Chapter 408 Chapter 407: Loving Torina, Ruthless Mikaela

The holy and innocent Tolina is leading Munger, who is covered in sewage and silt. The son of omen, who is so humble to the dust, sees such a collection of beauty and kindness, and regards her as the sustenance of all the good things in his heart.

"Mikayla..." Meng Gra held Torina's hand, but called out the name of the god-man, "I'm here to see you."

"Are you hurt? Fighting them again? Always messing yourself up like this."

"Mongot will cure me."

"Yes, he is a good brother. You must help each other."

"But I don't like him. My brother, he's so naive. He thinks he'll be accepted as long as he saws off the horns and pulls out the scales. Mother has always been a cruel person."

"Don't say that, your mother actually loves you deeply, and loves every creature in the borderland. Isn't it also a gift from Malika that Mengget can learn to pray?"

"I don't need anyone to be pitiful!" Munger yelled, and then looked at Torina in a panic.

The girl in the white dress chuckled, "Yes, you don't need anyone to be pitiful, because you are Mengge, the mighty Mengge, and you will be a king in the future. It's just that you are too weak now, understand?"

"...Yes, I know all about it."

Torina is like a young mother, and the huge son of omen is like a loyal dog. She gently brushes Munger's corners, garlands him, washes his cheeks with dew, and tender palms Brushing over his skin as rough as a rock python made the young man tremble all over.

The sun was shining, her blond hair was like flowing silk, and the ugly monster looked up.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Linde already knew the plan of the man of God.

There is one way in the world to be truly invincible, and that is to be the friend of all. However, no one can please everyone. Therefore, it has become a wonderful method to charm others.

There are many ways to charm. The Imperius Curse of the world's three unforgivable curses in "Harry Potter" can make the cursed do what they say. This is the use of magical means to forcibly control the mind, and it is a trick of wizards. But ordinary people can also achieve similar effects. For example, a peerless beauty can make the opposite sex fascinated, or use hypnosis, drugs and other means to make people's will sink.

But in addition to all kinds of tricks and tricks, there is the simplest and longest-lasting method, which is to exchange your heart for your heart.

The reason why Malenia never leaves Mikaela and has no regrets in life and death is because they have supported each other since they were young, and one has become an indispensable part of the other's life, giving birth to selfless and selfless love, even at the expense of life , but also to make the one you love happy.

For those who don't understand this feeling, this kind of love is as terrible as poison, but for themselves, it is sweet and clear honey, with a long-lasting taste.

Mikaela's charm is like this. He appears in a dream, traces back to everyone's past along the memory, tampers with part of it silently, adds his own existence to it, experiences the sorrows and joys of life together, and grows up with adventures together. Natural love is stronger than gold.

Even if the charmed person wakes up and knows that his past has been tampered with, it will be difficult to get angry with Mikaela. This is the power of true love. No matter how hard and cold a person is, there is always a soft place in his heart. It was when he was weak, helpless, confused, and confused. Mikaela could always find these moments. Yes. He guides.

As the saying goes, childhood sweethearts are invincible to the sky, and the childhood sweethearts from the sky are even more invincible in the world, no one can resist at all.

Linde reached out and opened hundreds of doors. The scene behind the doors was the encounter between Menger and Torina.

When Munger was still a child, he was covered in blood and shivering in the slight cold on the delivery bed in the queen's bedroom. The waiters around him looked shocked and terrified. Queen Malika stood beside the bed and cut off the umbilical cord with her hand, ordering The attendant abandoned the Son of Omen. Torina held the newborn's hand at the time.

There was Menger who turned over the garbage dump in the sewer, and fought giant rats with Mengerte, and was traumatized. At that moment Torina appeared beside him, washing the wound with nectar.

A two-year-old Munger quietly climbed out of the well to observe the night scene of Rodel in its heyday. He saw the prosperity and magnificence of the royal city and the happiness of the residents. None of this has anything to do with the Sons of Omen. How pricked Munger's heart was, how happy and guilty he felt when he met Torina coming from the corner, holding a piece of stolen white bread.

When Munger grew up, he received the induction of the Mother of Reality in his dream, and was ecstatic to gain power, and immediately ran to share it with Torina.

Two brothers, Munger and Mungert, joined forces to conquer all the omens of the sewers, and they were full of ambition, and they also poured out their desire for power in the middle of the night one by one.

Later, the dharma circle was shattered, and the royal city was in chaos. Meng Gete stepped forward, the main body sits on the throne of Elden, and unites with the Holy Tree faction to resist the rebels. The clone, known as the ominous ghost, goes out to meet the enemy. Munger joined hands with his brother, but his mind has long drifted away, wanting to establish his own dynasty.

How Munger grew from a son of ill omen to a blood king, all this was his lonely journey, but now there is one more person.

Linde has a panoramic view of all the experiences, and he can only feel Mikaela's good methods.

For such a god-man, it is really difficult to define his behavior with mortal morality. He loves everyone, and those who love him give themselves to him.

However, Menger is not a person who values ​​love and righteousness. He is an out-and-out hero. Even if Mikaela gets his sincerity, Menger only loves himself and will never sacrifice for Mikaela.

Therefore, Mikaela chose to tie him up with benefits, and used his identity as a god-man to sacrifice his position as king.

Monger couldn't resist the temptation.

In these memories, Linde clearly saw that Munger was able to take Mikaela away from the holy tree because he had received Torina's guidance in advance, making Abrefill's heavy guards useless. This is the truth of history, not fabricated memory. Mikaela seems passive, but all Monger did was to make a wedding dress for him.

The selfish Monger will choose to defend Mikaela desperately after all.

Love and interests, ordinary people will surrender to one of them, let alone Mikaela who has mastered both at the same time?

Linde briefly read Menger's life, and then closed all the doors.

The flower bouquet in front of me was empty at some point, without Torina or Menger.


From the shadows deep in the flower field, another person stepped out. He also had blond hair, and his childish face was indistinguishable from male and female.

He is Michaela, the master of the dream.

Unlike the motherly Torina, Mikaela is calm, a god who loves all but is more ruthless than anyone else.

After all, there is a price to be paid for wholesale green plums from the sky. I have exchanged my sincerity for my sincerity so many times that I am afraid that I have forgotten what my sincerity looks like.

Linde was not surprised by Mikaela's active appearance, and nodded in greeting.

"We finally meet, Mikaela-dono."

"Hello." Mikaela stood in front of Linde, "I've been asleep for a long time, and I don't know what's going on in the outside world. Guests from afar, can you answer for me?"

"If you can see it with your own eyes, there is no need for others to tell you. If you want to know, you can see it with your eyes open." Linde closed his eyes and pretended to listen, "Well, Malinia and Geoffrey called Woke up."

Michaela is not worried about this beloved twin sister. Compared with Marenia's fiery loyalty, Michaela's calmness seems mean and ungracious.

"I really want to go and see it too. I also want to prevent Nia from fighting King Geoffrey. But I can't do it now, I'm trapped in blood." Mikaela suddenly showed a warm smile like spring breeze, " Can you help me?"

The second is later

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