The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 245 Tony: I saw the Twin Towers

The base of the highest evolution is a remote planet, which cannot be found in the travel guidebook of the galaxy, but the defected high priest Sovereign betrayed the former creator without hesitation. According to the coordinates she provided, the planeswalker spanned half a century. It took a week for a galaxy, and after hundreds of space transitions, it finally arrived at the destination—the anti-Earth.

When the Anti-Earth appeared among the stars projected on the inner screen of the bridge, everyone thought they were dazzled for a moment.

Because the distribution of sea and land on this planet is exactly the same as that of the earth.

Tony asked Linde if he had entered the wrong jump coordinates, and went around and returned to the solar system. Linde asked him to look up at the nearby stars. As long as he had a little understanding of the constellations, he could realize that this place was truly a foreign land. The coordinate signal of the pulsar lighthouse also proves that this is not the solar system.

"The supreme evolution has created a replica of the earth." Everyone came to the final conclusion. Although it feels a little unbelievable, but the facts are in front of us, maybe the highest evolution is a fan of earth civilization.

"Is this what the earth looks like?" Qiao Jiani was enthusiastic. "Mr. Stark's hometown is also like this? The ocean is so vast, like a blue glass bead."

The little girl was supposed to stay in Xandar, but because a certain wizard was impatient to trouble the Supreme Evolution, Jojani followed the planeswalkers on an adventure in a daze.

Tony let the control spacecraft cut into low-earth orbit and enter the atmosphere from the day hemisphere. At this moment, they are flying over the Atlantic Ocean, near the east coast of North America. All the details of the surface of this planet correspond directly to the Earth, and the trend and structure of the Appalachian Mountains are almost carved out of the same mold.

Soon, they saw New York.

When the ship passed by the familiar New York Bay, everyone noticed that the Statue of Liberty on Bedero Island was replaced by the Supreme Evolution, and the bronze-green burly statue bathed in the warm sunlight, looking magnificent.

The high-rise buildings in the city are slightly different from the earth, but the landmark buildings have been reproduced, and the shops, parks, and city halls are all exactly the same as the hometown in memory.

Tony looked confused, "I really feel that this is New York, except for that statue, everything is too similar."

However, it didn't take long for him to veto this idea himself, "This is definitely not the earth, damn it, I saw the Twin Towers!"

Qiao Jiani was puzzled: "What happened to the Twin Towers?"

"You just need to know that this tower has been buried in the history of the earth. It seems that there are no terrorist pilots from the Middle East in this world." Tony's expression was indescribably weird.

Residents on the surface noticed the alien visitor and looked up in amazement at the Planeswalker flying across the city. Everyone in the bridge can also clearly see the appearance of the local aborigines.

These residents are not primates Homo sapiens, but a group of humanoid animals. Bats, octopuses, cats, dogs, turtles and other beasts all walk upright on two feet, but largely retain animal characteristics, such as hair, arms, feet, and sharp claws. , scale armor and so on. Their dressing is no different from that of people on earth, and shirts, jackets and jeans are also popular.

Anti-Earth is the home of these Orcs.

"They are all the research results of the highest evolution." Linde explained, "The highest evolution has mastered a special technology that allows a creature to span millions of years of evolution in a short period of time. These humanoid animals are That's how it was born."

"I seriously doubt that Supreme Evolution is an orc!" Tony's eyes twitched. "Where should we find this guy?"

"Ask someone for directions," Stan said matter-of-factly, "I've traveled all over the world without getting lost."

"You've lost your way to an alien planet." Linde and Jiali were speechless at the old man's brazen words.

Stan's proposal was unanimously agreed, and in fact, the group just wanted to experience the customs and customs of Anti-Earth up close. The so-called monk can't run away from the temple if he can run away, the family property of the highest evolution is on this planet, there is no need to rush to trouble him.

Everyone planned to disembark, only Qiao Jiani offered to stay. She wanted to take care of the rocket and the tree-figure Groot, and in case of an emergency, she could launch the spaceship in time to support her teammates.

The Planeswalker is docked in Central Park. The orcs surrounded them with curiosity. They spoke a strange alien language that even the translator could not recognize.

The visit of this group of aliens made the locals of the anti-Earth startled. Judging from their reactions, it is true that they have never experienced this kind of contact of the fourth kind, but these orcs are very friendly. Normally, if an alien spacecraft lands in the United States, they should be greeted by helicopter gunships and marines.

Stan cheerfully came forward to say hello, even if he couldn't understand the language, he could communicate with body gestures. After a while, the enthusiastic natives accepted them and invited the aliens to their homes.

Walking into the home of the aborigines, the furnishings of the house are exactly the same as the modern decoration style of the earth, and the music sung by the virtual singer is playing on the radio, with a lively rhythm. Jiali was shocked, "Hatsune Miku?!" Then she denied it herself, "It's not Hatsune Miku. It's just a bit similar."

It took Linde a little time. By reading the magic of thinking and learning the language of the local people, he could have a detailed understanding of the living conditions of the indigenous people on the anti-Earth.

According to the owner of the house, all orcs were created by the highest evolution nearly half a century ago, and under the grace of the creator, they enjoy this beautiful planet.

The Supreme Evolution knows everything about Anti-Earth.

"In other words, he knows we're here. You just need to wait for him to come to the door." Linde was satisfied, "It's easy."

Before the words were finished, there was a knock on the door.

The owner of the house went to answer the door, and immediately let out a cry of surprise and fear, and hurriedly lay down on the ground and kissed the boots of the visitor.

The eyes of the planeswalkers were attracted, and they all saw what the so-called supreme evolution looked like. A dark-skinned humanoid alien life in purple armor, tall and straight, with a calm demeanor and cold eyes. His face is very weird, like a human skin mask attached to the bone, which is indeed the case. Jiali's super vision penetrates the human skin mask, and she can see the bloody and bloody true face of the highest evolution. She can't help but hide in disgust. Get behind Linde.

The anti-earth God stared at everyone indifferently, and asked indifferently: "Where did you know the coordinates here? Please answer truthfully." Behind him is a team of highly modified and strong orcs, with huge animal heads connected to mechanical bodies. Looks like a butcher of steel.

Linde answered the question very kindly: "Ayesha revealed it."

"Soverin, their civilization chooses to betray, so there is no value in continuing to exist. As for you, what purpose do you come here?" The Supreme Evolution angrily sentenced the Soverein to death.

Linde still replied truthfully: "I'm here to beat you up."

He raised the Infinity Scepter and pointed it at the Supreme Evolution, the Power Gem took effect, and a bucket-thick dark purple shock wave blasted out, sending the Supreme Evolution and his soldiers flying out, falling on the street like rubble.

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