centurion. Coincidentally, the Centurion Corey will be the referee of the mechanic skills competition in the near future.

Penniless Gali and Jormengarde ate and drank in the city, and their bills would always be settled first. When they were happily enjoying alien food, there was always a haggard man sitting in the corner of the restaurant. That was Uncle Tun. At this time, he was not a cold god who destroyed the planet, but an old man who took care of the younger generation.

Tony and Xingjue searched for applicants for the contest together. As a tycoon, Quill knew a lot about Xandar, and soon entered a market in the lower city. The streets here are also clean and tidy, but the shops are denser and more crowded. His expression was also more hurried.

"Here is the largest second-hand flea market in Xandar, where you can find things from all corners of the galaxy."

Tony casually walked into an unremarkable repair shop. The mechanic in the shop was a tired and weak Xandalian with blue skin and a thin body. His left hand was obviously disabled. He had installed three prosthetic fingers. Dirty engine oil, the underarms of the shirt have ripped threads, the beard and hair are well groomed, and the tone of the speech is very gentle.

"Welcome, ahem, what needs to be repaired?" The shopkeeper coughed and trembled, and couldn't even hold the welding torch in his hand.

Tony made it clear what he wanted to do, and the shop owner was quite moved when he heard the words, but he sighed in embarrassment, "Guest, you have also seen my situation. As the main competitor, I will definitely not be able to pass the physical examination and audition test."

Quill also felt that he was unreliable, so he left happily after hearing this.

Tony's face remained calm, and he changed the subject and asked, "Is there anyone else in your family? Brothers and sisters, or sons and daughters, can compete on your behalf."

The shopkeeper looked hesitant, "Yes, there are, but the child is still too young to pass the exam for a junior mechanic certificate."

"Let me try." A blue-skinned alien girl came out of the storage room, wearing plain overalls, with short clean hair and dusty face, she is a beautiful tomboy, "I can use your mechanic certificate."

The shopkeeper scolded her, "Don't worry about these things, you just need to study with peace of mind, and I will take care of the rest. Keke—guests, please leave. Find Ms. Varina nearby, she will be happy to help."

How many families like this are there on Xandar? The number is also countless.

Tony shrugged. "Why don't you let your daughter try it?"

"Stop it, alien, I won't risk Qiao Jiani's future."

Quayle took Tony to find Ms. Varina. This female mechanic was ironing flamboyant waves. She was dressed luxuriously and covered in jewels. She assigned apprentices to work, and she didn't get any oil on her hands.

When they walked into the store, they happened to meet Rocket Raccoon, and Varina was the employer who issued the commission.

Seeing that he was still furious, Rocket directly made an obscene gesture.

"Eat farts, redneck!"

"Huojian, let's wait and see."

When Varina heard Tony's intentions, she immediately laughed, "I only want the best, the old hat from an alien, why don't you go to the next door and find that tuberculosis guy who is in debt."

Quill couldn't help frowning, "My friend is the best!"

"Don't be here, you'll be as good as you are, little gay." Varina blew a smoke ring at Xingjue contemptuously, "Only those who have no skills like to brag."

Tony looked at the vain and arrogant female shopkeeper coldly, and counterattacked calmly: "An old woman like you, no amount of perfume can cover up body odor. Get ready to burrow early, and don't worry about participating in the competition."

Varina cursed. On the side, Quill, Rocket, Groot the tree, and the apprentices in the shop all laughed.

"Don't even think that someone will take you to the competition! Damn foreigner, believe it or not, I will let the police officers of the legion arrest you? I know the centurion!"

Tony pretended to surrender, turned his head and walked out of the luxuriously decorated workshop.

Rocket Raccoon, who came out with him, couldn't help but praise, "I didn't expect that I really underestimated your words. Now I kind of believe that you are a qualified mechanic."

"Don't you feel ashamed to cheat for such an employer?" Quill spat contemptuously towards the workshop door.

"Business is business, and credit is innocent. You guys should find a way to sneak into the arena first. The registration deadline is only a few hours away."

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