While at school, Harry made a request to Linde, hoping to join his classroom.

"With your talent and ability, given time, you will definitely become a great wizard comparable to Dumbledore, or even better. Why seek my guidance? I am just an irresponsible teacher. You will learn almost nothing useful from me. s things."

Lynde's refusal did not dispel Harry's confidence. He always felt that he should join the most powerful disciple in the library tower.

Perhaps it was the fragments of Voldemort's soul that were causing trouble. When facing Lynd, Harry always loved and feared him. He couldn't help but admire him, but he also felt trembling.

As time goes by, Harry becomes more mature and calm, and at the same time becomes more and more lonely. Whether it is Ron, Hermione, Neville, or the resurrected Lily and James, godfather Sirius, they None of them could get Harry to open up.

Most young people are ambitious, and Harry is no exception. He just saw a high mountain and wanted to climb it. Except for this peak, the other hills were all small slopes in his eyes.

After Lind graduated, Harry worried that he would never be able to contact him, even if they added friends, but Harry did not dare to disturb Lind in his free time. So he spent a dull summer vacation. At first, he was coaxed by Lily and James' love, but soon he fell into the sadness of separation.

Some people are thousands of miles apart and still have the chance to meet each other in their lifetime, but some people are separated by several universes and infinite natural chasm.

Only when he distanced himself from Lindla did Harry realize that this wizard was actually out of reach, and his appearance was more like an accident.

This sense of dislocation may be more appropriate to use another metaphor. A student in a rural school may not be able to accept that his classmate is actually the president of a country. Other people's lives are so glamorous, but even though I have tried my best throughout my life, I can't get out of my poor hometown.

For Harry, the planet and universe he lives on are the ravines where he is trapped.

So when he saw Linde again, he almost couldn't believe his eyes.

Hermione and Ron all rushed forward, asking questions and gossiping around Lind. They were curious about where Linde went during the summer vacation and shared interesting anecdotes about his vacation. They also took out the "Spellcaster's Introductory Manual" and asked Linde to sign it and write a message.

Harry stood on the edge of the crowd, curling his lips inwardly, thinking that these classmates were medieval peasants who were introducing black bread and earthenware to the king.

"Harry, come here." Lind waved, and the Boy Who Lived immediately ran to him.

"Mr. De Lin, hello, long time no see."

"Let me check your Guide."

Lind felt like he was on a home visit. He glanced at Harry and knew that the fragments of Voldemort's soul were still basically fused with Harry. This boy could now be regarded as the living Dark Lord, having inherited the memories and part of the magic power of Voldemort at his peak. As long as his character doesn't deviate too much, there's no need to worry about him going dark and causing trouble.

"The Wizard's Practical Guide" records the fragments of Harry's growth. Every magical item was climbed up by this kid little by little. Although he had the help of Voldemort's soul, it still requires unremitting efforts to digest it so quickly.

Without the "Guide" to resist the mental pollution of soul fragments, Harry would probably really become a bad boy, because the best way to digest soul fragments is to "act".

"You have learned well. In less than three years, you will be able to compete with the original Professor Dumbledore. I am talking about the beginning of this century, before the First World War. As for the current Dumbledore? You still have a lot of time. It’s a long way to go.”

Harry received unanimous exclamations from his classmates - comparable to Dumbledore, this is no longer a cat or a dog, but truly the number one wizard in the wizarding world. Although it was Dumbledore more than half a century ago, the headmaster at that time was already a strong man who defeated Grindelwald and became famous in the world.

However, Harry was still not satisfied, and Lind's words aroused his desire to learn from his master.

Later that day, Harry visited Lind alone in the dormitory and asked him to become his disciple.

Linde felt that this scene was a bit like a graduate student looking for a mentor, and he couldn't help but laugh.

If his golden finger was a system that rewarded disciples with ten thousand times the reward, then he would definitely accept her immediately... Hermione, because this little girl is a true academic master, powerful in all aspects except divination class. Harry is an immortal, relatively speaking, his gold content is low.

"Are you planning to participate in this year's Triwizard Tournament?" Linde did not directly agree, but instead chatted about another topic.

Harry's eyes lit up, "As long as I win the championship, can I join your classroom?"

"I don't plan to take students for the time being, but I have prepared a higher magic school with relatively high admission standards. If you can pass the Triwizard Tournament, which is a small and influential event in the local world, it will make your resume look good. Some, if I recruit you, you won’t be criticized. What do you think, think about it?”

"Will you be a professor?"

"Will do."

"Then I will definitely participate."

Linde smiled, how could he set any admissions standards?

At that time, the school held in Delinriel will mainly rely on the recommendation of professors for admissions. Then, in the dungeon rewards of Baiyin Network, admission notices will be issued. Players can use the notices to pay a sum of money to become a student at the school.

The main reason why Harry was allowed to participate in the competition was because he had made a bet with Grindelwald.

The first generation Dark Lord had quite complicated feelings towards his alma mater.

On the one hand, he feels that the professors in this school are useless and the students are useless snacks.

On the other hand, after all, he was a dropout who was dismissed from this school. He had nothing to do but had relatives and relatives. Therefore, he was more or less angry at Durmstrang's "remarkable" record of not winning a championship in five centuries.

While chatting, Grindelwald said that this year's Triwizard Tournament champion might be a student of Durmstrang.

Linde said casually from the side: "The champion is Harry."

The Dark Lord was silent for a moment and said, "Harry is a good boy. But he is still too young."

"A bet?"

"What are you betting on?" Dumbledore came up.

"Go away, it's none of your business." Grindelwald glared at him, and the old principal huddled back in his office chair angrily.

The Dark Lord pondered for a moment and said, "How about we have a little gambling and the loser will have to eat a meal while hanging upside down in the auditorium?"

"You are a vampire, so you have an advantage in this aspect." Linde touched his chin, "Why don't the loser wear his underwear outside and give a speech to the teachers and students of the three schools at the banquet after the competition."

"What are you talking about?"

"How about Professor Dumbledore's affair?" - The old headmaster's eyes widened and his beard stood up in anger.

Grindelwald refused: "This is not possible." - Old Bee smiled slightly, saying nothing.

"Then let's talk about cross talk. Muggles here call it a talk show. It's mainly responsible for making people happy. Anyway, it has to leave a deep impression on everyone."

"It's a deal."

Dumbledore's eyes lit up, "I know how to tell a joke. I can tell one now. It's about a troll, a dominatrix and a leprechaun. They walked into a tavern together..."

"Stop!" Linde and Grindelwald said in unison.

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