The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 474 It rains again in London

"Have you had dinner?" Jennifer greeted the guests enthusiastically and unfamiliarly. Most wizards are more hospitable than the Muggles in their country, probably because of the sympathy between similar people.

Jennifer rarely had guests at home, and she didn’t even have a second set of dishes or a second chair in the living room. Fortunately, the Muggle apartment comes with a sofa chair. Linde sat down comfortably. Seeing Jennifer's embarrassing situation, he offered to prepare a dinner for her.

"No, no, no, I've already eaten." Jennifer said this with a smile on her face, which made people feel sad.

A young man in his early twenties is working alone in London. He has neither family property nor a high-paying position, and his life is bound to be tight. Both wizards and Muggles can relate to this.

Lind took out the wand that had not been used for many years - in order to avoid shocking the world - and then transformed Jennifer into a table of delicious food.

"Please use it."

"Is this... really edible?" Jennifer swallowed because of the aroma of roasted chicken with honey, but her expression remained calm. "This must be the famous Essence Transformation Technique. It's a pity that I haven't learned it, and I've never tried it. Pass."

"You will know once you try it." Linde made a gesture of invitation, as polite as a royal butler.

If he were to serve a British prince, he would have to prepare large intestine sashimi and a leek box.

But what he saw in front of him was a poor young man, who felt like he was the director of the Poverty Alleviation Office.

Jennifer was flattered and moved to tears. She never expected that this broken table at home could one day be able to eat four dishes and one soup.

"Merlin's socks, this beef stew is delicious, the roasted lamb chops are also delicious, and the apple pie is also delicious..." Jennifer's mouth was bulging with stuff. She wanted to taste this and that, but she had been on a diet for a long time. , the little bird’s stomach didn’t have that much capacity, so in the end he had to watch Linde take away the food.

My stomach has been filled, but my heart is still greedy. Material poverty has not yet caused her mental distress.

Jennifer looked at the young man, and memories gradually emerged. Yes, they had met. At that time, Lind was still a student and became famous because of a paper in "Transfiguration Today". At that time, Jennifer is still new to the newspaper staff.

She also graduated from Hogwarts. She is an ordinary employee who disappears into the vast sea of ​​people as soon as she enters society, while Linde is a social elite destined to have a bright future.

I couldn't see any difference when I was in school.

The uneven fate of life is really sad.

After Jennifer had finished eating, she suddenly remembered that before she had time to ask Linde the reason for his visit, she rashly asked a strange man to come in and was treated to a meal.

"Um, Mr. De Lin, I haven't asked yet...Hiccup!——"

She couldn't help but let out a loud belch, covered her mouth and turned red. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to get into the garbage pipe and escape.

"Miss Jennifer, I'm here for your report."

"I didn't write that report!" the reporter blurted out, eager to clear up the relationship, as if she wanted to seize her professional conscience and innocence. However, after joining the big newspaper, these qualities only made her suffer.

"I know that you are not the author of the article. In fact, I want to ask you to recall the first time we met."

The eternal transformation spell erased all traces of Rita Skeeter's existence, and the soul of the universe automatically repaired the holes in history, so the reporter who originally interviewed Lind became Miss Jennifer.

"Okay, is it just because of this? Or do you want to be interviewed again? I'd love to."

"Miss Jennifer, have you ever thought about how a little wizard from a foreign country could achieve achievements that shocked the magical world when he was still underage?"

The reporter's heart suddenly suddenly smelt the smell of big news, but the smell was like mothballs in the closet, vague and distant, and it seemed to be hiding some other kind of smell.

"There is no shortage of geniuses in the magic world. Talented wizards will show their talents that are different from ordinary people since childhood. You are probably one of them."

Linde smiled, "Or, in fact, I am just standing on the shoulders of giants - this sentence was said by a Muggle scientist in your country - there is someone else who really discovered the law of essential transfiguration, maybe Professor McGonagall, possibly other old wizards."

"You want to say that you have plagiarized other people's ideas? Mr. De Lin, this is a big news..." The reporter lady swallowed her saliva. The aroma of beef, sheep, and chicken was still lingering between her teeth, but It's not as exciting as the rapid heartbeat at this time.

Linde stopped smiling, shook his head seriously, and said, "No. I am indeed the inventor himself. This is the truth."

Jennifer deflated, resisting the urge to roll her eyes and smiling politely.

"But you can report like this." Lind said instead, "You can fabricate my identity, doubt my abilities, use word games to sting me in a roundabout way, slander me, and slander me. You can even point the finger at Hogwart. tz, leading to Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.

"In this way, the sales of newspapers will definitely increase dramatically, and the people will be happy to hear about it because they will have new things to talk about."

"Well, that's not what a journalist with a conscience would do."

"I believe you, but are your reporters and editors really so innocent?"

"Probably...sometimes some artistic processing is necessary." Her tone was vague, and at the same time she lamented that this top student didn't understand the mortal world. Could it be that by criticizing the current ills here, they could correct the social atmosphere? Impossible, it will only starve them to death.

"Telling the truth will make people starve to death, or even have more serious consequences, such as being killed. The newspaper is the mouthpiece of Jin Gallon and the Ministry of Magic, and is not responsible for providing the truth to the public." Linde said softly, indifferently. Brown eyes sparkling.

"People who think they are noble are actually not special, because everyone knows how to be unique, and catering to the public and being groveling is a skill that needs to be practiced. Being unscrupulous in order to survive is morally blameless. "

Jennifer looked at this young man in surprise, and couldn't help but admire in her heart, what he said was so right. It turns out that geniuses are not insular.

"If you were given another chance, would you choose to slander me or uphold the truth?"

"This...I don't know."

Jennifer was hesitant. She didn't want to lie. She really didn't know how to choose.

The comments from the editor-in-chief and Linde's advice seemed to point out a clear path: give up fantasy and accept reality, so that you can survive.

When she was studying at Hogwarts, Jennifer would have chosen the truth without any hesitation. But now, the pressure of life does not allow it.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" A strange and evil laugh came from the kitchen, interrupting her thoughts.

She turned around and saw that pesky hyena was here again.

"I swear to Merlin." The reporter lady pulled out her wand, "Mr. De Lin, I'm sorry that we have an unwelcome guest at home."

As Jennifer said her apology, she suddenly discovered that Linde, who was sitting on the sofa, had disappeared without a trace as soon as he turned around.

The hyena was shivering, its body was soaked by the rain, and the late autumn chill was biting. It was obviously homeless and probably froze to death on the roadside.

The reporter lady looked out the window, it was raining again in London. (End of chapter)

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