Chapter 351 The plan is...

The night felt unbearably long, as if the sun would never rise.

The door of the inn was pushed open again, and all the passengers waiting in the lobby looked at it, only a pale shake of the head greeted their eyes.

"Oh." People sighed in disappointment.

"It's raining everywhere." The returnees were sent to warm themselves by the fireplace.

A drop of rainwater leaked in from the chimney cap, the flames of the burning wood danced, and the hot air was mixed with water mist, and the evil intention as heavy as mercury vapor was silently stirring the heartstrings.

The man who was trying to escape from the Highway Inn shuddered.

Tao Na brought hot herbal soup, a bitter hot soup stewed from dried ginger, coca leaves, vetch, mimosa and other ingredients, and one sip dispelled the chill entrenched in her limbs. The wealthy dwarf stuffed the pipe into the man's mouth, and told him to take two deep breaths. He coughed from choking, and his face turned red.

"I walked a long way, into the misty forest to the east, through shrubs and cypresses, and came back here without knowing it, maybe I strayed from the direction, but I didn't see a single animal on the way.

"But I clearly heard something moving in the bushes, with footsteps approaching me. I guess it must be a devil. It clicked his tongue twice at me. Maybe my soul is not evil, it just didn't kill me."

The first to try to get out was Barendar Horn, the Dwarven Guard, but he returned by himself before going far.

"Is it really impossible to get away? Why does Ms. Fortune play tricks on us like this?" Someone prayed in grief.

People's faces were solemn, and many passengers cast their dark eyes on the magician in the corner of the hall.

Linde has been regarded as the source of disaster. When he was excluded, he went to the corner alone. Stan was still with him, and the female elf druid sat not far from him.

Edkin watched everyone's performance.

The red-robed wizards of Searle whispered and focused their attention on the halfling Taona. It seemed that they were very concerned about the silver scepter, and there was no trace of the scepter in Taona's hand, maybe it was hidden.

Travelers have mixed opinions. Some people advocate collective escape from the inn, and the dwarf guards are the representative figures. Some people also advocated driving Linde out of the inn, and Join, a wealthy dwarf businessman, supported this decision.

This disagreement between the nephew and uncle amused Edkin.

The innkeeper's attitude was very ambiguous, and he had no idea. He agreed to flee collectively for a while, and wanted to drive Linde away for a while.

As for Edkin himself, for some reason, he felt that what Linde said made sense, that this mysterious man might really be able to kill the devil.

But no one wants to be a sacrifice to lure the devil. Seeds of doubt were scattered in every corner of the inn.

Edkin felt that if things went on like this, everyone might start killing each other.

So he stepped forward and asked Linde: "Sir, you heard it too, we are trapped in the inn, is there a way to leave?"

"The solution is to kill the devil, he's coming."

The magician comforted the restless undead Mia, and it became very disobedient. The evil spirit of the devil filled the rainy night, and the simple undead without thinking could feel this provocative power the most.

Linde used Mia as a looking glass to detect the progress of the devil's arrival. When Mia was quiet for a moment, it was the moment when the entangled alien creature came to die.

Edkin felt the creeps, the imminence of death was not a good feeling. But seeing the relaxed postures of Linde and Stan, he felt that he was making a fuss over a molehill.

"Uh, so what should we do?"

"If I can get a precious diamond, I can cast [Gate to Another World] and directly send that devil over, then I don't have to wait."

The passengers cursed under their breath.

Barendar, the dwarf bodyguard, had a quiet argument with his uncle, and Jon Horn hurled insults at his nephew.

"Is your head a lump of stone? Maybe that human... came here for me! Think about it, why did your father die!"

Barenda lowered her eyebrows and said nothing, clenched her teeth, and the seriousness she showed for a moment made Joe Yin calm down immediately.

The owner of the inn, Jamal, squeezed a smile and said to everyone: "It's late at night, wait for the sun to rise, and then try to go out. In such a dark night, you can't see the road clearly with a lantern. Let's rest first. Go back to bed, the sun will rise tomorrow morning and everything will be fine."

Tao Na nodded vigorously, and shouted: "I will cook a big meal tomorrow morning, and you will feel much better and have more strength after eating."

"Yes, there is a big meal tomorrow morning, let's go back to bed first." Jamal ordered the waiter in the store to send all the guests back to their rooms.

The original tense and tense atmosphere actually dissipated a lot because of the promise of a big meal. Many passengers sighed bitterly and returned to the rooms on the second floor one after another.

The hall became deserted again, and the firewood in the fireplace was covered with ashes.

Edkin was anxious, and he sincerely begged Linde: "You must have a way, how can you protect the innocent from being hurt?"

"You have seen the dead red-robed wizard." Linde said, "Describe to me what his corpse looks like."

"Okay, let me think about it... that corpse is completely dry, and it can be concluded that it is a dead spirit. There is no obvious trauma, but it is smiling. "

Linde nodded, and asked the female elf beside him, "Your companion monitored the red-robed wizard, did you find anything? For example, when did the deceased leave the room?"

The starling on the elf's shoulder chirped, and the druid nodded and relayed: "The Cyres are sharp. My companions were not able to approach the red robe wizard's room, but the deceased left the inn through the window, alone, without Acting with a companion. He wandered outside for a while, screaming like crazy, like... like possessed, and finally he wanted to come back here, but there was a lot of black smoke on him, and he didn't go The door fell down."

Edkin looked at the starling on the druid's shoulder in surprise.

The female elf's eyes were empty, "They are also druids."

That's why it's so smart. Edkin nodded knowingly. There are quite a few spellcasters present.

He suddenly had a little more confidence in Linde's plan to beat the devil to death. As long as we all work together...

However, what is most lacking now is unity.

Lin De showed a relieved smile, and it was the first time Edkin saw him smile, and he was a little stunned.

"That red-robed wizard committed suicide. The devil hasn't come yet, and all he can take advantage of is the weakness of the human heart. Stay kind and calm, and nothing will happen. When the battle starts, I will let you hide in the magic Are you listening?"

"Uh, of course. I'm listening. Good plan." Edkin came to his senses. "However, you mentioned earlier that sacrifices are required."

"Sinful soul."

"But is there a standard for this? What if an innocent person is accidentally injured?"

"I will not let kind people bleed again."

The hall was quiet for a while, and Mia, the undead, grunted softly.

The second is to be later, go to bed first

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