The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 290 The past is like a knife, a belated apology

The wizards in the dream of the gods roam freely in the illusory Hogwarts.

"It's so strange, are we really in a dream right now?" James leaned down on the bank of the Black Lake, dipped his hand into the water, and felt a cold touch, just like the cool lake water in summer in his memory.

He got up and looked around. Most of his companions had gone far away, some went to the main castle, and some wandered beside the Forbidden Forest. James noticed that when they moved away, their figures gradually blurred, as if sinking into the fog, and Hagrid, who was the fastest, had almost completely disappeared.

After everyone dispersed, James noticed that there was fog around him at some point, and the main castle was hidden behind the gray clouds, leaving only a hazy shadow. Fog hung in every direction, and only things within a radius of about sixty feet could be seen clearly.

"Hey! Guys, is there no one waiting for me? The white fog around is pretty scary, to be honest."

James turned his head and saw that only Snape was still standing there. The eccentric Potions professor never showed unnecessary curiosity. His expression was more of impatience, and he didn't respond to James' call at all.

"Hey, Snape." James greeted.

Strange to say, James hadn't had a word with Snape for more than a month since his resurrection. As a resurrected wizard worker, he stayed in the White Tower day and night, and rarely had contact with the outside world, while Snape stayed in the castle during the day and came to make medicine at night. He walked alone, and they had no intersection with each other.

"... What's the problem, Mr. Harker?"

Huck is James' pseudonym, and his full name is Jim Huck. Lind helped him choose it, and I don't know what the meaning is.

"It's foggy around, don't you think it's a little scary?"

Snape glanced at him, and then explained: "The spatial distance in the dream world not only means distance, but also represents the connection between souls and bodies. In this Hogwarts shaped by common memories, individual Memories are weak and cannot support such a vast space, so there will be fog around."

"Understood, it's like playing back memories in a Pensieve. Things that are too far away will be blurred. But you know a lot." James praised dryly.

"It's all detailed in the Guide, oh yes, you don't have a Guide yet. Maybe you should try harder so you don't need to peek at other people's books."

"I know you're watching the ceremony about resurrecting the dead." James secretly gritted his teeth at Snape's eccentricity, but now he has something to ask for, so he can only squeeze out a smile.

Snape's face turned cold, and he turned away immediately. James hurried behind him, clinging to him like a piece of brown sugar.

The surrounding fog moved around the two of them, maintaining a visibility range of sixty feet at all times.

"Don't get me wrong, Snape, I can help."

"I don't think you have such a great use, young man, you are not capable of setting foot in such a great field."

"Maybe I did live a few years less than you, but that doesn't mean that my ability is worse than yours. Snape, we are colleagues anyway, so can't you trust me once?"

They wandered aimlessly along the lake, and suddenly, a tall and straight beech tree emerged from the mist ahead. When James saw it, his expression became joyful, because it was the tree he used to hang out with most when he was a student. Where they stopped, they used to sit and chat after class under the shade of a tree that almost represented his school days.

Snape also saw the tree, but instead of James' joy, his expression was hatred and pain.

Memories surged through the duo, and strong emotions emanated from their souls.

The area of ​​the fog expanded slightly, and then suddenly, a group of Hogwarts students emerged from the fog, and they came to the lake for a walk, talking and laughing.

"What's going on here?" James and Snape were stunned, they looked at each other, shocked by the sudden change.

Suddenly, a pale black-haired boy came out of the mist, staring down at a parchment examination paper, his greasy straight hair danced with his staggering steps.

James recognized the boy as Severus Snape, a fifth-year student.

The old bat beside him trembled, his expression became very scary, and he said to James suddenly: "Let's get out of here."

"Is that person you? Have we entered your memory?"

"I said get out of here!" The old bat seemed to be impatient to leave, he didn't want to see the next memory playback.

James stood there in a daze, and the old bat almost couldn't help pushing him up, but he held back.

The surrounding scenes are still going on, the fifth graders James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupine, and Peter Pettigrew came together under the beech tree by the lake, and they began to have a pleasant and leisurely conversation instead of Beside the bushes in the distance, the young Snape was also sitting on the grass, still looking at the test paper carefully.

"Go!" the old bat roared.

"No, wait." James' eyes were eager, and he looked around, searching for Lily in the crowd.

A group of female students came to the lakeside, took off their shoes and socks, and stretched their legs into the lake water to enjoy the coolness. They were so happy that they laughed and buried their faces in the shoulders of their female companions, stretching out their hands to scratch each other Armpits, in the exclamation, pale legs beat the water like oars made of birch.

Among these schoolgirls was Lily Evans.

She looked so beautiful, more refreshing than the snow wind blowing through the alpine meadows.

The old bat's face turned into a neon light, fluctuating red and white, and it rattled its teeth.

What happened next was exactly as I remembered it, the young Snape getting up and walking across the grass, and James and Sirius, sitting under the beech tree, called to Snape, "All right, Snotluck?"

Snape shuddered all over. Seeing the look of the four of them facing a formidable enemy, Snape pulled out his wand suddenly, but immediately, James' disarming spell knocked his wand away.

Snape flung himself at his wand, and James immediately said, "[There are obstacles]." The invisible rope tripped him to the ground.

James and Sirius approached the fallen Snape, and the students around him slowly rushed over.

The old bat yelled, "Have you seen enough! Huck, go now, immediately!"

This memory was the most painful experience for Snape, and he didn't want to recall it at all.

The surrounding scenes continued, and the old bat became quiet, trembling all over.

Seeing the painful appearance of the old bat, "Huck" suddenly felt guilty from the bottom of his heart.

As a witness to the incident, he is very clear about what happened next.

James and Sirius laughed at Snape who fell to the ground, and the students around him also laughed, because Snape was not very popular, and most of the students were happy to see him being bullied.

Snape opened his mouth to fight back, but James' spell soon produced a mouthful of foam that nearly choked him.

In such a desperate moment, Lily Evans appeared.

She pushed through the crowd and said to the two bullying Snape, "Let him go!"

The old bat closed his eyes, he didn't want to look any further. For Lily, she's saving her best friend. For Snape, making a fool of himself in front of the girl he loved was better than dying like this.

"Huck" watched how his younger self was showing off in front of Lily, and Snape was dying of embarrassment.

When he was young, Snape often associated with a few bad guys in Slytherin, and later they all became Death Eaters. Snape didn't care about what his friends did, even if he didn't have any outrageous behavior, In the eyes of others, Snape is the accomplice of the bully.

The reason why James was hostile to Snape was not pure. He was not trying to stand up for his classmates who were being bullied by Slytherin, but he wanted to take the opportunity to attract Lily's attention. Young people think that men's society is like a pride of lions, as long as they prove that they are better than others, they can get the love of the opposite sex, but they don't know how terrible the consequences of doing so are.

In the end, James got what he wanted, he bullied Snape hard, and asked Snape to say the phrase "Mudblood" to Lily, and Lily, who had great self-esteem, immediately broke with Snape. After that, James had the opportunity to develop a relationship with Lily, and finally confessed his heart to each other.

Such behavior is certainly the jealousy of young people, but in retrospect, James admits that he feels ashamed. He failed to win Lily's love in an aboveboard manner, and he did permanent harm to a young man.

If Snape was really a villain, James could still claim to be righteous, but he is now a professor at Hogwarts, and has won the respect of other professors with his exquisite skills and serious academic methods.

More importantly, they have all grown up and must be responsible for the past, and they cannot escape.

"Snape, let's go." James gave Lily a last nostalgic look, and then whispered to the old bat, "I'm sorry, sincerely."

"...forget everything you saw."

"I'm going to be absolutely tight-lipped. Also, about that resurrection ceremony you're watching, I can really help."

1. When he was young, James was a showy person with a strong vanity, which is really annoying, but his personality is still decent, so it cannot be concluded that he is a school bully with many evils. 2. The young Snape probably didn't participate in campus bullying, but he didn't care about the bullying incident, and he was very close to the bully, so he was classified as a bad student. He is also a very self-respecting person, he has never confessed his love to Lily, and he must have a love-hate relationship in his heart when he sees the shameful side of the girl he loves, that's why he said "Mudblood". This may also be affected by the environment. At that time, Slytherin was deeply influenced by Voldemort, and the discrimination against non-pure blood wizards was very serious. There must be some influence from the black ink. 3. The above are all my personal speculations based on the original work. If you have different views on these two people, I hope you can tolerate my humble opinion.

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