The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 410 Chapter 49: Linde's Invitation

"Linde, you're awake, aren't you injured?" Millicent was the first to discover Linde's return, and the change was actually very slight.

Linde was a little uncomfortable with the sudden addition of a person asking for his health. He met Millicent's caring eyes in surprise, and then smiled, "I tell you, I met Mikaela in my dream just now."

He narrated what he had seen and heard in the dream in such detail that even he himself felt a bit of an idiot, but Millicent listened very carefully. She was probably an excellent listener, the kind who was quiet and would never be perfunctory.

Not far away, the confrontation between Ge Fulei and Marenia was about to come to an end. Uncle Ge struggled to get bruised all over his body by the prosthetic knife, and tore off Marenia's prosthetic hand.

"Let's stop here." Ge Fulei was injured enough, lost a few pounds of flesh, and left a few liters of blood. This is for Munger to pay off the debt. Correspondingly, he has never been cruel to Marenia. The Furnace Knight was not allowed to help, and Throsh was not allowed to raid the formation, just to tear off her prosthetic hand and force a tie.

Marenia has a persevering temperament. Even if she has one arm, she will never give up fighting. The prosthetic limb complements her crippled body, but her fighting spirit has never been crippled.

"Hey, stop beating. Mikaela is awake, come and see the family, Ms. Ma." Linde took the time to call out, he was about to roll his eyes when he saw that Uncle Ge was bleeding profusely and his face was gray, so Raising his hand, Yao Yao clenched his fist and said softly, "The door, close."

The wounds on Ge Fulei's body seemed to be shrinking one after another, and healed in the blink of an eye. He patted his intact chest and abdomen in amazement. The muscles, blood vessels and nerves of his body are all connected, as if he had never been injured.

Except for excessive blood loss, his current state is complete.

"Beautiful hand rejuvenation, doctor." Ge Fulei praised him all over his face. Only now did he have a clearer understanding of Lin De. Although his good son Meng Gete had emphasized this man's achievements, he was fully aware of it at this time. The gap between them is like a natural moat. This outsider is stronger than Malika back then.

Ge Fulei still remembers Malika praying to heal his traumatized body, but the power of prayer is only to speed up self-healing and restore vitality, and the effect is far less rapid than it is now.

When Marenia heard the news about Mikaela, she was not in a hurry, she stopped and looked up at the cocoon where the God-man fell asleep.

The arm protruding from the giant cocoon twitched slightly at this time, and a new vitality sprouted in the cocoon, making the dry arm glow again. A new arm stretched out from the center, and the arms spread, tearing and tearing the cocoon.

Michaela stood up.

When everyone saw him, a thought came to their minds: Wow, bald.

Like a baby emerging from its mother's womb, Mikaela the God-Man is now nearly twenty feet tall, a giant to the letter. Skinny, skinny, and smoother than a baby, he stood on the altar and hugged the sky, like a person who has never stepped out of the house for hundreds of years and saw the sun, stretching at this moment.

The most comfortable thing in the world is to get a good night's sleep.

Mikaela slept for too long this time, but fortunately she finally woke up.

Marenia, Geoffrey, Furnace Knight, Millicent, and Munger, who was lying in the pit, all looked at Michaela, the man of God, their hearts were shaken and their emotions were full.

Although Linde contributed to Mikayla's return, his feelings were the least. He is a foreigner, not familiar with Mikayla, and he doesn't have any historical resonance for the return of the king. He just felt that the scene in front of him A bit like "The Shawshank Redemption", it can be regarded as a plain scenery in his journey.

If it weren't for Millicent, Linde would never have come to meddle in the matter of the siblings.

This time I came to the junction to meet old friends and invite them to settle in Delinriel. I also planned to visit Rhea Lucaria Academy again and invite talented spellcasters to join the Silver Tree system.


"Huh, huh?" Millicent was stunned for a moment before turning around. She looked at Mikaela in a daze, "Are we leaving?"

"Yes. There is no story to read in this place. Let's find Melina first."

"Please wait." It was Mikaela who spoke out to keep him. He got rid of the curse of not being able to grow up, even a little overgrown. Although his appearance was handsome, he was not as clear and lovely as when he was a child. .

Munger, who was beaten unconscious, looked at Mikaela as if he was looking at a stranger. Marenia, who was hiding under the winged helmet, looked a little hesitant. She was probably looking forward to seeing a petite and cute brother. , instead of the bald giant who looks like a double-door refrigerator.

Of course, Mikaela is Mikaela, he is still the succubus of the junction, but in size XXXXXL. He can still be united with people forever in dreams.

But Linde can't imagine the scene at that time anymore. Dreaming of blond green plums falling from the sky is a beautiful and bubbling dream, but dreaming of a bald giant falling from the sky is somewhat annoying.

"I think, in return, I need to give you a gift." Mikaela squatted on the altar, the cracked cocoon became his cushion, and a butterfly flew out of his outstretched palm.

This is a moulted butterfly, a very rare creature in the junction. It has two pairs of clear and transparent wings, like thin glass drawn by craftsmen, and its body is like pure crystal. The momentary appearance at the time of feathering, unable to grow up.

It is the symbol of Michaela, just as the symbol of Marenia is the Ionian butterfly, and the symbol of Melina is the Martian butterfly.

Now Mikaela has broken free from the curse, and the molted butterfly he dedicated to Linde also contains a strange power.

Linde was also surprised by this gift. He stretched out his hand to take it, and the butterfly landed on his palm, fluttering its wings lightly, and then froze, as if it had died, but the stored breath did not dissipate. Linde vaguely felt a new and transformed spirituality, but also had an ancient and calm temperament, and he couldn't see through its mystery for a while.

"I like this gift very much." He pondered for a moment, looked at everyone present, and said suddenly, "Silver's door is always open to everyone. In the infinite multiverse, everything is possible. If you are tired of the endless border land Disputes, might as well come to my city as a guest once in a while."

Leaving the war-torn homeland and changing the background of the times, this group of people may live happier. Linde could imagine them wearing modern loose and casual clothes instead of armor and battle robes, holding milk tea in their hands and wearing headphones on their heads, without listening to the wailing of soldiers and civilians, or tasting the blood pouring into their throats.

The destination of a soldier is always death, but it shouldn't be death.

Linde briefly described his vision. In the future, Delinriel will become a gathering place for visitors from the multiverse. Everyone can move around in different worlds through the Silver Network. There will also be rich dungeon gameplay, world exploration and trading modules. . If you want to fight, you can also be satisfied. You can fight as much as you want without worrying about death.

Mikaela was very moved, and his opinion represented the meaning of Marenia.

However, Uncle Ge asked back when he heard the words: "Are you planning to take away the elites from the junction?"

"Yes, but also no. It's just an invitation."

Linde could see King Chu's worries. If he took away the most elite talents in the borderland, it would take longer for this devastated land to recover. Of course, the strong are mostly scourges. Maybe after they left, the junction The earth is truly peaceful.

"You can come back at any time. The silver law does not restrict anyone's freedom." (End of this chapter)

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