The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 346 Spicy Potatoes Are Delicious

In the dream world, Bordon said solemnly: "Mr. de Lin is the person I swear to follow. He is not only my savior, but also the benefactor of Dagger Beach. I will block the attack for him with my body, and knock him down with my sword enemy."

Livia's eyes lit up, and she asked expectantly, "Do you want to become a paladin?"

Bordon's earlobe was red, and he hesitated and said: "It would be great if I could become a noble paladin, but I'm afraid... In short, if I become a paladin, I can repay Mr. de Lin's help to me." , then no matter how dangerous it is, I will work hard."

Livia encouraged: "Come on, believe in yourself."

"I don't know how to become a paladin." The young groom scratched his head and smiled shyly.

"There must be a solution in the library tower." Livia comforted.

Zim, a young man from Waterdeep City, curled his lips, "When I learn magic, I will be more powerful than him."

Livia and Bordon glared at the boy who uttered wild words.

Zim became complacent after receiving the attention, and his frivolous and undisciplined smile belonged to every ignorant teenager.

Livia didn't continue to make Zim proud, she asked the halfling Tao Na.

"Can you tell me what happened when you met Mr. de Lin at the Road Inn?"

"Of course." Tao Na said happily. She is a light-footed halfling subspecies among halflings. She has a lively personality, similar to a hobbit.

"Where do I start? There are so many things to say about the Road Inn. We are the most famous, most luxurious, most comfortable, and provide the best food on the trade road. There are fewer guests in winter, but As soon as spring starts and the roads are thawed, we will be busy washing, chopping and preparing spices. There are seventeen signature dishes, and the best appetizer is spicy potatoes. If you come to Dalu Inn, you must try it. Ale, rum, gin, kumiss, wine, anything goes with spicy potatoes, drank profusely, ate with a hot stomach, like a small stove, they say peeing is like breathing fire .”

Livia couldn't hold back her poker face shyly, covering her mouth and laughing. But her eyes were bright, for the halfling cook told stories more vividly than the clumsy Baldon.

Tao Na is open and generous, with a bit of learned quack air in her speech.

"Mr. De Lin stayed at the Highway Inn for only one night. He came to join Mr. Stan. Speaking of Mr. Stan, the Highway Inn has not had such a powerful bard for a long time. We were all happy during the few days he came. It's fantastic, and there are more guests than usual in summer. As soon as the sun goes down, everyone sits in the hall, the fireplace is lit, and the ale in wooden cups is piled high on the tray. His skin was so hot that his eyes were bloodshot.

"But I dare not take a break, dare not blink more, ah, it's not that I'm greedy for money, and it's not that I was forced by the innkeeper. I have to work so hard just to free up my hands earlier and get into the hall. I have a small stool. I can sit down and drink wine from a small glass and eat two pieces of spicy potato quietly from a guest's plate. This is the happiest time I have. When the bard Edkin sings, someone dances, but Stan Monsieur is just telling stories, really good stories that have never been told before."

Livia nodded, she was anxious to hear Linde play.

"Ah, the day Mr. de Lin came, it happened to be raining heavily, and many guests left early, and it would be too late if they didn't leave. The last storm of summer turned the road into mud. There were so many passing guests that their cars The horse's wheels were half sunk in the ground, and it was useless to whip the pack horses. In the foggy forest not far from the main road, many animals ran out. A stray elk smashed the glass of the inn, and several starlings fell into the hotel from the chimney. fireplace.

"I'm sitting in the corner of the hall. I haven't had any business all day. The guests who live in the hotel come to the kitchen to order food, and then return to the room to rest. Near noon, a group of guests wearing hoods came, Mr. Stein whispered Me, these guys are not good people."

The boy Zim has heard this story more than once, and lazily said: "Spoiler, these people are red-robed wizards from Searle, and they are here to grab things."

Livia glared at him again, and the boy smiled coyly again.

Tauna was not angry, and continued: "Mr. de Lin came in the evening, and his horse didn't get a drop of rain. There was still a luminous head hanging on the saddle, which was brighter than a lamp. The storm couldn't be troubled at all. He. De Lin came in with a man covered in a hood. Mr. Stein went up and hugged him cheerfully. And offered him spicy potatoes again."

Just how good are spicy potatoes? Livia sneered to herself.

"I sat and listened to them. De Lin said, 'Mia's dead. I need a big diamond.' Turns out he was worried about money. The hooded men came up, and one of them said: 'You're short of money, and we can lend it to you.' De Lin just laughed. Mr. Stein told them to go. Next—"

Tao Na's tone was secretive, and she said in a low voice: "—the group of people walked away. Mr. de Lin was going to stay in the inn for one night. But strange things happened on this night. After dinner, the inn began one after another. dead."

Livia exclaimed: "Those red-robed wizards are killing innocent people indiscriminately! They are all bad breeds through and through!"

Tao Na shook her head: "No, they are not the murderers, because the first person to die was the red robe wizard, then an innocent traveler, and then a rich dwarf who lived for a long time. Such a big thing happened , The storm outside has not subsided, no one came, and no one left. The boss had to gather everyone in the hall and let everyone find a way to find the murderer."

Zim frowned, and wanted to spoil the spoiler, Livia immediately shouted: "Don't say it!"

"Why?" The little thief asked back with a smile, "The mouth grows on my body!"

"Don't say it, short, don't say it."

"It's okay if I don't say anything, you promise me one condition."

"Rogue! Tell me."

"You also live in Waterdeep City. I want to chat with you alone. How about meeting sometime tomorrow?" Zim lowered his eyelids, hiding the inferiority complex of the poor, and only showed a provocative smile.

Livia is a little hard to choose.

"Let's write."

"I can't read." Zim replied casually, and then his face darkened, "I will learn it soon. Do you agree?"

"I can't go out." Livia raised her neck, thinking in her heart that if the members of the library tower can contact offline, they can really help each other. In the future, this dream organization will become bigger and bigger, and maybe you can meet very powerful people.

"Tch." Zim smiled coldly, leaving the dreamland just like that.

"The idiot is gone, Tao Na, please continue." (End of this chapter)

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