The Charizard's six-man crew returned with bruises and swollen faces.

They were brought back by a single person.

Captain Manny hears the sirens and rushes to the deck, only to see the crew confronting a sleazy man.

"Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Can anyone tell me where this friend is from?"

He came forward with a smile and strode towards Linde.

The magic sword in the magician's hand flickered, causing the captain's face to freeze.

The sorcerer's apprentice was crying, he was the least injured, and said loudly at this time: "Mr. Captain, this man is a magician!"

The old crew member's face was bloody, he raised his head and winked.

Manny's enthusiasm remained undiminished, and he greeted again, but the other party did not respond, but just stared at him indifferently.

"We need an interpreter. Is there anyone who can speak to this gentleman? Mr. Gus, you are just in time. We need a scroll of language proficiency."

Stan appeared on the deck with Gus, and when he saw Linde, he immediately shouted in surprise: "It's you, Lin, I finally found you."

He spoke English, which Linde understood perfectly.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Stan, Stan Lee, the mother of Jesus, I've been looking for you for a year, and that guy Io finally let us meet."

Linde frowned, "I don't know you."

The blond bard smiled warmly and cheerfully, and strode forward. He stopped in front of Linde, looked him up and down, and clicked his tongue, "You're too hard on yourself, and you're like this."

"You know about my past?"

"Of course. I didn't erase my memory."

"My memory? Wait, I remember, I'm a twenty-sided dice! I'm the incarnation of Linde!"


In Io's apartment, Linde looked at Stan speechlessly.

"I've been Bear Grylls for so many days, and you're wasting my hard work with one word."

Stan waved his hand and said lazily: "Admit it, Robinson's story is not suitable for DND. Broken rocks, nothing to do."

"..." Linde looked at Ai Ou, "Shouldn't you be fair?"

Ai Ou stroked his beard and smiled, "At least you are already familiar with the rules, let's start the adventure formally as soon as possible."

"All right, then. Time to head to Toril."


On the deck of the Charizard, Linde winked at Stan with a complaining expression, he let go of the force field rope, and the six prisoners in front of him regained their freedom and ran towards the captain stumbling.

"Stan, you bastard." The warlock and the bard embraced warmly, "What an old bastard."

"How many stories have you missed, Lin, I followed the fleet to Klein Tianyu, where the story of "Dragon Spear" took place. If you are there, we can go in and get involved."

"Okay, let's talk about these things later. How did this ship run aground? Isn't the magic rudder broken?" Linde stroked his hair, fashioned a force field ring, tied his hair into a ponytail, and revealed a Thin and pale cheeks, sparkling eyes, and a friendly smile are completely different from the cold survivor just now.

The surrounding crew members looked at the two men in amazement.

Linde took out a few bottles of white moss potion from his pocket and handed them to Captain Manny. Stan on the side explained for him: "Mr. Manny, my friend is a kind and good wizard. This is a healing potion presented by him. Hurry up and apply it to your crew, and by the way, give it to the guy lying in the infirmary." Use some."

"I don't understand, Stan, do you know this guy?" Boss Gus suspected that the two were playing oboe.

"Yeah, I've been friends with him for a long time." Stan laughed, "Do you still remember where you found me? My friend and I were taken to Huangyu by a portal, but unfortunately separated from each other. We met by fate. He doesn't speak the Common Tongue yet, but don't worry, he's always a quick learner, and my friend is also a master alchemist who knows how to make a magic helm."

Stan smiled reassuringly. The excellent charm of the bard allowed him to win the trust of others with just shaking his lips. Not only did the boss Gus speak with joy, but even the captain and crew members were also excited. .

Linde was respectfully invited to the bow cockpit.

Pammy the Tinker Dwarf crouched on the broken eldrometer, all he did was take more parts out of the way.

"Pammy, please make way, the experts are here." Gus grinned with golden teeth.

"What kind of expert?!" Pammy looked back and saw a ragged man surrounded by the crew, "Where is the beggar?"

Linde didn't understand his words, but following the other person's eyes, he also noticed the embarrassment of his rotten clothes, and he said casually, "Restored as before." But he remembered that he was just an incarnation now, without "Harry Bo The wizard blood of the special world.

Stan said: "Leave the clothes to me. You can see if the magic helm can be repaired first."

Pami curled her lips, "This man is a bit stupid. Can he repair the magic rudder?"

Linde stepped forward to check and frowned when he saw the situation inside the magic rudder, "If there are enough materials, it will take at least five days. I need pure gem powder to reconstruct the magic circle, and two natural magnets to cast Juggling [restoration], restoring physical damage to parts."

Stan recounted it truthfully.

Gus agreed, and it didn't take long to collect the materials Qi Linde requested, and brought him a set of elegant plain white mage robes.

Linde was not in a hurry to prove his worth, but took a comfortable bath in the helm's cabin, shaved his stubble with the magic sword, changed into new clothes, and went to the kitchen to eat and drink.

He opened the "Guide" casually, knocked on the cover, and opened a shiny green eye on the black book cover, with a mouth full of evil fangs, and made a flattering voice: "Ah, great lord, you Finally awake, the stars are singing praises for your return!"

Linde snorted coldly, "You have a beautiful idea. Collect my thoughts and make some intracranial light. Do you want to use the shell to enshrine the gods?"

Book of Mora panicked and defended: "I am wronged, Lord, I just borrowed your power to guide this weak incarnation on the path of mystery. I never thought carefully. You must believe me."

Linde just said casually, of course he knew that Mora didn't have the guts to resist.

"Call out the common language dictionary."

Mora retrieved the information obediently and did not collect candles at all. The information of the library tower is open to internal members, and no wealth of any kind has ever been asked for.

This candle is the condensate of the string of thoughts. If it is dedicated to the gods of the kingdom of heaven, they will be very happy, and they will bestow divine power on the contributors in exchange for more candles.

Such a good thing, Linde is going to save it, maybe it will be useful in the future.

The crew of the Charizard seemed to know that the new wizard couldn't understand them, so they muttered behind their backs.

"Is this man a liar?" "He is Stan's friend, but Stan is a bard. Everyone knows what a bard says, and he can even lie to the undead."

The magician holding the black note suddenly turned his head and said to the two crew members in the corridor: "(Common language) Hello."

They were startled, and quickly stood up straight, "Hello!"

Linde smiled and strode towards the cockpit. (end of this chapter)

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