The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 271 The cat girl who got her wish and the ghost who asked for it

The last time Linde was a substitute teacher was the last time.

Back then he was teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, this time he was teaching Potions. Relatively speaking, this is a relatively boring and boring class. All Linde can do is to give more encouragement to the students.

The fifth-grade students have to take the ordinary wizard exam, so they have to be taken care of. Lin De was born in a big exam-taking country, and there is no other way to face the exam. Experience testifies that by repeating mechanical exercises, it is possible to improve the performance of the potion class in a short time. As for the principle of potion making, it can be interspersed with explanations when the young wizards have time to learn.

"Seventh of the success in making potions is in the early preparations. Just like cooking, you have to prepare all the ingredients before putting them in the pot. The next step is to draw a ladle according to the gourd. The most taboo of this craft is to be in a hurry. Before making a potion, you must be aware of all the links. The preparation includes judging whether the medicinal materials are qualified, pre-processing the medicinal materials..."

Linde sat on a pure gold podium, giving lectures to his juniors with ease. The Potions classroom was a basement, and it was always dark. He cast a little magic and used fluorescent spells to bring sufficient lighting into the room, so that there was It is beneficial for students to see the status of the potion clearly, and the sufficient light can somewhat dispel the gloomy atmosphere. There are many glass jars on the wall of the classroom, which contain all kinds of animal specimens. If you look at them in a dim environment, it is really a bit scary.

He always encourages everyone to try bravely and prevent unexpected situations in time. Relying on a lot of experience and Linde's after-school homework bombardment, the students became more and more proficient in making potions.

The homework assigned by Linde is not a traditional essay, but a test paper, which includes fill-in-the-blank, short-answer and application questions. It really gave the British wizard a little Chinese shock.

In short, more than half a month has passed, Hogwarts is about to enter winter, the temperature in the northern part of England has dropped slowly, and the first snow of this year is not far away.

At this time, the Potions class represented by Linde encountered a big problem. It wasn't that any student was injured by the explosion of the cauldron and went to the hospital, but that the raw materials for making it were about to run out.

The Potions class consumes a lot of medicinal materials, and Dumbledore and his experiments in the White Tower consume even more. Even though the old headmaster has a lot of money and wealth, he buys raw materials in large quantities, but the raw material market in the British wizarding world is only so small, and no one can buy them with money. More ingredients.

There are many ways to solve the problem, and the first thing Dumbledore thought of was self-production and self-marketing. Hogwarts has newly built a hothouse so big that it can be used to grow medicinal materials, and there is also a piece of forbidden forest so big that it can just collect animal raw materials.

The manager of the greenhouse is Pomona Sprout, professor of herbalism and head of Hufflepuff. Dumbledore asked her to go to the principal's office for a detailed discussion. Later that night, the professor also went to the White Tower. She's more than willing to help, and interested in joining the library.

The guardian of the Forbidden Forest is Hagrid. He is the professor of the protection of magical creatures. As long as Dumbledore has a word, he is willing to go through fire and water. It's a pity that he can't join the secret date, this half-blood giant is not good at learning.

Professor Sprout led the students to cultivate various medicinal plants in the greenhouse, and Hagrid also asked the little wizard to cultivate some specific types of magical creatures. In this way, the school gradually produced output, and Dumbledore purchased raw materials from all over the world, and the problem of potion raw materials was basically solved.

The only thing that wasn't addressed was the curiosity of the other professors. (Professor McGonagall's resentful eyes.jpg)

In the White Tower, the cultivation of the brain tissue of the gods has achieved staged achievements. One night in mid-November, Linde was invited to visit the result of the hard work of Dumbledore and other great wizards.

"Well... not bad, quite healthy." Linde stared at the nearly 200 pounds of primitive nerve cell clusters in the culture tank, and his evaluation made Dumbledore and the four professors look at each other and smile.

"The first step and the second step have been completed. The next thing to do is to induce cell differentiation in a targeted manner. This step is equivalent to building computer hardware. The specialized brain structure can also prevent the brain of the gods from producing self-awareness to the greatest extent. So as not to contaminate the artificial soul body."

Linde pointed out the difficulty of this step, "Orientation induction needs to cut the nerve tissue first, and divide the brain like drawing a map, and it is still on a three-dimensional sphere, like carving an onion, each layer has a separate pattern. , and the integrity of the onion cannot be destroyed, this step must be done firmly and accurately. After the partition is completed, the neural connection must be reshaped with the deformation technique. This requires more patience for the professors."

Dumbledore, whose face was paler than that of a vampire, showed a weak smile. He hadn't closed his eyes much since the beginning of school, and he obviously couldn't bear this major operation. Grindelwald on the side, the real vampire shook his head with a strange expression. The magic power of the vampire has a breath of death, which may cause harm to the brain of the god. Then only Snape has this ability, he has a trick of magic sharpness, and he is very good at cutting.

Snape said, oh, he fell asleep standing up, said nothing, and said everything.

Linde shrugged and said with a smile: "It seems that I can only ask Professor Flitwick for help. Oh, and maybe Professor McGonagall, she can't wait. On the way I came from the dormitory, there was a suspicious tabby cat She's following me, and she won't eat dried fish when she feeds her, it's probably some wizard's Animagus."

Professor Sprout chuckled, and Hagrid laughed even more.

Everyone came to the first floor together, opened the door, and found the suspicious tabby cat in the grass not far away.

The wizards saluted the cat and said in unison, "Professor McGonagall, please show up."

The tabby cat elongated and transformed into a dignified witch in a turquoise dress. Professor McGonagall responded politely, staring at Dumbledore, obviously looking forward to the answer to his doubts, but said: "I just went out for a walk. I didn't expect to meet the professors, and you, Mr. de Lin. It's past the curfew time, shouldn't you be in the dormitory?"

"I went out at night on the first day of school. It's a personal habit. Uh, that's not what I meant, Professor. Anyway, I really should go. Let's talk when I have time. Good night, everyone."

Linde returned to the main castle in a hurry, and the ghosts were still wandering around. Besides, the Weasley twins were also active.

When heading to Gryffindor Tower, passing the corner of the second floor of the main hall, George Weasley suddenly came out and made a face at Lindby. "Scared! Got you."

Linde looked at the medieval armor by the wall and said with a smile, "Fred, how long have you been hiding in there?"

"Ah, boring, I wanted to scare you." The other of the twins took off his helmet, turned to the school student and curled his lips.

"How do you know my whereabouts?"

"This is a secret." The twins said in unison, and then laughed heartily, "However, you are a good friend of Weasley, and we will share the secret with you for free."

They took out a folded wide parchment and handed it to Linde. This thing is the famous Marauder's Map. It shows the real-time movements of everyone in Hogwarts. It is a very useful night tour and tracking tool. With it, you will not be afraid of being traced by the dormitory supervisor.

"Here it is for you. The password is 'I solemnly swear that I have done nothing wrong.'"

Linde was not interested in the Marauder's Map, so he returned it to Gemini after playing with it for a while. The Weasley brothers were obviously curious about what the professors were doing in the White Tower, and took this opportunity to keep asking, hoping to get some inside information.

"This is a secret." Linde squinted and smiled, "You will know when the time comes."

"De Lin, de Lin—" said George.

"It's really tight-lipped," Fred added. Then they walked out of the main castle side by side.

Linde was standing in the quiet hall under the moonlight, and was about to go back to the dormitory when a light voice stopped him.

"De Lin."

He looked back and saw a ghostly lady floating behind him.

"Ms. Ravenclaw, I haven't seen you for a while, what can I do for you?"

The visitor was the ghost of Helena Ravenclaw, the daughter of the original Ravenclaw, and one of the more interesting ghost friends that Linde knew. It had been more than two years since they first met.

"I do me a favor." Ms. Phantom sighed softly, the ghost's voice was colder than the birch leaves blown by the wind.

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