The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 526 Rescue Arabelle

Bian Bian is a good old man. Linde recruits him as a teammate. As long as he fights for a just cause, he will not hesitate at all.

"You just said that long paragraph. I almost suspect that you are a devil in disguise. These evil creatures in purgatory know how to confuse people's hearts best. They always pretend to be omniscient and omnipotent. When you really think so and tell them to When they ask for help, they fall into a trap.”

"Sounds like you were the victim of a devil's pact."

"Yes. Let me ask you a question, Paladin. When a group of evil people appear in front of you, about to launch a sacrifice and endanger the population of an entire city, there is a devil who offers you a deal at this time, allowing you to get a solution The power of disaster. Will you choose to accept it or reject it?"

Gale said: "Moral dilemma, many righteous people fall at this level. Devils always try their best to lure holy people to fall, because the benefits that bring them are far greater than tempting mortals and villains. I am also very curious about you. s answer."

Linde laughed and replied without hesitation: "I won't accept it."

Will shrugged, "Then my friend, my answer is exactly the opposite of yours. Back then, I accepted a devil's contract. This was a small sacrifice for justice. If I had to do it again, I would choose that way again. But Let me ask you, why did you refuse?"

"Because I like to see the devil angry."

Gale and Will were stunned. They had imagined ten thousand reasons for rejecting the devil's deal, but they did not expect that Linde would give such a cheerful answer.

"Even if you risk the lives of tens of thousands of people for this?" Bian Bian asked in surprise.

Linde asked back: "The land of Faerûn is full of talented people, and if the sky falls, there will still be tall people holding it up. If you find that evil people are secretly performing sacrifices, normal people should find a way to report the guards instead of making a deal with the devil. Is this really the case? The person with the idea probably has a brain as big as Watt."

Will looked embarrassed and hesitated, "The situation was very critical at the time...I couldn't contact the guards..."

Linde didn't hold on to it. There would be plenty of time to learn about Edge Will's past and life experience.

He asked about business: "You arrived in the forest before us. Did you ask the druid to deal with the mind flayer tadpoles?"

"Yes, but unfortunately they can't help. I asked the apprentice of the Archdruid for help, but that person wanted to kill me with pterodactyl poison. The reason is that if I become a mind flayer, I will go on a killing spree. I think it’s normal for her to have this worry, but I don’t want to give up this life yet.”

"What did you do to the apprentice?" Gale asked.

"Nothing, she is quite reasonable. I swore by my last intact eye that I would kill myself by taking poison if there were any signs of mutation, and she let me go."

Linde snorted, "I'm going to the holy pool first. I have a few things to do."

"What's up?"

"Save people. There are two childish lives waiting for us to save." Linde didn't explain much, and walked through the atrium, along a set of stairs going down the mountain, to the Druid Sacred Pond located on the bank of the Chongsa River.

The terrain here was such that Linde could walk with his eyes closed. Although his two teammates were confused, they chose to follow closely.

The open-air holy pool is the heart of the verdant woodland, where the statue of Silvanus is enshrined.

"Father of Oak" Silvanus is a powerful god on the continent of Faerûn. He is a leading figure among the gods in the natural realm. He has always been revered by races that are friendly to nature and has widespread belief among the Druids.

Such a peaceful and peaceful holy place is now noisy. Several anxious tiefling refugees surrounded the entrance, trying to force their way in, but the druids blocking the way refused to let them go.

The tiefling woman screamed, "Release my daughter—right now!"

The druid refused to give in, "She is a thief, a bastard from hell. Just wait for Kahal's trial, and retreat quickly!"

Linde stepped forward and said: "It seems that there is a dispute here. In the name of Paladin, I will help you solve the problem. If you have any trouble, just tell me."

As if seeing a savior, the young tiefling couple revealed the whole story. It turned out that their daughter had secretly stolen the statue of Silvanus. Now she was captured by the druids and is being tried.

Gale said nervously: "But it's wrong to do this. Everyone makes mistakes when they are young. Maybe what that little girl needs is just a chance to correct herself."

Lin De nodded and said: "Yes, although naughty children are annoying, their behavior is also the fault of improper education. Leave her to me and she will not commit any crime again in the future."

The tieflings' eyes widened. Just as the mother was about to retort, her husband held her hand and gently shook his head to signal her to wait and see.

The attitude of the druids only softened slightly. At this moment, one of them suddenly said: "Kaha wants to see you, come in. Be careful and don't cause trouble."

Linde gave the couple a relieved look and then stepped into the sacred pond in the woodland.

A group of druids chanted around the statue of Silvanus, and the surging emerald aura surrounded the altar like the aurora in the Arctic sky. This was a powerful ritual magic, otherwise so many spellcasters would not have been needed to unite.

This ritual magic is also the biggest disagreement between tieflings and druids.

"It's a thorn ritual, which can create tenacious thorn vines. After the ritual is completed, no one outside can come in, and no one inside can get out. The druids want to seal off their homes, so that they can be protected from goblins and harassed by evil armies. The tiefling refugees must leave or be trapped here."

Gale said in surprise: "Your knowledge is really broad. I remember that the Thorn Ceremony is a magic that has been banned by major associations. It will bring irreversible changes to the natural environment. Usually only the druids of the extreme factions know how to do it." Cast... How did these decent druids who believe in Silvanus learn about the ritual process?"

Bian Blade nodded and said, "I smell a conspiracy. It's even more obvious than the horns of the War Demon."

"There is a group of extremists hiding in the woods." Lind said softly, "They hate urbanization."

"Silvanus teaches people to help each other and love each other. It is obviously against the doctrine to refuse to save tiefling refugees. I hope the Kahar we are about to face is not crazy," Gale said.

Linde and the other three walked through a stone door carved with natural patterns and came to the sinkhole located underground in the atrium. This is the Woodland Temple. The murals on the wall depict the scene of the Druids forming a society. Silvanus was there. Time blessed the woodland.

They arrived not too late. The elf druid named Kaha was pronouncing the crime of the idol thief.

"That's enough, Lars, I've decided to imprison this thief and banish all outsiders."

A venomous viper that obeyed Kahal hovered behind the tiefling girl's ear, spitting messages and hissing in warning.

Just one drop of venom would kill the girl on the spot, and she was too frightened to move.

Linde strode forward, his heavy and powerful steps lingering in the empty sinkhole, like a military drum before a battle.

"Hiss (step back, viper, that one is just a cub.)" He said an animal language from his mouth.

The viper responded reasonably: "A cub that made a mistake? Well, Kahal is just a little too serious. I think it's a good idea to give her a chance."

Kahal frowned, "Paladin, is this your attitude? Shielding criminals. Do you know that these outsiders have committed blasphemous crimes. We share food and water, and they repay us with such behavior."

The refugee problem will never be easy to solve.

Linde did not want to stand on the moral high ground and criticize the actions of the druids. The tiefling refugees were indeed favored by others. Good people should not be required to cut their flesh and bleed them indefinitely just because they are kind. This makes no sense.

"You have retrieved the idol. Leave the child to me and I will discipline it. There are also problems with the goblins that my companions and I will solve for you. There is no need to continue the Thorn Ceremony."

Kaha narrowed his eyes, his expression revealing hesitation, "The ceremony will continue unless you really deal with the goblin. As for this thief, you can take him away, but you must remember that the tolerance of the forest is limited."

Linde did not continue to argue, but looked at the little girl who made the mistake with a tigerish face.

Arabelle was trembling, but she still mustered up the courage to look at Linde and carefully gauge the master's emotions. Gradually, she seemed to see that Linde had no ill intentions, and she stood up straight, with a dexterity in her eyes.

"Hey, smart kid, come here." Linde waved, the coldness on his face melted away, he leaned over and rubbed her head affectionately, "What's your name?"

"Arabelle, sir."

"From today on, you are a citizen of Sky City Delinriel. You are no longer a refugee, remember."

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