The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 309 Chapter 388 Are you Lily?

"I remember the Quidditch final in two days. By the way, an interesting fact. Bowman Wright, the craftsman who originally made the Golden Snitch instead of the Snidget, came from Godric's Hollow. The history of this place Really brilliant."

Jim walked in the line and took the initiative to chat. Everyone stopped and stared at him.

"What's the matter? Everyone is silent, why don't I liven up the atmosphere."

Snape wore a long-sleeved black robe that had remained unchanged for thousands of years, like a crow attending a funeral. It seemed that no festival could allow him to change his outfit. But today he washed his hair and put on some pomade.

The old bat snorted coldly: "No one needs you to liven up the atmosphere."

Sirius fights for Jim. He said aloud, "No, that's just what you think, Snape. We really need to hear from you at this... special time, Jim, and it's really a relief to me."

The prisoner of Azkaban tidied himself very cleanly and decently today, and Lupine beside him did the same. He replaced the old robe with the new clothes he bought with his wages. They are coming here to pick up their old friend who died for thirteen years.

The sun is about to set, and the early summer evening is not too hot, and the sky at the end of the valley has accumulated a few clusters of lifeless clouds, soaked in the transparent molasses of the setting sun.

The moments that make people feel good and sad in a day are before everyone's eyes.

The wizards bathed in the afterglow and walked slowly into Godric's Hollow.

Everyone came to the square in the center of the village, where the stele commemorating the Potter family stood.

In the eyes of Muggles, it was just an obelisk full of names, but in the eyes of wizards, this stone tablet that had been cursed with confusion revealed its true face.

It was a statue of three people - Lily, James and Harry.

Everyone stood here, and no one spoke for a while.

Dumbledore took the initiative to break the silence that was worth a thousand words, and said softly: "No matter what the world will become in the future, we have made all preparations here to welcome back the dead...

"James and Lily, they are excellent wizards, but the beast of war took away two souls that sparkled with humanity too early. The miracle of magic is that we will never know how many things that used to be considered crazy and impossible have turned into possible.

"Bring them flowers as a farewell gift from death."

The old wizard took out his wand and waved it lightly, and flowers bloomed from the head of the elderberry wand. It was a large bunch of carnations, which were gently placed in front of the statue.

Grindelwald offered two bouquets of morning glory, smiled slightly, and said nothing.

Sirius had already wrapped the white rose, placed it in front of the statue, looked up at James' cheek, and said seriously: "My best friend, please wait patiently, don't feel lonely in the kingdom of the dead, it is very Come on, we'll see each other again. If it happens, we can go to your son Harry's game together, James... He, I mean Harry, he's also a Seeker now... riding on the On the broom, it's almost as sharp as you...cough, that's it."

He retreated to the corner with his head down, and quickly wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeves. The gray eyes embedded in the sunken eye sockets were still sharp, like a tough guy who would not cry after being hacked dozens of times.

Lupine offered the straw daisy, hesitated, and said distressedly: "Someone has finished the conversation for me. James, Lily, we'll see you the day after tomorrow." He walked up to Sirius and just stood there.

Huck opened the paper box he carried with him and took out a bouquet of narcissus. The petals were full and the dew was condensed, as fresh as they had just been picked.

He didn't say anything.

Ivana also prepared flowers a long time ago. She put down a handful of hyacinths and said softly, "Respect to you... brave people."

Linde smiled secretly and presented flowers to his statue. This experience is not something ordinary people can have. And the three on the statue are actually alive.

He asked the old bat beside him: "Professor Snape, what have you prepared?"

Snape was also holding a wooden box in his hand, which looked like an ordinary box for medicine in his office.

He stood there for a long time, and finally opened the box.

Inside is a bouquet of asphodels used to make the water of death, which looks fresh, but also a bit shriveled.

Ivana chuckled softly.

"Snape, why did you bring the medicinal ingredients?"

The old bat didn't explain, just put the flower down.

Finally, Linde presented a lucky four-leaf clover.

It is as if a small flower bed was built in front of the statue.

Godric's Hollow Cemetery is not far away.

Linde suggested: "Let's dig the grave after dark. It's a bit unlucky to do such a thing in broad daylight."

Although everyone is a wizard, but after thinking about it, it makes sense, so they scattered to wait for the dark, and agreed to meet at the only tavern in the village at nine o'clock in the evening.

At the invitation of Dumbledore, Linde came to his former home, accompanied by Grindelwald.

"I haven't been back for many years. It needs to be cleaned." Dumbledore said to himself.

This dilapidated small villa has two floors, no one disturbs it, and the natural dust and weeds have settled in. It took them half a minute to restore the house to its original appearance. The furnishings in the house are not much different from when Dumbledore left.

Dumbledore seemed frightened by the home he had been away for many years, standing near the gate, pointing to a corner of the living room.

"There, where Ariana died, Grindelwald and I, someone's spell got out of control and fell on her..."

Grindelwald said: "Don't beat yourself up. The little girl couldn't control her spell and was getting bounced by my armor spell, so I killed her."

"Partly." Dumbledore was not relieved, "more because of my arrogance and coldness. I never wanted to take good care of Ariana, and Aberforth. Now, my sister is coming back, I hope she sees Don't be too surprised by an old man like me, haha... Maybe I should tell Aberforth the news..."

Lin Dean listened quietly.

Dumbledore babbled, he chatted with Grindelwald about what happened back then. How to get to know each other, visit each other, eat together, and talk about things that change the world.

There was a smile on Grindelwald's cold face, and the two centenarians reminisced about the past, like playing an old tape in a Walkman.

Sirius, Lupine, Huck and Ivana came to Potter's old house, and the desolation of the place made them fall in love with the scene.

"Let's look around and don't break things," Sirius had said. "Get the house out when we have time, so James and Lily will have somewhere to live when they get back."

The furniture in the living room was stacked in a corner, and Huck was holding the family portrait on the cabinet.

Ivana is like coming home, familiar with every corner of this place, the ivy-eroded boards creaked as she walked by, she came from the stairs to the top room, and a big hole was blasted in the roof of the room, which was Voldemort's rope. Caused by the rebound of the curse.

Here she had begged the Dark Lord not to kill her children.

The crib was still there, but the little green-eyed baby was at Hogwarts, on his parents' path.

Ivana knelt down, rocked the crib gently, and hummed a lullaby.

Both Sirius and Lupine were on the first floor, talking loudly about future additions.

The witch's eyes shone in the last beam of skylight shining on the room, and the sparkling autumn water was like a white sailboat passing through the years of suffering.

"James, it would be nice if you were here. Harry, your son, he's grown up. He's a fine wizard now, knows the Unforgivable Curses... he's kind of scary, isn't he? But I I know, Harry is a kind child in his heart. He is very cute, and he called his mother when he passed out. My baby, you are always pure in my mother's heart..."


Ivana heard the sound of something falling behind her.

She turned her head and saw Jim standing at the door, with a broken family photo at his feet.

"You, you are... Lily?!" (End of this chapter)

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