The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 379 Connecting the Multiverse

Delinriel is an open and diverse floating city. Linde doesn't mind anyone coming to settle on this island. Necrotic creatures that outsiders avoid will be welcomed here.

He didn't even mind the priests of the gods building temples here, as long as they had a way to reach Sky Island. Compared with the arrogant and narrow-minded Netheril Empire, the brilliance of the Silver Tree is all-encompassing.

Linde said that he wanted mortals to have the backbone to resist the gods, but he would not instigate mortals to hate the gods, nor would he take the initiative to provoke a war between the gods. Because for ordinary people, they cannot afford the result of failure.

What Linde has to do is to give them another path and more choices, instead of using slogans and ideas to treat people as cannon fodder. He wants people to realize that nature and destiny can be controlled without relying on gods, and knowledge can change the world and life.

In Delinriel, you can be a generous non-believer, which is a way out.

The best way to destroy the gods is not to fight them, because god-like creatures, as long as there is one person who remembers their names, they will not completely perish. The best way is to forget, let people forget, let history forget, let the world forget.

The root system of the silver tree is no less than the magic net, but the magic net still exists in Delinriel for the caster to choose.

Providing freedom of choice is the greatest respect for life.

The first official inhabitants of Delinriel were the scholars of Candlekeep, as well as the kobolds.

The kobolds came chasing after the giant dragon, and happened to hitch a ride, otherwise their broken wooden raft would never have been able to reach the sky.

At that time, the leader of the kobolds regarded Linde and the others as servants of the dragon, so he tried to look proud and asked where their dragon lord was.

Linde kindly pulled out the four giant dragons from the library tower. They roared happily and bowed their heads to Linde in admiration.

The kobold asked tremblingly: "Dare to ask where the elder brother is sacred?"

Linde just laughed and didn't answer.

Everyone is busy for the rest of the fall.

Stein led the scholars of Candleburg to build a city on the mountaintop platform. As the silver tree grows, the effect of stretching the space will become stronger and stronger. There is no end to it, which means that a square inch of the mountaintop can also build thousands of mansions. The buildings in the floating city are all crowded on the top of the mountain, retaining the natural scenery of the island, like a pearl inlaid in the emerald green crown.

Doric tried to teach the kobolds to reform, which was not an easy task, and she was not very good at teaching. Fortunately, she has a dragon as a helper, who can deter the kobolds. The dragon raised in the library tower is less unruly and more bookish. For Linde's sake, it will also help the druid.

Among the Gobold population, Doric is like an idol who can control a giant dragon, and her words are the golden rule, although what the druid said is in the air.

The kobolds settled at the foot of the mountain, and if they had the ability to teach themselves, they could make a pilgrimage to the top of the mountain and offer candles to the silver tree.

Linde is also not idle, he is thinking about building the ring. The law ring carries the priesthood of the law, and the priesthood represents the field of divine power. The priesthood possessed by each god is limited. This is the framework of the polytheistic worldview.

But the legal system is monotheistic, covering a wide range. From the perspective of priesthood, it includes almost all areas of the entire world.

If you want to live well in a polytheistic world, you should not conflict with others in terms of priesthood. Some weak divine powers will take the initiative to hand over part of their priesthood to the powerful divine power of this pantheon in exchange for protection.

Linde outsider, if he gathers all the priesthoods in one body, he will have to fight a battle of gods, and he will be beaten by all the gods.

In this case, it is very difficult for Ai Ou to help him, because many foreign gods have friendship with Ai Ou, and everyone is acquaintance, why bother to do everything?

As for the last time Ai Ou got angry and demoted the gods to mortals, it was because three idiots stole DM's record book (slate of destiny), which was a fundamentally shaken event.

Normally, Io doesn't care about the world. Even if Linde bribed Crazy Thursday, he could only modify the result of the wish spell and play some innocuous illegal operations.

Simply Linde does not intend to follow the old path of the golden tree. One of the priesthoods he can obtain now is the magic net, which conflicts with the goddess of magic. He also dabbles in fields such as magic, spell slots, and necromancers. But these priesthoods have long belonged, and the corresponding gods must be defeated to seize authority from them.

That being the case, it can only find another way.

He is going to fuse the gate-shaped imprint with the root system of the silver tree to create a new system different from the magic net.

The effect of the gate-shaped imprint is naturally to open the portal, and it can also create the world inside the gate.

Linde thinks like a player. He can use the roots of the silver tree as a network channel to form an Internet linking the multiverse, and then use the portal to open up the dimension. Face, for players to venture inside.

This is not a new idea, but it is very difficult to implement. Linde just happened to meet the conditions, and this is definitely a new field that does not exist in the kingdom of heaven, and it can be used as the priesthood of the Silver Law.

The different landscapes of the multiverse are included in this game network. How far the players can go depends on how much determination and perseverance they have.

Linde felt that this was very good, so he devoted his energy to it and built the prototype of the tower game network.

From autumn to winter, there will be no snow in Delinriel in the stratosphere.

The land of the Sword Coast is covered in silver.

The packhorse snorted, and the Duke's castle in Dagger Ford was in sight. Livia patted the mare's neck lightly, and she could feel the animal's strong pulse through thick cotton gloves.

After signing a contract with the High Tower King and becoming a warlock, Livia's physical fitness has been greatly improved. Although this profession mainly requires a deceptive mouth, the additional effect of burning the body with candles is also there. Certainly the effect of physical fitness can be regarded as a benefit for new employees.

It was the first time for Livia to travel far, the first time to leave Waterdeep City. She also has two unlikely companions, Zim, and another young man named Simon Alma. Their destinations are the legendary flying city Delinriel.

However, this hasty adventure obviously did not consider the consequences. Livia's rich father sent a team of mercenaries to hunt down the two kidnappers, Zim and Simon. Andre asked for leave and led the team to rescue sister. There are also priests and paladins of the God of Justice among the mercenaries. For the three fledgling adventurers, the intensity is a bit too much.

The reason why they were able to stumble and escape to Dagger Bank was inseparable from the "Guide" in Livia's hands.

In the "Guide", there is obviously a book spirit-like existence. Whenever Livia is at the end of her life, a guide elf will manifest to lead them to escape, and often impart some ritual spells to confuse the pursuers. perception and prophecy.

Simon is very envious of the welfare treatment of the newcomers in the tower. Although he is a descendant of the great spell caster Elminster, his family has declined, and he can only make a living by making a living. Such a shameful act of surname makes Simon feel that Embarrassed and self-blame, eager to master real power.

That's how Chim fooled him. Livia knew how to get to Delinriel, and the "Guide" gave her guidance. As long as she successfully arrived at the floating city, she could get in touch with higher-level magic knowledge.

The purpose of coming here to Dagger Beach is of course to meet up with our companions. The halfling Tao Na and the groom Boerdong have already received the news that they have prepared their ships to go to sea.

That's right, the road to Delinriel is on the sea.

A group of five of them headed west along the Drimbier River, crossed the lizard swamp and entered the sea. Andre, who was chasing all the way, saw the boat waving goodbye to his sister, so angry that he threw the iron gloves on the ground, and immediately prepared to break wood into a raft , chase out. (end of this chapter)

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