In the corner of the Milky Way, a long time ago, the nebula ruins of the supernova explosion gave birth to a newborn star, which blew away the surrounding clouds for several light years with brilliant light and heat, and the constant angular momentum made it rotate continuously, as if in a soup pot Stir the ladle in one direction, and the debris residue in the soup begins to follow the gravitational vortex, forming a ring-shaped distribution.

Hundreds of millions of years later, these detritus materials will aggregate into the planets of the galaxy, but at this time, they are nothing but large and small dross, forming circles of asteroid belts.

A man in a golden mask stands alone on the barren surface of an asteroid.

In the dark and distant sky, the battleships of two interstellar civilizations crossed the deep space, just like ships on the sea, they found each other inadvertently, and then their ships opened fire at the same time, even though these two civilizations had never met, they were so tense . The hot high-energy rays left long and straight traces in the background of the universe. The battleship barrier at the point of impact shattered like a thin eggshell, the armor on the side of the ship melted, the ship disintegrated, and hundreds of thousands of rays floated out from the hole. Corpses without spacesuits.

The golden mask is as smooth as a mirror, silently reflecting the silent battle.

The pure gold mirror reflects the war between civilizations, the genocide on the surface of the planet, the barbaric sacrifice of religion, and the skeleton-like civilians during the famine. Together with the bright eyes behind the eye holes, it has witnessed the glorious people's epic of intelligent life, as well as all kinds of evil deeds of love and hatred.

Time flies on the golden mirror, and its shiny luster is stained and rusted by the blood of tens of thousands of tragedies in forty civilizations seen along the way, and the mottled rust stains are like tear stains.

The man wearing the mask saves the poor people who are on the verge of desperation one after another. They are about to be shot through by the bullets of their compatriots, about to be killed by disease and hunger, and about to be destroyed by the meteorites that destroy the planet and the naval guns of alien civilizations. While making dust, a wizard with a golden mask and a silver scepter appeared to help them.

These near-dead people swore to follow the Savior, and because of their shared tragic past, they longed to build a utopia free from war, famine and crime. Wizards taught them knowledge, and these men created a community of scholars and cosmic traders. The followers used the biotechnology taught by the wizard to become famous in the galaxy and formed a giant enterprise called the Aoge Group.

A giant enterprise transcends nations and countries, and is a business community that spans galaxies, amassing massive resources and wealth. Group scientists explore the mysteries of genes and life, and they believe that the key to creating utopia is to create a perfect race.

Suppose there is a race that is beautiful, agile, intelligent, brave, resolute, able to move for a long time with only a small amount of food, kind-hearted, loving art, and united as one. Such high-quality people can naturally form a prosperous country.

The Aoge Group regards the creation of a perfect race as the ultimate goal, and the wizards who lead them are crowned with the honorable name of the highest evolution.

In the galaxy at that time, many people believed that the Supreme Evolution was just another lunatic, whitewashing his unethical biological experiments under the guise of saving the world. High Evolution has always been indifferent to these accusations. Even if his followers were aggrieved, all the praise and justification of the highest evolution were promoted as shameless business, which only made the man's reputation even more evil and crazy.

Aoge Group has a set of clear and humane treatment standards for experimental subjects. Experimental subjects with intelligence and language ability are regarded as employees and enjoy the same benefits. Effective aftermath treatment.

No matter how malicious the outside world speculates, there is one fact that cannot be disputed. Through animal experiments, the Aoge Group has improved cheap and easy-to-use mechanical prosthetics. There is almost no rejection, and the neural links are also very efficient. Retired soldiers solve life's difficult problems.

Followers know the incredible true power of the Supreme Evolution, who they have seen raise the dead, spring back planets glassed by orbital guns, and turn fallen asteroids into clouds. Fanatical believers believe that the Supreme Evolution is fully capable of creating a perfect world, but he is willing to stay in the Aoge Group, accompanying scholars and sales managers to play house games.

Followers have asked with trepidation, why should adults waste time on such mundane matters?

The Supreme Evolution's eyes hidden behind the golden mask showed strong patience, and the passage of time could not change his determination. He explained: "I am following the real timeline, and this is done to prevent serious conflicts when history merges. deviate, lest it lead to the destruction of the universe."

Even the most loyal of followers think his lord is a little crazy.

One day, the original followers passed away one after another, and this determined king had been sitting on the throne for a hundred years.

At this time, the Aoge Group has become a behemoth in the galaxy. During this period, the Supreme Evolution created the Sovereign race as an exploration of the aesthetics of the human body, which made the race astonishingly beautiful.

Sovereigns consider themselves the result of a perfect biological mission, and regard their own race as supreme. They abandon the traditional reproduction method and use artificial cocoons to cultivate offspring. The future path of each member is determined by genes, just like a bee colony. A clear division of labor.

The development of the Sovereign civilization was very smooth, and soon it had a strong military strength, and Sovereign's drone swarm dominated the sea of ​​stars. The Aoge Group took them for granted as the forerunners of the perfect race, and everyone was immersed in the joy of their dreams coming true.

One day, the High Priest of Sovereign declared to the Creator that their race would assume the ideal of Utopia. But the Supreme Evolution said their fate was otherwise arranged.

After that day, Supreme Evolution led a group of employees to leave the headquarters of the Aoge Group, and drove the starship to deep space.

He returned to the lonely asteroid. Hundreds of years ago, the battle field of two strange civilizations was empty. The damaged spacecraft was dragged away by space scavengers, and the bones of the dead were blown into dust by the solar wind. This is still a forgotten corner of the galaxy, now chosen by the Supreme Evolution as its new home.

A man wearing a golden mask stands in the void, waving a silver scepter, the green gemstone on the head of the scepter lights up, and the torrent of time roars loudly.

The employees were horrified to see the sun spinning rapidly, and the light it emitted turned from blue to white, brighter than a supernova.

The ring of asteroids and interstellar matter coalesced under the influence of gravity, and in the next six months, eight planets were formed one after another. After the torrent of time subsided, Supreme Evolution came alone to the asteroid it once set foot on, and now it has devoured all the detritus in its orbit, becoming a terrestrial planet with a diameter of 13,000 kilometers, and its surface is covered with hot lava seas. Slowly cooling down in deep space.

He waved the scepter again, the purple light of the power gem permeated the surface of the planet, the inner core, the outer crust, and the geological movement was taken over by the power of the gem. The supreme evolution shaped the planet like rubbing plasticine. He tore the earth's crust into six major plates, depressed the ocean basins, and uplifted the continents. At that time, up to 200 million volcanoes erupted in a day, and the erupting lava was in the supreme power. Driven to pile up into mountains.

When the solid shape of the surface is completed, the planet looks like a magnificent sculpture from space.

The Supreme Evolution looked at the surface of the planet with satisfaction, confirmed the height of each mountain and the shape of each coastline, and then used the power of the Reality Gem. The red light covered the surface of the planet like a torrent, slowly expanding and shrinking, like a heartbeat.

From this red sky, the torrential rain fell, it was not rain at all, but a vast ocean fell from the sky, but in just one day, all the oceans had been formed. Then a fierce wind fell from the red sky, like a wall of doom, pushing across continents and oceans, bringing water into inland rivers, carrying mountains into snow, and when the wind died down, the atmosphere was formed. The supreme evolution walking in the sky decorated the earth like laying out a sand table, plants began to grow lushly, and urban agglomerations sprung up. Seven days later, the red light of the Reality Gem dissipated, and the originally barren and savage lava planet has become a civilized world.

The spacecraft landed on the surface, and the employees came to the outside world to see the works of the highest evolution. After witnessing the miracle of creation, these latecomers who don't know much about the founder of the group have been convinced and believe that he will be able to create a perfect country.

"My lord, what will you name this planet?"

The Supreme Evolution told them that this is a replica of his hometown, which can be called "anti-Earth".

In the years to come, he ordered the Aoge Group to secretly purchase animals from the Earth and send them to the Anti-Earth, where he will continue his experiments. Each batch of experimental bodies of the Aoge Group has a number, starting from 01, and now it is exactly 89. Supreme Evolution will complete the biological transformation of the 89th batch of experimental bodies on the anti-earth.

The small animals from the earth arrived quickly, shivering in the iron cage produced by the earth.

"My lord, what experiment are you going to do with these stupid beasts?"

"Evolution," he replied.

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