"When did you learn the Druid language?" Doric couldn't help asking.

"I didn't learn it." Linde shook his head, looking at the tiefling girl with a smile in his eyes.

"But I am a good imitator. You have led me to the way of nature. The cycle of the four elements promotes the flow of time, makes the cycle of life develop, and brews the spirit of nature, as if the universe is a grand living body, with space as its body , with time as the blood, and the soul of all things as the soul. This is indeed a wonderful experience. Thank you for your teaching."

Doric's cheeks were flushed by his sincere praise, and he was secretly surprised by Linde's conclusion.

She inadvertently peeped into the magician's pupils, and there were colorful runes flowing up and down in those dark pupils, like shattered ice flowing under the water.

After watching for a long time, these mysterious runes seemed to be like living things, pouring down along the eyes, and even inexplicable whispers began to ring in the ears.

Druid hurriedly looked away.

"What's with your eyes...? Oh, you don't have to tell me. Just a little curious."

Linde did not hesitate to explain, "Anyone who studies mysterious and taboo knowledge fragments or conducts magical experiments may be infected by strange forces, and even experimental accidents may occur. These thrilling events often lead to victims appearing Physical lesions, however, may also bring unexpected benefits.

"Warlocks will take the initiative to pursue this kind of infection. We know some safe ways of mutation, which are called magical invocation. The world I see with my eyes is too deep, and those unknown knowledge are like chasing blood." I was chosen as the guardian of the runes, and now I can understand all the characters in the world."

What Linde was talking about was the magical invocation called [Eye of the Rune Guardian], and the effect was the same as he described. Putting it in the game is a partial ability that no one would choose, but for learners, having this ability is very convenient.

Doric recalled all the hard work he had put in to learn the language, felt sad, and immediately pursed his lips, showing a micro expression of "you are so annoying when you talk."

"Since you have already learned the balance of the four elements, there is no need for me to teach you any more."

Linde has already raised his interest in the way of druids. Of course, he must study it carefully. How can he let go of the little teacher who is ready in front of him so easily. He immediately said jokingly: "The students have not yet learned the true skills of druids, but the instructors are passive and sabotage. It seems that the burden of maintaining the balance of nature cannot be passed on from generation to generation."

Doric flicked the long tail back and forth irritably. She sighed and raised her hands in surrender. "Okay, I will continue to teach you. But I am not your mentor."

Linde understood, he smiled and said: "My little mentor, you have to believe that you are doing a great cause."

The Druid girl gave him a blank look, "How did I teach you to become a great cause?"

Undead Mia also tilted her head and stared at Linde.

Linde took out the Infinity Scepter and threw it to Doric casually, "Here, take it."

"Ah?" She took the artifact in a panic, and the moment she got the scepter, she was attuned to the artifact. For a moment, the world in Doric's eyes was completely different.

Infinitely long lines of order emerge from the air, soil, and all things. They extend from infinity to infinity, like a net under the surface of the world, layer upon layer. The deeper the magic net, the brighter the color, as if Solidified lightning and violent magical energy flow from the root of the multiverse along the latitude and longitude of the magic net.

"Is this...the magic net?" Doric asked tremblingly, his legs together and his tail erect.

She wanted to avoid the magic net, but these warp and weft mercilessly penetrated matter and void, and flowed through her body without the slightest sense of foreign body. There are dark dots flickering and flowing on the surface of each line, disorderly and indeterminate. Doric noticed that there were also nine dark dots around him. Wherever he looked, the dark dots echoed accordingly. These are the five ring-levels she prepared today. Spell bits.

Doric found that he could capture spells stored in the magic net at will, from level 1 to level 9, as long as it was a druid spell, he could capture it at will. They surround the owner of the Infinite Scepter like the stars surrounding the moon.

Infinite spell slots, infinite magic power, this is the power of the infinite scepter.

Sweat dripped from Doric's forehead. Instead of being intoxicated by this power, she was a little terrified, because anyone who got the scepter could become a terrifying powerhouse in a short period of time, comparable to legends, and easily step onto the road of ascension to God. road. Such a powerful force, in Druid's view, is bound to destroy the balance of nature.

Good and evil, order and chaos, nature and civilization, in the fantasy world of binary opposites, are like two ends of a balance, and any one side increases the weight, which may lead to the destruction of the world.

"You see, yes, this is the magic net. Now you know why Asmodeus, the master of hell, covets my scepter."

The druid girl put the Infinity Scepter back into Linde's hand and said solemnly, "You must protect it!"

Linde also had a serious face, "Okay!"

Undead Mia: "Kaka—" it leaned over and grabbed the Infinity Scepter.

Then, the undead went down. The experience of gazing at the Weave is a bit too exciting for anyone, and even more so for the mindless, lowly undead.

Seeing that the little druid girl was bluffed by the infinite scepter, Linde immediately publicized his plan. He was blunt, saying that he would replace the goddess of magic, at least part of it, and he said that he would start a new stove.

It was also the first time Stan heard about it from him, and after hearing it, he gave him a thumbs up, saying that you were a good kid, and Doric was terrified.

"Replace the goddess of magic?! How can this be..."

"Why not? And this is the best way to deal with the infinite scepter. It will become a sacred tree and become a part of nature. For you druids, it is a whole new world. For all spellcasters , I am the second sect of arcane art in the world, and when the spark of divinity is ignited, I will naturally embark on the road of demigod, and can climb to the realm of great divine power step by step."

When Linde told the story, he didn't have the aggressive momentum and passion like ordinary careerists, but he had a persuasive force.

Doric was afraid of him, and maybe he had imagined the magic tree in his heart. Anyway, that night he began to formally teach Linde how to embark on the path of druid.

The main attribute of a druid is perception, which measures vigilance, intuition, and insight. People with strong perception tend to be more likely to establish contact with the environment, and they can also have a strong sixth sense, predicting good and bad fortune. The main attribute of a magician is charisma, which measures self-confidence, eloquence, and leadership. Linde's self-confidence has always been sufficient, so it is smooth sailing on the road of a magician.

Now, a part-time druid in the middle requires new efforts and practice.

The first lesson Doric formally taught was meditation.

"Empty your mind and let the breath of the universe fill you." The tiefling girl sat cross-legged on a pine branch, her tail wrapped around the branch a few times, and the moonlight floated on the surface of her body like drops of water on a lotus leaf .

Linde followed suit, sitting cross-legged on the rock under the tree.

He had learned the "High Tower Meditation Method" before, but the effect of this meditation method is to concentrate and dispel fatigue. It is an inward-looking focus method, which runs counter to the druid way.

Linde tried to forget the traces of the previous meditation, but once he emptied his mind, he heard a mysterious and gentle female voice in his ears: "Traveler from another world, traveler from the wild world, I am the only arcane art, the magic power Goddess, midnight..."

Before the words fell, another cold and peaceful female voice sounded: "Stranger, when the moonlight shines on you, I already know your existence. I am Selûne, the Silver Virgin..."

Then a third voice: "O seeker of knowledge, I am Oghma, Lord of Knowledge..."

The fourth and fifth voices followed.

"Mortal, I am Shar, Mistress of the Night..."

"Wizard, you impress us deeply, I am the glorious sun, Amaunata..."

The sixth, seventh and eighth voices couldn't wait to rush into Linde's ears.

The wizard opened his eyes, and the Tiefling girl frowned and said, "What's wrong with you? Why don't you concentrate on meditation?"

Linde squeezed the space between his brows, and sighed in a low voice: "I'm sneaking into the public channel... these boring gods." (End of this chapter)

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